shallow marriage deep love

340 Are you interested in cooperating with me?

"Xia... Mr. Xia?" Lu Qinglan raised her head.

It turned out to be Xia Yan.

She was momentarily dazed and surprised.

It would be a lie to say that he wasn't surprised, Xia Yan in front of him actually stopped him, and even called out his name.Today is the first time they met, right?She was sure she had never seen him before.


"What's the matter?" Xia Yan seemed not at all surprised that Lu Qinglan would have such an expression. He raised his eyebrows, a little angry, and pointed out her thoughts while shaking the goblet in his hand, "I'm surprised that I can call out your name?"

Lu Qinglan smiled a little embarrassedly: "Yes."

"It's not surprising. I would be surprised too." Xia Yan laughed, but didn't explain right away.

Just now, Lu Qinglan always felt that this Xia Yan was cold and difficult to get close to, but seeing his smile now, she suddenly had the opposite feeling.

Seeing that he didn't seem to continue talking, she bit the bullet and said, "Excuse me, you..."

The most important guest tonight is this Xia Yan. His every move attracts the attention of many people. Now that he is standing in front of her, Lu Qinglan suddenly feels all kinds of sights from all directions. .If he continues to stay silent like this, she can't guarantee that she will become a public enemy.

Fortunately, Xia Yan didn't hang on to her anymore, and finally spoke.

However, it was fine if he didn't speak, but when he did, Lu Qinglan was stunned again.

"I read the first issue of Yi Yue's magazine, and I know that you are in charge, Ms. Lu, so I know your name." This was an explanation of why she could be called by her name before. After a pause, Xia Yan suddenly smiled , and continued, "I'm very interested and very optimistic about your magazine, so I wonder if Miss Lu is interested in cooperating with me?"


Did you hear it right?

Lu Qinglan stood there in a daze, unable to react for a moment.

Not only her, but even Xiao Gu beside him.

Who is this Xia Yan? During the chat just now, she knew more about it. Many big companies may not be able to succeed if they want to cooperate with him, but this is such a person. Cooperation with a small magazine that has just started?

She didn't hallucinate?
"Sister Lan..." Xiao Gu tugged at Lu Qinglan's skirt subconsciously, expressing that he hadn't digested it yet.

After being called out like this, Lu Qinglan suddenly recovered.

Aware of her gaffe just now, she immediately adjusted and stabilized her mind. She calmly looked at Xia Yan who was still waiting for her answer, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Mr. Xia, to be honest, your words surprised me. Yes, generally speaking, you are more likely to choose a big magazine, so with all due respect, I don’t know which part of Yiyue you value so much?”

Xia Yan didn't answer in a hurry, but lifted the wine glass to his mouth and took a sip gracefully. Through the transparent glass, he looked at Lu Qinglan calmly.

As expected of Ye Tingshen's woman, she was able to adjust back so quickly, and she was not confused by this surprise news, and she did not feel inferior or arrogant.

Not bad.

Looks interesting prey, time to play with it.

The Adam's apple rolled up and down, and finally swallowed a sip of wine. Xia Yan smiled, charming all beings, and simply spit out four words: "Travel, potential."

Then, he quickly stopped laughing, and said seriously, "Your magazine has potential and new ideas. This is one of the reasons why I appreciate it. Secondly, I have investigated your magazine. The sales volume of the magazine, as well as the past situation of the magazine, you have broken the record. Third, in this issue of the magazine, one of the travel articles looks like an essay, but it is this casualness that makes people yearn for your writing more To tell you the truth, even after I saw it, I had the urge to pack my luggage and have a look, and even live there for a while.”

After a pause, he said again: "Miss Lu, you must have heard that I am involved in a lot of industries, and I am also very interested in tourism, so I want to give it a try. As for what you said, you should find a university I'm really sorry that the magazine or a famous company cooperated, they didn't make me impulsive. Just in time, your magazine appeared and closed my eyes, why didn't I catch it?"

"Mr. Xia..." After hearing his last words, Lu Qinglan smiled relaxedly, "Then, should I feel lucky? I was chosen by Mr. Xia just like that?"

Xia Yan hooked his lips and clinked glasses with her: "If you insist on thinking this way, it's not impossible. Of course, if you need to think about it, I can give you time. I am a person who has been patient recently. But I think it is not a rational decision to reject me. And..." He draws his voice closer to her, and deliberately said in a cynical tone, "Miss Lu doesn't have to worry about the failure of the cooperation. Be arrogant, I am Xia I have been in business for so many years, and I have never failed, and no one will reject me. This is a win-win cooperation."

Lu Qinglan took a sip of the juice, smiled and said nothing.

To be honest, after hearing what he said, she was really moved, but at the same time she knew a truth, there is no good thing without a reason in the world, she is the person in charge of a magazine after all, she needs to think more.

