shallow marriage deep love

171 Night 1 Beast 1 All Night

"Lu Qinglan, are you still shameless?!"

Zhuang Mei's exasperated voice came through the radio waves, making Lu Qinglan's ears hurt from the shock.


"Don't call me auntie!" Zhuang Mei cut her off violently with her chest trembling in anger, and she really wanted to slap her in the face, "Why do you have the face to call me auntie?! You really dirty my ears! You stole it!" My son is not counted, but he still flirts with Ling Xiu behind his back! How shameless are you! Is this what Lu Minhua taught you! There is really such a kind of mother, there is such a kind of daughter!"

After speaking, Zhuang Mei couldn't help panting, and patted his chest desperately to restrain himself.

She will really be pissed off by Lu Qinglan!
If it weren't for Lu Qinglan, how could she be banned by Mr. Ye from interfering with her son's affairs?You can't even go to City A!
During this period of time, she kept persuading herself to just turn a blind eye and close her eyes, but what did Lu Qinglan do?If it weren't for the anonymous photos she received today, she wouldn't have known that Lu Qinglan was blatantly hooking up with Gu Lingxiu!Still so close!
How could she bear such a shameless woman beside her son!

Zhuang Mei turned around in the room with a headache, and in the blink of an eye, he saw the photo she had thrown on the ground. If Lu Qinglan was standing in front of her now, she would definitely teach her a lesson: "Why don't you speak?" Guilty?! Hmph! Let me tell you, Lu Qinglan, you are shameless, and our Ye family is shameless! If you are sensible, you can propose to cancel the engagement!"

When Lu Qinglan saw her call, she thought it might be about the photos on the Internet. She guessed that Zhuang Mei would question herself in a bad tone, but she could accept it. She also thought about it and had to deal with it patiently. Er explained clearly, after all, Zhuang Mei was Ye Tingshen's mother, and she didn't want the relationship to become tense.

But no matter how much she thought about it, she couldn't imagine that Zhuang Mei even scolded Lu Minhua!
This is what she cannot tolerate!
"Aunt Ye," Lu Qinglan specially added her surname to call her, took a deep breath, looked straight ahead, her face was very heavy, "Gu Lingxiu and I also grew up together, and I helped him choose gifts for others It's reasonable, and Ting Shen knows it. I don't think it's shameless. You never trust me. No matter what you see, I am the wrong side in your consciousness. I can ignore it, but... ..."

She stood up suddenly, and her tone became more serious: "This does not mean that you can insult my mother! Even if my tutor is nothing to you, our family has never taught us to criticize indiscriminately. Others! Aunt Ye, I respect you as Ting Shen's mother, so I have been working hard to make you accept me, but today I realized that if you don't like me, you don't like me, no matter what I do It can't be changed, so why should I?"

"You, you, you are reasonable!" Zhuang Mei didn't want to listen to Lu Qinglan's explanation at all, she only knew that this girl was mocking herself and would only shirk responsibility!

Lu Qinglan replied neither humble nor overbearing: "I'm just stating the facts."

"Do you think you can cover up the fact that you are shameless by saying this?!" Zhuang Mei's eyes widened, and the corners of his lips curled up contemptuously, "Lu Qinglan, let me tell you, I must tell Ting Shen about this And his father, let them see your true face, as long as I am here, I will not admit you!"

"Whatever." Lu Qinglan was suddenly very powerless and didn't want to explain anymore.

The moment he hung up the phone, Zhuang Mei's cursing voice still came over.

Lu Qinglan drank a large glass of water, depressed and sad at the same time, she was thinking, some time ago she was thinking about how to make Zhuang Mei accept herself slowly, but now it seems that she really thinks too much.

Every effort, in return, Zhuang Mei broke their hearts again.

Leaning on the desk, Lu Qinglan looked at the blue sky outside the window in confusion, and sighed.

At this moment, the phone rang.

From the corner of the eye, it was Ye Tingshen.

This glance suddenly made her feel sour and became hypocritical. She opened her mouth in a depressed mood: "Hi."

Ye Tingshen was not in a hurry to speak, and stayed silent with her for a while, and the sound of their breathing was transmitted to each other's ears through the mobile phone.

After a long time, his deep voice sounded: "Qinglan, just be yourself, others don't need to care about it, we are the ones who want to be together, don't need to wrong yourself, okay?"

He spoke very slowly, word by word, as if he wanted to engrave it into her heart.

Lu Qinglan understood it all at once, sniffed aggrievedly, and said in a low voice, "En, I see." After taking a breath, she forced the corners of her mouth to bend, and said softly, "Ting Shen, thank you. "

"Fool, why are you saying this?" Ye Ting subconsciously wanted to touch her hair, and the moment he stretched out his hand, he realized that his Qinglan was not in front of him, so he couldn't help laughing at his habit, afraid that she would still Sad, he purposely said something ambiguous, "I really want to thank me, but my words are not sincere at all, how another way? I think I will be happier that way."

