shallow marriage deep love

347 I sue your magazine!

"Editor Lu, it's not good, something happened!"

As the girl at the front desk yelled such a sentence in a panic, the employees who were still talking happily stopped. You looked at me and I looked at you, all at a loss.

Xiao Gu's face darkened, and he gave her a dissatisfied look: "Why are you making such a fuss?"

"Editor Lu, little sister Gu..." After being yelled at by Xiao Gu, the girl at the front desk immediately stood there at a loss, wanting to speak but afraid of being scolded.

Lu Qinglan glanced at her: "Come into the office and talk."

Signaling Xiao Gu to close the door, Lu Qinglan asked her: "What happened."

Only then did the girl at the front desk dare to raise her head, and said in a hurry: "Ruan Qing's manager called just now, saying that there was something wrong with our magazine's interview with Ruan Qing, which exposed too much of Ruan Qing's personal information. It has had a great impact on her, and now she wants to sue our magazine!"

"What?" Lu Qinglan was surprised, obviously not convinced.

Xiao Gu at the side immediately brought over this issue of the magazine, and turned to the article about Ruan Qing's exclusive interview. The girl at the front desk showed them one by one with a bitter face: "Here, this, and this one, the manager said these things They are all false reports that have damaged Ruan Qing's reputation, and they will definitely investigate."

Lu Qinglan carefully looked at the several places she pointed out, and the more she looked at it, the more she frowned.

"Sister Lan, do you want to call Xiaorui back immediately?" Xiao Gu asked worriedly, "Is there any misunderstanding? Xiaorui has always been careful and responsible, how could he make such a mistake?"

"Okay, you can call her to come back first." Lu Qinglan replied in a low voice, then turned her head and said calmly to the girl at the front desk, "Call Ruan Qing's manager now and make an appointment."

"Okay, Chief Editor Lu, I'll go right away."

Shi Xiaorui came back quickly, and Miao Yiyang was with her.

On the phone, Xiao Gu had already told her about Ruan Qing, so she turned on the computer and read the manuscript as soon as she came back.

In the end, I found that it was my own carelessness that caused the mistake.

"I'm sorry, Sister Qinglan, I...I'll go to Ruan Qing and her agent. I'll take responsibility for what I did wrong." A mistake is a mistake, and making excuses is an evasive behavior. She doesn't want to do those things on the surface. of.

Lu Qinglan signaled her to take it easy.

At this moment, the girl at the front desk rushed over again: "Editor Lu, Ruan Qing doesn't answer our calls, and the brokerage company also said that Ruan Qing is not in City A at the moment, what should I do?"

"I'll figure out a way, you go first." Lu Qinglan motioned to her.

As soon as the girl at the front desk went out, she walked to Shi Xiaorui's side and comforted her: "Don't say anything about being responsible for one person, we are a team as a whole, and we can solve problems together."

"But..." Shi Xiaorui bit her lip and shook her head violently.

Lu Qinglan sighed, and asked tentatively, "Is it because of him?"

Who he was referring to, the two knew clearly.

Shi Xiaorui couldn't refute, but she was very confused: "Sister Qinglan, it's my own problem."

Lu Qinglan knew that Shi Xiaorui was actually very stubborn in her bones, otherwise this matter could be resolved with Qin Xin's help, but she would not be willing.Just like herself, maybe asking Ye Tingshen for help can solve it more effectively, but she just doesn't want to ask Ye Tingshen for help in everything, she doesn't want others to say that she has to rely on him for everything when she runs a magazine, and she is even more worried that once things are known to outsiders, Bad for him.

This time, she will try to solve it herself.

She ordered Xiao Gu to contact a familiar lawyer to inquire about the situation. On her own side, she started calling people in the entertainment industry she had worked with before, asking if she could get a line to contact Ruan Qing.

But in the end, it all came back in vain.Everyone, as if they had made an agreement, either said that they were busy, or that they didn't know Ruan Qing well and couldn't help.

Lu Qinglan frowned even tighter.

Xiao Gu tentatively asked: "Sister Lan, why don't you ask Jiang Ranran? You are not with Jiang Ranran..."

Lu Qinglan shook her head. She had heard from Jiang Ranran that the two had never been on the right track, not to mention that Jiang Ranran was having a hard pregnancy, how could she bear to let her worry about her own affairs?

For this matter, the best thing is to contact Ruan Qing in person.Moreover, Ruan Qing was very proud, and ordinary favors would not be sold.

"Sister Lan." Miao Yiyang knocked on the door and came in, straight to the point, "I just got the news from a friend that Ruan Qing will go back to City A next week to attend Mr. Xia's birthday party, and will go out to film after the end, so, that day We must see her."

"Sister Lan!" Xiao Gu raised his head and looked at her expectantly, "Didn't we have an invitation card for Mr. Xia's birthday party?"

Upon hearing that there was an invitation card, Miao Yiyang breathed a sigh of relief: "That's great, now we don't have to worry about not being able to see Ruan Qing."

In this way, the birthday party is an opportunity, but we can’t pin all our hopes on it. Before that, we also have to find a way to try to solve it as soon as possible. On the day of the birthday party, we will go together. "Lu Qinglan said after a few seconds of thought.

