shallow marriage deep love

135 Showdown, I Like Ye Tingshen!

"Ling Wei?" Lu Qinglan was slightly surprised, she didn't expect Ling Wei to appear.

"Why, surprised?" Ling walked in with a smile, put the fruit on the tea table beside her, raised her eyebrows slightly, "Or did I bother you?"

"I'm a little surprised, but I haven't said to bother you yet." Lu Qinglan faintly felt that Ling Wei was a little different from before, but she couldn't say exactly, it was just a feeling.

"Yesterday, I came to the hospital for a physical examination. I happened to see Ting Shen and Gu Lingxiu. I asked a few questions, so I knew you were here. I thought you should rest, so I came here today. How are you doing? Are you feeling better?" Ling explained her doubts with a smile, and continued to move his hands. He poured her a glass of plain water, "Drink some water, your lips are a bit dry."

"Thank you." Lu Qinglan suddenly felt a little uncomfortable with her, as if she was the host and the guest, but she still took the cup, "No big problem."

After the polite words were finished, there was a sudden silence between the two of them.

Rubbing her fingers unconsciously along the rim of the cup, Lu Qinglan lowered her head and thought about Ling Wei's reason for coming, did she really just come to see herself?

While she was thinking, Ling Wei was also quietly looking at her.

Not long after, Ling Wei spoke first: "In addition to seeing you this time, I would like to ask you to officially report to Ruishang next Monday. Are you okay? Do you need to extend it for a few days to recover?"

Hearing this, Lu Qinglan raised her head, and happened to see Ling Wei staring at her intently.

"No, I'll be there on time." Mr. Xiang gave enough time at that time, if it was extended, it might have a bad effect.

"That's good." For her answer, Ling Wei was expected, pursed her lips, and then said, "Lu Qinglan, I am looking forward to working with you, you are excellent."

"Thank you." Putting the cup on the table beside her, Lu Qinglan waited for her next words.Although she didn't know Ling Wei well, she just had an intuition that she was not just looking at herself.

Sure enough, the next moment, Ling Wei spoke again: "Lu Qinglan, I like Ye Tingshen for many years."

Lu Qinglan subconsciously raised her eyebrows, isn't this the real purpose of Ling Wei's visit today?However, from the first time she met Ling Wei, she always acted like an old friend, and she didn't show any liking for Ye Tingshen.

If she hadn't overheard it that day, she wouldn't have known about it, but now, why did she say it?
Unable to think of an answer, Lu Qinglan raised her head and looked at her carefully.

She finally knew what was different.In the past, Ling Wei was more gentle and gentle like a lady, but now, she is more capable than a workplace OL. With every gesture, the two temperaments are perfectly blended together, making it impossible to ignore.

Ling Wei is beautiful, and the undisguised love for Ye Ting in her eyes adds a different kind of light to her.

Withdrawing her scrutiny, Lu Qinglan breathed a sigh of relief, with a vague smile on the corner of her mouth: "Well, I know."

Ling Wei was taken aback, but she didn't expect Lu Qinglan to be so calm, but soon, she covered up her gaffe just now, and put on a shy smile: "Ting Shen is a very good man. For so many years, I have been I am trying to make myself good enough to stand beside him proudly, it can be said that to a large extent, because of his encouragement, I am what I am now, although I am still far from being good.”

When she was speaking, her eyes attracted attention as if she could speak, and also radiated a little light.

Lu Qinglan looked at her with a slight smile on her face.Perhaps in the eyes of others, Ling Wei's words are easy to make people daydream, his encouragement?Whether it's me or someone else, it's very intriguing.

Ling Wei has been staring at Lu Qinglan, wanting to see a different expression on her face.

Even if she doesn't speak now, it still won't affect what she wants to say next.

"Lu Qinglan, I'm here today to tell you this because I want you to know that although you own his present, his past and future will not be yours. I love him, so I won't be depressed anymore Your own emotions. But as far as I know, you still can't tell your own feelings for him. "

Lu Qinglan was still listening to her quietly talking, but the last sentence made her a little confused, and her calm face also changed slightly at this moment.

Seeing this, Ling Wei's eyes flashed with pride, she coughed lightly, and she finally said: "I've bothered you for a long time, I still have something to do, so I'll go first."

After all, without giving Lu Qinglan any chance to speak, she just pushed the door open and walked out.

In the room, Lu Qinglan lay blankly on the bed alone, her thoughts drifting away.

There seemed to be a faint scent of perfume left by Ling Wei in the air, and her words remained in her mind.

"Lanlan, what's the matter with you? What are you thinking? You didn't respond when you called me?" When Jiang Ranran and Gu Lingxiu came in, they happened to see her wandering, raised their hands in front of her and waved her thoughts away. pull back.

