shallow marriage deep love

366 Chapter Go and Kiss Me Well at Night

"Clean up, starting tomorrow, you don't have to come to work." Lu Qinglan's expression was indifferent. If you look carefully, it's not difficult to find the deep disappointment under her eyes that seemed to be covered with ice.

Except for Xiao Gu, no one seemed to have expected her to say that, and was a little lost for a moment.

"Editor-in-Chief!" The little girl at the front desk panicked when she heard this, and hurriedly stood up, and made a harsh friction sound when she pushed the chair away, "Editor-in-Chief, I know I was wrong, can you give me another chance? I... I was unintentional, I promise, I promise there will be no next time, really!"

She said it swearingly, perhaps because she was eager to prove herself, she almost shed tears on the spot.

Lu Qinglan sneered softly: "Unintentionally? Are you still arguing?"

The girl at the front desk was choked immediately: "I...I..."

"You told your friends in the entertainment industry that I was the kind of person that the rumors said, and even swore that I had a special relationship with Mr. Xia, so you really didn't mean it?" Lu Qinglan remained calm all the time. Looking at her, "If it's really unintentional, then how do you explain the sudden extra money in your account after you said those words? How do you explain the brand-name clothes and bags on your body afterwards? Do you need me?" Show all the evidence before you admit it?"

She actually gave her a chance. When Gu Lingxiu sent her the things she found, she was confused and disappointed. She even thought that she could pretend that this had never happened, as long as the girl at the front desk stopped Do things that are not good for the magazine.But in the end, she was still disappointed. She forgot that in this world, people's greed cannot be satisfied.

Every time she said a word, the face of the little girl at the front desk turned paler, and in the end, she lost all color. She fell back onto the chair weakly, with her head bowed in frustration, not daring to meet Lu Qinglan's eyes again.

Everyone else present saw her reactions before and after, and they were all stunned at the moment, looking at the little girl at the front desk with disdain in their eyes.

Even with her head lowered, the little girl at the front desk could still clearly feel the sights gathered from all directions. She tightly pinched the sides of the chair with both hands. Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore and quickly got up and ran out.But from the beginning to the end, she never regretted it in her heart. If she lost this job, she would lose it. It's no big deal, after all, she got such a large sum of money.

Lu Qinglan watched her leave calmly, and finally glanced at the other people in the meeting room, clasped her hands on the table, and then she said: "I hope you can remember what I said before Yi Yue came in. I I will not force you not to talk about work and the magazine after work, but one thing is, if you are dissatisfied with me or the magazine, or if you don’t trust me, maliciously spread bad rumors that damage your reputation, then I will Please leave the magazine. I think no matter which company you are in, this is the most basic professionalism of employees. To be clear, I will not want an employee who is not in the company. Do you understand?"

Although she spoke very calmly, the aura in her body was hard to ignore.

"Understood, editor-in-chief."

The unanimous words came from the employees who came in later, but the few who stayed originally looked at each other in blank dismay, and although they agreed in the end, they agreed for the sake of echoing.

Lu Qinglan saw it, but was too lazy to point it out.

It's just that no one noticed that the moment she finished speaking, Miao Yiyang's eyelashes trembled involuntarily, and even her breathing became a little short at that moment.

Lu Qinglan handed over to Xiao Gu the responsibility for the rest of the meeting, and she believed that Xiao Gu would do a good job.

In fact, Xiao Gu did not disappoint her. Seeing the more mature and capable Xiao Gu, she was very relieved.

After the meeting, Lu Qinglan returned to the office.

Xiao Gu poured a glass of boiled water and came in. After thinking for a while, she comforted her and said, "Sister Lan, don't worry about it. Pregnant people should maintain a happy mood, did you forget?"

"I know." Lu Qinglan smiled mischievously at her, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me, I may come to the magazine society less in the next few days, you should pay more attention to things here."

"Sister Lan, what did you say? This is what it should be." Xiao Gu blamed.

Lu Qinglan knew that what she said was sincere, so she stopped being polite.

"Sister Lan, I'll go out and do some work first. Call me if you need something."

"Okay, you go." Lu Qinglan watched her go out, and when she was alone, she still couldn't help sighing.

Outside the office, Shi Xiaorui stood in front of the door hesitantly, after much deliberation, she still didn't go in.

After returning to her seat, she took out Ruan Qing's news and read it again. When Qin Xin's face appeared on the screen, she suddenly felt restless and subconsciously closed the webpage.After turning it off, however, it wasn't much better.Even, her finger moved to the mouse involuntarily, and opened the web page just now by a strange coincidence.

Shi Xiaorui stared at the screen in a daze, feeling indescribable in her heart.If at the birthday party earlier, what Qin Xin did was to help him solve the immediate problem, then what he said in front of so many media today really helped him.

