shallow marriage deep love

114 How about serving you well at night?

"Miss Lu, do you know what you're talking about?!" Mr. Xiang looked at Lu Qinglan who had a calm face in front of him in surprise, and almost squeezed his voice out through his teeth, "Do you want to talk about it?" give up?!"

Does she know how many people respect Ruishang Zhiyun in this circle? !Do you know that getting this trophy will be a bargaining chip and honor no matter which international magazine you enter in the future? !
But now, she actually wants to give up!Or when I handed her the trophy, I said give up!

Mr. Xiang's face suddenly became ugly, as if all the anger would burst out in the next second.

"Mr. Xiang," the corner of his mouth curled up, showing a polite smile that couldn't be wrong, Lu Qinglan bowed slightly to show respect, and then continued, "Yes, you heard me right, I also know what I'm doing What to say, this trophy, I give up."

When she spoke, her eyes were clear.

But even so, it still couldn't extinguish the anger in Mr. Xiang's heart: "Miss Lu, the rhyme of Ruishang is no joke!"

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Mr. Xiang was really going to be furious. Many people present looked at Lu Qinglan one after another, as if they were thinking, why is this person so ungrateful and arrogant?

Ling Wei came over in a timely manner, supported Mr. Xiang, and spoke softly: "Teacher, please speak slowly if you have something to say, your body is important, okay?"

After finishing speaking, she raised her head again, looked at Lu Qinglan complicatedly, frowned and asked, "Lu Qinglan, you..."

Lu Qinglan stopped her, looked at Mr. Xiang respectfully, and said in a clear and firm voice, "Mr. Xiang, the reason why I came to participate in this selection today is to prove that I have this ability, and I don't even bother to plagiarize. Not to mention taking advantage of relationships to enter this competition. But Ruishang’s injustice and doubts that day, forgive me for not being able to accept this trophy, I am not arrogant, but I have my pride.”

Her voice was so powerful that it could not be ignored, floating in the conference room, shocking the ears of those who listened.

Looking around, everyone's expressions fell into their eyes, and Lu Qinglan no longer cared what they thought of her.

Smiling slightly, she finally said: "Mr. Xiang, I still want to thank you for giving me this opportunity. There are still people waiting for me outside, so I'll go first."

As soon as the voice fell, she turned around and pushed the door out.

A group of people left behind looked at each other.

After a long time, one of the judges bravely stepped forward and asked, "Mr. Xiang, then, this trophy..."

According to regulations, if the winner of the Rhythm of Ruishang is unable to attend, or voluntarily gives up, the trophy will be awarded to No.2.

But this situation, after so many sessions, is the first time it has happened today.

Mr. Xiang tapped his cane angrily, took a few deep breaths, and said in a hateful voice, "Follow the rules!"

This is Ling Wei who will be awarded No.2.

The judges looked at each other and said nothing more. After announcing the other rankings, they handed the Ruishang Zhiyun trophy to Ling Wei. Immediately afterwards, the media who had been waiting for a long time stepped forward one after another, each with their own thoughts. Ask questions, or congratulate Ling Wei.

For the sake of fairness, some media were invited to witness the rematch this time.

Lu Qinglan's giving up and Ling Wei's award are another excellent news.

The media naturally thought of this. Now that Lu Qinglan has left, they can only focus on Ling Wei.

As for Ling Wei, although everything was as usual on the surface, a sense of humiliation surged from the bottom of his heart!
Such a first, what use is she asking for!Looking at the trophy in her hand, she only felt dazzling and angry!
Lu Qinglan, did you do it on purpose? !
Walking out of the door of the conference room, you don't need to look for it deliberately, just look up, and Lu Qinglan will see Ye Tingshen waiting for her at the corner.

He was dressed in white casual clothes, leaning against the wall, with a touch of laziness in his elegance. The bright sunshine hit his face, but it couldn't compare to his fresh smile at the moment.

"The court is deep!" Lu Qinglan called him.

"Qinglan!" With a hook of his mouth, Ye Ting opened his arms deeply, looking at his little woman with burning eyes.

Lu Qinglan pursed her lips and smiled, and in the next moment, regardless of being seen by others, she ran towards him and plunged into his arms, like a cat waking up in the afternoon, rubbing its head non-stop. .

Ye Ting couldn't help laughing, and tightened his arms to hug her even tighter. He lowered his head and whispered in her ear: "Go home, or go out for a stroll?"

"Whatever." Lu Qinglan raised her head, smiled and tiptoed to peck him on the lips, "Ting Shen, I gave up the trophy for Ruishang Zhiyun."

"Well, I know." Ye Ting squeezed her cheek with one free hand, stared at her deeply, and added, "Before I came, I guessed that you would be like this, no matter what decision you make, I will support you of."

"En!" Lu Qinglan nodded heavily, and a smile spread on her lips. She would not ask why, because she knew that he understood her, and that was enough!
After leaving Ruishang's office building, the two of them were not in a hurry to go back, because they didn't drive, they simply held hands and pressed the road.

