shallow marriage deep love

335 Can I Take a Ride?

Everyone looked at each other, but no one spoke.

Lu Qinglan's eyes swept over the five people, and then patiently accompanied them in silence.

Finally, a proud-looking female employee stood up, looked at Lu Qinglan with her chin raised, and said with a look of contempt for no one: "I have been here since the establishment of this magazine. , Today, since the person in charge has been changed, I have to say something."

"Tell me." Lu Qinglan met her gaze calmly.

Seeing that Lu Qinglan wasn't aggressive at all, the female staff couldn't help but feel complacent: "That's right, I used to be in charge of the selection of articles in the agency, and my ability is obvious to all. If you want me to stay, I think So you have to give me a promotion."

"Promoted?" Lu Qinglan smiled slightly, flipped through the document in front of her with her right hand subconsciously, then raised her head, as if discussing, "What position do you want to be promoted to?"

When the female staff member heard Lu Qinglan's words, she thought it was very funny, so she immediately puffed up her chest, and said very confidently: "Editor-in-chief! I have the ability and qualifications, so I think the position of editor-in-chief belongs to me!"

Lu Qinglan glanced at her, but didn't speak.

As a result, two people had obvious regretful expressions on their faces. They thought that the new boss didn't refuse, and they should have brought it up first.

Seeing their expressions, the female staff was even more proud.

Lu Qinglan stopped looking through the materials, and said lightly: "Editor-in-chief? Then do you know what the chief editor of a magazine is mainly responsible for?"

"..." The female staff member was obviously taken aback. She didn't expect Lu Qinglan to ask such a question. She has already been promoted to be the editor-in-chief, but what does this mean?
For a moment, she froze on the spot and couldn't say a word. Soon, a trace of panic appeared on her face and she moved her mouth. She tried to say something to save her, but Lu Qinglan mercilessly interrupted.

"You do have qualifications, but I don't agree that you have the ability to take the position of editor-in-chief."

"What did you say?" When the female staff member heard this, her heart immediately became angry, she frowned and looked at Lu Qinglan in disapproval, as if she was about to argue with her if she continued.

Lu Qinglan stood up unhurriedly, and pushed the document pressed by her right hand over: "This is Mr. Wu's comments on you since you took office in this magazine. There have been three times, because of your own Personal reasons almost caused the magazine to open the skylight. Twice, you changed the original article on your own initiative and replaced it with an article written by a relative of yours. Those two times, the sales of the magazine were greatly affected. There are also several times, the magazine You are either late for no reason, or you doze off at the meeting. Is what I said correct?"

Every time she said a word, the panic on the female staff's face increased.

In the end, she became angry from embarrassment: " just don't want to be promoted, right? Why make these excuses?!" In the midst of anger, she spoke without thinking, "You are here today Don’t you just kill the donkey? You just want to drive away all of us? Why don’t you give me a promotion! My request is reasonable!”

Hearing this, Lu Qinglan smiled lightly: "First, as I said before, you are not capable of being promoted to this position. Second, this magazine is now under my name, so I have to choose suitable employees? You still need to get your consent? Working under me always depends on ability, but unfortunately, you don't have any ability for me to see for the time being. Finally, if you can't recognize your position, then I think you can stay here Going on will only waste each other's time."

As soon as the subject changed, she cast her sharp eyes on the others present: "If you think you can fool around by staying, then you are wrong. I have always been strict with the work of my subordinates, and such thoughts of fooling around are not allowed to exist. If you decide to stay, please let me see your efforts and abilities."

After these words, almost everyone was stunned by her momentum.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the first batch of interviewees arrived.

Lu Qinglan smiled and said to Shi Xiaorui: "Let's go, Xiaorui, let's go and have a look together."

"I'm going too?" Shi Xiaorui was a little surprised, then shook her head in embarrassment, "Sister Qinglan, why don't I go? I haven't contacted them before, and I don't know how to interview others."

"Everyone has a first time, you can do it." Lu Qinglan patted her shoulder with encouragement, and the next second, she blinked mischievously, "I will trouble you to help me with these things in the future, You have to take care of me, a pregnant woman."

"En!" Shi Xiaorui looked at each other and smiled, and Shi Xiaorui nodded heavily.

There are still quite a lot of people who came to interview today, but most of them can be said to be newcomers, and most of the experienced people look down on a small magazine like theirs.

Lu Qinglan has her own way of interviewing. She doesn't like to ask questions in a standard manner, but is used to slowly discovering the bright spots of the interviewer in the relaxed atmosphere of chatting.

Shi Xiaorui studied hard, and with Lu Qinglan's encouragement, she gradually began to participate.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, the interview was over, and there were about five or six that Lu Qinglan was quite satisfied with.

After tidying up, he was about to take Shi Xiaorui out for dinner when there was a knock on the door of the conference room.