If there is really no other way, then she must attend Xia Yan's birthday party.

"Okay." The three nodded, and then Xiao Gu and Miao Yiyang went out to do their own work.

Shi Xiaorui didn't leave, she hung her head feeling guilty: "I'm sorry, Sister Qinglan, I caused you trouble."

"No one is perfect, who can do nothing wrong? Get rid of her, learn a lesson, and just avoid it next time." Lu Qinglan didn't blame her, she knew how bad Shi Xiaorui was recently, and she could understand.What's more, she also read the interview. To be honest, she always felt that Ruan Qing was picking bones in the egg, but she couldn't just say that she was right.

After the weekend, the matter still hadn't been resolved, and Ruan Qing still couldn't get in touch, so he just sent a lawyer over.

Originally, Lu Qinglan was also very anxious, but under such circumstances, she had to think a little more. Logically speaking, if Ruan Qing was really that angry, wouldn't she just send a lawyer over instead of doing anything else?

Is Ruan Qing too busy, or is he thinking too much?
With such doubts in mind, Monday afternoon soon arrived, and there were still two hours before Xia Yan's birthday party officially started.

Lu Qinglan only brought Shi Xiaorui and the three of them there.

The birthday party was held in the most luxurious hotel in city A.

When the four of them arrived, a lot of people had already arrived. Looking around, luxury and excitement were the two most intuitive words.

As soon as he entered, Assistant Li who was beside Xia Yan greeted him, and said respectfully: "Miss Lu, you are here, please come inside."

"Thank you." Lu Qinglan nodded politely at him, thinking that since Ruan Qing was invited, Xia Yan must have a good relationship with her, so she asked, "By the way, I heard that the star Ruan Qing will also come, I don't know her Are you here?"

"Miss Ruan?" Assistant Li blinked, "I've arrived, and now I'm upstairs in the rest room. Miss Lu, what do you want her to do?"

"It's a little bit." Lu Qinglan didn't intend to hide it, but she wouldn't go into details, "Assistant Li, you don't need to greet us, go get busy. I have something to do with Ruan Qing, so I'll go up and find her."

In this way, Assistant Li smiled: "Alright Miss Lu, if you have anything to do, you can come to me directly."

"OK, thank you."

After Lu Qinglan finished speaking, she wanted to take Shi Xiaorui to the second floor first, but before she could say anything, she heard Shi Xiaorui say in a low voice: "Sister Qinglan, Ruan Qing has come down!"

Looking at the past along the line of sight, as expected, Ruan Qing was walking down the stairs slowly at this time, with a very elegant pace.

"Let's go, go over and say hello." Lu Qinglan led Shi Xiaorui and walked over. Xiao Gu and Miao Yiyang were worried, so they naturally followed.

Ruan Qing was talking to the people around him.

Lu Qinglan waited patiently without interrupting rudely.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, Ruan Qing finished chatting with other people and saw her and Shi Xiaorui with a seemingly unintentional glance.

Ruan Qing carelessly plucked the big waves that hung down, and then smiled perfunctorily, then raised her chin to Shi Xiaorui: "It's you, the one who leaked my privacy? What? You can find me at Boss Xia's birthday party Is it? Oh, I really underestimated you."

Lu Qinglan knew that Ruan Qing was trying to show them off, and also knew that she had seen them early in the morning, so she was not surprised by her attitude at all.

Lu Qinglan didn't take her sarcasm seriously, and smiled slightly: "Miss Ruan, hello, I'm Lu Qinglan, editor-in-chief of Yiyue Magazine..."

Unexpectedly, she was interrupted by Ruan Qing's displeasure before she finished speaking.

"No need to introduce, I don't want to know your name at all!" Ruan Qingliu raised her eyebrows, her eyes were mean, "The editor-in-chief of a small third-rate magazine is not qualified to know me! I know what you want to say, but Well, don’t even think about it, I’m suing your magazine! See you in court!”

As if she didn't like talking too much, she curled her lips again, looking down on Master Xiaorui: "Just like you, why do you still learn to interview, I say you should go back early, don't cause trouble outside, Really, there is no professional ethics at all, isn't it professional!"

Her mouth is too poisonous, Miao Yiyang couldn't hold back her temper all of a sudden, not to mention she said that about Shi Xiaorui, how could she not be angry?

She frowned disdainfully, and she said ironically, "You said we are a third-rate magazine, but haven't you been interviewed by our magazine? We are third-rate? What about you? Fourth-rate? Or fifth-rate and sixth-rate?"

No one expected that she would speak suddenly, and Lu Qinglan didn't even have a chance to stop her.

"Yiyang..." Shi Xiaorui tugged at her arm, signaling to stop talking, she knew that Miao Yiyang was not angry, and she would know that if they became good friends, once Miao Yiyang met herself and was bullied , the temper will be very irritable.

"What did you say?!" Ruan Qing was furious immediately. She pointed at Miao Yiyang and asked Lu Qinglan sternly, "Is this your employee? Is there any quality? Are you talking about people like that? What kind of attitude! Don't Forget, you are still begging me now! Find out your identity!"

Her voice was raised so high unconsciously that as soon as she finished speaking, the eyes of all the people around turned to them.

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