shallow marriage deep love

278 Why is this wedding so...strange?

Ye Tingshen smiled lightly: "Go and change first, and I'll tell you when I come out."

"Didn't you change your clothes?" Lu Qinglan didn't realize it all of a sudden, and asked in a daze, "Isn't it still changed? What kind of clothes do you want to change?"

Ye Ting didn't answer, pouted his lips towards the lounge, the smile on his lips overflowed uncontrollably, Lu Qinglan swallowed saliva looking hopeless.

This man, inadvertently, is always so... monstrous.

"Okay, then I'll change it." Without waiting for his answer, she turned around and returned, and couldn't help muttering, "Really, so mysterious?"

Seeing her back disappear from sight, Ye Tingshen picked up the phone: "Are you all ready?"

"Of course! Are you still worried about my work?"

"that's fine."

Ten minutes later, Lu Qinglan came out again, and Ye Tingshen took her directly into the car.

"Ting Shen, where are you going?" Lu Qinglan glanced at the white dress she had put on again, and couldn't help but become more curious, where did she go?Changed dresses and light makeup again?
Ye Ting smiled mysteriously: "Go to a wedding."

"Wedding?" Lu Qinglan didn't notice his expression, but tilted her head worriedly, "Does this suit me? Is it...too ostentatious?"

She still remembered that in the rest room, the makeup artist casually mentioned that the dress she was wearing was designed by internationally renowned designer Li, and it was said that there were only two of them in the world...

Could it be that the wedding to attend is very important?But, it's just for a wedding, why wear this white dress?

"How could it be?" Ye Ting turned his head and smiled at her deeply, then stretched out his hand to hold her hand, "This dress is very suitable for you, my wife. Naturally, I want to wear the most suitable dress for her. There is nothing ostentatious about it."

Hearing his words, Lu Qinglan turned her head in embarrassment. Although she didn't want to admit it, the faint smile on the corner of her mouth still revealed her good mood.

The car has been driving forward, and the scenery on the road has become more beautiful. If there is a word to describe it, it is - fresh, natural, and comfortable.

Lu Qinglan has always had no resistance to this kind of place, as if as soon as she walks in, every pore in her body will feel comfortable.

"It's here." The car stopped, and Ye Tingshen helped her brush the broken hair around her ears.

This is it?

Lu Qinglan looked out curiously, and what came into her eyes was a lush green grass field, but it was taken care of very carefully, more like... someone else's private garden?

When I got out of the car, there was a breeze, and it seemed that I could still smell the fresh smell.

"Where is this?" She was stunned.

It is not the first time she has come to Xiamen, but she never knew that there is such a beautiful place.

"The place where the wedding is held." Ye Ting smiled deeply, took her hand and walked forward, "Come on, let's go there."

The more he walked in, the more Lu Qinglan felt that this place was beautiful, it was like a fairyland on earth.In the past, because of interviews, she also participated in several celebrity weddings, both in Bali and Tahiti. Looking at this now, she even feels that she has nothing to lose.

She couldn't help thinking that the bride and groom must be very romantic and in love with each other.

Thinking of this, she secretly raised her eyes and glanced at the man beside her, and she couldn't help laughing when she saw it, she didn't need to envy others, her husband loves herself very much, everyone's happiness is different .

Just when she was in a daze, she unexpectedly heard Su Yuan's voice: "Xiaolan, are you here?"

Lu Qinglan looked in surprise: "Brother? Are you there?"

After looking at it, she realized that not only Su Yuan and Zhong Nian were there, but even Xu Chen and Xu Fei, who hadn't seen each other for a long time, were there.

"Are you all there?"

What kind of friend's wedding is this? So many familiar friends are here?

Su Yuan smiled without saying a word, and followed Zhong Nian to her.

Exchanged glances with Su Yuan calmly, Ye Ting turned his head to the side and said softly: "Qinglan, let Niannian accompany you first, okay? I have something to attend to, and I'll be back soon, okay?"

Lu Qinglan nodded quickly: "No problem, you can go and wait for you to come back."

"Okay." After kissing her on the forehead, Ye Tingshen walked away. Su Yuan was also with him.

Lu Qinglan only thought that they had something serious to talk about, and didn't pay much attention, and chatted with Zhong Nian in a blink of an eye.

"Nian Nian, whose wedding is it?"

Zhong Nian's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: "I'm not very clear, your brother asked me to accompany him, I think it must be an important business partner? Look, my elder brother is also here." The question was thrown to Xu Chen.

Xu Chen glanced at her helplessly, and then said in a serious manner: "The groom is an old friend of ours, and we have always had a good relationship."

"So that's how it is." The doubts were finally resolved, and Lu Qinglan looked suddenly enlightened.

Zhong Nian secretly checked the time and thought it was almost time, so he said, "Lanlan, why don't we go to the wedding venue? I heard it's very beautiful!"

"Okay." Lu Qinglan readily agreed.

