shallow marriage deep love

315 The inconspicuous love rival is chasing after me

Jiang Ranran saw that the two friends had misunderstood, and explained with a smile: "I'm fine, I just want to tell you that my wedding date with Gu Lingxiu has been fixed, and at the end of this month, I will tell you as soon as possible .”

Lu Qinglan was surprised: "At the end of the month? Why is it so fast? Didn't they say that the wedding will be held after the child is born?"

Zhong Nian worriedly followed up and said: "Ranran, you are six months old now, will the wedding day be too hard?"

"How can you be so delicate?" Jiang Ranran first patted Zhong Nian's hand, signaling her not to worry, and then continued, "I have a neighbor, and she also had her wedding in about six months. It's fine. Not too tiring. Actually, it doesn’t matter to me when the wedding is held, after all, last time I was in Xiamen, I already had a wedding that I will never forget, and this time, it is also to fulfill the wish of my elders.”

In fact, many young people are like this now. Most weddings are held in consideration of the elders' desire to be lively and save face.

After a pause, she raised her eyebrows and said to Lu Qinglan, "Lanlan, do you know? Is it because of your father-in-law that I held the wedding so early?"

"My father-in-law?" Lu Qinglan became even more curious, why did she get involved with Mr. Ye again?

Jiang Ranran burst out laughing: "Yeah, it's not that you don't know, my father-in-law and your father-in-law have been comparing each other for so many years since we met your father-in-law. I heard that Mr. Ye has set a wedding date for you, and he is very anxious. He said that the Gu family will not only give birth to a baby before your Mr. Ye family, but also get married before you. No, I picked several dates, but except for the end of this month Yes, the rest will have to wait until next year, and he doesn't want to be on the same day as Mr. Ye."

"So that's how it is." After hearing this, Lu Qinglan exchanged a glance with Zhong Nian, and both laughed helplessly. This was indeed the nature of old man Gu.

Jiang Ranran followed with a smile: "The invitations will be sent to you in two days, and I'll be waiting to receive your big red envelopes."

Lu Qinglan reached out and tapped her forehead: "I must give you a big red envelope! Have you chosen the bridesmaid and best man?"

"Of course the bridesmaid is Nian Nian, I made an agreement with her early in the morning!" Jiang Ranran smiled triumphantly, took Zhong Nian's arm and leaned on her shoulder, "But the best man, it's from Gu Lingxiu's side , it shouldn’t be Su Yuan, Nian Nian, you don’t mind, do you?”

"What are you talking about? What does this have to do with me?" Zhong Nian glanced away, seeming to be angry, "If the best man is really Su Yuan, then I don't mind!"

Seeing her shy and angry look, Lu Qinglan couldn't help laughing: "Is there a fight?"

"What quarrel?" Zhong Nian puffed up his cheeks angrily, and changed the subject stiffly, "Don't talk about him, the food is here, let's eat!"

"Okay!" Jiang Ranran rolled his eyes and said intentionally, "I heard from Gu Lingxiu that the best man is his high school classmate. He is handsome and kind. He is very suitable for you. Nian Nian, take care of it when the time comes!"

She was just joking, but Zhong Nian agreed without saying a word: "Okay, this is what you said."

Hearing this, Lu Qinglan and Jiang Ranran looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

These two wouldn't really quarrel, could they?

Lu Qinglan shook her head slightly, expressing that she was not sure, and asked carefully when she went back tonight.

After a meal, the three talked, laughed and ate for more than an hour, then went shopping in the mall, and went home in the evening.

In the evening, Lu Qinglan told Ye Tingshen about Jiang Ranran's marriage. Ye Tingshen said that Gu Lingxiu had also notified him today, and the two of them laughed helplessly when they talked about the temperament of the two old men.

"Qinglan..." Ye Ting hugged her deeply and called out.

Lu Qinglan raised her head: "En? What's wrong?"

Ye Ting leaned over and kissed her deeply, and said affectionately, "We're going to have a wedding in a month's time."

"I've done it once." Lu Qinglan turned over and poked his chest with her slender fingers, "However, I'm still looking forward to it, how about you?"

"I'm also looking forward to it." Ye Ting said in a low voice with his forehead pressed against his forehead, "My Qinglan will be the most beautiful bride on that day."

"Every woman is the most beautiful on the day when she is a bride." Even though she said so, she still felt as sweet as honey when she heard being praised so much, "Okay, go to sleep, you will return tomorrow." Going to work early."

Who would have thought that Ye Ting said aggrievedly: "Honey, I can't sleep."

"What's wrong? Not feeling well?"

"No." He shook his head.

Lu Qinglan was anxious: "Then what happened?"

"My wife is in my arms, I can only hold her, so I can't sleep." Ye Tingshen said seriously, but the ambiguity hidden in the words quickly spread in the room.

"..." Lu Qinglan blushed instantly, ready to turn over in embarrassment.