"Buzz...hum..." The phone on the table suddenly vibrated, startling her.

Withdrawing her thoughts, Shi Xiaorui quickly took the phone, but didn't know what to do when she saw the name on the screen.

It's Qin Xin.

Does she want to pick it up?

Subconsciously biting her lips, Shi Xiaorui was extremely conflicted.She hated Qin Xin, but he was the one who helped her this time...

The phone vibrated relentlessly, and the third time, she sighed, squeezed the phone tightly and walked to the bathroom.

When it was time to get off work, Lu Qinglan came out of the office, and Ye Tingshen said that he had just arrived at the gate of the magazine office.

Seeing him waiting beside the car from a distance, Lu Qinglan took a deep breath and walked towards him until she had adjusted her mood.

She thought she was hiding it well, but she didn't expect that she still couldn't hide it from him.

"What's wrong?" Ye Ting caressed her hair deeply and asked, "Are you unhappy about the magazine?"

He was referring to the little girl at the front desk, Lu Qinglan understood.

"Ye Tingshen, are you a roundworm in my stomach? Why do you know everything?" She pursed her lips on purpose, and said in a relaxed tone, "I obviously didn't show it."

"You are my wife, and I know what you think." Ye Ting kissed her fondly on the face, not wanting her to worry about it any more, so he said, "I won't eat at home tonight, so I'll take you to eat." Food, huh?"

Sure enough, as soon as she heard the delicious food, Lu Qinglan's foodie nature immediately appeared, and the little unhappiness was forgotten, she happily kissed him on the mouth, and then urged: "Then wait What? Let's go!"

Ye Ting smiled helplessly as if he had nothing to do with you.

Half an hour later, the car stopped at the door of the sun restaurant, and Lu Qinglan was immediately stunned.

She didn't expect Ye Tingshen to bring her to the sun!

Subconsciously lowering her head, she glanced at the casual skirt she was wearing because she was pregnant, and then at the well-dressed person beside her, she moved shyly: "Ting Shen..."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Ye Tingshen thought she was not feeling well, and hurried over.

Lu Qinglan poked his arm with her finger, and a blush flashed across her face: "Why didn't you say sun sooner, I'm not dressed formally at all, I..."

You know, Sun is the most famous viewing restaurant in City A, and most of the people who come to dine here are dressed in formal clothes, but she... She never cared about these things before, but maybe she became more prone to overthinking after pregnancy, She always felt that there was a big gap between her dress and Ye Tingshen today.

With just one look, Ye Tingshen understood what she was embarrassed about. He grabbed her hand and put it on his lips and kissed it. His eyes were full of smiles: "That's why? It's fine if I'm not formal with you. ?”

"Ah?" Lu Qinglan blinked, but before she could understand what he meant, she was taken to a shopping mall near the restaurant.

Ten minutes later, Ye Tingshen changed into casual clothes and came out. He put his arms around the waist of the dazed little woman, and smiled: "Now we are all wearing casual clothes."

Lu Qinglan instantly felt that her eyes were moist. She didn't expect Ye Tingshen to buy a new set of clothes just because of her own words, just to make herself feel comfortable.

"Ting Shen..." She called him softly.

"Is this touching?" Ye Tingshen purposely leaned into her ear and said ambiguously, "Then go back and kiss me well at night, huh?"

"..." Lu Qinglan blushed, and it took a long time to say, "Shameless!"

In return, Ye Ting gave a muffled laugh.

Putting the changed clothes into the car, the two walked towards the door of the restaurant.

"Mr. Ye, Mrs. Ye, this way." The waiter waiting at the door bowed politely, and did not show any slightest scorn because their clothes were incompatible with most of the people here.

Entering the elevator, the two were taken directly to the top floor.

Lu Qinglan originally thought that the seat was on the top floor, but she didn't expect that Ye Tingshen took over the entire top floor!

In the spacious top floor, there is only a table in the middle at the moment, and on the table, the candlelight is flickering, the roses are delicate, everything is warm and romantic.

Staring dumbfounded at everything that was arranged in front of her, she suddenly felt her eye sockets warm up again.

The top floor of the sun restaurant is the best place to enjoy the night view of city A.But now, the layout of this place is all according to her preferences.

How could she not be moved?
Ye Ting took her hand deeply, and pulled out the chair for her.

The melodious music sounded at the right time.

"Pfft!" Lu Qinglan let out a very disruptive laugh, looked up, and stared arrogantly at Ye Tingshen, who was smiling and feasting, "Have you prepared it long ago?"

Ye Ting raised his eyebrows exaggeratedly: "My wife, you actually figured it out!"

"Not serious!" Lu Qinglan glared at him, but her mood became extremely good at this moment. She knew that he wanted to make herself happy because he was afraid that he would be cornered.

Thinking of this, she took the initiative to take Ye Tingshen's hand.

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