Super son-in-law of a beautiful president

Chapter 62 You Are the Mastermind Behind the Scenes

Mizson Emri!

Nobel Prize winner!

World-class authoritative orthopedic expert!
Vice President and Chief Professor of Orthopedics at Charité Hospital, Germany.

Charité Hospital is the largest medical institution in Europe with a long history of more than 300 years, especially in orthopedics and eye tumor treatment in the world's leading position.

The Charité hospital has been ranked the number one hospital in Germany by the ranking magazine "Focus" for many years in a row.The professionals engaged in research, teaching and treatment in the hospital are at the top international level, and at least half of the German Nobel Prize winners in medicine and physiology are from Charité Hospital.

And 'Mizson Emri' is the most authoritative orthopedic specialist in this hospital, bar none!

In the field of world medicine, he is also a god-like existence.

At the same time, he is also the queen orthopedic expert of royal families and members of royal families in various European countries.

Therefore, when Sun Xianglian and her assistant Wu Guanghui heard Mizson Emri's name, it was like a basketball player hearing 'Jordan' or a kung fu star hearing 'Bruce Lee'.

However, beyond shock.

Sun Xianglian laughed, and Wu Guanghui also laughed.

Even the other two orthopedic doctors also laughed.

mocking laugh.

"You can really blow it!" Wu Guanghui sneered while wiping his nose with a paper towel: "Mizsen Emri? He is a world-class medical master. In Europe, only the royal family and state officials can invite him." Him. Yongzhou Provincial Hospital, an ordinary provincial hospital, people don't pay attention to it at all. Even if the president invites him, the governor invites him, people will not condescend to come here..."

Sun Xianglian also snorted: "This is the most absurd joke I've ever heard in my more than [-] years of medical practice! To be honest, this expert had the honor to meet Mizson Emri at the five-country orthopedic summit forum. That kind of aura, that kind of arrogance, that kind of talent, made the representatives of various countries be impressed by him. In the medical field, he is a god, not a human being. So, if you say this from the mouth of a driver, you know how much Isn't it ridiculous?"

Gong Mengran was also shocked.

That's right, how could such a world-class figure come here?
Lu Ping, oh Lu Ping, you dare to say anything big!
This girl knows that you moved out of Mizson Emri to suppress these two arrogant orthopedic specialists. Their behavior is indeed unbearable.But you don't think about it, lies will always be exposed.

It seems that this girl has to rescue you again.

"I think the Emri that Driver Lu mentioned should be just the same name." Gong Mengran pouted her small mouth, and the feeling of weaving the story was really brain-burning: "It's like, the name Einstein in this world is also He's not the only one. The world's population is increasing, and the rate of duplicate names is high, right?"

Gong Mengran blushed for a while.

Being Lu Ping's boss is really a technical job!
Wu Guanghui dipped his nasal cavity with a tissue, and said with high spirits: "It seems that this is the only explanation."

Sun Xianglian sneered: "It's really shameless, I don't know how much I weigh! Xiao Ran, how can your vision be so bad, why did you choose such a person as the driver?"

"His driving skills are very good." Besides embarrassment, what else does Gong Mengran have?

"Miss, thank you!" Lu Ping smiled: "But what I want to tell you is that the Emri I mentioned is the Emri you think of. He is coming."

Gong Mengran glared at Lu Ping, Bai helped you out, and then slipped into the trap again.

Sun Xianglian and Wu Guanghui looked at each other.

Wu Guanghui burst out laughing immediately, spraying water from his nose.

"Rhinitis, rhinitis, I'm sorry." Wu Guanghui pointed to Lu Ping and said, "I suggest that you should see a psychiatrist. Your current state is no longer something that our orthopedic doctors can diagnose and treat."

Sun Xianglian also took the opportunity to sarcastically: "I do know some directors of psychiatric hospitals, and I can recommend them."

Did you see it?Gong Mengran looked at Lu Ping and sighed.

You are clearly throwing yourself into a trap!
People are eager to see your jokes, but you are better...

At this moment!
There was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps in the passage outside.

"God, go and see, Emrie is here, Emrie is here at our hospital!"

"Wow my god!"


There was a burst of excitement and a high voice.

When the other two orthopedic surgeons in the room heard this, they rushed out like Fan Jinzhongju.

