shallow marriage deep love

262 Looking at her closely

"I can sleep with whomever I like, as long as I feel good! You don't care!" After Bai Shu finished speaking, he glared fiercely at Shen Sui who was silent but obviously angry, as if he was also his enemy Same, "Now! Please get out!"

Looking at the completely unfamiliar Bai Shu, Shen Sui couldn't help feeling heartbroken. He heard himself say with difficulty: "Put on your clothes, I'll take you back to Bai's house, don't come to City A again."

However, his words only brought Bai Shu's fiercer resistance.

"Why do I want to go back? I said don't care about it, you didn't hear me?! Shen Sui, why are you still here pretending to be a good person? You are not mine, so you have no right to care about me!" Touched him With complicated eyes, Bai Shu's heart was furious, and once again he greeted him with everything he could grab!
While throwing it, she roared angrily: "Get out! Get out! Go find Lu Qinglan! I don't want to see you!"

Shen Sui remained motionless, standing there all the time, like a sculpture. When she had almost thrown away, he said coldly, "Bai Shu, have you had enough trouble?"

Without waiting for her to answer, he immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Bai Bolin's number, without any emotion in his voice: "Please come to City A and take Xiaoshu back."

After making a phone call, he called his subordinates back again: "Is it resolved?"

"Yes, Young Master Shen." The subordinate replied respectfully.Thinking of how cowardly that man was just now, a trace of contempt inevitably flashed in his eyes.

Shen Sui nodded, and explained blankly: "Look at Miss Bai, and stay close until Mr. Bai comes over, understand?"

"Understood, Young Master Shen, don't worry."

"En." Shen Sui nodded, glanced at the white book for the last time, then turned around and left without staying any longer.

"Stop with you, Shen!" Gritting his teeth, Bai Shu didn't want him to go.

In this relationship, even if the two of them were already covered in bruises, she would not allow Shen Sui to leave first!

However, Shen Sui still didn't make any pause.

Seeing that he was about to step out of the gate, Bai Shu finally screamed, and yelled the most vicious words he could think of: "Shen Sui you bastard! You bastard! You will never get Lu Qinglan! She will never belong to the you!"

The door was closed mercilessly, and Shen Sui's back could no longer be seen. Bai Shu's eyes widened and he stared at the direction he left. In his chest, there was something called hatred rolling wantonly, rampaging, and closing it. Can't get it back.

The next day, ten o'clock in the morning.

After staying in the hospital for one night, Lu Qinglan really didn't want to stay any longer. She wanted to go home to recuperate. Ye Tingshen didn't want to at all, but considering that the environment in the hospital was not good for the child, and Dr. He also said there was nothing wrong, Finally took her back.

Lu Qinglan happily kissed him on the face again and again.

However, when she saw Lu Minhua standing at the door with an ugly face, the smile froze on her face.

Lu Qinglan's heart skipped a beat, she couldn't help thinking, could it be that Lu Minhua knew about her hospitalization, so she came to Xingshi to question her?
"Mom, why didn't you tell me when you came?"

Lu Minhua was worried all morning, and when he heard this, he gave her a hard look: "Then did you tell Mom about your hospitalization?"

Sure enough, I know.

Lu Qinglan and Ye Ting looked at each other helplessly, then walked over to please, and shook Lu Minhua's arm coquettishly: "Mom, I'm afraid you're worried, and look, I'm fine now, don't be angry, I Never dare again."

"Is there another time in the relationship?" Lu Minhua's eyes were wide open, and Lu Minhua was really angry and distressed at her, "You..."

"Mom, let's go in and talk about it." Ye Tingshen stopped her in time, looked at his little woman again with a funny look, and said again under her earnest eyes, "Doctor He said that Qinglan should not stand for a long time these two days .”

Sure enough, when Lu Minhua heard this, she became anxious: "Is that so? Then let's go in quickly!" As soon as the door opened, she carefully helped Lu Qinglan in, and ordered her to sit on the sofa not to move around.

Ye Tingshen came in behind, both hands full of things that Lu Minhua left at the door and forgot to take.

"Mom, what did you bring?" Lu Qinglan obviously wanted to change the subject, rolled her eyes, pointed at the bag and asked with a smile.

"Oh, I'll forget it if you don't tell me." Lu Minhua patted his head with a smile, "I brought you fruits and ingredients for soup. Mom is 1 worried about you now! "

Speaking of fruit, she suddenly put away her smile, and looked at Lu Qinglan with a little blame: "Didn't I tell you that you should never touch hawthorn and longan during pregnancy? What? Can you still eat hawthorn? Have you listened to what you said? Lanlan, you are not alone now, do you have to always think about the child in your belly? Tell me, if your grandfather finds out, he will say anything I will never agree to your going abroad again!"

She didn't want to say this at first, but she was really anxious.

