shallow marriage deep love

217 Chilling, not being trusted

On the tablet screen was a special report on last week's charity auction, mainly focusing on the people behind the auction, and the most eye-catching part of the whole report was one person's thoughts on this auction.

That person is Su.

If Su was at the scene that day, it just made Lu Qinglan feel that she missed a rare opportunity, then, Su's open expression of admiration for herself and ambiguous evaluation of Ling Wei directly made her surprised mouth turn into an "o" shape .

During this sensitive period, su's words were seen as supporting Lu Qinglan from afar, proving that her character was fine, and everyone knew that su seldom praised others.

Because of su's actions, a large number of people scoffed at the report of "T Weekly", and Ling Wei's image plummeted again.

Lu Qinglan was dumbfounded!

Can anyone tell her what's going on?She really read it right?
Jiang Ranran poked her arm, and said seriously: "Don't think about it if you can't figure it out. Your excellence is not fake. This su appreciates you, which means that you are really good at it. And since she was at the scene that day, of course it is to watch When it comes to Ling Wei's behavior, it's just that she didn't say it clearly. I don't think you need to worry about it. On the other hand, she helped you and demoted Ling Wei."

Lu Qinglan shrugged in disbelief, and finally spread her hands to express surprise and doubt: "I still can't believe that I passed by Su, and she publicly expressed her appreciation and support for me. Su was really there that day auction? Why don't I feel anything?"

"How do you want to feel?" Jiang Ranran gave her an unceremonious glance, motioned for the assistant to put the tablet away, and then said, "Judging from this posture, no one would know that Su was there at all. Don't think about it for now. Now, what should come will always come. Didn’t you say that Su Yuan will take you to see Su? Will you know if you have a good chat? What you should think about now is not Ling Wei? She replied What do you do with the company? She won't let it go. "

Zhong Nian agreed very much: "Ranran is right, Lanlan, what do you think?"

Speaking of this, Lu Qinglan temporarily put away the shock caused by su, frowned and said, "I don't know if I was overthinking it, but now that I think about it, why do I feel that today went so smoothly? The report of "T Weekly" is now It seems like it just makes Ling Wei's image more negative, it doesn't help her at all. If she really planned this, I don't believe I can't think that we will fight back, it's not her style at all."

"Are you worried about this?" Jiang Ranran sneered, "I think it's because she failed to plot against you a few times before, and instead made herself suffer, forcing her to rush for success."

"Maybe." Lu Qinglan didn't continue, because her cell phone rang, and it was Mr. Xiang's call.

The call at this time is probably related to today's matter.

Sure enough, when he opened his mouth to the old gentleman, he asked obviously with anger: "Xiao Lu, what happened to the report of "T Weekly"?"

Lu Qinglan sighed helplessly in her heart: "Old Mr. Xiang, this matter..."

Unexpectedly, Mr. Xiang interrupted her directly: "Hurry up and end the unhappiness between you and Xiaowei in private! Xiaolu, when I invited you to join Ruishang, I wanted to give you a chance to be promoted, but I didn't want to. The idea of ​​losing talents is definitely not for you to suppress your colleagues by improper means! That press conference has already affected Rila!"

After a few words, Mr. Xiang's face turned ashen.

Lu Qinglan opened her mouth, and swallowed back the words she was about to say.

At this moment, she actually wanted to be angry and silent, because Mr. Xiang had already condemned herself, so it would be useless to say anything else.But after thinking about it, it's too unlike me to be so angry, and what if this is what Ling Wei wants to see?

Taking a deep breath, Lu Qinglan said calmly: "Mr. Xiang, you must be aware of the style of "T Weekly". Suppressing colleagues, I think I need to explain to myself, it is purely other people's random guess, if I don't make it clear, it will be detrimental to Rila, I don't think I did anything wrong. Mr. Xiang, Don't you believe me?"

When she asked the last sentence, she actually kept some expectations in her heart, even though the old gentleman came up and questioned herself indiscriminately.

But the truth is, she still underestimated herself.

I have trust in the old man, but not in myself.

She heard Mr. Xiang's dissatisfied voice: "Xiao Lu, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just that your behavior this time has brought a very bad impact on the company. It's understandable for a motivated person to have a sense of competition, but there are some means. It still doesn't work, I just want you to remember this. Xiaowei is a student I trained, and I know her better than you. If there is any misunderstanding between you, I hope to make it clear as soon as possible. She will end her vacation next Monday. I hope you don't let me down again."

