shallow marriage deep love

451 Mrs. Ye Who Saved the Milky Way

Zhuang Mei's sighing voice resounded over the not-so-busy grassland.

"When Gu Lingxiu called back, I overheard it. I knew that when you ran to find Tingshen desperately, to tell you the truth, I blamed you a little at the first moment. No matter what you said, you were pregnant with a child. , actually ran to such a dangerous place without thinking about the child at all. But then, I suddenly thought of what Ting Shen said to me, that is, at that moment, I suddenly understood the importance of you to him, and believed You love him no less than he loves you."

After a pause, she turned to face Lu Qinglan and continued: "After understanding it, I was shocked, and also a little moved by you. Even though I am Ting Shen's mother, I can't do as much as you, no matter what I did before. Still now."

Lu Qinglan silently listened to what was in her heart, and didn't know how to respond for a while, she never thought that Zhuang Mei would tell herself this, let alone that she would say so much.

Zhuang Mei was still going on, and now her face was full of bitterness: "For the past few days, I have been thinking about why things turned out like this, and where did I go wrong. Later, I figured it out and completely I understand what I have lost by doing this. Girl of the Lu family," she suddenly stood up at this point, and said again solemnly, "I'm sorry."

The corners of Lu Qinglan's lips twitched, she couldn't help but reply without any grudges right now.

Zhuang Mei didn't care about her reaction at all, or in other words, Lu Qinglan's reaction was as early as she expected.

"I said these things to you today, not to ask for your forgiveness, nor to show weakness on purpose to ask for reconciliation, nor to make excuses for the wrong things I did before, but, I am Ting Shen's mother, and I don't want to Make it difficult for him." Thinking of his son's indifference towards him now, although he has always treated others coldly, Zhuang Mei still feels tightness in his chest, especially in the Ye family, Jianguo is like a complete stranger to him now.

But all of this is self-inflicted, who is to blame?
Finally said all the words in her heart, these days of depression finally began to dissipate slowly, she looked up at the direction of Ye Tingshen's ward, smiled: "I'll go back first, take care of myself, take care of Tingshen. Don't worry , in the future, I will not target you again."

Zhuang Mei walked for a long time, but Lu Qinglan still maintained her original posture.

She looked up at the sun, finally breathed a sigh of relief, stood up with the chair on her shoulders, and walked slowly towards the ward step by step.

When she returned to the ward, the conversation inside had just ended, but she vaguely heard Xu Cheng's name.

"What's wrong with Secretary Xu?" She couldn't help but asked curiously after the person left.Logically speaking, Xu Cheng has always been around Ye Tingshen.

Ye Ting took her hand deeply: "I was sick before the accident in the scenic spot, and now I'm in the ward downstairs. Come with me to have a look?"

"En, good." Lu Qinglan did not refuse.

Ye Ting put his arms around her waist with one arm, and clasped her fingers tightly with the other, not wanting to be separated from her again.

Lu Qinglan thought for a while, and said, "Ting Shen, your mother... She, she apologized to me just now. Me, I didn't say anything."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Ye Tingshen nervously. She didn't want to hide it from him, but at the same time, she was very afraid that he would feel that he had no measure after knowing that he hadn't expressed it.

"What are you worried about?" Ye Ting pinched her nose with a deep smile, pampering her as always, "If I were you, I would have the same reaction, I can understand, so don't think about it."

"Ting Shen..." She sniffed hopelessly, leaned into his arms and hugged him tightly, and repeated what Zhuang Mei said.

She had a feeling that Zhuang Mei actually hoped to tell Ye Tingshen all this through her own mouth. After all, they are mother and child connected by flesh and blood. Now she knows that she has done a lot wrong, and she cares about Ye Tingshen's attitude very much.

Ye Tingshen first coaxed her like a child: "Hey, don't think about it." After hearing those words, he was silent for two seconds and then curled his lips in relief.

Although she didn't say anything, Lu Qinglan knew that he was very happy with Zhuang Mei's actions.

Zhuang Mei's topic ended, and the two walked to the door of Xu Cheng's ward.

"How is it?" Ye Tingshen walked over to him and asked him.

Xu Cheng struggled to sit up, and said with a smile, "It's nothing serious. Mayor Ye, thank you for taking me a step back then, and I'm sorry, if it wasn't for me, you probably wouldn't..."

"Don't worry about it." Ye Tingshen interrupted him lightly before he finished speaking, he didn't really want Lu Qinglan to know to worry about herself again.

It's just that Lu Qinglan is not stupid, she guessed something in a few words, but she was smart enough not to ask, since he doesn't want her to know, then just pretend she doesn't know!
After chatting in Xu Cheng's ward for a while, the two went back.

In the afternoon, Ye Tingshen was discharged from the hospital, and Gu Lingxiu and Qin Xin came to pick them up together.

In the evening, the two went to Su's house for dinner again.

