shallow marriage deep love

235 Does it count as touching the tiger's butt?

Ling Guobang slapped the table angrily: "Ye Tingshen! Don't go too far!"

Compared to his bluster, Ye Tingshen was obviously too calm.

He stood up unhurriedly, calm and breezy, but he didn't give in at all: "Uncle Ling, I've never gone too far. The thing that is too much is Ling Qianjin Lingwei. She touched my breasts time and time again." Reverse Scale!"

"Let me ask you a question," Ling Guobang clenched his fists, his veins exposed, and asked word by word, "For the sake of the friendship between the two families, will you stop?!"

Ye Ting looked back fearlessly: "Since Ling Wei did something wrong, he should be taught a lesson!"

"Okay! Okay!" Ling Guobang responded coldly, with a bloodthirsty smile flashing across his eyes, "Since you don't want to eat the toast but want to eat the fine wine, then I will grant you! I want to see, without the support of the Ye family , How long can you be the mayor?!"


The door was slammed shut, and Ling Guobang left angrily.

"Ting Shen..." Lu Qinglan held his hand worriedly, "He..."

Knowing what she wanted to say, Ye Ting deeply pressed his index finger on her lips, and comforted her: "Don't worry, I'm here for everything, or do you not trust your husband? Do you think I will lose?"

"No, of course I believe you." Lu Qinglan shook her head hastily.

"That's all right?" Ye Ting hugged her with a deep smile, and gently stroked her back with his palm, "Although the Ling family is very powerful, it hasn't reached the point where it can cover the sky with one hand. I won't back down, and no one can bully you What’s more, it’s not certain who will win in the end.”

His eyes flashed, and his eyes were full of determination.

Hearing his confident words, Lu Qinglan felt a little relieved.

Soon, the day of the second round arrived.

Zhong Nian couldn't come to class, so Lu Qinglan drove there alone, and when she arrived at the hotel parking lot, she saw the blue sky, as if she was waiting for her.

"Lu Qinglan..." Unlike the enthusiasm and familiarity of last time, today's Lantian is a little awkward and a little guilty.

Lu Qinglan understood immediately, and smiled to break the embarrassment: "What? Do you have something to tell me?"

"Thank you..." Lan Tian lowered his head, and even his voice was very low. If he didn't listen carefully, he might not be able to hear it. Maybe he realized that he was so insincere, so he mustered up the courage to look at Lu Qinglan, sincerely He said it again, "Thank you for not exposing me so that I can continue to compete."

What he was talking about was that Ling Wei bought the judges. As one of the targets he was once bought, he was not exposed. It is because of this that he can continue to stand here today. time.

Lu Qinglan shrugged: "Because you didn't do anything wrong after all, you have to forgive others, don't you? Don't feel guilty towards me. In fact, we owe nothing to each other. Isn't it good to be friends with a normal attitude? "

Lan Tian looked up in surprise, as if in disbelief: "You said we are friends?"

"Isn't it?" Lu Qinglan asked back funny, and patted him on the shoulder friendly, "Let's go, go in, you have to work harder today."

"Well! I will! You too! Thank you!" Lan Tian was overjoyed.

The moment she entered the competition conference hall, Lu Qinglan once again received the attention of thousands of people. Different from the contempt last time, this time, she quickly moved away after staring at each other. She was embarrassed to look at it again, and no one looked at her again. She was sarcastic.

Lu Qinglan expected this to happen, she was neither surprised nor surprised, she still calmly sat in her seat and waited for the game to start.

However, she still heard someone scolding "fake highness" in a low voice, and she didn't care about it at all.

Without the many unexpected situations last time, this time the game went smoothly.

The second round is to examine my own planning ability. After the topics are drawn, they will be completed in their respective small conference rooms, and then the judges will score the same. Finally, the last step of the day is to have a one-on-one chat with su.Before the end of the competition, the selected candidates will be announced.

Although she was well prepared, Lu Qinglan was still a little nervous. After doing it quietly for 5 minutes, she calmed down and threw herself into the competition.

Time seemed to pass quickly, and all of a sudden, the last chat contestant also came out.

Now comes the most tense moment!

To everyone's surprise, in this competition, su didn't just choose No.1, but three people successfully entered her team!

When her name came out of su's mouth, Lu Qinglan finally let go of her hanging heart, and then she was ecstatic!

Besides her, Lan Tian was also selected, and the other was a girl. Lu Qinglan had a vague impression that she was a quiet girl who didn't talk much. She didn't participate when many people spoke sarcastically to her last time.

After everyone else left, Su left the three of them behind. He first congratulated them, and then explained that they had a month to prepare, and then went abroad. During this time, they needed to take care of their work and life. The specific itinerary will come later. will be sent to email.

Outside the hotel, many reporters squatted and wanted to interview. Lu Qinglan walked out through the side door out of trouble.