"Mr. Xia," Lu Qinglan smiled politely and distantly, "Since it's a cooperation, there must be a lot of details to discuss. When you are free, I will go to your company to discuss in detail. "

Xia Yan nodded noncommittally: "Okay, then I'll wait for Miss Lu."

He wanted to say something more, but was suddenly interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Lan Lan!"

Zhong Nian came back from the bathroom.

Xia Yan trembled and even held his breath!
He stared at Zhong Nian in front of him intently, with mixed feelings in his heart.

After so many years, he had been haunted by dreams, and he finally found her in City A!

Thinking of the materials brought by the assistant, his heart sank again and again.He didn't know that the woman he had missed for so many years was Ye Tingshen's brother, and she... had a boyfriend, Lu Qinglan's brother, Ye Tingshen's brother-in-law...

Thinking of this, Xia Yan's hand holding the goblet kept tightening and exerting force, and the cold air involuntarily radiated from his body.

"Mr. Xia..." The assistant keenly sensed that something was wrong with him, and hurriedly stepped forward to remind him. He knew that for so many years, the only thing that could make Mr. Xia lose control was Zhong Nian in front of him.

But, unfortunately...

Shocked, Xia Yan instantly recovered from his fugue, he glanced at Zhong Nian calmly, and a thought rose in his heart.

He can't wait any longer!

He lowered his eyes to hide the unbearable gaffe, and raised his head again. He smiled and looked at Zhong Nian, his thin lips parted slightly, calling like an old friend: "Zhong Nian."

Those two simple words made him feel exhausted.After so many years, he finally had the opportunity to call her in front of her again. Not only that, those suppressed thoughts were about to become uncontrollable.

"You are..." Suddenly hearing someone calling him, Zhong Nian looked up in surprise.

Seeing Xia Yan's face, she frowned subconsciously, why did she feel... where did she see this person before?

Have you seen it?Otherwise, how would you know your own name.

She couldn't remember, she asked apologetically, "We... met?"

Lu Qinglan was also surprised that this Xia Yan knew Nian Nian?

She... forgot herself?

As soon as this thought came up, Xia Yan felt the sourness in his heart surge like a mountain and a sea.

But soon, he was suppressed by himself.

So what if you didn't recognize yourself in the first place?Anyway, they still have a lot of time in the future, this time, he will never miss it again!
With a calm expression on his face, Xia Yan raised his lips seemingly casually: "Six years ago, in the suburbs of the capital, do you remember?"

six years ago?

Zhong Nian repeated these two keywords repeatedly, and some memories slowly emerged.

Seeing her expression, Xia Yan's smile deepened.

The next moment, Zhong Nian raised his head excitedly, his eyes filled with disbelief and surprise: "It's you? Are you that Xia Yan?!"

"Hmm." Xia Yan finally nodded in satisfaction, after hearing that she could correctly pronounce his name.

It's not because of Xia Yan who is his guest today, but the Xia Yan who only belonged to Zhong Nian six years ago!
Seeing him nodding, Zhong Nian couldn't tell what he was feeling.

Maybe it's the joy of reuniting after a long absence, or maybe it's still the guilt of leaving without saying goodbye.

"I'm sorry, back then, I..." Pursing her lips, she felt a little guilty.

"It's okay." Xia Yan stretched out his hand to rub her hair very naturally, and said with a smile, "Don't we meet again now? Although I was very angry at the time, do you really think I will be that kind of stingy person?"

After hearing his words, Zhong Nian smiled in relief: "No, of course not."

"Nian Nian you...know each other?" Lu Qinglan said at the right time, she was a little surprised and also a little strange.

Because, when she saw the way Xia Yan looked at Niannian just now, why did she feel something was wrong?Moreover, Xia Yan's movement of touching her head is so natural and familiar?

"Lan Lan," Zhong Nian remembered that she hadn't introduced her yet, she pointed to Xia Yan and said, "I accidentally rescued the injured Xia Yan in the capital six years ago, so I know each other. But then I had something urgent, Leave without saying goodbye. By the way, what were you talking about just now?"

Xia Yan glanced at Lu Qinglan, before she said: "I was talking about cooperation with Ms. Lu, I didn't expect you and Ms. Lu to know each other, I didn't expect such a coincidence."

"Cooperation?" Zhong Nian remembered the investment of Mr. Xia that others mentioned just now, but she didn't expect it to fall on her best friend. She couldn't help being happy for her, "Lan Lan, is it true?"

"I..." Lu Qinglan wanted to say that there is still a need for discussion, but she was interrupted by Xia Yan, "Actually, your friend didn't agree to me right away, maybe it's because I'm not sincere enough?"

Xia Yan laughed and joked, looking very casual: "Zhong Nian, why don't you help me convince Miss Lu?"

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