The little depression left in her heart dissipated immediately after hearing his words, Lu Qinglan blushed and scolded him: "Beast!"

Ye Ting smiled deeply: "Since Qinglan calls me a beast, I must be a beast all night."

"..." Lu Qinglan was embarrassed.

Feeling that she was in a much better mood, Ye Tingshen finally changed the subject: "Don't worry about the photo issue at all, Gu Lingxiu will handle it well, and no reporter will trouble you."

"En, I know." Lu Qinglan nodded, she was anxious just now, now she calmed down and thought about it, if she was really a reporter, she wouldn't just post pictures on Weibo, besides, that Weibo didn't say anything.

Those who believe in themselves will not pay attention at all, while for other people, no matter how much you say, it will be useless.

She, Lu Qinglan, has always only cared about the thoughts of the people she cared about.

Ye Tingshen chatted with her for a few more words, until Xu Cheng knocked on the door and said that the meeting was about to start.

After hanging up the phone, he called Gu Lingxiu's cell phone and asked him to check.

As for Lu Qinglan, after talking on the phone with Ye Tingshen, she felt much better. She no longer cared about Weibo and continued to concentrate on her work.

"Dong dong." Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

Without raising her head, Lu Qinglan said directly, "Come in."

Xia Xinting walked in and asked worriedly, "Sister Lan, are you okay?"

In private, she still likes to be called Sister Lu Qinglanlan.

"It's okay." Lu Qinglan looked away from the computer screen. She felt very comforted by Xiaoxia's concern. After thinking about it, she asked, "Is it almost familiar?"

"En!" A smile crept onto Xia Xinting's cheeks, and she nodded happily, "Sister Lan, you can tell me to do whatever work you have, and make sure it's done well!"

Lu Qinglan was amused by her appearance, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't be polite."

Xia Xinting also laughed, and then said as if unintentionally: "By the way, sister Lan, isn't our department preparing for an exclusive interview with Young Master Gu? How is it going now? What can I do for you?"

"This interview." Lu Qinglan paused, did not say that it was completed, but just nodded, "I will tell you when it is about the same time."

"Hey, okay." Xia Xinting noticed her momentary hesitation, and secretly remembered it in her heart, and then said another thing that she wanted to talk about when she came in, "The editor-in-chief said, go to the editor-in-chief's office in 10 minutes."

"Okay, I see." Lu Qinglan nodded, saved the document, and prepared to go there.

When Lu Qinglan arrived at Ling Wei's office, Ling Wei had just finished drinking coffee.

"You sit." Ling Wei pointed to the chair with a faint smile.

"What's the matter with Editor-in-Chief Ling?" After sitting down, Lu Qinglan spoke directly.

"I heard you're getting engaged at the end of this month?" Ling Wei leaned back, with an elegant figure, staring at the person in front of her without blinking.

"En, yes." Lu Qinglan didn't know why she specifically asked this, didn't she know it before?

Ling Wei continued to ask: "Do I have the honor to participate in your engagement?"

Lu Qinglan actually didn't want to, she would feel awkward inviting her love rival to the engagement, but Ling Wei had asked her so much, and she seemed unable to refuse both public and private.

"Is it difficult?" Ling Wei raised his eyebrows, and then said to himself, "Lu Qinglan, do you know? At this moment, I am very jealous of you."

Before she could answer, Ling Wei smiled slightly, as if lost in memory: "From the first time I saw Ting Shen, I knew he was the person I was looking for. During the years abroad, he was in the army, We can't see each other, but I think about him all the time. Then I came back, but I didn't expect you to stand by his side, and now, it's getting engaged. But so what? It's just an engagement, in the end He will only be mine."

After finishing speaking, she leaned forward, with a smile on her lips, and asked, "Director Lu, what do you think?"

Lu Qinglan didn't say a word, and looked up at her calmly.

Seeing this, Ling Wei raised his eyebrows: "Are you worried?"

"No." Lu Qinglan replied honestly, seeing her stiff smile, she didn't have any special feelings, "Since editor Ling is so confident, there is no need to tell me this specifically, I believe it will be better to tell Ting Shen Much more, if you're in his heart."

As soon as the words fell, Lu Qinglan stood up: "If Editor Ling has nothing else to do, I'll go back to work first."

She won't take Ling Wei's words at ease, after all, this is not the first showdown, she believes Ye Tingshen, if he has Ling Wei in his heart, the two would have been together a long time ago, why bother to ask herself these words again and again?

"Wait a minute, there's something else to do." Ling Wei didn't expect Lu Qinglan to look so indifferent, and what she said was obviously laughing at herself.

She was not prepared to say these words, because she has always adhered to the saying that actions are more important than words.

But today, for some reason, she couldn't help it. The man she had loved so much for so many years was about to get engaged to someone else soon. No one knew the resentment in her heart!

Thinking of this, she stood up abruptly!

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