Super son-in-law of a beautiful president

Chapter 499 Could it be said that the little slave is the reincarnation of a beast?

Outside the gate.

Hong Quanhui personally led five people to the door of Song Laohan's house on tiptoe.

Each of them is holding a plastic drum.

Naturally, I dare not bring more people with such murder and arson.

The night is deep.

The whole village was pitch black.

"The lights are off, it looks like they're all asleep." Hong Quanhui murmured softly, then turned to one of his subordinates and said, "You and Huaigui crawl over there, you must move gently, and go in to pour gasoline."

The subordinate nodded slightly.

The man named Rengui glanced here and there, took a small run-up, kicked a few times on the wall, and then grabbed the top edge of the roof with a leap, and jumped up.

Several other subordinates handed the oil barrels to the person appointed by Hong Quanhui one by one, and threw them upwards.

This person is very powerful, throwing powerfully, stably and accurately.

Rengui cat stands on the roof with its waist down, catches, puts down, catches, puts down, the movements are natural and smooth, and very light.

They are all professional households who rob houses.

Then another subordinate nimbly climbed up. He and Rengui sincerely cooperated and transported several barrels of gasoline to the yard, and began to pour gasoline on the key parts.

Hong Quanhui took out a lighter and held it in front of his eyes to examine it.

The other three subordinates around him came over to stand by.

"Wait for Rengui and the others to come out later, I'll throw this lighter in, boom! Would you like it?" Hong Quanhui performed the matching movements with an exaggerated expression, enjoying the pleasure of killing people and setting them on fire.

To be precise, this is not his first time.

The third...fourth time?
The biggest point of the dry demolition company lies in one word: ruthless!

As the so-called wealth and wealth are sought in danger, how can the demolition and relocation be so smooth without killing a few people?
The developer's vain money is there. If the troublemaker's job is easy to do, what demolition company will he look for?He had already come out in person.It is precisely because of the insatiable greed of those unscrupulous people that the demolition company has the money.

Hong Quanhui believes in a saying: there is no house that cannot be demolished, only people who cannot demolish the house.

After this set of procedures, is there any reason why it cannot be dismantled?

Give some sweet dates first, and trick those unscrupulous people into "early demolition to take advantage of it", and at least one third of them will start to waver.

No matter how hard and soft it is, we will catch a few typical examples of resistance to demolition and clean them up, and those so-called thorny heads and nail houses will almost be disintegrated.

The remaining few nail households.

Compensate them more in private, and most of them can do their jobs well.

Finally, there are individual hardliners who don't take hard and soft, like Lu Ping.

One word.


And there are many ways to kill.

It is often because you are still asleep at home, which makes you never wake up.

It was the first time for Hong Quanhui to deal with the nail-biters, and the method he adopted was more civilized. The professional killer hired at a high price was clean and quick without leaving any hidden dangers.

The second time was to bribe an old driver and cause a seemingly normal traffic accident. Anyway, if someone died, the insurance company would settle the claim.

The third time was to directly find someone to enter the house and kill the nail house.

Bolder each time.

this time.

Hong Quanhui played with a bigger ticket.

He euphemistically called it 'Fire Attack'.

In the face of high rewards, how many lives count as farts?
Anyway, after burning this place to ashes, nothing will be left, there will be no monitoring, and there will be no evidence left behind.In the end, the arson incident would end in an accident.

Remembering that he was about to get rid of the stumbling block and complete the demolition task of Songjia Village, Hong Quanhui seemed to see endless banknotes and women, waving to him, gesturing, and walking slowly.

It felt so good.

Excited for a while, I couldn't help humming a famous Peking Opera passage:
"The young Zhou Lang of the Three Kingdoms is famous all over the world. He used fire to attack gods and ghosts in Chibi, and burned 80 corpses of Cao soldiers without burial.

"Eh? What's the next sentence? Could it be... Could it be that you said something?"

At this moment.

The next sentence came from inside the gate: "Could it be that the little slave is the reincarnation of a beast?"

"Yes, yes, that's the sentence, that's the sentence!" Hong Quanhui said suddenly, he was startled suddenly, what's the situation?
There was a bang.

The door was opened.

Hong Quanhui even shivered, this guy didn't sleep?

And what he hummed just now was as small as a mosquito, but he could also hear it?And you got the next sentence right?
At critical times, subordinates are unreliable.

When the three subordinates saw that the matter was revealed, they wanted to sneak away.

But how could Lu Ping give them a chance?

A few playing cards were thrown casually, and all three fell down.

Hong Quanhui also wanted to run, but Lu Ping stepped forward and grabbed his neck, and asked him back: "The fire hasn't been set off yet, why are you in such a hurry to leave?"

"I... I... We are here to protect you, to protect you and Song... Song Laohaner." In desperation, Hong Quanhui made up a terrible lie: "We are afraid... afraid that you will stop us this afternoon." The source of income for the villagers, some villagers will...will...will come to revenge on you. That's why I brought...brought...brought...brought people over to patrol around."

Lu Ping said, "Do you believe this?"

Hong Quanhui nodded solemnly: "If you lie, you will be struck by lightning!"

A loud big ear photon!
"Shameless!" Lu Ping scolded.

Covering his face, Hong Quanhui explained: "Brother, it's all a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding."

After a while, Cao Gang escorted the two guys who spilled gasoline and walked out.

