shallow marriage deep love

308 Did... frighten her?


It was the sound of plates breaking.

Lu Qinglan walked over quickly, and saw that the plate was splashed all over the floor, Shi Xiaorui faced her, but looked at Qin Xin with surprised and puzzled eyes.

Looking at Qin Xin again, although his back was facing her, Lu Qinglan clearly noticed that his hands hanging on both sides of his thighs were trembling slightly.

what happened?

Lu Qinglan frowned, and before she had time to speak, she saw Qin Xin rushing to Shi Xiaorui without warning, holding her wrist tightly with his left hand.

"Young Master Qin..." Shi Xiaorui was taken aback, especially when she saw his strange expression, she couldn't help but backed away, but Qin Xin grabbed her too hard, and she felt a little pain, "Qin Little, can you let go? It hurts, a little... hurts."

Shi Xiaorui's small face instantly wrinkled.

Seeing this, Lu Qinglan walked over immediately: "Qin Xin, let go of Xiaorui first, you hurt her."

She saw that the piece of skin where Xiaorui was being held was red.

Qin Xin came back to his senses in an instant, but became at a loss what to do. He even became short of breath, and his Adam's apple rolled up and down with difficulty. After a long time, he managed to squeeze out two words: "Sorry."

Shi Xiaorui was startled, and quickly shook her head like a rattle: "I should be the one who said I'm sorry to Young Master Qin, I shouldn't have turned around and bumped into you." She said, subconsciously biting her teeth because of guilt On the lips.

She's reserved, and a little... afraid of herself.

This realization made him clenched his fists. Qin Xin tried his best to control himself, but he still couldn't take his eyes off her.

The atmosphere became a little strange, Lu Qinglan followed Qin Xin's line of sight, only to realize that he had been staring at Shi Xiaorui's right arm.

"Xiaorui, are you okay?" Lan Tian, ​​who had just come back from the bathroom, saw the situation and thought Shi Xiaorui was injured, so she rushed over without saying a word, pulled her up and down to check, and was relieved after confirming that she was not injured.

His movements are natural, but in Qin Xin's eyes, it's not like that.

He couldn't help thinking, what's the relationship between Lan Tian and her?
With a fever in his head, he instinctively wanted to go up and pull them away.

"Qin Xin!" Mrs. Qin's voice suddenly came from the door, "What happened? Are you all right?"

Her footsteps stopped abruptly, but her gaze never left Shi Xiaorui: "It's okay, I accidentally bumped into someone."

Mrs. Qin heaved a sigh of relief, and then smiled and said, "How old are you, yet you are so careless? Come out that piece, let Zhang Ma sweep up the debris, so that you don't step on it."

"En." Qin Xin agreed, but there was no sign of going out, instead he took another step forward.

Seeing that he was about to reach out to grab Shi Xiaorui, Lu Qinglan said suddenly: "Qin Xin, call Ting Shen first, he has something to do with you, and I'm coming to tell you."

No matter how dull she was, she still noticed something was wrong with him, especially, the way he looked at Shi Xiaorui and Lan Tian was so wrong.

"Okay." Forcing himself to look away, Qin Xin took a lot of effort to turn himself around.

Second floor, study.

The two stood quietly, neither of them spoke.

Lu Qinglan was considering how to speak, while Qin Xin was restraining her impulse and trying her best to calm her emotions.

"You and Xiaorui..." In the end, Lu Qinglan spoke first, but she still couldn't think of the most appropriate words.

Hearing the word Xiaorui, Qin Xin's whole body trembled. Although the magnitude was so small that it was almost imperceptible, Lu Qinglan still caught it.

Silence spread in the study again.

Just when Lu Qinglan thought he would never speak again, Qin Xin's hoarse voice sounded, with heart-rending caution: "She may... be someone I have been looking for for many years. Lanlan, I just said , Did... frighten her?"

Is it an old acquaintance?
Lu Qinglan was taken aback for a moment, and soon she recovered her expression, frowned and said: "Maybe it's a little bit, Xiaorui is actually not very courageous, and she is more introverted, you just..." She wanted to say that you looked scary just now, thinking After thinking about it, I didn't say anything after all, but changed the subject instead, "Do you want to be alone? Then I'll go out first? There are about 10 minutes before dinner, do you want to come down?"


Lu Qinglan nodded: "Then I'll go downstairs first, call me if I have something to do, and don't look at Xiaorui like that at the dinner table later."

After speaking, she turned and went out.

"Wait!" Qin Xin suddenly said, and uttered a difficult sentence, "Does she like that blue sky?"

Lu Qinglan paused, how should she answer this?

"Lanlan, tell me." His voice was very low, as if he was suppressing the pain.

Lu Qinglan's heart softened, and she sighed inaudibly: "En."

The study room was instantly enveloped in deathly silence.

Qin Xin stood tall and hid himself in a place where the sun could not shine.

Ten minutes later, he moved his slightly stiff body, and at the same time, he made a decision in his heart.

At the dinner table, Lan Tian was still an active part of the lively atmosphere, making Lu Minhua and Lucia very happy, and even Mrs. Qin, who had always shown a serious face, was full of smiles.

Except Shi Xiaorui.