The two chatted while walking, and after walking for a while, Zhong Nian pointed to the front and said to Lu Qinglan: "Lanlan, look, there is the ceremony platform in front, and the bride and groom will stand over later."

Lu Qinglan followed the line of sight of her fingers, and after just one glance, she was shocked.

Not because of how beautiful the stage is, but the red carpet in front of the stage.

The long one is paved with red roses!Under the sunlight, it even reflects a little bit of light, which looks extraordinarily beautiful.

From a distance, it is charming and suffocating.

"How is it? Doesn't it look good?" Zhong Nian saw her stunned look, the smile on his face became thicker, he took her hand and walked towards the red carpet.

Before Lu Qinglan could answer, she found two other people standing beside the red carpet.

One was Qin Xin who was supposed to be in France, and the other was a well-dressed man whom she didn't know.

"Hi, brother and sister!" Qin Xin grinned and greeted her first.

Since Xu Chen had already said that the groom was an old friend, Lu Qinglan was not surprised by Qin Xin's appearance here. Instead, he was puzzled when he saw the man next to him, could he be the groom?
The man noticed Lu Qinglan's sizing up, and a smile appeared on his expressionless face the next moment, and he nodded to her: "Hello."

"Hello." Although there was a little embarrassment of being caught peeping, it quickly dissipated.

Qin Xin introduced to her with a smile: "Sister and sister, he is the second brother Yan Chen, who has been in Shanghai all the time, but you don't need to call him second brother, hehe."

It turned out to be the second brother.

Lu Qinglan smiled and nodded to him again.

"Sister and sister, you are so beautiful today!" Qin Xin pretended to walk around her, and finally whistled angrily, "You are so amazing!"

Although she knew that Qin Xin would sometimes speak inappropriately when she was familiar with her, Lu Qinglan still blushed in embarrassment: "Thank you."

Fearing that he would say something that would make her blush, she quickly changed the subject: "Nian Nian said that the wedding will be held here later, but why didn't I see many guests?"

"Aren't we the same?" Qin Xin smiled, and pointed to the not far behind, "That's the same over there, oh, by the way, did you see the beautiful woman next to Xiao Feifei? That's the goddess Yan Chen has a crush on, hey , I haven't caught up with him until now, I really don't know what he usually does?"

Qin Xin's expression that seemed to hate iron and steel immediately met Yan Chen's sharp eyes like a knife.

Lu Qinglan was taken aback for a moment, and blurted out the words in her heart: "I thought it was the second brother getting married..."

"Hahaha!" Qin Xin put Xu Chen's shoulders on his shoulders and laughed wildly, "Are you expecting him to get married?"

Yan Chen's face turned dark in an instant, Qin Xinyou didn't know it, and was still smiling recklessly.

Lu Qinglan suddenly felt embarrassed, and hurriedly apologized to Yan Chen: "I'm sorry, I..."

"It's okay." Yan Chen waved his hand, stopping what he was going to say next.

"Lanlan, don't feel embarrassed." Zhong Nian hooked her shoulder to signal her not to worry.

Lu Qinglan nodded, and the doubts in her heart emerged again.

Isn't Yan Chen married?Who is that?

Why do you think this wedding is so... strange?

But at this moment, the melodious wedding march suddenly sounded.

Almost at the same second as the music started, Lu Qinglan heard Ye Tingshen call her from behind: "Qinglan..."

Looking back, Ye Tingshen, who had changed into a suit, was walking towards him gracefully, with a familiar doting smile on his face.

Zhong Nian urged beside him: "Lanlan, go!"

Not knowing whether it was because the suit he put on again was too solemn and elegant, or because Zhong Nian's urging was too enthusiastic, Lu Qinglan inexplicably felt a little nervous.

It's like... Ye Tingshen proposed to himself in front of many people back then.

"Plop! Plop!" She heard her pounding heartbeat, as if she would jump out of control in the next second!

The moment she was stunned, Ye Tingshen had already walked in front of her.

"Give me your hand." The corner of his mouth slightly raised, he said in a low voice.

Lost in his deep eyes, Lu Qinglan obediently stretched out her hand and put it into his warm palm.

As soon as the fingertips touched his skin, his heart beat faster.

"Hush!" Qin Xin's whistle sounded again, followed by boos, "Yehuhu, what are you waiting for? Hurry up!"

Lu Qinglan didn't understand, and looked over suspiciously, but saw that everyone, including the serious Yan Chen, was full of smiles.

Qin Xin seemed dissatisfied with their stillness, and urged: "The music has started! Why are you still standing there? Hurry Yehu!"

"Tingshen, where are you going?" Lu Qinglan turned her head stupidly.

As soon as he turned around, he bumped into his affectionate eyes.

Ye Tingshen didn't speak, took her hand and walked directly to the side.

"The court is deep..." As the destination got closer, Lu Qinglan was speechless.

Because Ye Tingshen took her to the other end of the rose red carpet...

Standing in front of the red carpet, with her small hands tightly held by the man beside her, Lu Qinglan looked at the stage not far away, and suddenly, a thought quickly came to her mind...

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