Super son-in-law of a beautiful president

Chapter 466 Return my hormones!

Fan Xian and Fu Yunlong returned to the conference hall.

Everyone was very surprised, Fu Yunlong had been crying after hearing the "sentence" of mahjong just now, why did he become radiant and full of energy after going out and coming back?

In order to reassure his son Fu Yuexi, Fu Yunlong walked over to him, patted him on the shoulder three times, and said, "It's okay, it's okay."

Is this guy crazy?
Mahjong rushed to him and asked: "My surname is Fu, what do you want to do?"

"Haha, Master Mahjong, don't rush away." Fu Yunlong's aura was obviously different, and he folded his hands behind his back leisurely, and said, "Sit down and have a cup of good tea first. Master Fan is here, he must Do your best for the Lord."

In order to make a great contribution to stabilizing mahjong, Fan Xian even threw out his trump card: "Everyone do you a favor to come to my Jiuhe Villa. As the owner of the villa, I naturally can't be stingy. Tea needs quality, and beautiful women need quality even more. I Now, I will take out the program I put on the bottom of the box, and please enjoy the visual feast. The beauty is picturesque, please help me appreciate it, how is my song and dance arrangement? How about my girls here?"

All of them were taken aback for a moment.

At this time, there was a sound of light footsteps outside.

There was also the faint laughter of a woman.

At the same time, a scent of fragrance came in through the crack of the door first, filling the entire conference hall.

In an instant.

More than a dozen young women with slender figures and bright smiles lined up and walked in from the outside.

They are all outstanding in appearance and slender, and they all wear that kind of pink tulle and pumps.There is a purple square button on the waist, with slender waist and long legs, like a fairy who came to pick peaches from the lower realm of the Heavenly Palace.

Everyone was drunk instantly.

That feeling is like a wonderland.

Fan Xian pointed to this group of young women and said: "These are the dancers of our Jiuhe Villa, and they are not easy to show to others. Their existence is used to prepare for the international nobles, princes and important foreign guests who come to China. All the bosses should know that my Jiuhe Villa is quite well-known in the world. When those international friends come to China, they are willing to show their face and stay here for leisure. Prepare a song and dance for them to watch after dinner. It is both elegant and outstanding. The colorful culture of my great China. Today, thanks to the presence of all the bosses, the owner of the village has the courage to make an exception and let them show the best dance to everyone."

Damn, it's too spectacular!
Although all the people here are people who have seen big scenes.

But the qualifications and conditions of these dancers are all of the kind that are one-of-a-kind.


"Yo... that's okay, that's okay. Master Fan is really a person who does big things. This is too..." Mahjong saw this group of beauties, his eyes couldn't help revealing a beauty-loving brilliance, and he said with great interest sat down.

Lu Ping smiled wryly, mahjong, mahjong, are you really so talented?

They are using tricks to delay you deliberately, and you are so happy to accept it?

Either way.

Then I, Lu Ping, might as well take a look...

For a while, all the bosses sat down one after another, looking at the ten stunning beauties in front of them, their eyes were as wide as copper bells.

The point is, the clothes these girls wear are as thin as a cicada's wings, and they can vaguely see the universe inside.

Even the underwear is a uniform style.


Music starts.

The ten beauties held hands and opened the distance, dancing lightly and smiling like peach blossoms.

Immortal clothes and sleeves, the melody hits people.

The graceful postures are like poetry and picturesque.

This is a combination of classical and modern dance, sometimes quiet, sometimes unrestrained, sometimes like an arrow off the string, sometimes like night and autumn water.

They are like small rivers, mountain streams, and Gesang flowers blooming on cliffs.

The scene was silent.

Only music.

There is only this fairy Pianpian who is like a dream.

Fan Xian stood there quietly, with an imperceptible sarcasm showing from the corner of his mouth.

Hmph, these so-called bigwigs from all walks of life are nothing more than that.

A little beauty trick in my area coaxed them all like they were possessed by demons, staring at the women in front of them and refused to move their eyes, for fear that they would miss this wonderful spring scenery.

So much the better.

For a while.

When the people from Qingfengtang come, let's see how embarrassed you will be!

And that mahjong... I had no grievances with him, but he is a traitor of Qingfengtang after all. I, Fan Xian, are here today to help Qingfengtang restrain him. Is Qingfengtang going to give me a big credit? one piece?

If I can rely on the second master Hu, the third master Fu, even any of the fourth master Gu, it is my good fortune, Fan Xian.

Of course, it would be even more beautiful if he could get close to the head of Ye Da.

Could it be that today is the moment when I, Fan Xian, soared into the sky?
Compared to Fan Xian, Fu Yunlong's mood is obviously like a spring breeze.

I thought I had lost the game, but because of the arrangement of Fan Zhuangzhu, there was a turning point, and I was able to build a relationship with Qingfengtang, and help them accomplish this good thing of cleaning up the house... It’s hard to think about it. Feel bright future.

It's just my unsatisfied son!
Why is this guy so ignorant that he is drooling?
No wonder a female proprietor of Emerald Manor made him fascinated, his concentration in front of women is really bad!
How can I look like Fu Yunlong...


