One thought of heaven.

One thought of hell.

Guo Yuanxing did not dare to struggle this time.

In a moment of panic, he simply knelt down.

Lu Ping finds it ridiculous, how did I become the family member of the head of Qingfengtang?
You underestimate me, Lu Ping.

"Why did you kneel down? Didn't you just want to hurt both me and me?" Lu Ping asked.

"Just... Just now I had eyes but no eyes, I had eyes but no eyes, I was blind. Slight... Slight... Slight..." The hiccup continued, and Guo Yuanxing tried his best to control it, as if he was being interrogated in hell.

Lu Ping smiled: "Actually, that owner lied to you. I have nothing to do with Qingfengtang."

"Don't...don't bluff me, I don't believe you." Guo Yuanxing didn't hiccup this time, wiping his cold sweat and said, "Master Fan never fools anyone, he says you are you, you...forgive me Well, I... I'll rectify it, I won't raise the property fee, I will... I will definitely serve the eco-city well in the future, you tell me who are your friends in the community, I... I will give them a free property fee, you see... ..."

Lu Ping interrupted him: "It's late! What kind of property are you with virtue like you? I told you before, Guo Yuanxing, you have to travel far away with your back. What are you still doing in Yongzhou? Get out of Yongzhou tonight ,Did you hear me?"

Guo Yuanxing plucked up his courage and begged, "Can you leave me something to eat?"

Lu Ping emphasized: "No. You have food to eat, but others can't stop eating. I'm done with this, either travel far, or prepare for the funeral."

Guo Yuanxing's scalp tingled for a while: "Okay... well, I... I will give up, I will give up all eight projects, and I will leave Yongzhou. But... But what you mentioned just now, can you give me my property? I keep it?"

Lu Ping said: "If you didn't remind me, I almost forgot. Your property along the river is gone, and you still have the assets you squeezed. This, you have to turn it in. Turn it all in."

Why am I bringing this up?

Guo Yuanxing regretted for a while.

"What are you looking at? Don't accept it? If you don't accept it, keep fighting! You can try to use your Yongzhou, even Dongshan, and the whole country. Use all the relationships you can use, and see if I, Lu Ping, can settle it. I will give Your chance to struggle." Lu Ping followed closely.

"I'm convinced, I'm convinced, I didn't say...hehehehehehehe, why haven't you digested it yet? I didn't say I didn't accept it. As long as you let me go, I...I don't want anything, I'm all ...all...all for you." Guo Yuanxing was completely out of control at this time, among the relationships he knew, Fan Xian was considered the most snobbish one, but now even he is afraid of this Lu Ping, what ability does he have? Revolt with confidence?

Lu Ping asked: "Aren't you forced?"

Guo Yuanxing replied: "I don't force it, my heart...willingly."

"That's fine." Lu Ping stood up without losing the opportunity, and said, "Well, you can go and get me another plastic bag, a bigger one."

Guo Yuanxing looked suspicious: "You...why do you want a plastic bag?"

Lu Ping pointed to a pile of steamed buns and beef on the table: "Pack it up, go back and eat."

ah?Guo Yuanxing had a face full of laughter and laughter, now that you have taken over my property and property, do you still care about these steamed buns and pieces of beef?

Too good at living, right?
In fact, the steamed buns and beef were originally packed in plastic bags.

It's a pity that the bag containing the steamed buns was of poor quality and had a hole.

"When I go's dry, and it's not new." Guo Yuanxing couldn't help but say something.

Lu Ping asked back: "I don't know how to put it in the refrigerator? Don't you think that I, Lu Ping, can't even afford a refrigerator? You underestimate people!"

"No, no, how can I! I'm just asking casually."

"Oh, hurry up and find the bag, what are you still doing?"

Guo Yuanxing searched around in the office, and he found a large shopping bag, and handed it to Lu Ping respectfully.

Lu Ping tidied up the steamed buns and beef, packed them up, and carried them on his shoulders.

Guo Yuanxing stared blankly at Lu Ping walking out of the office with a dazed look on his face.He felt that if it weren't for the added points of appearance and temperament, Lu Ping's image would look like a beggar.

God man.

But suddenly, he seemed to be hit by a flash of light.

"Strong men please stay, please stay." Guo Yuanxing anxiously chased after him.

Lu Ping turned his head and asked, "What's the matter?"

Guo Yuanxing said tentatively: "I...I have a proposal, and I hope can fulfill it."

Lu Pingdao: "What proposal?"

Guo Yuanxing scratched his scalp and said, "If you encounter a stubborn stubble like you, if you don't want the company, then you don't want it. I admit it. What I want to say is, can you keep me an official position and let me work in the real estate industry?" Manager too."

Begging for mercy.

Lu Ping told him firmly: "No! I told you that you have to travel far, otherwise I'm sorry for your name."

Guo Yuanxing asked anxiously, "Can I change my name?"

Lu Ping snorted coldly: "You can change your name to 'shit', I won't let your pile of shit dirty the sky of Yongzhou again."

Guo Yuanxing blushed, "This... this... I..."

Lu Ping frowned: "Pack up your things and get out tonight! If you bargain with me again, you won't even have the chance to travel far. Do you understand me?"

Guo Yuanxing was startled, and quickly nodded: "I understand, I understand."

"I will arrange for Aolong Property Management to come over to hand over to you in a while, and you cooperate well." Lu Ping emphasized, then took out his mobile phone and added: "By the way, let's add a WeChat."