The roads in City A are very neat, with camphor trees planted on both sides, the sunlight shines through the gaps in the leaves, and the mottled light and shadows formed on the ground are really beautiful. Walking in such a place, accompanied by Ye Tingshen, Lu Qinglan feel very happy.

"Ting Shen, do you have something to do?" Seeing that he had answered several calls along the way, Lu Qinglan couldn't help asking.

Ye Ting took a deep look at her and smiled mysteriously: "It's okay."

Lu Qinglan froze for a moment, always feeling that his smile seemed to be planning something.

"Silly girl." Rubbing her hair dotingly, Ye Ting changed the subject indistinctly, "Although you gave up the trophy for Ruishang Zhiyun, you are still number one. Excuse me, Mrs. Ye, how do you want to celebrate? Or do you want a gift?"

"I don't want to celebrate it. As for the gift?" Lu Qinglan raised her eyebrows, looking arrogant, "Isn't Mr. Ye ready? Are you so insincere?"

"So Madam Ye thinks I'm insincere?" Imitating her way of raising eyebrows, Ye Tingshen raised the hands of the two clasped fingers, kissed the back of her hand, and said, "In order to congratulate you, Madam Ye, I specially I have prepared two gifts, you will find out later, as for the other one..."

Deliberately prolonging the ending, when he saw the expectation in her eyes, he leaned into her ear again and said vaguely: "Serve Mrs. Ye well tonight to relieve the hard work of the past few days, how about it?"

"You..." The warm breath sprayed on her neck, and Lu Qinglan blushed suddenly, as if all the blood in her body rushed up and gathered together.

Ye Ting looked deeply at her bleeding cheek, and couldn't help wanting to kiss her.

In fact, he did.

"Hiss..." Lu Qinglan couldn't help making a sound, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw the passer-by who had just passed by her give him several ambiguous glances, feeling ashamed and indignant, she gave the person in front of her a hard look, and then walked forward quickly.

Ye Tingshen pretended not to notice her shyness, took her hand naturally, held it tightly to prevent her from throwing it away, and then led her to the nearest shopping mall.

Lu Qinglan was always in a state of embarrassment, and let him lead her away. When she came back to her senses, she realized that the two had entered a store. Gu Lingxiu was standing at the door and winking at her, and two waiters were standing beside her. , other than that, there was no one else in the shop.

"This is..." Lu Qinglan stopped, feeling a little puzzled, and her heart beat faster at the same time.

A young waiter stepped forward at the right time, folded his hands in front of his lower abdomen, and smiled just right on his face: "Mr. Ye, Mrs. Ye, welcome to Darry Ring."

Darry Ring!

Lu Qinglan immediately froze in place, looking at Ye Tingshen in surprise.

The next second, she suddenly remembered that when he was in City B, he saw that he was not wearing an engagement ring, so he wanted to take her to Darry Ring to buy another one, but she refused at that time, saying that she still liked Kelan's one. Afterwards, there was a car accident, and she forgot about it for a while.

Now, he wants to...

All of a sudden, Lu Qinglan's little face turned red, the store was obviously cleared up, it was so quiet, so quiet that she could hear her own heartbeat clearly.

Seeing that there was no movement from the people around him, Ye Ting felt extremely funny, and asked, "What's the matter? Shouldn't it be?"

"No, it's not..." Lu Qinglan didn't know how to answer, she simply raised her head, blinked her big innocent eyes, and said stupidly after several seconds, "Want to buy a ring?"

"if not?"

"But..." Lu Qinglan thought of the ring that she had thrown in the Lu family at that time, and said with a smile: "Isn't there one already?"

Hearing this, Ye Ting held her hand deeply, looked at the bare fingers, and raised his eyebrows: "You didn't bring it, let alone, are you sure you can find it?"

"Damn, of course..." Her tone was so weak that she didn't dare to raise her head.

Ye Ting smiled deeply: "Then take turns wearing it, whichever one you like. Madam Ye, do you want others to think that I am reluctant to buy a ring for you?"

After finishing speaking, he didn't give her a chance to refute, and went straight to the counter, glanced at them, and ordered to pick out the ones he liked.

Lu Qinglan looked up, the ones he picked were all the ones he liked, simple, low-key, and aesthetically pleasing.

He really knew what he wanted.

Thinking of this, she finally stopped being shy, took a step forward, and carefully selected.

"If Mrs. Ye is not satisfied with these, we still have a batch of pink diamonds and loose diamonds that have just arrived, which are all treasures."

Ye Ting nodded deeply: "Then let's take a look."

When the waiter carefully took it out, with a casual glance, Lu Qinglan was attracted by one of the pink diamonds.

Ye Ting took a deep look, then leaned close to her ear and said, "If you like it, buy it."

The two were very close, thinking that there were other people present, Lu Qinglan was ashamed to say nothing, and when she was about to speak, he had already made arrangements.

Seeing in a daze that he had finished everything, Lu Qinglan seemed to be a little out of sorts, but what he said next completely stunned her!

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