Super son-in-law of a beautiful president

Chapter 548 Possessed by the White Snake

Liu Yongxin?
Steel King Liu Yongxin?
Gong Mengran shivered reflexively, and stood up uncontrollably.

"Boss Liu?'s you?" Gong Mengran has always respected seniors in the business world, let alone a steel tycoon like Liu Yongxin.Of course, this is not out of clinging psychology, it is a kind of character and self-cultivation.

After all, her father's strength is far higher than that of most of the wealthy Jia in China.

Liu Yongxin said: "It's me. If it's fake, it's guaranteed."

Gong Mengran looked up at Lu Ping, and said thoughtfully, "Dong Liu, what do you need from me?"

Liu Yongxin said: "Lu...Lu Ping is an employee of your Auto Trade City, right?"

Gong Mengran said: "Yes, he is my driver."

Liu Yongxin said: "That's right. I made this call for two reasons. The main reason is to explain the situation for your driver. He was with me last night and we talked for a long time. It can be seen that he It is admirable to devote yourself to work, and we talked very late yesterday, so he must be late today, right?"

Gong Mengran exclaimed: "He...he...was he really with you last night?"

Liu Yongxin said: "Yes."

Gong Mengran glanced at Lu Ping with a complicated expression, and then said: "Then I want to give you a new look. It has been rumored before that you manage a lot of things every day, and even push and push CCTV interviews. It is difficult for others to see you. But no What I thought was that you could sacrifice your rest time at night to meet our driver Lu. This is really... directly crushing those rumors outside."

Liu Yongxin on the other side of the phone was actually complaining for a while.

Do you think I would like to meet your Lu driver?
Wasn't it because he made too much noise, beat us Minister Jin to the hospital, and poached the corners of [-] of us, so I had no choice but to meet him in person.

I just didn't expect it to be okay for a while.

Almost took in 20 billion.

Fortunately, our mother-in-law did good deeds outside, and she had some friendship with your driver Lu, so this grievance was resolved.

But Liu Yongxin could only prevaricate: "It should be. Mr. Gong, there is one more thing. I plan to go to your Auto Trade City in the afternoon to meet Lu Ping."

Gong Mengran was even more surprised: ""

Liu Yongxin explained: "I plan to purchase a hundred commercial vehicles from you. As you know, there are tens of thousands of employees in Yongxin Steel Plant, and there are five to six hundred middle and high-level personnel alone. Now the official vehicles of the steel plant , and one-third are facing elimination."

Gong Mengran said incredulously: "You mean, one... one hundred? I... I heard right?"

Liu Yongxin said with a smile: "It's a hundred cars. Moreover, there may be additional ones in the future. Anyway, there is not much money, only a few hundred million in official expenditures. I will let the administration and finance do a good job of hierarchical planning, and put After matching the purchase quantity, I will go there in person in the afternoon and ask for a cup of tea from Mr. Gong, I wonder if Mr. Gong will reward this face?"

Gong Mengran hurriedly said: "Welcome, welcome! I...I am so welcome! Then I will prepare tea and wait for you."

Liu Yongxin said: "Then it's settled."

After hanging up the phone.

Gong Mengran looked at Lu Ping in shock.

Lu Ping calmly put on a posture that concealed his fame, and instead led her into the army: "What are you looking at? Didn't you just sell a hundred cars for you? I didn't hear what Dong Liu said, it was only a few hundred million expenses. What's the point?"

Gong Mengran asked excitedly: "Xiao Lulu, I want to ask you, how did you do it?"

Lu Ping exclaimed: "Miss, are you possessed by the white lady? make me have goosebumps."

"Lu Ping, did you make it? I don't think calling you 'Little Lu Lu' is not kind enough, 'Xiao Pingping', are you really good? You made it? Your boss, I can't even describe my feelings for you... In short... should I reward you. You mention it! You mention it quickly! No matter what request you ask, I will agree to you!" Gong Mengran became more and more emotional, faltering, with a shocked expression , soft eyes, gaze piercing Qiushui even with a look of admiration.


This is simply another miracle that can be recorded in the history of Auto Trade City.

It's just a matter of selling a hundred cars.

However, the client is Liu Yongxin, the steel tycoon who is resounding in the business world.

Do you know?Don't say that you want to sell the car to Liu Yongxin. Others just want to see him. It's hard to die. They don't necessarily give face to the other party when they make an appointment a few months in advance.Prior to this, several groups of CCTV reporters, business tycoons, and well-known entertainers had their doors shut.

But Driver Lu...

Why is he so powerful?

"Miss, do you mean that no matter what I ask, you can agree to me?" Lu Ping extracted important information from it and emphasized.

Gong Mengran stepped forward and nodded repeatedly: "Yes! Salary increase, bonus, travel and vacation, you can all mention it, don't be polite to me. Oh, you will definitely not get a cent of the commission of this big bill. Miss you."

Lu Ping smacked his lips and said, "These are just floating clouds to me."

Gong Mengran asked back: "Then what exactly do you want?"

Lu Ping blurted out: "I want you to be happy and happy all your life!"

Um?Gong Mengran was taken aback for a moment, and his heart was as happy as a flower, a kind of touch that penetrated into the depths of his heart spontaneously arose.

Every time he gave himself an unexpected answer.


"Here we go again." Gong Mengran blushed slightly, and said, "No one is your opponent when it comes to glibness, but... But I seem to like your glibness, I agree to your request, but I can give you another chance. Tell me quickly, what else do you want? Tell me quickly, don't hesitate!"


This is a big order of [-] cars.