I, Fu Yunlong, was obviously very strong-willed, so why did I react?

Should not be!

"Well, the dance is not bad." Lu Ping took a sip of tea, stared at the dancing girls, and commented.

Ouyang Aolan became jealous, and immediately criticized: "Is there a princess who can dance well?"

Lu Ping said with a smile: "The main reason is that people wear less."


Ouyang Aolan felt that she was really inferior in this respect.

But in other respects, she is quite confident.For example, appearance, dancing posture, skin...

Fortunately, Gezhi was obviously not very interested in this dance, and kept looking around intentionally or unconsciously, his eyes were not like others, staring at the dancers eagerly, wishing to practice clairvoyance.

"Miss, I think their dancing is quite different from that of you and the Hadzas." Gezhi turned his head and said with a smile.

In fact, it's not that he doesn't want to see it.

The main reason is that I can't let go in front of the boss.

Ouyang Aolan smiled happily: "I love to hear the words of conscience. I don't look like some people..."

Lu Ping reminded: "Miss Aolan, can you stop making allusions to me?"

"Who alluded to you?" Ouyang Aolan smacked her mouth, and simply took out a lipstick and wiped her lips.

Seeing her fierce look, Lu Ping really wanted to break off her lipstick as a punishment.

But it looks like that lipstick is quite expensive.

I didn't want to.

Seven and eight minutes later.

The end of the song.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

That feeling is like being thrown from the fairyland to the mortal world, beautiful and lost.

"Bosses must not have seen enough, right? The owner of the villa has seen it, so please be patient." After Fan Xian looked up at the wall clock on the wall, in order to gain more time, he said: "Just now Duan Xiaowu, the girls are just warming up. The real excitement has just begun."

The excitement hasn't started yet?
A group of people are all looking forward to unfolding their imaginations.

Mahjong stuck out his tongue and licked his somewhat dry lips, and said to Fan Xian: "Master Fan, if there are any other shows, just go on it! Well, not bad, you are a good manager, a good manager. "

"Master Mahjong, just look down, it will definitely feast your eyes." After Fan Xian smiled sinisterly, he waved his hand at the dancers, as if sending some special signal.

Dancers, look at me, and I look at you.

Immediately, the music played again.

The melody of this song is more sexy and more provocative.

Amidst the sound of the music, the postures of the dancers became lighter and more charming, and their scales became larger and larger.



"Okay, okay, really good..."

With bursts of exclamations blurted out.

These ten dancers started to lift up the gauze on their bodies in unison, and their slender legs became more eye-catching and daydreaming.

Lu Ping noticed that Ouyang Aolan's face was flushed, and he seemed a little angry.

Ouyang Aolan gritted her teeth, and couldn't help muttering: "A bunch of shameless women, they like to show off so much, I really want to sell them to a brothel to be young ladies!"

Lu Ping smiled calmly: "Aren't you convinced? If you have the ability, you can also dance for a while? It must be more eye-catching than them."

"You...I...I'm not that vulgar!" Ouyang Aolan turned her head and gave Lu Ping a white look.

"Stop, stop!" Lu Ping stood up without losing the opportunity, knocked on the table a few times, and then said: "Master Fan, you have played. Didn't you see any ladies at the scene? Let them get dressed !Indecent, indecent!"

Ouyang Aolan couldn't help giving Lu Ping a thumbs up and a thumbs up for him.

But the bosses here don't think so.

I am very excited!

Seeing that he could appreciate the most crucial spring, he was stopped by this guy.

What are you wearing?As if you are not interested in this aspect!
Even Mahjong couldn't help but take a look at Lu Ping, thinking, Boss, Boss, why don't you let us take another look?Alas, such a full of emotion, was wiped out by you all of a sudden.

Return my hormones!

"Everyone is enjoying watching, if you don't want to watch, you can go out and stay, don't make trouble here!" Fu Yuexi stood up emotionally, looked at Lu Ping, and shouted hysterically.

Why is this guy so devoted?
The project is all because he lost it, does he still have this idea?
But Fu Yuexi's yelling immediately aroused public outrage.

Dare to talk to Lu Ping like this?

Ge Zhi wants to beat him!
Mahjong wants to beat him up!
Brother Scar wants to beat him up!
Sister Ao wanted to beat him up!
Even Yan Tianying and Qiu Tong, the two traitorous bosses, wanted to beat him up!
The covetous gazes were about to scorch Fu Yuexi.

"Throw this kid out for me, throw it out!" Mahjong slapped Fu Yuexi aggressively, and said angrily.

"Master Mahjong, the dog is not sensible, please forgive me, please forgive me." Fu Yunlong hurried over to apologize to Mahjong.

But in fact, he has already cursed in his heart.

Don't look at your troubles now.

I'll let you pull Qingdan in a while!

The people from Qingfengtang should be here soon.

At that time, among the group of people present, who can escape the sanction of Qingfengtang?
All hit the board!
At this time.

Accompanied by the sound of rapid footsteps.

A thick male voice sounded outside: "Surround this Jianglong Garden for me, no entry or exit is allowed!"

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