shallow marriage deep love

251 Ting Shen, We Have a Child

"Lanlan! What's wrong with you?" Jiang Ranran pushed open the door, and saw Lu Qinglan lying on the ground without any reaction!
Calling someone, making a phone call, she has never panicked like this before.

"Gu Lingxiu, come here, come here, Lanlan has passed out, hurry up!"

Lu Qinglan felt that she was very tired, as if she had had a long, long dream. She wanted to open her eyes, but found that she had no strength at all.

In the darkness, she could only see a faint person waiting for her in front of her.

Rubbing her eyes vigorously, she was pleasantly surprised to find that the person in front was her Ye Tingshen!

"The court is deep! The court is deep!"

She happily ran over, opened her arms as usual and wanted to throw herself into his arms, but Ye Tingshen suddenly disappeared!
"The court is deep!" Lu Qinglan woke up suddenly, her mind went blank for a moment.

"Lanlan, are you awake? Great, you're finally awake!" Jiang Ranran, who just came in from the outside, saw Lu Qinglan sitting up, and jumped up excitedly, "Lanlan, you scared me to death! Woooo ..."

"Ranran, why are you crying?" Lu Qinglan seemed to have come to her senses at this moment, her eyes were all white, and the smell of hospital-specific disinfectant was faintly present.


she is in the hospital?

Lu Qinglan frowned subconsciously, and before she could ask what was going on, she felt a little wet on her shoulders.

Jiang Ranran crying?
She seemed to be in a coma for a while before waking up. Jiang Ranran was crying uncontrollably again. What's the matter?
Is it?

"Ranran..." Lu Qinglan's heart sank, she licked her lips, pushed Jiang Ranran away, and asked tentatively, "It can't be me... Ranran, don't cry, what's wrong with me, don't Keep it from me, I'm mentally prepared to say it."

"What do you want me to say?" Jiang Ranran looked blank.

"Then why are you crying? Isn't it, isn't it..." After thinking for a while, Lu Qinglan finally managed to speak, "Isn't it because I'm sick?"

Jiang Ranran froze for a moment.

In the next second, she slapped her head violently, her face flushed, she was so excited that she almost couldn't find Bei: "No! Lanlan, you're fine! Oh, no!"

Lu Qinglan was stunned: "Ranran, what are you going to say? Don't worry, okay?"

"Lanlan, you're pregnant!" After holding back for a long time, Jiang Ranran finally found something to say, "Lanlan, you're pregnant! You're pregnant!"


Lu Qinglan was completely stunned!
Jiang Ranran danced excitedly, but Lu Qinglan struggled to find her voice after a few seconds: "You...what are you talking about? I'm pregnant?"

"En! Lanlan is real!" Jiang Ranran finally realized that his IQ was too impatient just now, and he forgot such a big thing, "Look at me, I'm so excited, I didn't follow up immediately Make it clear. Lanlan, you are really pregnant!"

Jiang Ranran's exquisite face was magnified in front of her eyes, Lu Qinglan subconsciously pinched herself, and really felt the pain.

The next moment, she was so happy that she began to speak incoherently: "I'm pregnant, Ranran I'm pregnant..."

No wonder, I have been so lethargic recently, and I still love to eat so much, it turns out...

"Lan Lan! That's great, you have a baby!"

"En!" Lu Qinglan nodded fiercely, and the two embraced happily.

"Qing Lan!"

Lu Qinglan suddenly heard Ye Tingshen's voice.

"Tingshen!" Looking up, she saw Ye Tingshen rushing over!

At the moment when the four eyes met, the desire to tell him the good news in person became stronger and stronger.

Jiang Ranran left space for these two people with great insight, and quietly followed Gu Lingxiu out.

"Don't move!" Ye Tingshen saw that she seemed to want to get out of bed, so he immediately ran over, carefully pressing his hands on her shoulders, "You don't need to get up, I'll just come over."

Gentle voice, deep eyes, every move is full of strong affection.

"Okay, I won't move." The corners of her lips could not help but rise, and Lu Qinglan snuggled into his arms, wrapping her hands around his waist.


She heard her beating heart beating fast, as if she was about to jump out, and even her hands were already sweating slightly.

Swallowing her saliva over and over again, Lu Qinglan had never felt so nervous about speaking a single word.

"Ting Shen, we have a child."

Ye Ting gave a deep hand, trying to control his overly excited emotions: "Well, I know."

Although it was a simple answer, Lu Qinglan still felt full of joy, her little head rubbed against his chest like a kitten, and she couldn't help murmuring over and over again: "We have a baby, Ting Shen , we have a child..."

She didn't look up, and naturally, she didn't catch the tears that flashed from the corner of Ye Ting's deep eyes, but she knew that he was as happy as herself.Because, the frequency of his heart beating is not slower than his own.

For this child, they look forward to it more than anyone else.However, when he was really in the stomach, he was at a loss for a while.

Throughout the noon, the two sat hugging each other like this, talking to each other.

The sun shone in from the window, and they lay lazily on their backs, Lu Qinglan suddenly thought of that sentence——

The world is stable and the years are quiet.