"Brother Hong, me, save me quickly!" Rengui looked at Hong Quanhui as if looking at the savior with a crying tone.

"You... who are you?" Hong Quanhui looked at Rengui and another subordinate with a puzzled face, turned his head and said to Lu Ping, "I don't know them, are they... are they thieves?"

Lu Ping asked, "What do you say?"

"I said... I said..." Hong Quanhui said hesitantly, "They came to your house in the middle of the night, they must have done something wrong. You leave them to me, and I will deal with them!"

Lu Ping snorted coldly: "You think beautifully! Let me ask you again, are these two people who went in and poured gasoline on you?"

Hong Quanhui continued to deny: "No, no, absolutely not, I swear to God!"

"Okay, then ask the wall." Lu Ping held Hong Quanhui's neck and slammed his head hard against the wall.

a bit!

dong dong!

The blood quickly stained Hong Quanhui's entire face red.

"It's a person, it's my person..." Hong Quanhui was so painful that he almost fainted, he hurriedly shouted.

Lu Ping said, "Then why didn't you admit it just now?"

"I... just... just now..." Hong Quanhui calmed down, and after a buzzing in his head, he tried to say: "Brother, I admit that we are wrong, but it's all...all Yang... ...Blind Yang asked us to do this, and we were also...instigated by him. Please forgive me, I...I will take you to find blind man Yang!"

He pinned his hopes on his boss Yang Xiazi.

Blind Yang is surrounded by thugs, and he himself has some skills. If he can persuade Lu Ping to go to blind Yang, then not only will he be safe, but everything will be under control.

He finally realized that his actions tonight were indeed somewhat hasty.

You should have reported to Brother Yang in advance.

In this case, even if it is impossible to set fire, there are other ways to kill these three people.

But now that he set the fire and was caught by the other party, it's really hard to get rid of it.

Unless he agrees to go find Yang Xiazi with himself.

that is...

I have thrown myself into a trap.

"Blind Yang, I'm definitely going to greet you, but before that, what should I do with you?" Lu Ping turned his head and glanced at Cao Gang, and then said, "Go and get those barrels of gasoline. The price of gasoline is so high now. Don't waste it."

Hong Quanhui asked with a look of horror, "You...what do you want to do?"

Cao Gang let go of the two for the time being, and brought out two barrels of gasoline that he hadn't had time to use.

Lu Ping asked Hong Quanhui, "What grade of gasoline do you usually use for refueling?"

Hong Quanhui glanced at the Land Rover parked in front of him, and breathed a sigh of relief: "I always add... add 98, and sometimes add 95. I understand, I understand, the gasoline will be given to you. You can add it several times."

Lu Ping glanced at the Land Rover with a smile, and said, "You almost impressed me, but unfortunately, it's a diesel car."

Cao Gang, who didn't understand, followed up: "No, my car burns gasoline."

"Shut up!" Lu Ping turned his head and glared at him.

Cao Gang didn't understand what he meant.

"Send! Send! I will give you all the gasoline, and...and..." In order to please and escape danger, Hong Quanhui threw one chip after another: "And I... I can give you one... …No, two or three cards are fine, and you can recharge a gas card worth [-] yuan. I don’t mind you, my family... I also opened two gas stations in my family, and I have plenty of gas.”

Lu Ping asked, "Then what is the grade of the oil in your barrel?"


"You're always picky when you kill someone, and you use the cheapest model." Lu Ping pouted, and said, "Our Land Rover burns 95 and 98. Obviously, you don't need all the gasoline, and you're afraid of hurting the car. Then It can't be wasted, you and your subordinates can't come in vain. How about this, drink them, and let's talk about other things after drinking."

Drink gasoline?
There are mercury and lead in gasoline, if you drink it, you will be poisoned and you will die!
How can we have a chance to talk about other things?

Hong Quanhui secretly complained.

Cao Gang on the side thought about it for a while, and suddenly had an epiphany.

Originally, Lu Ping deliberately said that his Land Rover was a diesel car just now, in order to tell Hong Quanhui that we don't need the gasoline, but don't waste it, the best way is to drink it up.

Why didn't I think of that?

No wonder Lu Ping glared at me just now, because I broke his plan.

"That... that, I remembered, my Land Rover burns diesel, not gasoline." Cao Gang said in a desperate manner.

Such a blunt addition.

"Why did you go early? I'm afraid of teammates like pigs!" Lu Ping glared at him again, then looked at Hong Quanhui, and emphasized: "You are the boss, you take the lead to drink first, this bucket is all yours."

"I...I..." Hong Quanhui said with a sad face, "This stuff is poisonous, it will kill you if you drink it!"

Lu Ping smiled: "Really? I have learned a lot. Why don't you say that I don't know that this gasoline can really drink people to death? Don't lie to me. Anyway, I know that the more you drink this stuff, the more powerful it becomes. .”

Hong Quanhui couldn't help laughing and said: "Can I lie to you? I can really drink people to death! It has been played in the news. It is said that there is a place where two people were drunk to death. I forget mercury poisoning or lead poisoning. They can't be saved. .”

Lu Ping nodded: "That's great, it's just what I want."

Hong Quanhui was taken aback: "What... what do you mean?"

Lu Ping emphasized: "Actually, I just want you to die, and I'm thinking about how to kill you for a while!"

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