Gong Mengran really felt sorry for rewarding Lu Ping without any substance.

After all, she has always been a female boss with clear rewards and punishments.

Lu Ping turned his head to look at the window, leaving half of his cheek for Gong Mengran.

The meaning couldn't be more obvious, your sweet kiss.

Gong Mengran couldn't see what Lu Ping was thinking, and immediately raised the corner of her mouth in resentment, stretched out her hand to straighten his cheek, and warned, "Don't push yourself too hard, okay?"

Lu Ping said innocently: "Miss, why are you pushing my face? Your neck almost made you push my stiff neck."

Gong Mengran said sternly: "How dare you pretend to be with me? You don't know what you mean, hmph, no matter what I say, I can't sell my soul to reward you. Other things are fine, this is not good."

Lu Ping said in a serious manner: "Miss, what are you thinking? I just turned my head and looked out the window, looking for inspiration, and thinking about how to get you to reward me, pushed me over with this slap. You Isn't it too domineering? Why, this is your office, I can't even look at the window? You are too..."

The guy who refuses to admit it!
Gong Mengran has long been familiar with Lu Ping's routines, so he simply followed suit: "Okay. Since you don't want rewards so much, then I will never force it. This is the first time I have met an employee who silently gives without asking for anything in return."

Lu Ping quickly said: "Don't! Don't! I want it, can't I still want it?"

Gong Mengran urged: "Then tell me, what do you want?"

""Medicine"... Lu Xun." Lu Ping flicked his sleeves solemnly, and recited like a student: "In the second half of the night in autumn, the moon has gone down, the sun has not yet risen, and there is only a dark blue sky. .Everyone fell asleep except for nighttime things. Hua Laoshuan suddenly sat up, struck a match, and lit the greasy lamp all over his body. The two rooms in the teahouse were filled with bluish-white light..."


Gong Mengran was speechless.

This driver Lu likes to make trouble.

"Yao, Lu Xun... Lu Ping, you... Didn't you say that you never went to high school? You memorized a text in high school. I almost forgot it." Gong Mengran pouted, thinking that Lu Ping had memorized the text. He didn't look like a scholar at all, but rather like a general commanding thousands of troops, mobilizing the officers and soldiers before the siege.

Lu Ping said with a smile: "Because I haven't been there, I cherish it."

Gong Mengran asked back: "And then? What exactly do you want to express? I asked you what reward you want, and you said 'medicine Lu Xun', did you go out to take medicine in the morning?"

Lu Ping emphasized: "So what I want to tell you is that I like reading books, and I like watching you even more. You are a good medicine in my heart. Without you, I can't sleep at night."


"Still insomnia?" Gong Mengran looked at Lu Ping's serious appearance, and couldn't help but put him in the army: "According to what you said, you haven't slept at all in the past twenty years, and you haven't died of sleepiness." ah?"

Lu Ping said: "I, Lu Ping, have kept my eyes open for so many years and dare not sleep, just waiting for you to appear, Miss..."

"Come on, you! The more you talk, the more outrageous it is!" Gong Mengran interrupted Lu Ping's words with a raised hand, and emphasized: "I don't think you dare to sleep with your eyes open, but you are talking nonsense with your eyes open. Well, since you would rather If you don’t want to be rewarded for taking medicine, forget it. Go ahead, go down and wait for orders. Liu Dong will come over in the afternoon, so you have to cheer me up.”

Lu Ping asked back: "Is this driving me away?"

Gong Mengran simply pushed Lu Ping to the door with both hands, and shouted like a chicken: "Get out, get out! You're like a madman, and he's getting sick in front of me. If it weren't for the fact that you negotiated such a large sum For the sake of the list, I ordered your mouth to be sewn shut, no big or small!"

Having said that.

But there was an inexplicable throbbing in Gong Mengran's heart.

She gradually fell in love with Lu Ping's nonsense.

She even hoped that his nonsense was real.

This mouth is really sweet.

The sweet girl has lost her teeth.

Women, many times they are always duplicity.

Lu Ping was shut out.

Gong Mengran touched her throbbing chest, feeling an indescribable sense of suffocation and happiness.

This living treasure!

There's nothing annoying about being glib.

"Miss, I figured it out. According to the old rules, invite me to have a meal at noon and go for a pedicure. Isn't that too much to ask?" Lu Ping suddenly pushed open the office door, looking at Gong Mengran with a confused face, Said.

"Then what are you still doing in a daze, let's go, let's go!" Gong Mengran actually had this intention, so he readily agreed.

Lu Ping was taken aback: "You... agreed so quickly?"

Gong Mengran raised her head: "Nonsense! When did you sign a big deal and I was stingy?"

Lu Ping nodded: "That's true. By the way, miss, don't forget to bring a calculator and calculate my commission by the way. It's the same as the previous rules. If you pay for it all at once, I don't mind if you choose installment."

Gong Mengran urged: "You're still poor, you're still poor! Don't hurry up and prepare the car!"

in the hotel.

Wine and beauty, it's a joy.

After Lu Ping had a few drinks, Gong Mengran personally drove him to the Yuxuan leisure club.


This is already the nth time that Gong Mengran brought Lu Ping to have a pedicure.

Recalling Lu Ping's "bad thoughts" before, Gong Mengran decided not to be in the same room with him this time.

But Lu Ping is not a fuel-efficient lamp, he just stays in Gong Mengran's private room and does not leave.

Even the massage clothes are changed.

The point is, Gong Mengran didn't even notice when he changed it.

The cross-dressing games on the Internet are not as fast as him.

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