"Lan Lan, Mr. Xiang doesn't trust you at all." Jiang Ranran pointed it out sharply, with dissatisfaction and incomprehension written in his brows and eyes, "Ling Wei is his apprentice, and on this point, I'm afraid it's Ling Wei A place where you can be confident and proud. Do you work in such an environment? You can bear it, have you ever thought about resigning?"

"You're right, I'm not trusted." Lu Qinglan shrugged seemingly meaninglessly, and smiled, "Resignation, I haven't thought about it yet. But don't worry, I won't make myself feel uncomfortable. .”

I have indeed learned a lot from joining Ruishang. Many people may envy this job, but if she is not happy doing it, she will not force herself.In fact, to be honest, this phone call to the old man really made me feel cold.

Jiang Ranran knew that she had always had her own ideas and could handle them well, so she didn't say anything else.

After dealing with the follow-up matters of the press conference, the three of them went to a private club for lunch, and finally went their separate ways.

Not wanting to go back to the company, Lu Qinglan asked for leave from the HR department and went home directly.

Turning the mobile phone to silent, took a book, she lay on the deck chair on the balcony, listening to music and reading a book, she needed to relax.

At this moment, the Ling family, two hundred kilometers away, was shrouded in extremely low air pressure.

Ling Wei stood in front of Mother Ling expressionlessly, enduring the coming anger.

"Is this what you do outside? Ling Wei, what about your means? What about your confidence?" Mother Ling threw a copy of "T Weekly" at her with a stern look on her face, "The face of the Ling family will be destroyed by you Lost it all!"

"Mom..." Ling Wei called her in a low voice, without refuting, but looking at the cover of the weekly magazine that fell on the ground, her heart was extremely complicated, she couldn't help wondering if she was being used by Bai Shu, or why did she Nothing at all?
She didn't know why she agreed to Bai Shu's plan, and used this photo to hit Lu Qinglan and the others. She must have lost her head and didn't think of the consequences.But now, the news of the incident was sent back to the Ling family, and she was even a little bit excited.

Once the Ling family fully supports her, let alone Lu Qinglan, or Ye Tingshen, she is absolutely sure.

It is said that mother and daughter are connected, how could Ling's mother not know what Ling Wei was thinking.

But she still gave Ling Wei a hard look: "Ling Wei, you let me down so much!"

Mother Ling stood up, her well-maintained face could not see any traces of age, she was still beautiful, she twitched the corners of her mouth, and said with sharp eyes: "You are not as good as you were when you just came back. Confidence? What does it look like! How stupid to actually give up the real power of the company!"

After a pause, Su put her hand on her forehead. After all, she couldn't bear to continue to be harsh, and her voice lowered: "Go back, I will solve the weekly problem for you. What do you want to do, just put your brains on it and let it go. My daughter can't lose!"

"Thank you mom..." A lot of words were stuck in her throat, and her upper and lower lips moved several times, but Ling Wei still didn't say anything.

Lu Qinglan was awakened by the sound of the door opening when she was in a drowsy sleep. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the living room blankly: "The court is deep? Are you back? Have I slept for a long time?"

Ye Ting looked deeply at her cute look when she just woke up, and couldn't help laughing. Thinking of what she said at the press conference today, her heart was soft and confused: "Are you hungry? What do you want to eat? I'll give it to you." Do?"

"It's a little bit." Lu Qinglan rubbed her belly in embarrassment, then grinned at him, "Go shopping?"

"Okay," Ye Ting said fondly, "Go and wash your face, I'll change clothes."

After tidying up, Lu Qinglan took Ye Tingshen's arm and went out to buy vegetables together. Neither of them mentioned the press conference. Since those unhappy things had been resolved, there was no need to talk about them.

After buying vegetables, the two cook together again, happy and warm.

On Saturday and Sunday, Lu Qinglan slept until she woke up naturally every day, and then stretched, feeling extremely comfortable physically and mentally.She didn't pay attention to the follow-up of the weekly incident. She always felt that she paid too much attention to it. Could it be that Ling Wei affected her life.

However, she still checked the situation of Su in city A on the Internet.

As expected, after that day, the news of su in City A quickly spread throughout the industry. The media, large and small, became very interested in the purpose of her visit, and some even wanted to interview her. Nai He really didn't know her whereabouts, but no one thought of giving up.

Lu Qinglan also wanted to meet this su, but Su Yuan went abroad to discuss cooperation again, so he could only wait for him to come back.

The two easy days passed by in a flash, and it was the day to go to work on Monday again.

Long before entering the building, Lu Qinglan was mentally prepared, if at all, she would be gossiped again.

However, she did not expect that as soon as she got out of the elevator, she saw Ling Wei standing at the front desk!

And Ling Wei was also looking at herself with bad eyes!

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