Lu Qinglan knew that she didn't really blame herself, but was just worried, but even so, she felt uncomfortable. This time, she was indeed negligent.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I promise there will be no next time." Putting it on her shoulder, Lu Qinglan didn't want her to see her emotions.

"You, what can I tell you about you?" Lu Minhua sighed, hugged her, and wanted to say something more, Ye Tingshen came out in time.

"Mom, I didn't take good care of Qinglan. I'm sorry, I promise there will be no next time." Although he couldn't see Lu Qinglan's expression, he also knew that she must be blaming himself for feeling bad now, so he made a joke on purpose Said, "Mom, don't blame Qinglan. If you talk about her again, she should cry. Dr. He can say it. She has to keep her mood at ease."

When Ye Tingshen said this, Lu Minhua swallowed back what he originally wanted to say, looked at him again, and instantly understood what he didn't say.

"By the way, Mom, I see that the ingredients you bought include fresh black-bone chicken. Qinglan has been hungry for two days."

A gratified smile crawled back to Lu Minhua's face: "Yes, I have been choosing for a long time, Ting Shen, come and accompany Lanlan, I will go to the kitchen."

"it is good."

Lu Minhua got up together, and Ye Tingshen sat down, carefully hugged Lu Qinglan who didn't say a word, and said softly, "Don't think about it, it has nothing to do with you, the baby said, she doesn't want to see mommy in a bad mood ,kindness?"

Although she knew that she should maintain a happy mood, and also knew that he didn't want her to think about it, Lu Qinglan still couldn't completely let her go, especially Lu Minhua's worry just now, she saw everything in her eyes.

With her head down, she didn't speak.

"Qinglan..." Ye Ting sighed deeply, the worry in his brows was not concealed, "You want me to be unhappy together, right? Qinglan was not like this before, she shouldn't be immersed in what has happened, right? ? You are so depressed, I regret letting you have this child."

Hearing this, Lu Qinglan hurriedly raised her head: "Ting Shen, no, I..."

Pressing his index finger on her lips to stop her from continuing, Ye Ting thought deeply and decided to tell her what he had investigated: "Qinglan, Gu Lingxiu found something about the hawthorn yesterday."

"What?" Her heart skipped a beat, Lu Qinglan had a bad intuition, she was stunned for a few seconds, and she asked in disbelief, "Could it be..."

"En." Ye Ting nodded deeply, strengthened his arms around her, and frowned, "The clerk who served you drinks was fired yesterday, and no one can be found. After some clues were found, the clerk finally admitted that someone told her that you like hawthorn. But she didn't know who that person was."

Lu Qinglan's heart became colder and colder when she heard this, and that feeling came back at that time, if there were people in City A who couldn't see her, it was just those few people, would it be...

In a hurry, she tightly grasped Ye Tingshen's hand: "Tingshen, have you found out who it is?"

Ye Tingshen shook his head: "There is no way to be 100% sure."

"What do you mean?"

"Besides us investigating this matter, there is another group of people behind the scenes, who seem to be covering up something. What Gu Lingxiu found out is..." Ye Ting paused, as if thinking about something, "That group of people... belonged to Shen Sui. men."

"Shen Sui?" Lu Qinglan couldn't believe it, was him?
Ye Ting took her hand deeply, and continued: "Although he handled the matter very cleanly, it was because he was too clean that we suspected that the person who ordered the clerk should be Bai Shu. And, Bai Shu, she, last night He was sent back to the Bai family."

"You mean... Bai Shu did it? And Shen Sui helped her hide it?"

"En." After saying this, Ye Tingshen's expression turned cold. If you look closely, you can still catch the flash of sharpness in his eyes.

Lu Qinglan pursed her lips, but did not speak.

"Qinglan," pulling her shoulders, Ye Tingshen made her look into his eyes, "I'm telling you this, just not to make you think about it, I think you understand, since we value this child, what we have to do is to protect her. Good for her, too much self-blame can't bring her anything. I don't want you to always blame yourself for these things, okay? Children are important, but in my heart, you are the most important. "

"Ting Shen..." His words made Lu Qinglan understand instantly, she threw herself into his arms and whispered, "I'm sorry for making you worry."

"Fool, don't say sorry."

"Well, I know what to do." Lu Qinglan finally laughed.

Seeing her appearance, Ye Ting was relieved a lot, and at the same time, he also had some other concerns in his heart.

The two just nestled on the sofa without saying anything.

After a while, Ye Tingshen suddenly thought of something, and the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't be hidden no matter what.

Lu Qinglan was puzzled: "What are you laughing at?"

Ye Ting raised his eyebrows deeply, and deliberately prolonged his tone: "Honey, I just want to ask, what are you doing at the bridal shop?"

"..." Lu Qinglan didn't expect him to ask this suddenly, and her face suddenly turned a little red.

This was the surprise she wanted to give him.

However, he asked, what do you want to say?

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