Lu Qinglan didn't know if she read it wrong, she always felt that Shi Xiaorui had been in a daze since she came out of the kitchen.

She glanced at Qin Xin again, and found that he was also rarely silent, but would cast his gaze on Shi Xiaorui from time to time, of course, others did not notice.

When Lu Qinglan wasn't paying attention, the topic on the table had already turned to having a baby.

Lu Minhua didn't know whether it was accidental or she was entrusted by Mrs. Qin. She asked Qin Xin with a smile: "Qin Xin, you are in your thirties. When do you plan to get married and have children? Is there any girl you like? Or, Auntie will introduce you to her." ?”

Qin Xin hooked the corners of his lips in a good mood, glanced at Shi Xiaorui without any trace, and then said: "Auntie, no need, I have someone I like."

"Really?" Mrs. Qin looked at him excitedly when she heard that, and asked a series of questions, "Do you know her? Which family's daughter? How is her character? When will you bring me back to see?"

"Mom," Qin Xin helplessly interrupted her, and said meaningfully, "Don't worry, it will be brought back."

"Then..." Mrs. Qin still wanted to ask, but she was afraid that he would be disgusted by asking too many questions, so she stopped the question that was about to rush out, and changed another sentence, "Okay, tell me when the time comes."

"it is good."

For a meal, except for Lu Qinglan, Qin Xin, and Shi Xiaorui, everyone ate with gusto.

After the meal, Shi Xiaorui suddenly received a call from Su, asking her for an article from last time.

Afraid that Su would be waiting in a hurry, she hurriedly got up and said goodbye, preparing to rush back to the company.

Before she finished speaking, Qin Xin, who had been fiddling with the phone with his head down, raised his head and said calmly, "Just in time, I'm going out, so I'll see you off on the way."

Shi Xiaorui didn't expect him to say that, inexplicably he didn't really want to stay with him: "Will you bother Young Master Qin?"

"No, it's easy." Qin Xin had no expression on his face, as if he was really just dropping by.

"Let Qin Xin see you off." Mrs. Qin softened her tone when she saw her restraint.

"Okay then, sorry for the trouble, Young Master Qin." Shi Xiaorui couldn't refuse any more, so she glanced at him quickly, and then followed behind him.

Lu Qinglan silently watched the two go out one after the other, why did she have the feeling that Shi Xiaorui, a little white rabbit, was abducted by the big bad wolf Qin Xin?
In the car, no one spoke all the way.

Qin Xin held the steering wheel in his hands and kept his eyes on the front. Occasionally, he would sneak a glance at Shi Xiaorui when she was not paying attention.

She always lowered her head, her ten fingers were twisted together, and she seemed very disturbed.

"Are you afraid of me?" Finally, he joked.

"Ah?" Shi Xiaorui raised her head in panic, then shook her head vigorously the next second, "No, no, Young Master Qin, you are overthinking."

After finishing speaking, she turned her head to the other side in embarrassment.

In fact, she lied, she was indeed a little afraid of him.In addition, she once maliciously thought that the relationship between him and Lu Qinglan was not simple, but the misunderstanding was resolved later, but when facing him, she still felt guilty and guilty.

Another reason is that Qin Xin used to be her cousin's boyfriend, but he made her cousin sad, and even broke up with her cousin. She said that whether she was stubborn or brainless, she felt that she couldn't have anything to do with him. Contact, otherwise I am sorry for my cousin.

All of a sudden, her little head was already full of thoughts, but for some reason, the next moment, the scene of him staring at her in the kitchen suddenly appeared clearly.

That gaze, inexplicably hot, made her feel very uncomfortable.

Qin Xin caught her changes and knew that she was duplicity, but he didn't expose it. The future will be long, and in the future, he will definitely teach her how to be honest.

After asking this question, Qin Xin didn't say anything more. In the small carriage, there seemed to be only the breathing of two people.


Soon, the car stopped downstairs of the weekly magazine.

Qin Xin wanted to wait for her to speak first, but couldn't help but added: "Be careful."

Pursing her lips, Shi Xiaorui whispered, "Thank you, Young Master Qin."

As soon as she finished speaking, she ran out quickly. From the perspective of those who didn't know, they thought she was being chased by something.

Qin Xin picked up the phone after seeing her disappear at the door of the building: "Check the information of Xiaorui, the world fashion weekly editor, all of them, I will see them before ten o'clock in the evening."

The Qin family, villa.

After Qin Xin left, Mrs. Qin kept asking Lu Qinglan who Qin Xin's sweetheart was out of curiosity. She felt that Qin Xin and Lu Qinglan had such a good relationship, so she must know.

Lu Qinglan shook her head again and again, expressing that she didn't know.

Mrs. Qin gave up when she saw that she couldn't ask anything.

Seeing this, Lu Qinglan took Lucia to her room to chat.

But the two didn't talk about anything, because Lucia was attracted by a book on her desk as soon as she entered, and she lay on the sofa and read it without saying a word.

Lu Qinglan shook her head and laughed, she also took a travel magazine and lay down.

She read page by page very slowly and devotedly. When she encountered something interesting, she would ask Lucia to read it together.

Turning another page, her eyes fell on the beautiful illustrations, Lu Qinglan suddenly stopped, her breathing became a little short!

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