shallow marriage deep love

432 I live right across from you now

"What happened to Shi Xiaorui?" Ye Tingshen saw that the caller ID was Qin Xin, and after a little thought, he knew that it should be related to Shi Xiaorui.

"She's in the hospital." Lu Qinglan frowned and hung up the phone, pursing her lips, "Ting Shen, I'm worried, let's go and have a look?"

"Okay, don't worry too much." Ye Tingshen stopped talking, and immediately started the car and drove towards the hospital.

The car arrived at the hospital quickly, and after asking about the ward, Lu Qinglan strode towards it.

When the door of the ward was pushed open, Shi Xiaorui was on an IV drip and hadn't woken up yet, her face was pale and pale, which made people feel distressed.

Qin Xin was sitting by the bed, holding her hand without saying a word.

"How is she?" Lu Qinglan asked in a low voice.

"You guys are here." Qin Xin seemed to have just come back to his senses. He looked down at Shi Xiaorui who was still sleeping, carefully tucked the quilt for her, then walked a little farther away, and replied in a low voice, " I have a high fever of [-] degrees, but fortunately I came in time."

Lu Qinglan frowned: "Why?"

In her impression, Shi Xiaorui has always been in good health and rarely gets sick.

Ye Ting put his hand on her shoulder and pressed it, signaling not to worry, and listen to Qin Xin first.

Qin Xin sighed, with self-blame in his eyes: "It's all my fault. The night she found out about Miao Yiyang, she was in a bad mood and stayed outside the community for a long time. Maybe she caught a cold at that time. She went on a business trip for a few days. God, and she didn't have a good rest, so the fever became so severe. If I had sent her upstairs earlier that day, she might not have had a fever."

"Don't think like that." Lu Qinglan knew in her heart that even if Qin Xin sent her back earlier that day, based on Shi Xiaorui's condition these days, she might still get sick. She knew this too well. Girl, the uncomfortable things are always kept in my heart. Most of the time, emotions will affect the body.

Just like... She was like that when Qin Xingang came after her.

Ye Ting comforted Xia Lu Qinglan silently, and then patted Qin Xin on the shoulder: "Stop blaming yourself, it's useless to blame yourself now, take good care of her."

"I understand." Qin Xin felt better.

"Sister Qinglan?" Shi Xiaorui's weak voice suddenly came from the bed.

Lu Qinglan woke up and looked up, and hurried over: "Xiaorui! Are you awake? Are you feeling better?"

Maybe it was because she just woke up from a high fever, Shi Xiaorui's voice was still a little hoarse, and her smile seemed a little forced: "I'm fine, why are you here?"

"Xiao Rui, I'll get you a glass of water." Qin Xin was worried about her, so he went outside to pour water from the water dispenser.

When she first heard Qin Xin's voice, Shi Xiaorui was still a little stunned. When she followed the voice, she only had time to see the flash of joy in his eyes. For some reason, she suddenly felt something different in her heart. up.

It seems that every time I wake up in the hospital, Qin Xin is by my side...

"Xiaorui..." Lu Qinglan sensed her daze, and didn't intend to poke her. That would only embarrass her, so she asked with a smile, "Are you hungry? Go and buy you some porridge, okay?"

Shi Xiaorui shook her head: "Sister Qinglan, I don't have any appetite right now, I...I have something to ask you."

Lu Qinglan knew what she wanted to ask, and sighed silently: "She is no longer in Yiyue, if something like this happened, it is impossible for her to stay in the magazine."

Those present knew who she was talking about.

Shi Xiaorui's eyes darkened, and she bit her lip. If Miao Yiyang did such a thing, if she wanted to continue in this industry in the future, I'm afraid any magazine in City A would not want her.

May I ask which magazine society wants a person who sold out his former company and has a bad reputation?

In fact, as early as the moment she got off the plane after returning from a business trip, she saw the reports about Miao Yiyang and Zhou Yang magazine. It can be said that the matter was full of ups and downs. No need to ask, she knew that Miao Yiyang's current situation would not be much better go.

"Sister Qinglan, I get it." Shi Xiaorui sighed in her heart, her empty hand was weakly pulling on the quilt, she lowered her head and asked almost wishfully, "Then you have anything to say?" Leave it to me?"

Miao Yiyang is a person with strong self-esteem. When something like this happened, he already knew what she was doing, and she would never see him again, even if it was just a few words over the phone. possible.However, after all, they are friends for many years, and she still has hope in her heart.


"No..." Lu Qinglan's voice lowered a little, she raised her head to comfort her, but she stretched out her hand in the air and put it down feebly.

After Shi Xiaorui froze for a moment, she reluctantly twitched the corners of her mouth. She wanted to say that she was fine, but she didn't know that her appearance looked more distressing in the eyes of others.

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent.

Fortunately, Qin Xin poured water and came back in time.

"Xiao Rui, drink some water." Lu Qinglan took the cup from him and wanted to feed her.

Shi Xiaorui took it, but didn't drink it right away, but said to her: "Sister Qinglan, I'm fine, really. You go back first, the air in the hospital is not good, and you are still pregnant with your baby." As she spoke, she turned her head and looked at Ye Tingshen who was two steps away, "Mr. Ye, take Sister Qinglan back first. As long as Qin Xin is here. Sister Qinglan must not have eaten yet, right? Pregnant women can't." hungry."