"Dong dong dong!" There was a knock on the door, and then Dr. He walked in.

Lu Qinglan poked her head out of Ye Ting's deep arms in embarrassment, and asked with a smile: "Doctor He, why are you here?"

"Mr. Ye sent someone to pick me up." Dr. He replied with a smile, "Mrs. Ye, congratulations."

"Thank you, Dr. He, please."

"Doctor He, how's the situation?" Not as calm as usual, Ye Tingshen was obviously a little anxious. He had been watching Qinglan's body before, but now it was found out that she was pregnant suddenly. Although it was a happy event, he was still worried, so He deliberately asked Gu Lingxiu to bring Dr. He over to have a look, so that he could rest assured.

Dr. He knew what he meant and didn't hide it. He said directly: "I have communicated with the doctors of this hospital before I came here. Although Mrs. Ye's body has been recuperating before, her physique has always been weak, so this time If you are pregnant, you need to be very careful."

Lu Qinglan became anxious, and couldn't help becoming nervous: "Doctor He, do you mean that I am not suitable for this pregnancy?"

"No, Mrs. Ye." Dr. He waved at her hurriedly, "I just need to be careful, don't work hard, relax, nothing else. Of course, if you are worried, Mr. Ye, you can do another careful examination."

"Oh, that's it." Lu Qinglan made a false alarm, and smiled apologetically at Ye Ting in embarrassment.

Dr. He took advantage of the situation and explained some precautions, Ye Tingshen wrote down everything in detail, and when he encountered something he was not sure about, he asked again and again.

Sitting on the bed, Lu Qinglan could see his nervous and serious look without raising her head, she was indescribably moved.

Su subconsciously caressed her upper abdomen, and she couldn't help but said in her heart: "Baby, this is your father, have you seen it? He is very nervous about you."

After sending Dr. He away, Ye Tingshen turned his head and saw his little woman bowing her head gently, and the corners of her mouth also raised.

"Mayor Ye, don't you have to go to work this afternoon?" Lu Qinglan couldn't help joking as she got in the car to go home, "Or is it that our dedicated Mayor Ye is going to skip work today?"

"It's okay, Xu Cheng can still stand for me for a while, it's just a dinner, how can it be more important than my wife?" After fastening her seat belt carefully, Ye Ting's deep palm carefully stroked her abdomen, which was not obvious at all. The light became deeper and deeper, "Besides, my daughter said she wants to be with Dad."

"You say a daughter is a daughter? What if it's a son?"

Lu Qinglan thought of the many romance novels she had read before, in which the heroine was pregnant, and it seemed that she would have sweet discussions with the hero about the gender of the child.

The most common dialogue is——

"XX, do you want a son or a daughter?"

"As long as it was born by you, I like it, regardless of whether it hurts men or women."

"You will coax me, but you really want to have a son?"

"Where is it? I hope it's a daughter, as beautiful as you. Your son is too naughty, and you will be tired."

"What are you laughing at?" From the corner of the eye, Ye Ting caught a glimpse of this little woman giggling by herself, and Ye Ting was extremely curious.

"I'm laughing..." Pursing her lips, Lu Qinglan had an idea, and brought out the problem in the novel, "Why did you say it was a daughter?"

"Do you need to ask? My daughter is like you, beautiful and temperamental."

Tsk tsk, it's really the same.

Seeing his seriousness, Lu Qinglan finally laughed out loud.

Ye Tingshen thought she was dissatisfied with the answer, but when she thought that Dr. He told the pregnant woman that her emotions might be unstable, she immediately coaxed: "It doesn't matter whether Qinglan gave birth to a boy or a girl, as long as it is yours, I like it. Whoever let it be our child Woolen cloth?"

"Pfft!" Lu Qinglan laughed even harder, almost to the point of tears, while shaking her shoulders and laughing, she told Ye Ting the dialogue she thought of.

Ye Ting was taken aback for a moment, then laughed and shook his head: "You..."

Because of having a child, Ye Tingshen was extra careful, and he didn't dare to drive too fast. He didn't know how many times he was urged by the cars behind him all the way home.

When she got home and opened the door, Lu Qinglan was about to change her shoes at the entrance as usual, but before she could bend down, she was stopped by him: "Don't move, I'll come."

As he said that, he knelt down to take out the slippers for her, and even helped her change them himself, muttering indistinctly while changing them: "Qinglan, I'll buy you a new pair of slippers later, okay? I think this pair It's too slippery, no, it's better to have a carpet in the living room, it's too slippery now."

After wearing it, he simply carried Lu Qinglan to the sofa.

Before I could sit down, I started to think about it again.

"I'll ask Gu Lingxiu to come over later and change this glass table, what should I do if it bumps into something?"

"The corners of the other tables should also be covered. Do you want to change the sofa too? Qinglan, what do you like?"

"Ting Shen..." Lu Qinglan looked at this man who had always been calm, feeling sweet and touched in her heart, and finally stopped him helplessly, "It's not that exaggerated, is it? Don't be so nervous..."

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