"Xiaoxi, you..." Seeing that her expression was wrong, Lu Qinglan hurriedly asked.

But Xiao Xi stood up abruptly, and stared nervously at the screen of her mobile phone with clenched fists: "Sister-in-law, it's Yan Chen's call..."

Even if she just glanced at it, she couldn't read the four numbers at the end wrong!

It's Yan Chen!

Has he found himself?

Pursing her lips tightly, Xiaoxi pleaded with Lu Qinglan, "Sister-in-law, just say you haven't seen me, okay? I don't want to go back so soon, at least not now, I want to stay a few more days to adjust my mood."

Lu Qinglan thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay."

Taking a deep breath, she connected Yan Chen's phone, pretending not to know it was him, and asked, "Hi, hello, who is it?"

"Sister and sister, it's me, Yan Chen." Yan Chen's voice was as deep as ever, and no one could hear his emotions. "Has Xiaoxi contacted you? Is it with you?"

"It's the second brother." Lu Qinglan waved her hand at Xiaoxi to signal not to be nervous, "She hasn't contacted me yet."

Xiao Xi secretly heaved a sigh of relief when she heard her say that.

But Lu Qinglan noticed the sudden silence on the other end of the phone. After a few seconds, Yan Chen's voice became lower, as if he was still a bit disappointed: "Is that so? Okay, I see."

The phone was hung up quickly, but Xiaoxi's nervousness still lingered.

"No! Sister-in-law, he won't call you for no reason, maybe there is some news." She quickly picked up her bag and said apologetically, "Sister-in-law, I want to go first and contact you later How are you? Thank you for today, I had a great time chatting with you."

"You're welcome." Seeing her worry, Lu Qinglan didn't stop her, but just said, "Call him when you've figured it out, he's actually very worried about you."

Xiaoxi's face darkened, she turned her head unnaturally, and her voice was so low that she could hardly hear it: "Okay, then I'll be leaving, see you sister-in-law."

After finishing speaking, she immediately turned around and walked out quickly.

Seeing that it was almost time, Lu Qinglan called the driver and prepared to go back.

But she didn't expect that before she reached the door of the coffee shop, she heard Xiaoxi's angry voice: "Let me go! Let go! Bastard!"

Shocked, Lu Qinglan quickened her pace, but froze in place the moment she opened the door.

A few steps away, Yan Chen grabbed Xiaoxi's hand and did not let go, despite her punching and kicking, her expression did not loosen at all. Next to him, there were two people who looked like bodyguards, cutting off Xiaoxi's desire to continue possibility of escape.

Lu Qinglan was a little embarrassed. Just now she told someone on the phone that she hadn't contacted Xiaoxi, but she was exposed on the spot in less than 2 minutes.

But, could it be that Yan Chen was here when he called?

"Sister-in-law!" Seeing Lu Qinglan's voice, Xiaoxi felt a little sorry for her, but also harbored a little expectation, she hoped that Lu Qinglan could help her.

Between her and Yan Chen, she didn't want to be caught and faced again so soon. Besides, did she really face those things?
"Second brother." After adjusting her mind, Lu Qinglan walked up to the two of them, and called him out politely. From the corner of her eye, she saw that Xiaoxi's skin had turned red when she was caught, which showed how hard Yan Chen was. She blurted out , "Second brother, let go of Xiaoxi first, her arms are all red."

Yan Chen, who was already furious like a storm in his heart, was taken aback after hearing Lu Qinglan's words, frowned and realized that it was true, then he stopped using so much force, he was very angry but also very regretful.

But he took a step back, but in exchange for the woman in his hand to push forward: "Yan Chen, don't go back with you! Let go! Or I'll call someone!"

While she was speaking, she was still struggling, with greater strength than ever before.

The anger that was finally suppressed was instantly provoked by her. Yan Chen smiled coldly, his voice without any warmth: "You can try shouting! Let's see who dares to come over!"

"You!" Xiaoxi's eye sockets instantly turned red.

This man is still as unreasonable as ever!She didn't want to be grabbed by him like this!What's the difference between that and a prisoner?
Fortunately, she had decided to go back after two days of rest, but now, is this how he treats her?

As soon as Xiaoxi's temper came up, she sang against him again: "I just don't want to go back!"

Lu Qinglan stood awkwardly beside the two of them, and she could not persuade them either.

Just when she and Xiaoxi both thought that Yan Chen would take Xiaoxi away without hesitation, they heard a sneer unexpectedly: "Don't go back? Okay, then we won't go back."

Xiao Xi stared at him blankly, thinking that she had heard wrong, was this man smiling just now?

But before she could react, Yan Chen said to Lu Qinglan again: "Sister and brother, let's go back together, Xiaoxi and I will live in Qin Xinna temporarily, please forgive me."

trouble?What did he say to himself?
Lu Qinglan didn't react at first, but when she touched his eyes, she immediately understood that the trouble he said was more like a plea. He lived in Qin Xinna, and what he hoped most was that he could Help persuade Xiaoxi.

She had heard from Ye Ting that Yan Chen had always been arrogant, but Xiao Xi was his weakness, and he would only ask others for her.