Who would have expected-

"Honey, don't move..." His voice was deep and hoarse, as if he was trying to bear something, coupled with the dark light, he pushed the ambiguous factor to the highest point, even the air was...

Lu Qinglan didn't dare to move anymore, her body froze, and even her breathing became more cautious, fearing that someone would accidentally stir up this man's anger.

After a long time, her little face was flushed red, and her voice was so small that she could hardly hear it: "It should be fine after the end of the month, can you bear with it?"

"En." In the darkness, the corners of Ye Tingshen's mouth rose, and his smile continued to overflow, but he didn't let the little woman in his arms see him, but patted her on the back, "Go to sleep."

"it is good."

The days passed very quickly, and it was the last day of the eight-day holiday in a blink of an eye.

Lu Qinglan called Su Qing and Lin Cheng very early on, and told her the result of her consideration. Although she felt a little regretful and slightly disappointed, the two of them still understood her very well and fully respected her decision.

On this day, Lu Qinglan got another news. Lan Tian and Shi Xiaorui did not agree to formally stay in World Fashion Weekly, but chose to study for three months as previously agreed. It is said that they also have their own plans. Also expressed full understanding.

Day by day, just two mornings before Jiang Ranran's wedding, a roaming call woke up Lu Qinglan.

Ever since she was pregnant, she felt a little angry for getting up. She hated being woken up when she was sleeping, so she pursed her lips and muttered. She didn't want to answer, so she pushed the man beside her: "Ting Shen, help me!" I'll answer the phone."

Ye Tingshen pinched her nose helplessly, took the phone, saw that it was a French number, and thought it was her colleague at the time: "Hello, are you looking for Lu Qinglan?"

"..." The other party didn't speak.

Ye Ting glanced suspiciously, and said, "Hello, how are you?"

Finally, there was a sound from the other end, but it was also full of doubts and questions: "Who are you? How could you answer Xiao Lanlan's phone?"

Ye Ting frowned slightly as he spoke not-so-fluent Chinese.He quickly remembered that Qin Xin had told him that there was a foreign guy in the weekly magazine who publicly said that he wanted to pursue Qinglan. Is this the guy?
Thinking of this, Ye Ting curled his lips with a smile that was not a smile, and a lazy and absolutely intimidating voice sounded, announcing his sovereignty: "I am her husband, she is still sleeping, what's the matter?"

As if surprised by his voice and identity, there was no movement on the other end of the phone for a long time, except for the slightly rapid breathing due to surprise.

Ye Tingshen didn't rush him, nor hung up the phone, but waited patiently.

Finally, the man lost his temper and angrily said: "Please tell Xiao Lanlan that I am Leslie and I am at the airport and want to meet her. I will send her the meeting address later! "

Accompanied by the voice, there was also a rapid beep.

What a snappy guy.

Ye Ting raised his eyebrows deeply, and didn't put Leslie at ease at all. After seeing his text message, he casually glanced at it and threw the phone back to the original place, then lay down and continued to sleep with his wife.

It wasn't until almost noon that Lu Qinglan woke up leisurely.

And poor Leslie, who had been waiting for her pitifully for hours!

When she was getting dressed, Lu Qinglan remembered the phone call in the morning, and asked, "Honey, who called in the morning?"

Ye Ting deliberately put on a dirty face and didn't speak.

Lu Qinglan waited and waited until he got an answer, so she couldn't help turning around in doubt, only to find that his expression was wrong: "What's the matter, husband?"

Ye Tingshen was determined to tease her, held back a smile and did not speak, but pointed with his fingers, signaling her to watch for herself.

"Whose phone is it?" Lu Qinglan muttered softly while flipping through her phone.

The first thing that catches the eye is Leslie's nonsensical text message: Hi!Dear Xiao Lanlan, I'll be waiting for you in a coffee shop next to Rila Building!Must come!I miss you!

At the end, there was even a heart attached.

The time display is less than seven o'clock in the morning.

Three black lines immediately appeared on Lu Qinglan's forehead, and she couldn't help but sigh in her heart: What does Leslie want to do?Didn't you make it clear?Why did you chase after him to City A?
However, she knew that the first thing to deal with at this time was not Leslie, but a man who seemed angry beside her.

"Husband?" After losing her phone, Lu Qinglan walked to him with a flattering smile, stretched out her hand to hook his neck, and tiptoed to kiss his lips, before asking tentatively, "Are you jealous?"

Ye Tingshen didn't answer but instead asked, letting her move restlessly on her body: "What do you think?"

Lu Qinglan glanced at her head, full of childishness, and said flatteringly: "If you want me to tell you, of course my husband won't be jealous of this kind of boring, right? Didn't we talk about Leslie? Would you Take the so-called rival in love?"

"You do understand me." Ye Ting raised his eyebrows deeply, looking very dissatisfied with her answer.

Lu Qinglan couldn't bear it anymore, poked his face, and almost couldn't help laughing: "Little uncle, you are enough, you still pretend? You don't look like you at all, don't you know? Well, don't pull your face It will scare the baby."

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