"He...he really came?" Wu Guanghui's hands trembled, and several balls of paper fell to the ground.

Sun Xianglian was shocked at first, and then flushed on her face: "I'm not dreaming, am I? My idol, my idol...he really came? I'm so lucky!"

Saying that, the two rushed out quickly.

Lu Ping curled his lips and shouted at them: "Don't be so crazy, he came here in a low-key way!"

The arrival of a person made the hospital crazy.

Doctors are no longer doctors, they become cheerers, cheerers.

Even the director of the hospital and those executives lined up neatly to welcome God's presence.

This is Emri's status and strength.

In the ward, it was quiet.

It was so quiet that everyone's breathing could be heard.

Except for Lu Pingruo, Gong Mengran and Zheng Sanhu were both lost in thought.

After a long time, Gong Mengran regained his composure and asked Lu Ping, "How do you know that Emri is coming?"

"How do I know?" Lu Ping explained, "I overheard the dean talking there, so..."

Gong Mengran asked back: "You are always by my side, why didn't I hear you?"

"You won't believe me when I say I have a clairvoyant ear. In fact..." Lu Ping prevaricated: "Actually, I heard them mention it when I went to the toilet just now. It's in the men's room."

The point is, will the dean come to the men's room in the patient building?
The more this guy explains, the more ridiculous he gets.

At this moment, the whole hospital was boiling.

It's like a pot of boiling water has been boiled, full of excited hearts and praises of Emri.

Emri is a standard white man, a little tall and a little thin, with a beard, but he has a very handsome appearance.

People in their 50s look refreshed and powerful.

He came with two followers.

Surrounded by everyone, Emri explained in English: "I'm sorry everyone, but I'm actually here for a private matter. I was entrusted to see a patient. His name is Zheng Sanhu. Dean, please send me Can you show me his medical records and films?"

The dean was flattered: "Of course, of course! Professor Emrie, it is a great honor for us, Provincial Hospital, to have your guidance!"

At this moment.

Sun Xianglian pushed aside the crowd, and rushed up excitedly: "Mr. Amrie, you remember me?"

Emri looked at the woman in front of him and shook his head: "I'm sorry, I really don't have any impression of you, please forgive me for telling the truth."

Sun Xianglian said eagerly: "At the five-country orthopedics summit forum a few years ago..."

"I have an impression of that." Emri said with a look of regret: "Professor Mike King from the United States, Dean Frank from Sweden, Jeff Matsushita from Japan... and Mr Chen from Huaxia Huade Orthopedics, we They all communicated with each other. And their accompanying assistants, I have seen them all at the forum... As for you, I really have no impression. Sorry."

Sun Xianglian explained: "I was Mr. Chen's assistant at the time..."

Emri looked blank: "I've met Mr. Chen's assistant, it doesn't seem like you, madam?"

Sun Xianglian emphasized: "I was his assistant's assistant..."

"Oh, See!" Emri shrugged his shoulders in disappointment: "I thought it was my memory loss, but now it seems that I was thinking too much. I'm sorry madam, I have to see a patient, please excuse me .”

Laughs erupted from the crowd of onlookers.

Assistant's assistant?
Like a louse on a louse on top of a bald man's head.

In the vast sea of ​​people, who can see it?
As Emry left with the headmaster, the crowd gradually dispersed.

Only Sun Xianglian and his assistant Wu Guanghui were left standing there with blank faces.

"So, I'm Mr. Chen's assistant's assistant's assistant..." Wu Guanghui wiped his nose again, feeling his insignificance for a moment.

Sun Xianglian scolded angrily: "You are no longer, go and cure your rhinitis first!"

Orthopedic clinic.

The dean sat there with all the orthopedic surgeons.

Emri pointed to Zheng Sanhu's film and quickly came up with a treatment plan.

The applause continued.

Ward 301 was bustling right now.

That's because everyone heard Zheng Sanhu's name from Emri just now.

A group of doctors and nurses swarmed here, some sent flowers and some gave fruits, vying to curry favor with this patient who had a great connection with Emri.

Zheng Sanhu was so flattered that he was overwhelmed.

Although he didn't know why, he felt the greatness of this injury and the absolute glory!

Lu Ping stood in front of the window and smoked a cigarette.

In fact, smoking is not allowed in the ward, but no one notices him now.

