shallow marriage deep love

410 A Lesson, Instead of Being Humiliated

"Nian Nian..." Lu Qinglan patted the back of her hand, and did not continue, she knew that Zhong Nian was the same as herself now, as long as the Xia family was involved, there would always be some indescribable complexity in her heart.So, she gives her time now, if she doesn't want to continue listening, then she won't talk anymore.

Zhong Nian shook his head, with a forced smile: "I'm fine, then what?"

Lu Qinglan glanced at her, thought for a while, and then told her everything that happened at the awards ceremony last night, including Xia Yan's apology to herself before the awards ceremony, and Xia Zixuan just came to tell her that the words.

Zhong Nian was silent for a while after listening: "You mean, Xia Yan apologized to you?"

"En." Lu Qinglan nodded.

Zhong Nian bit his lip and didn't speak any more, his expression seemed to be entangled and indescribably...sorrowful.

Lu Qinglan was worried: "Nian Nian, what's wrong with you?"

"Lanlan..." Zhong Nian sighed in distress, and when he looked up again, the entanglement in his eyes became more entangled, "Since Xia Yan came back from the capital, he would stay downstairs for a long time every night. I know, but I see it every time, you say, what should I do?"

Lu Qinglan was taken aback, she didn't expect such a thing, Xia Yan, he...

She asked tentatively: "Nian Nian, are you...hesitating?"

"I don't know." Zhong Nian smiled wryly, "Lan Lan, do you not understand why I hesitate? Do you think I am hesitating between Xia Yan and Su Yuan?"

"Of course not." Lu Qinglan shook her head, held her hand firmly, and said angrily, "Why do you think so? I don't know what kind of person you are? I know you are hesitating whether to forgive him or not , even if you can't respond to his feelings for you, but the position of friend he occupies in your heart will never change, you are a person who attaches great importance to feelings, aren't you?"

Zhong Nian didn't speak, but her nodding said everything.

Lu Qinglan sighed silently, and said with a smile: "Nian Nian, you don't have to hesitate because of my relationship, if you really care about his two friends, his sister. Besides, he has given up now For me and Ting Shen, you don't have to put the relationship between the two into a prison. Find a day and talk to him. "

Like her, Zhong Nian cares about friends and feelings, so she can see that Zhong Nian wants to give the friendship between the two of them a chance. It is not the Holy Mother, and it is not just because of the acquaintance back then. I am afraid there is sister Xia Yan among them. plead.Moreover, only when Zhong Nian really handles the relationship between her and Xia Yan, there will be no burden between her and Su Yuan.

"Lan Lan, thank you." Zhong Nian held her hand back gratefully, with a little more relief in her smile, how lucky she was to know Lu Qinglan, a close friend, she understood her and thought about him.

"I don't accept verbal thanks." Lu Qinglan withdrew her hand arrogantly on purpose, as if giving you grace, "If you want to thank you, you have to be sincere."

"Got it, it's as good as the fourth brother." Zhong Nian grinned, thinking of Ms. Xia and Mr. Xia she mentioned, and felt that she should remind Lan Lan of some things first, so she moved forward Confused, he said seriously, "By the way, that Ms. Xia..."

It's just that before she could say anything, she saw that the smile on Lu Qinglan's face was slightly restrained, and her eyes were looking at the direction behind her.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

Lu Qinglan raised her eyebrows, with a half-smile: "Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here."

As soon as she finished speaking, a sharp voice sounded behind Zhong Nian: "Isn't this Lu Qinglan? Such a coincidence?"

The person who came was Ms. Xia, together with an old man who looked very dignified.

Lu Qinglan knew the identity of the old man at a glance - Mr. Xia.

And this old Mr. Xia, at this moment, is looking at himself with a pair of shrewd and pleasing eyes.

Lu Qinglan looked back very naturally.

Mr. Xia didn't seem to expect her to be so bold, and suddenly felt disrespected, and frowned displeased, his impression of Lu Qinglan plummeted.

How could Lu Qinglan fail to see his changes?But she didn't care at all, what kind of impression she had in Mr. Xia's mind would not change his desire to deal with Ye Tingshen.Therefore, she will not try to please or deliberately respect this old gentleman.

Because... there is no need!

Looking away from Mr. Xia's face, she twitched the corners of her mouth, and uttered a sentence to Ms. Xia that was enough to annoy her: "Unfortunately, if I had known that Ms. Xia would come here for dinner, I would definitely not have chosen this place. , although the dishes here are very delicate and delicious, they are not as important as mood and appetite."

"You!" Ms. Xia was really annoyed. Didn't this dead girl mean that she affected her appetite and mood?Ah!

After taking a few deep breaths, she could barely suppress her uncontrollable emotions, gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "As expected of the editor-in-chief! Sure enough, the teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp!"

"Oh, thank you for the compliment." Lu Qinglan grinned, ignoring what she meant.