Facing Yan Chen like this, and the helplessness that flashed in his eyes, Lu Qinglan couldn't refuse: "Okay, but I'm waiting for the driver to come."

"Okay, we'll wait with you."

Not long after speaking, Lu Qinglan saw the driver driving over.

The two cars drove directly to the Qin family's villa.

Back at the villa, Lu Qinglan did not expect that Qin Xin would be waiting for the three of them at home.

Qin Xin stood up and joked with a smile: "Second brother, how long do you plan to stay? Xiao Xixi, hi, we meet again."

Yan Chen didn't even look at him: "Put away your foolishness."

This is not the first time such a situation has happened, Qin Xin has long been used to it, and shrugged indifferently: "Okay, the room is cleaned up, it's still the same, don't I need to lead the way?"

"En." Yan Chen hummed the word from his nose, but he didn't hurry to go upstairs. Instead, he changed his previous anxiety and sat down on the sofa leisurely.

On the other hand, Xiaoxi went upstairs angrily.

Lu Qinglan was thinking whether to go up to accompany her first, but Yan Chen stopped her: "Sister and brother, leave her alone, she needs to be alone for a while."

Qin Xin also said: "Lanlan, sit down for a while, Xiao Xixi has this temper, and I will go up later. However, if I knew you would meet, I would pick her up. Look at the temper of the second child, just like that. would make things worse, right?"

Qin Xin never forgot to run Yan Chen a few words, and he was very happy talking there alone.

Lu Qinglan felt extremely embarrassed.

At this time, Yan Chen's driver came in, holding something in his hand, put it down carefully, and then walked out quietly.

Yan Chen pointed and said to Lu Qinglan: "Sister and brother, this is a gift that Ye Huli asked me to bring you."

"The court is deep?" A smile flashed in Lu Qinglan's eyes.

"En." Yan Chen said concisely.

Lu Qinglan was very happy: "Second brother, thank you."

"You're welcome."

Qin Xin was about to ask Lu Qinglan to take it apart to take a look, but the phone rang. When he saw the call, he frowned, and then walked out a little impatiently.

Lu Qinglan and Yan Chen were left behind.

Yan Chen rubbed his brows, and didn't mention the coffee shop: "Sister and sister, can Xiaoxi just ask you for a few days?"


"I'm going back to China tomorrow, and she doesn't want to go back with me for the time being, so I would like to ask you to watch her for a few days. Over the years, she has no friends around her, but I can tell that she likes you very much." Yan Chen After finishing speaking, she hooked her lips mockingly, "She doesn't want to see me now, so let her stay here for a few days."

Lu Qinglan understood what he meant, and although she was a little surprised that he was a little strange today, she nodded solemnly: "Second brother, don't worry."

"Thank you." After saying this, Yan Chen closed his eyes, as if he was very tired.

Until Qin Xin came in again.

Seeing that his expression was very strange, Lu Qinglan asked relationally: "What's the matter?"

Qin Xin curled his lips coldly, exuding a chill: "Humph, Qiao Zhishan proposed to resign. I don't know how she told grandpa, but grandpa disagreed and scolded me. Not only my grandpa, but also Even a few senior executives in the company are like this."

"Third brother, it hasn't been resolved yet?" Hearing Qiao Zhishan's name, Yan Chen opened his eyes, disapproving, "How long has it been? I remember you promised Ye Huhu that it would be easy to solve it a long time ago, right?" ?”

What he was talking about was the time when Qiao Zhishan framed Lu Qinglan earlier, Ye Tingshen watched Qin Xin let her go.

Qin Xin's complexion was even worse, he sat down sullenly, as if he was angry with himself.

There was an instant silence in the living room.

"Your plan?" Yan Chen asked.

Qin Xin snorted coldly: "I won't show mercy."

Those four simple words determined that Qiao Zhishan's plan would come to nothing.

Lu Minhua knew that his son-in-law's friend was here, so he went to the supermarket and bought a lot of vegetables to cook for himself.

Originally, Xiaoxi didn't want to come down to eat, but in the end she couldn't resist Lu Minhua calling over and over again, but when she went downstairs, she ignored the chair that Yan Chen had opened for her, and sat beside Lu Qinglan.

The corners of his lips seemed to be hooked, but Yan Chen glanced at her, and finally retracted his gaze silently, and ate his meal by himself.

After a meal, the atmosphere is not bad.

After dinner, Yan Chen and Qin Xin still had something to talk about, so they went to the study, Xiaoxi was very tired, so she went back to her room and went to sleep.

After chatting with Lu Minhua for a while, Lu Qinglan was urged to rest.

In the room, the gift from Ye Tingshen was quietly placed on the bedside.

The corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up, and a happy smile filled her eyes. Lu Qinglan walked over and carefully opened the box.

Ye Tingshen had given her many surprises, and several times she gave her mysterious gifts, but this time, she felt a little nervous, as if her heart was about to jump out.She couldn't help thinking, could it be because of his absence?

The box was opened, and Lu Qinglan looked over it with full expectation...

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