Lu Qinglan knew that she was doing it for her own good, so she didn't insist: "Well, I'll go back first, if you have anything to do, you can call me, you can also call Xiao Gu. Come back to work after you have a rest, you know ?”

"Well, Sister Qinglan, I understand." Shi Xiaorui nodded obediently.

Lu Qinglan was still worried, and solemnly said to Qin Xin: "Xiaorui, she..."

"Lanlan, don't worry!" Qin Xin quickly took over the conversation and said as if swearing, "I will take good care of her, and I will definitely give you back a lively Shi Xiaorui."

When he heard Shi Xiaorui's words just now, he thought he heard it wrong. He thought that Shi Xiaorui would drive him away after he was in his heart, just like before, but he didn't expect to keep himself this time!Does this mean that my own efforts are slowly changing the situation between the two?
Once there was hope in his heart, he would be extremely happy, and a smile overflowed unconsciously in his eyes, and the eyes that looked at Shi Xiaorui became more and more gentle.

His eyes fell, Shi Xiaorui was in a complicated mood, and hurriedly glanced at her head.

Sensing the change between the two of them, Lu Qinglan curled the corners of her mouth, explained a few more words, and left with Ye Tingshen holding hands.

As soon as the two left, only Qin Xin and Shi Xiaorui were left in the ward, and the harmonious atmosphere seemed to be taken away.

No one spoke first.

"That..." Qin Xin couldn't hold back in the end, he walked to the bed cautiously, and asked her softly, "Do you still want to drink water? Shall I pour it for you again?"

Shi Xiaorui was extremely thirsty, and had already drank more than half of the water in the glass.

"No need." She shook her head, no, and she didn't want to look into Qin Xin's eyes, "Can I trouble you to go through the discharge procedures for me?"

Qin Xin was surprised: "You want to be discharged from the hospital? No! You are still very weak! The doctor said it is best to stay in the hospital for observation for two days!"

What he said is undeniable, in this kind of matter, he will not let Shi Xiaorui do it, even if she will be angry with herself in the end.

Shi Xiaorui's tone weakened: "It's just a fever, there's no need to do that."

"That's not okay!" Qin Xin looked like he couldn't discuss it.

"I...I don't like the smell of the hospital." Shi Xiaorui frowned.

In the end, the two took a step back, and Qin Xin said that if the doctor said there was nothing wrong tomorrow morning, he would be discharged in the afternoon.

Shi Xiaorui compromised.

Qin Xinju was condescending, seeing her obedient appearance that was rarely shown in front of him, his heart was sweeter than eating honey, he couldn't help but move closer, and his voice was gentle: "I'll send someone to bring the porridge, okay?" Okay? Eat when you're hungry."

All of a sudden, Shi Xiaorui was so close that Shi Xiaorui seemed to be able to smell the men's perfume on him, and couldn't help feeling in a daze.

Seeing that she didn't object, Qin Xin immediately went outside happily to make a phone call and asked someone to deliver the porridge.

It wasn't until his figure disappeared in the ward that Shi Xiaorui dared to raise her head, looking at the direction he left, she gradually lost her mind.

The next morning, the doctor who made the rounds said that Shi Xiaorui was recovering well and could be discharged from the hospital.

Everything about being discharged from the hospital was arranged by Qin Xin. Shi Xiaorui saw it and wanted to say something several times, but finally swallowed it down.

It's just that when she returned to the door of her long-lost home, she was a little scared. She was afraid that if she opened the door and ran into Miao Yiyang, what kind of mentality the two would have to face each other.

But it turned out that she was thinking too much.

Miao Yiyang, she has already moved away, and all her belongings are gone, even the cups for girlfriends that she bought with Shi Xiaorui when she went shopping with Shi Xiaorui after she returned to city A were taken away.

This is also good, so as not to embarrass each other.

In Shi Xiaorui's heart, she couldn't tell whether she was more disappointed or more relaxed.

Taking a deep breath and turning around, she gave Qin Xin the order to chase away the guests: "I'm home, you can go back."

Qin Xin smiled, and filtered directly to her words: "Is there anything you want to eat for lunch? You have just been discharged from the hospital, and your body has not fully recovered. You can't eat something too greasy. I'll ask someone to make it light for you, okay? "

Shi Xiaorui frowned: "No, you can go, I can cook by myself."

"Then how can I do it?" Qin Xin didn't care about her, and made a call on his own and ordered lunch to be brought over.

Shi Xiaorui was helpless, but couldn't drive him away, so he could only watch helplessly as he sat on the sofa at home.

The lunch was delivered quickly, and it was obvious that it was specially made by someone.

Shi Xiaorui ate absent-mindedly, and finally finished eating all the food delivered, but Qin Xin still refused to leave.

"You go back, I want to take a nap." Shi Xiaorui insisted with a face, she was afraid that if Qin Xin stayed any longer, there would be some changes between the two of them.

No matter what kind of change, she doesn't want it now.

Qin Xin glanced at her, took in all the changes in her expression, but still smiled and said lightly: "It's okay to go back. By the way, I'll live opposite you now."

Shi Xiaorui looked up fiercely!

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