Guo Yuanxing looked ignorant, wondering if this is still necessary?

But in doubt, he still took out his mobile phone and dug out the WeChat QR code.

Lu Ping scanned and added, and said: "Hurry up and cash out all your family's assets and send them to me on WeChat. Remember, don't play tricks. I will know how many houses, cars, deposits and stocks you have in your house."

Guo Yuanxing said with a mournful face, "I... can I leave some travel expenses?"

Lu Ping said sternly: "No!"

Guo Yuanxing asked back: "I don't have any money left, so... how can I travel so far?"

"Then leave fifty for you, no more." After leaving these words, Lu Ping carried the steamed buns and beef on his back, hummed a little song and left.

I'm afraid the eldest lady is in a hurry, right?

Still too merciful.

Efficiency is now significantly reduced.

On the way out of the community, Lu Ping called Ouyang Aolan to arrange everything properly.

But Ouyang Aolan said that the pressure is very high. The Aolong Property has only been established for a few days, and it has taken on so many projects, and it is overwhelming.

But doing property is the right path after all, and Ouyang Aolan never tires of it.

main entrance.

When Lu Ping came out carrying steamed buns and beef, he looked like a scavenger.

A handsome young scavenger.

Owners are still queuing up there to sign.

Gong Mengran was about to call Lu Ping again, when she saw Lu Ping come out in such a state, she couldn't help frowning.She didn't know what driver Lu was carrying.


Lu Ping walked to the queue, snatched the signature form in his hands without saying a word, and tore it up.

The staff stood up abruptly and asked, "You..."

Lu Ping interrupted directly: "Stay alone! You are fired!"

what's the situation?
Everyone looked at Lu Ping suspiciously.

Several security guards with batons over there quickly surrounded Lu Ping, forming a confrontation with him.

Lu Ping picked up the loudspeaker from the small table and shouted: "The staff of the former Yanjiang property, listen to me. From now on, the Yanjiang property will no longer exist. If you people want to continue to work in the property , you can come to 'Aolong Property Management' to sign up tomorrow and select the best. Of course, the prerequisite is that you first get rid of these stinky problems. Here comes the domineering in front of you!"

There was an uproar in the audience!
Everyone is questioning the authenticity of this news.

I am afraid that only Gong Mengran has a certain amount of trust in Lu Ping. After all, Lu Ping has done many unbelievable things before.Could it be said that driver Lu really did this?

Lu Ping went on to say: "Moreover, the new property promises to reduce the previous property fee collection standard by at least 50.00% on the original basis. If you are not satisfied, you can lower it later. What I want to tell you is that the community is the property owner The community, the home is the home of the owner, not a platform for the property to show off and make money!"

There was a discussion among the crowd.

What about such a good thing?
Um?No one applauded?Lu Ping pouted, thinking that there should be applause here.

Fortunately, Gong Mengran stood there and applauded.

Although she was the only one drumming, it was enough.

"That's great, Lu Ping." Gong Mengran walked in front of Lu Ping with one palm alone, his heart filled with eleven thousand inexplicable impulses.

Lu Ping smiled bitterly: "They don't believe what I said."

Gong Mengran said softly: "Actually, I don't really believe it either."

At this time, Guo Yuanxing walked out in a desperate manner, and in full view of everyone, he immediately said, "What he said is true! Yanjiang property, quit Yongzhou..."

Lu Ping turned his head and glanced at him, and immediately felt that this guy was very good at slapping his ass.

All the owners look at me and I look at you, but they don't know what happened.

But then.

There was a burst of warm applause.

The owners cheered and celebrated.

Someone even improvised a doggerel:

"Drive away the wolf!"

"Chased the dog away!"

"The owner is the master of the house!"


It doesn't rhyme very much, but it fits the occasion.

Everyone looked at the young "land taker" in front of them as if worshiping a hero, and even wondered: Is this a savior sent by heaven?
Guo Yuanxing walked up to Lu Ping with an abnormal expression, and couldn't help but ask him: "I don't understand this, you... your Aolong Property Management has reduced the property management fee by half, why is that? Don't you just want to make money? ?”

Gong Mengran was puzzled by the word 'you'.

She didn't understand, what exactly did Lu Ping talk to him in the community that made him so frightened and respected?
Lu Ping said: "You can make money even if you cut it in half, isn't it?"

Guo Yuanxing said: "But you can obviously earn more."

"Don't be too greedy, you have a knife on your head..." Lu Ping glanced at Gong Mengran with embarrassment, and quickly corrected himself: "Oh, there is no knife. What are you talking about with a knife on your head?" with?"

Guo Yuanxing said with a speechless face: "There is a knife on Sezi's head."

"Yes, I will test your education level." Lu Ping looked at Gong Mengran with a smile, and was instantly intoxicated by her beauty: "So what if you have a knife? For our eldest lady, I Willing to be hacked to death."

"There's no one of the right type!" Gong Mengran rolled his eyes at him, but there was an inexplicable rush of deer in his heart.

Guo Yuanxing was puzzled at first, and then suddenly realized.

Dare to love this unpredictable Grandpa Lu for this woman?

Rushing to the crown as a confidant!


How dare I, Guo Yuanxing, actually fall into the hands of this female proprietor?
But this time.

Suddenly, a group of people frantically flocked towards this side.

Obviously, they were targeting Lu Ping.

After seeing this, Gong Mengran reflexively stood in front of Lu Ping, and asked sharply, "You...what do you want to do?"

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