"Ah? No, nothing?" Blinking her eyes, Lu Qinglan changed the subject, "Why are you here?"

Jiang Ranran didn't take a close look at her performance, and pouted at Gu Lingxiu, feeling a little helpless: "I had an examination yesterday, and I'm going to see an expert today, he's not at ease."

Following her gaze, Lu Qinglan saw Gu Lingxiu scratching his head in embarrassment, but he looked at Jiang Ranran with pampering eyes, and couldn't help but smile, the two of them have finally developed further, it's always good .

Just about to say something, the door was opened again, revealing Bai Shu's little head.

"Fourth Sister-in-law," Bai Shu called out in a low voice, twisting his fingers together uncomfortably, and then walked in. After seeing Gu Lingxiu, his eyes lit up, "Brother Lingxiu!"

"Little book." Gu Lingxiu smiled faintly, walked to Jiang Ranran's side unobtrusively, and helped her to sit down.

It was also at this time that Bai Shu discovered Jiang Ranran's existence, and the smile froze on his face. After a while, he squeezed out a forced smile again, and his voice lowered: "Ranran, you are here too."

Jiang Ranran doesn't know much about the relationship between Bai Shu and Gu Lingxiu, but everyone can see the changes in Bai Shu, and she always feels that Gu Lingxiu's actions are a bit deliberate, so she just pursed her lips , smiled politely: "En."

Bai Shu seemed to feel that he was not welcome, chatted a few times timidly and left.

Lu Qinglan didn't care at first, but before Bai Shu left, she gave Jiang Ranran a seemingly unintentional look, which made her pay attention, as if she had seen that look somewhere before.

As soon as Bai Shu left, Jiang Ranran suddenly felt a little annoyed, so he went back first, and Gu Lingxiu followed with a wry smile.

Not long after leaving, Ye Tingshen also came.

As soon as Lu Qinglan saw Ye Tingshen, the words Ling Wei said couldn't help but rang in her mind, subconsciously she didn't dare to look him in the eyes, and even avoided his movements obviously.

She had to admit that she thought she would not be influenced by Ling Wei, but in the end, she only thought that.

"What's wrong with Qinglan? Is it because I didn't come here earlier?" Grabbing her hand that she wanted to avoid, Ye Ting's deep eyes were full of worry, "Tell me, huh?"

"No..." Lu Qinglan replied sullenly, constantly arguing with herself in her heart, she didn't want to say those words to Ye Tingshen.

His eyes seemed to be able to see through people, and she had no choice but to avoid him.

Ye Tingshen naturally saw her strangeness, sighed secretly, and then changed the subject: "Going to see Shen Sui?"

"En." Lu Qinglan lowered her head.

Ye Ting raised his eyebrows deeply, and continued to ask: "Have you met Shen Beibei yet?"

"En..." pouted, lowered his head even lower.

"She bullied you?"

"..." Lu Qinglan stopped talking now, not because she didn't say anything, but because she felt it was unnecessary.

But Ye Tingshen didn't think so.

Before coming, he went to Shen Suina, who told the story and apologized for the first time.

"In the future, if someone bullies you, even if you bully him back, I will support you, you know?"

"Ah?" Lu Qinglan finally raised her head, her small mouth opened slightly in surprise, wondering if he had misunderstood something.

"Ah what?" Seeing that she was finally willing to look at him, Ye Ting's mouth hooked deeply, and he reached out to pinch her nose, "Will you tell me what happened now?"

Lu Qinglan blushed, opened her mouth, and finally whispered: "Ling Wei is here, tell me she likes you."

It was because of this.

Ye Ting raised his eyebrows deeply, and looked at the person in front of him affectionately: "So what? I only have Qinglan in my heart."

After a pause, he said again, "Just for this?"

Lu Qinglan hesitated and didn't know what to say, and finally raised her head suddenly, touched his handsome face with her hands, and put on a fierce look on purpose: "That's why! I just feel a little uncomfortable!"

"What does Qinglan want?" Ye Ting hugged her deeply, his deep voice was extremely alluring, "En?"

"I think..." Lu Qinglan prolonged her tone on purpose, her eyes rolled playfully, the corners of her mouth suddenly raised, and then she kissed him on the lips!

With the familiar touch and warm feeling, Lu Qinglan simply knelt up, held his face in his hands, closed his eyes, and tried.

Ye Tingshen, on the other hand, looked at her with a smile from the beginning to the end. If Lu Qinglan opened her eyes at this moment, she would be able to spot the smug look on the corner of his mouth.

It's just, how can this little girl be so... young?
Ye Ting refrained from laughing out loud, and at the next moment, he put his arms around her waist with one hand and pressed her head with the other, turning passive into active!

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