shallow marriage deep love

429 Exposing Her True Colors

Miao Yiyang's whole body was cold and weak, if it wasn't for a voice in her heart forcing herself to be calm, she might have been limp on the ground now.

Lu Qinglan's eyes were terrifying.

There is a smile on the corner of his mouth, but those eyes are like a deep ancient well at the moment, which makes people unable to see what is going on. It is as plain as water, deep and without waves, but it also implies sharpness, making people have nowhere to escape.

Miao Yiyang wanted to move, but found that his body was already extremely stiff.

With her lips parted slightly, she looked at Lu Qinglan, who was also looking at her.

The coolness gushing from the soles of the feet is like an ice pick under the eaves in the cold winter, poking my heart again and again.

Xiao Gu's movements were surprisingly fast.

In barely 2 minutes, she bought back three copies of this issue of Yi Yue's magazine, one was handed to Lu Qinglan, and the other was given to the little girl who spoke first.

For the last book, she stood in front of Miao Yiyang for a few seconds, and finally stuffed it in her arms involuntarily.

Miao Yiyang's fingers trembled violently.

She didn't read the contents, but just looked at the cover of the magazine, she felt as if she had seen a ghost!
The next moment, the excited screams of other colleagues came from her ears.

"Ah? Chief editor, our content is different from Zhou Yang's!"

"Ah! Really!"

"Chief editor, what's going on?"

"Editor-in-Chief, could it be that they copied us?"

Miao Yiyang's mind was completely blank. If she still held the last sliver of fantasy when the magazine was not bought back, then now, her fantasy is completely destroyed!
What the hell... is this all about?

Suddenly, she suddenly remembered another thing, her face was as pale as a ghost!

Pinching herself severely, she wanted to pretend to be calm and leave first to call Ms. Xia, but was stopped by Lu Qinglan's neutral voice.

"Miao Yiyang, where do you want to go?"

The cool voice is no longer as warm as before.

Miao Yiyang raised her head stiffly, and forced a smile: "Sister Lan, I want to go to the bathroom, but I feel sick to my stomach."

"Really?" Lu Qinglan curled her lips, with disdain in the corner of her mouth, "Let's watch something first, and it's not too late to go to the bathroom after finishing."

As soon as her words fell, Xiao Gu immediately walked in front of Miao Yiyang, clamped her arms with both hands, and dragged her to Lu Qinglan's office without saying a word.

"The editor-in-chief..."

Two bold and keen sensed the strangeness, and looked at Lu Qinglan uneasily.

Lu Qinglan's face remained the same, and she didn't answer them: "Go to work."

Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, no one said anything, and they all returned to their seats obediently.


After Xiao Gu dragged Miao Yiyang to sit on the sofa, he didn't speak any more, and he didn't hide the anger in his eyes.

After suffering for so many days, today I can finally expose her true colors!

Miao Yiyang clenched her hand hanging on her thigh involuntarily, and she finally calmed down.

As long as she doesn't tell or admit it, so what if Lu Qinglan has doubts?Nothing without evidence!

Thinking of this, she deliberately puffed up her chest, calmly and puzzledly shifted her gaze to Lu Qinglan who had just walked in, and asked in her usual cold voice: "Sister Lan, is there something wrong with asking me to come in?"

Lu Qinglan was not surprised that she was still calm now.

She didn't speak, and directly turned on the newly installed LCD TV in the office.

Throughout the whole process, she never looked at Miao Yiyang again.

Miao Yiyang was flustered by her attitude, but when he saw her turn on the TV, his heart jumped to his throat!

Is it...

How can it be? !
As if sensing her shock, Lu Qinglan finally looked at her, lightly parted her red lips, and confirmed her suspicion word by word: "There is a good show, I think we should watch it together."

As her words fell, a figure finally appeared on the TV screen.

It's a press conference.

The one sitting at the front was none other than Ms. Xia.

Sitting next to her is... Liu Lefan.

As if a bomb exploded in his body, Miao Yiyang only felt fear.

Lu Qinglan, she even knows this?
Could it be that, in Lu Qinglan's eyes, their so-called cooperation and the so-called stealth? It's just a farce?
how so……

Miao Yiyang completely lost the ability to think, and his face was already ugly and indescribable.

Lu Qinglan looked at her condescendingly, with a smile still on the corner of her mouth, although she was still as breezy as she was, but in Miao Yiyang's eyes, she was actually so cautious.

"It's started." Lu Qinglan said lightly, then turned to look at the screen.

A five-star hotel.