From the moment he saw the news, Lu Minhua had been worrying about this son-in-law. Seeing him standing in front of him safe and sound, he almost couldn't hold back the red eyes. It was Su Zhijiang who pulled her away in time , I didn't lose my composure in front of the children.

To celebrate, Lu Minhua cooked a large table of dishes and boiled soup, watching the four of them finish a large bowl before he was satisfied.

At the dinner table, Su Yuan announced something.Next week, he and Nian Nian will go to Zhong's house to meet the parents.

Lu Qinglan joked with a smile: "Brother, are you finally going to see your father-in-law? Don't be so nervous that you can't say a word, then what, if you are really nervous, remember to come and learn from the court with me, and I promise not to accept it." Your money!"

"Eat your food well!" Su Yuan laughed at her speechlessly and helplessly, "Can't you stop your mouth after eating?"

"Hey! I'm not happy for you." Lu Qinglan raised her eyebrows and smiled, then looked at Zhong Nian who had blushed a long time ago, winked and said, "Nian Nian, why are you blushing? Are you shy? Don't be nervous! Don't be with my brother Like!"

Zhong Nian stamped her feet embarrassingly, and gave her a reproachful look: "Lanlan, don't rely on fourth brother's presence, I won't dare to do anything to you! Don't say any more!"

Hearing this, Lu Qinglan laughed out loud, extremely proud and presumptuous: "I rely on the presence of the court!"

"You child, you have been pampered to the point of lawlessness." Lu Minhua glanced at her with a headache, but he couldn't hear the meaning of reproach at all.

Ye Tingshen finished peeling the shrimp meat for her, hugged her waist cooperatively, and said with a smile, "I just like being used to Lanlan."

Zhong Nian shivered intentionally, as if feeling cold: "Fourth brother! Showing affection is the most annoying thing! I finally know why third brother doesn't want to go out to eat with us."

Because every time I go out, I will be deeply stimulated!

"Really?" Ye Ting raised his lips slightly, his eyes swept over Su Yuan and Zhong Nian, and said lightly, "Could it be that you and Su Yuan have been showing affection and abused him?"

Zhong Nian: "..."

Su Yuan: "..."

"Pfft!" Lu Qinglan couldn't help it anymore, she couldn't straighten up laughing while hiding in his arms.

After a happy dinner, the two returned home early to rest.

Days are back to normal.

Lu Qinglan raised her baby at home with peace of mind, and went to the magazine office to read when she was bored.

Ye Tingshen got busy again. The landslide incident in the scenic area can be said to have sounded the alarm for the tourism industry of City A. A meeting was held in the city to discuss the impact of the heavy rain and follow-up arrangements.

The plan was quickly drawn up, and the rescue and post-recovery were carried out in an orderly manner.

In the following meeting, Ye Tingshen put forward some opinions about himself on the small villages in the scenic spot.

Although he was trapped for a day and a night, he didn't waste time. He personally visited the villagers to understand the situation, and then based on the local terrain, he felt that the small village could be developed relying on natural favorable conditions.For example, farmhouses and orchards are not only suitable for local conditions, but also can stimulate economic development.

Xu Cheng was the first to agree, and he also put forward his own ideas.

The plan to develop the village was thus on the agenda.

Thinking of the simple villagers who helped him when he was sick, Ye Tingshen and Xu Cheng kept a low profile and went there to express their gratitude without alarming anyone.

Unexpectedly, it was discovered by the squatting reporter.

So the next day's newspapers were full of reports about Mayor Ye and Secretary Xu. Although they were not positive, they were still headlines.For a while, many netizens praised Ye Tingshen and Xu Cheng again. In addition, Ye Tingshen has always been a positive image since he took office. After this time, many people spontaneously formed his fans and even established the cute fan club.

Even a female fan, after being obsessed with his appearance, said that Ye Tingshen's wife must have saved the Milky Way in her previous life, so she met such a perfect man as Ye Tingshen in this life.

As soon as this statement came out, it was immediately approved by the vast majority of people, and even occupied the hot topic list on Weibo for several days.

When Lu Qinglan saw it, she couldn't laugh or cry.

She saved the galaxy in her previous life?

Why doesn't she know?
"What are you laughing at?" Ye Ting came out of the deep shower, and took the tablet away from her hand in dissatisfaction, "There is radiation, be good, don't look at it."

Lu Qinglan pointed to the screen: "Look at this."

Ye Ting looked along the line of sight in deep doubt.

"Mrs. Ye who saved the Milky Way?" He raised his eyebrows, puzzled.

Lu Qinglan gave him a blank look, and told him what happened on Weibo in the past two days in the simplest words.

Who knows-

Ye Ting raised his eyebrows deeply: "They said wrong, I should have saved the Milky Way in my previous life, so I can get you, Mrs. Ye, in this life."

The warm words of love came out of his mouth, and Lu Qinglan blushed instantly.

Ye Tingshen took the opportunity to steal fragrance on her face.

Lu Qinglan responded shyly, holding his clothes with her small hands and raised her head.

The warmth in the bedroom is on the verge of breaking out!

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