"Please come in." Lu Qinglan was looking for something, so she didn't look up.

"Miss Lan."

A familiar voice suddenly sounded, Lu Qinglan looked at the person in surprise, and in the next second, joy crept up her cheeks: "Little Gu? You...why are you here?"

The person who came was Xiao Gu who she was most optimistic about when she was in Rila.

Xiao Gu, who has always been calm, couldn't hide the joy in her eyes at the moment, shaking the things in her hand, she smiled: "Of course I'm here for the interview, how about it, sister Lan, will you give me a chance?"

Listening to her words, seeing the mischievous smile on her face, Lu Qinglan burst out laughing: "What do you think?"

"Let me tell you, Sister Lan definitely doesn't want to miss me." Xiao Gu raised his eyebrows, very happy.

Lu Qinglan walked over with a smile: "I haven't seen you for a while, why didn't I know that you have become so joking? But, did you resign from Rila?"

"Well, I resigned!" Xiao Gu replied very frankly.

Lu Qinglan frowned: "What happened?"

She knows Xiao Gu well, and with her temperament, if something unacceptable did not happen to Rila, she would not leave the job easily.

"It's not a big deal." Xiao Gu lowered his head and glanced at his high heels, took a deep breath before raising his head again, and explained briefly, "It's just that we can't get along with the new director. , I don’t feel like staying for a post transfer, so I submitted my resignation report a month ago, and officially resigned two days ago.”

Lu Qinglan quietly listened to her without saying a word.

Finally, Xiao Gu raised a mysterious smile again, and stared at Lu Qinglan treacherously.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Lu Qinglan felt embarrassed, it was the first time she saw such an expression on Xiao Gu's face.

Xiao Gu approached her. Although his voice was slightly lowered, he couldn't hide the joy and envy in his words: "Sister Lan, actually, I was told by one person that you have an interview at your magazine today."

"Well? Who?"

Xiao Gu chuckled: "Your husband."

Ye Tingshen?
Lu Qinglan opened her mouth slightly in surprise.

What... what's going on?
Xiao Gu answered her question with a smile: "I received a call from your husband shortly after handing in the resignation report. At that time, you had just returned from Paris. He told me what you planned to do when you came back, and asked me what would you like to do?" Unwilling to help you after resigning, he said, in Rila, I have the best tacit understanding with you. He said a lot, and I could hear that he didn’t want you to work too hard, so I agreed to him at that time. Since I still If you want to find a job again, why don't you come to help you?"

"So it's like this..." There was a sweetness in her heart, and Lu Qinglan didn't know what to say for a while.

This man always thinks of everything for himself like this.

Xiao Gu took her hand and acted like a little girl: "How about it, sister Lan, are you willing to take me in?"

"What do you think?" Lu Qinglan tapped her forehead, "Let's go, let's go have dinner together, you will be busy after dinner."

"As long as Sister Lan is willing to pay her wages, it doesn't matter if you work overtime!"

Because of Xiao Gu's joining, the work in the afternoon became very smooth, and the three of them cooperated very well.

Although there are few people, they are full of energy.

At 05:30 in the afternoon, the busy work of the first day was over, and Ye Tingshen agreed to pick her up from get off work.

Lu Qinglan was a little late because she answered the phone temporarily.

"Waiting for a long time?" She opened the door and sat in, only to find that Ye Tingshen was processing documents.

"No, just arrived." Ye Ting put away the documents with a deep smile, checked her seat belt, and was about to start the car after making sure it was fastened, when someone knocked on the window.

Lu Qinglan turned her head to look, it was the female employee.

What surprised her was that the female staff outside the window had a bright smile on her face, and she completely lost her arrogant look in the morning.

"What's the matter?" Lu Qinglan asked lightly after rolling down the window.

"That, that..." The female staff first pursed her lips, then brushed the broken hair around her ears, and finally said embarrassedly, "That editor-in-chief Lu, please be in the conference room this morning, I'm sorry, I have seriously reflected on it, you are right, I will correct it! I hope you will give me a chance!"

After hearing her words, Lu Qinglan gave her a serious look.

Catching Lu Qinglan's gaze, the female staff member bent down, quickly glanced at Ye Tingshen inside, and a gleam of light flashed in her eyes.

Lu Qinglan seemed to understand something in her heart.

Withdrawing her gaze, her expression remained calm: "Since you say that, let me see your ability."

The female staff member nodded hastily, but her gaze changed from dodging before to being undisguised.

"Is there anything else?" Lu Qinglan frowned.

But the female staff laughed, nodded vigorously, and made a gesture that she thought was very charming and feminine, but her eyes were fixed on Ye Tingshen: "Then what, editor-in-chief Lu, where are you going? Can you give me a ride? ?”

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