Lu Ping didn't mean to destroy the environment of the ward, he was just deliberately avoiding Gong Mengran.

"Miss, come and see, that Expert Sun and his assistant have already walked to the entrance of the hospital." Lu Ping turned his head to greet Gong Mengran.

Gong Mengran leaned over: "They are leaving!"

Lu Ping made up his mind: "This is not going to go! Look at their dejected looks, like bereaved dogs, they want to sneak away."

"Cut!" Gong Mengran said: "I invited the people after all, I will send them off."

Lu Ping said, "I'll go with you."

Gong Mengran shook her head: "You stay and take care of Director Zheng."

"Oh good! By the way, Miss, Expert Sun and the others didn't do much anyway, so they don't need to pay for it." Lu Ping, who has always disliked making troubles, started to make troubles: "At most, just reimburse them for the round-trip air ticket. No matter how big the family business is, you have to learn how to live."

"Is it up to you to teach me?" Gong Mengran frowned.

"Also, remind that assistant surnamed Wu to change his habit of littering."

"I want to persuade him to cure his rhinitis first. He always hums and hums, which makes me want to have a runny nose."

"You can rest assured about this. According to reliable information, beautiful women generally don't have a runny nose. At least someone will wipe it for you."

"Your shocking logic!"

Gong Mengran pouted and left.

Lu Ping could tell that Gong Mengran's footsteps sounded thoughtful.

That may be deeper doubts and shocks.

"Have you seen it, have you seen Brother Hu's popularity?" Zheng Sanhu on the hospital bed shook the freshly received flowers and the banana the nurse peeled for him, and said excitedly: "The German experts operated on me personally, the doctor And the nurses all threw themselves into my arms, and some of them are quite beautiful! Brother Hu has reached the pinnacle of his life!"

Lu Ping just smiled: "Stupid!"

Three tigers, three tigers, you are kind to me, and I will pay you back!

Your recovery is my greatest wish at this moment, Lu Ping.

Afterwards, Lu Ping found a corner and called his parents who were far away in country S.

This dozen is more than two hours...

three hours later.

The operation is over!

Emry was recording cases on his laptop in the consulting room.

Lu Ping knocked on the door and walked in: "Mr. Amrie, are you all right?"

Emri looked up, stood up abruptly, with a surprised look on his face: "Wow My God! General Lu, brother Tianqi? It's unbelievable, how did you appear here?" His excited words were mixed with a few sentence in Chinese.

He eagerly went forward and hugged Lu Ping.

Lu Ping's name in Europe is Lu Tianqi.

Westerners admit that this is a very domineering name.

Lu Ping smiled: "I'm here to express my gratitude to you. You have traveled thousands of miles to see a doctor for my friend, and even performed the surgery yourself."

"Your friend? Zheng Sanhu? You mean Mr. Zheng? That's your friend? It's a great honor for him to be your friend." Emri suddenly realized: "I seem to understand now, King Charles please I'm here to treat Mr Zheng's injuries, and you are the mastermind behind the scenes!"

Lu Ping nodded: "That's right, Emri."

"But..." Emri looked puzzled, "Why did you ask King Charles to convey it?"

Lu Ping said: "I'm afraid I won't be able to invite you, a world-class expert, it will be very embarrassing."

"Are you kidding me?" Emri shrugged his shoulders, "I dare not refuse your invitation. You are a myth in the western world, God of War. If I refuse you, if you are angry and start war on my country, I will become a country." Are you a sinner? My friend, General Lu, meet an old friend, please allow me to hug you again."

"Emri, I'm not a beautiful woman, don't be like this. Your beard is stuck in me, are you afraid that I will pull it out for you?" Lu Ping couldn't bear his enthusiasm and his prickly beard.

"Lu, you are the best! The best conductor I have ever seen, God of War, and of course, the youngest and most handsome!" Emri said excitedly, with memories of the past flashing in his eyes.

He met Lu Ping because of the battlefield.

That was two years ago.

PS: The novel originated from life, and the novel Zhujiao Lu Ping used his unparalleled ability to repay his kindness.In fact, the author is not an idle person. Search and follow the author's official account 'Mr. Huanghe', and read the author's self-report: "In that year, I singled out a dozen unscrupulous youths alone", with several handsome photos of the author... …

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