In the evening, Jiang Ranran and Zhong Nian clamored to celebrate her, Lu Qinglan readily agreed, and it just so happened that she also wanted to tell them about the future arrangements.

She is very aware of the tempers of these two girlfriends, if she doesn't tell them immediately that she will agree to Su's study abroad, they will definitely tear down her house to vent their anger!

The place for the celebration was arranged in a private club under the name of Gu Lingxiu. Firstly, it was his own place where he could make any noise, and secondly, the place was secret, so he could talk easily without being afraid of being overheard by reporters.

When Lu Qinglan and Ye Tingshen went in together, the rest of the people had already arrived, and they were having a good time.

As she expected, as soon as she said that she planned to go abroad for further study, Jiang Ranran and Zhong Nian had a quarrel like an explosion. They kept saying that she was going to abandon them, and even squeezed out on purpose. Tears, Lu Qinglan looked at the sky speechlessly, and unceremoniously exposed them.

"Really! There is no interest at all!" Jiang Ranran glared at her, then raised the juice in front of her and said with a smile, "Niannian and I wish you a smooth journey! You can rest assured to pursue your ideals! I hope you come back It can brighten and blind our shining eyes!"

"Come on, Lanlan!" Zhong Nian drank the red wine in his glass proudly, "We will miss you! Hey, don't be moved! Just remember to send us gifts every month!"

"Cut! Why didn't you send it to me?"

"Don't you have the domestic stuff when you come back? So of course you sent it to us!"

"That's right! Idiot!"

"Jiang Ranran, you actually called me a fool, isn't it itchy?"

"Hmph! Your skin is itchy!"

The three of them laughed together, and finally turned to another corner to continue their private conversation.

Ye Ting doted on his woman the whole time, and found it indescribably cute and pleasing to the eye.

"Don't laugh, she can't run away." Gu Lingxiu punched him and smiled, and within a few seconds, he put away his smile and said seriously, "Ye Huhu, while they are talking, I happen to have something to talk to You speak."

Elegantly sipping the red wine, her thin lips parted slightly: "Well, tell me."

"My subordinates told me that Gu Xuan was pushed back by his old man himself, and it is said that his old man also said something, asking him to stop thinking about Ling Wei completely, reflect on it, and not allow him to leave the house until he understands. " Gu Lingxiu hooked his lips with a smile, "But that kid can't let it go, he's making a fuss."


"You're right?" Gu Lingxiu was obviously dissatisfied with Ye Tingshen's answer, "Don't forget, that kid helped Ling Weike a lot."

Ye Ting shook his head deeply: "I didn't forget, but I didn't feel relieved about Gu Xuan."

Gu Lingxiu was speechless.

"Oh, that's right." Thinking of another person, Gu Lingxiu became serious, "Ling Guobang is starting to make small moves. Although we don't know what he will do in the first step, I don't think we should take it lightly. After all, his power It's still there. This time, do you think you touched the tiger's ass?"

Ye Ting looked Gu Lingxiu up and down deeply, and sneered: "Don't you think you've got it wrong? Could it be that they touched the tiger's butt?"

"..." Gu Lingxiu was sweating profusely, but said solemnly, "No, it's a fox's ass."

The corner of Ye Tingshen's mouth also had an uncontrollable smile when he said it.

Gu Lingxiu asked again: "Then what are you going to do?"

I thought I would hear something, but I didn't expect Ye Tingshen to reply coolly: "I really haven't thought about it."

Gu Lingxiu was convinced, this guy didn't regard him as an opponent at all, he looked down on him.

The two chatted about some other things, and after about a while, they looked up to search for the figure of their own woman.

After looking at it, he realized that only Zhong Nian and Jiang Ranran were left.

Ye Ting was anxious, and quickly stood up: "Where is Qinglan?"

"Lan Lan?" Zhong Nian drank a little too much, squinted and stared at Ye Ting for a long time, and smiled after making sure he knew someone, "It's time to go to the bathroom, do you want to go too?"

Jiang Ranran next to her said silently: "Girls go to the toilet, why do you, a big man, follow her?"

Gu Lingxiu couldn't help but hold his forehead, how long have these three guys been out of sight, and they're drunk like this?Also, what happened to his family Ranran?Drinking fruit wine?

Knowing where they were going, Ye Tingshen left the two of them with Gu Lingxiu, and went out of the box to find his little girl. Although he knew this was his own club, he still felt worried.

the other side.

Lu Qinglan was a little dizzy from drinking, not drunk, but feeling a little dizzy, washed her face in the bathroom, and went out when she felt better.

"Huh? Where did I come from?"

Not long after, she sadly found that she seemed to be lost, and she couldn't remember which way she came from in her chaotic mind. She couldn't help being embarrassed, and silently complained to Gu Lingxiu in her heart. Don't you consider the feelings of Xia Lu Chi?

Patting her head and thinking about it carefully, Lu Qinglan finally decided that it should be the direction to the left, so she happily turned and left.



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