Seeing that she took it for granted, Ms. Xia really wanted to step forward and tear her mouth apart, to see if she could still laugh!
Now that she sees Lu Qinglan, she can't stop being annoyed. If it weren't for this little bitch, she wouldn't have lost face in front of many people last night. Although she didn't care about things like face, as long as she thought of her It was made like that by a young girl, so it was hard for her not to be angry with Lu Qinglan.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. From the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the second uncle who had been silent all this time. Suddenly, her confidence rose.

No matter how powerful Lu Qinglan is, she is only a little girl, can she compare with the Xia family?What's more, I have a backer today!No matter what, he must not lose his momentum. Moreover, the second uncle said that if he could help deal with Lu Qinglan and Ye Tingshen, he would give him shares in the company.For this reason, she must not make Lu Qinglan feel better!

Thinking of this, Ms. Xia smiled smugly, Lanhua pointed up involuntarily, and taunted Lu Qinglan: "I heard that you still won the trophy last night? Lu Qinglan, you probably don't know, but with your performance yesterday, It has become a joke among people in the circle. I have never seen any magazine insist on getting a trophy. But I think about it, yes, if you are a third-rate small magazine, if you don’t hold the trophy tightly , how will you mess around in the future? Right?"

Before Lu Qinglan could react, she continued impatiently: "However, as a senior, I can teach you a trick to hold the association president's thigh firmly, so you don't have to worry about getting stuck."

Every sentence she said was full of irony, she couldn't believe it, how could Lu Qinglan bear it?Then she will be able to seize the opportunity to humiliate her again!

Ms. Xia triumphantly fantasized about the next scene, but after a while, she became dazed.


Lu Qinglan didn't pay attention to herself at all!

At this moment, Lu Qinglan was eating a meal with a calm face, and occasionally exchanged ideas with the person opposite, but from the beginning to the end, she never looked at herself directly!
She was completely, completely ignored!
This realization made her extremely upset, she almost didn't even think about it, she yelled at Lu Qinglan: "Lu Qinglan! Are you polite! I'm talking to you! Do you respect people?"

Her voice was loud, and for a while, several other customers around her cast dissatisfied glances at her.

Soon, the restaurant manager ran over and reminded in disapproval: "Madam, please keep your voice down, you have already affected the dining of other guests."

This is a French restaurant, and the emphasis is on quietness.

Ms. Xia had never been told this in person before, and she was suddenly angry and annoyed, but she couldn't get angry.

Lu Qinglan gracefully put down the knife and fork, wiped her mouth with a paper towel, and said softly to the restaurant manager: "Manager Mo, go and do your work first, just leave it to me."

"Alright Mrs. Ye, call me if you need anything." The restaurant manager left respectfully, also not paying attention to Ms. Xia.

"Ms. Xia." Lu Qinglan smiled slowly, and the demeanor exuding from her body instantly killed her, "I don't mind correcting you a few points. First, it was you who became the joke last night, not me, and more It's not our Yi Yue. Second, it seems that you still haven't learned how to respect the organizing committee and peers, but this can't be your fault. Who told you that your cultivation is not enough? Third, you made a mistake again, since last night Your unreasonable troubles started, in my eyes, you are just a messy person, you can't be called an elder."

Speaking of this, she deliberately slowed down her speech, and softly uttered the last sentence amidst Ms. Xia's increasingly ugly face: "Respect depends on the person."

"You! You!" If Ms. Xia just had an ugly face just now, she definitely has the urge to tear Lu Qinglan into pieces now.

Not afraid of her anger, Lu Qinglan raised her eyelids seemingly casually, but her gaze was sharp: "Ms. Xia, didn't the Xia family teach you that it's impolite to point your fingers at others?"

Ms. Xia almost couldn't hold back and rushed forward, if Mr. Xia hadn't strangled her wrist tightly!
Mr. Xia gave Ms. Xia a warning look, and when he turned his head to look at Lu Qinglan, his expression was distant: "Are you Lu Qinglan?"

"Mr. Xia, why do you ask questions knowingly?" Lu Qinglan smiled and pierced him, "Ms. Xia called me by my name as soon as she came up, and I believe that even if Ms. Xia is not here today, based on your investigation of me, you can recognize me. Shouldn't it be easy?"

"Sure enough, sharp teeth and sharp mouth!" Mr. Xia's face sank, he was really displeased with Lu Qinglan's attitude.

Lu Qinglan was noncommittal and didn't accost, Quan Dang Ms. Xia and Mr. Xia were the air.

Old Mr. Xia clenched his cane tightly, and asked angrily, "Are you questioning the rules of our Xia family just now? Who gave you the courage!"

In the capital, no one has ever dared to question the Xia family like this, let alone confront the Xia family. If he doesn't teach this little girl a lesson today, people might laugh at him if word spreads!

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