Ms. Xia stood up with tears in her eyes, first bowed to the crowded reporters below, and then pretended to wipe away her tears, trying to leave a weak image.

When everything was almost done, she burst into tears and said, "I didn't want to trouble everyone to rush around early in the morning, but there are some things that are pressing in my heart. I'm afraid that if I don't say it today, I won't have a chance in the future. I can't watch it." Watching this industry be destroyed! So, even if I offend people today, I will tell everyone the truth about certain things!"

As soon as she opened her mouth, she intentionally left a mystery for everyone. It was both the truth and the offense, which aroused the curiosity of many people in an instant.

There were a few quick-witted people who quickly thought of Ms. Xia's apology in the newspaper some time ago, but her identity was dug out.

After contacting each other, many people already had guesses in their hearts, followed by whispers.

A reporter wearing a peaked cap stood up first: "Ms. Xia, what truth do you want to tell everyone? Also, you mentioned offending someone. Can I understand that someone is threatening you?"

"I...I..." Ms. Xia carefully looked at the man who stood up, and she was relieved when she saw the pre-arranged logo on him, but she still nodded hesitantly, "Yes Yes, someone threatened me."

As soon as these words came out, the shutter sounded one after another.

"Crack! Kick!"


"Excuse me, what is it?" Someone then asked.

Ms. Xia took a deep breath, with a dignified look: "What I want to say is the awards ceremony of the industry association not long ago, that is, the incident I apologized in the newspaper some time ago, in fact... I was wronged !"

She gritted her teeth in resentment, and said loudly: "You have all been deceived by the editor-in-chief of Yiyue Magazine, Lu Qinglan! The facts are not as reported! The truth is that she bribed the chairman of the association. , won the Fashion Award by improper means, and I can't tolerate this kind of dirty thing, but I was threatened! In the end, they were the first to sue and publish the report, hoping to get the sympathy of the media!"

What she said was impassioned, and her eyes were full of resentment, both wronged and angry!
And as her words fell, there was already an uproar!
There are those who believe and those who doubt.

Ms. Xia glanced at it quickly, feeling secretly proud.

Things are going as they planned, Lu Qinglan, you're almost done!

Thinking triumphantly, she winked in a certain direction below.

Almost instantly, a reporter stood up.

"Ms. Xia, if you were wronged as you said, why did you apologize? Now you have to explain after you have apologized? Would it be too contradictory?"

"Ms. Xia, there are not only videos, but also many witnesses at the awards show. What evidence do you have to prove your innocence?"

"Ms. Xia, if you have evidence, why did you have to wait until today?"

"Ms. Xia..."

Ms. Xia looked like she had expected this for a long time. She bit her lip and her voice trembled slightly: "I know, everyone has doubts about this. What I want to tell you is that I do have evidence to prove myself. So I have to talk about it until today. Firstly, it is because the background of the person who threatened me was too strong. It's too much, I can't let her continue to deceive everyone! I can't let her ruin this industry! What she did, everyone is angry!"

She thought that what she said was very contagious, and she was ready to wait for the arranged person to follow her words, but was suddenly interrupted.

"Ms. Xia, up to now, you are only shouting slogans in the sky, saying that you are wronged, but there is no evidence. This has to make us doubt the real purpose of your press conference!"

It was the reporter wearing the peaked cap who stood up at the beginning.

The corner of his mouth twitched, with a bit of disdain, he glanced around and then said: "Slapping the face back and forth, or is it that Ms. Xia's real purpose is just to clear herself up?"

"Of course not!" Ms. Xia retorted angrily, but she was muttering in her heart what was going on with this person, she clearly said it was not like that!

She winked at him bitterly, but unexpectedly the man didn't even look at her: "Since it's not, what about the evidence? If you can't produce any evidence, please don't waste our time, Ms. Xia."

"that is!"

"Do you really think the media is blind? What happened that day was clearly your own messing around and slandering people!"

"Tch! Shouting for the day, if you have the ability, go straight to the dry goods!"

More and more reporters stood up, and the scene suddenly became uncontrollable.

Ms. Xia subconsciously took a step back.

what happened?

Isn't everything already arranged? !
Liu Lefan on the side also frowned when he saw this, feeling weird in his heart and at the same time secretly hating that Ms. Xia is a mindless person who can screw up a well-arranged press conference!

She quickly pulled Ms. Laxia's clothes, signaling her not to be dazed anymore!

Ms. Xia suddenly came back to her senses, and shouted down without thinking: "The people around me are the evidence! Lu Qinglan's Yiyue Magazine copied Zhou Yang Magazine! We have evidence!"

The word plagiarism immediately quieted down the scene.

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