Liu Haibao lifted Xia Shengwu up from the ground like a chicken.

Several other basketball players wanted to run, but Liu Haibao glared back.

Coach Qin Haotian's younger brother, how dare they disobey him?

Facing Lu Ping again.

How bleak is Liu Haibao's heart?
In the past, he was also a powerful Sanda coach who dominated the TJ Fitness Club and won many trophies in Sanda competitions in Dongshan Province.

Although he can't be compared with senior brother Qin Haotian, he is already considered a dragon among men.

However, all the good things were broken by this young man surnamed Lu in front of him.

How can I forget?

In the TJ fitness club, it was this Lu Ping who punched out several of his teeth and even bit off a piece of his tongue.What's even more incredible is that the other party turned the 'dog tooth' that he wore around his neck into powder, and asked him: Does this look like your ashes?
His reputation has since been discredited.

Then he was kicked out by TJ.

If I had known this earlier, what would I do to provoke him?

At this moment, Liu Haibao's heart is full of regret, desolation, helplessness, sadness, pain, fear and other rich emotions.

In order to avoid being beaten again, he can only rely on this method of passing on to please to seek self-security.

A loud big ear photon!
"Oh, oh, oh, yo..." Xia Shengwu's facial muscles deformed suddenly, and his saliva was blown out.

He hurts.

Can it not hurt?

Liu Haibao slapped this slap almost with all his strength, he needed to create a movement to express his heartfelt heart to the unpredictable young hero in front of him.

Lu Ping nodded approvingly: "It's good, it's good. But he's too thick-skinned, and I'm afraid he won't be able to get through with a slap."

Can't get through this?

Xia Shengwu groaned repeatedly in his heart, his head was buzzing, and he probably had a concussion.

Zhang Yuan and the others were all flushed with fright, filled with fear.

"That's easy, just keep hitting." Liu Haibao turned around and slapped Xia Shengwu's face a few more times. The speed of the slaps was so fast, the slaps were violent, and the sound was so loud that it was too dizzying for the eyes and deaf for the ears.

Xia Shengwu was beaten so badly that he felt that his whole head was almost not his own.


Chi Chi Chi.

There are little stars in front of my eyes.

The cheeks were blue and red, and the corners of the mouth were oozing bright red blood.

Of course, this is only on the surface.

If we put a fly into his mouth, under the right light, the fly will clearly see that the tender meat on Xia Shengwu's cheeks has cracked several times, and his two wisdom teeth are also broken. It started to loosen, and the gums began to swell and ooze.

Ji Rui is a kind girl. Although Xia Shengwu's recent behavior disgusted her, when Xia Shengwu was beaten, Ji Rui was the only one who could stand up and intercede for him.

"Don't hit, don't hit, he will perform at the school celebration soon." Ji Rui said.

Lu Ping asked: "What program? Ventriloquism?"

Ji Rui said: "How can he know ventriloquism? He is in the martial arts team. Of course there is a... There is a martial arts performance with seven people. Xia Shengwu is the lead actor."

Lu Ping emphasized: "Then it won't affect you, and you won't need to talk about it."

"Forget it, forget it, Brother Lu." Ji Rui pointed at Xia Shengwu's distressed look, and said, "He's bleeding from the beating, please tell him to stop."

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" Lu Ping nodded, and said to Liu Haibao, "Did you hear that? Stop hitting with your hands, change your feet!"

Um?Ji Rui laughed hysterically.

"Use...with feet? We are not ambiguous about using feet." Liu Haibao didn't dare to deviate from Lu Ping's will, and immediately spit into the palm of his hand twice, then took two steps back, turned his head, and asked Lu Ping tentatively: "Do you need to take off your shoes?"

Lu Ping said: "That depends on how smelly your feet are."

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Liu Haibao's face: "Then I'd better not take off my shoes, my martial arts feet...the smell is not good."

"Then... take it off, you have to take it off!" Lu Ping took a book from the bookshelf, covered his mouth and nose, and said with a smile: "We have experience in preventing biological and chemical weapons. Coach Liu, can you achieve flexibility? ? Don’t kick it crookedly, just kick it in the face. Otherwise, how will they perform in a while?”

Liu Haibao said confidently: "Don't worry, I promise you will kick in different ways."

Lu Ping also handed a book to Ji Rui, asking her to take precautions.

Willow seals kick off the shoes alternately with their feet.

In fact, he was wearing socks.

white socks.

White socks with black bottoms?
What kind of style is this? It's very chic, very white and black?

A strange smell gradually wafted up, and soon filled a radius of several meters. Even the librarian, who was more than ten meters away, pinched his nose reflexively.I don't know if it was a coincidence, or if I really smelled the breath.

Xia Shengwu was the closest to Liu Haibao, and even though his head was buzzing, he could still feel like someone had fallen into the toilet.

Zhang Yuan and the others couldn't help but hold their breath to prevent the evil smell from invading.

Lu Ping had a calm face, saying that he was not under any pressure.

"Coach Liu, why do you like bragging so much?" Lu Ping couldn't help but said, "You let me down too much. As far as your biochemical level is concerned, there is nothing to show off at all. Compared with Bai Zhiyuan from our Auto Trade City, You are almost a star and a half away. Still blowing, still blowing!"

Liu Haibao said embarrassingly: "I don't think it smells too bad, but others always think it smells bad."



Xia Shengwu's mouth was constantly dripping with sour water.

Liu Haibao's legwork is actually well-deserved.

Especially with the shoes off, explosive power, control, flexibility, and a strong biochemical effect.

A side kick in the past!
The back of his foot slapped Xia Shengwu directly on the face.

clap clap clap!
Three legs in a row!

Fly and kick!

The wind is blowing around!

Sweep the whole city!

Liu Haibao had found room to play, and in a short while, he had already kicked Xia Shengwu more than a dozen times in the face.

However, he has a good grasp of the fire, and most of them use the way of landing on the back of his feet, which can not only kick loudly, but also not cause too serious damage to the opponent.


Xia Shengwu didn't feel much pain, but besides crying, he also wanted to vomit.

The point is that this bastard uncle, every time he kicked, it was like the farts of 1 people at the same time, all of which exploded towards his face. The heat wave and stinky wave mixed together, it was very hot on the eyes.

Lu Ping couldn't help but commented: "This kick is really good, you can see it at a glance."

Ji Rui frowned slightly and said: "Brother Lu, hurry up and let him put on the shoes, it's too irritating."

Lu Pingdao: "You have a psychological effect. It's so far away, can you still smell it?"

"Oh..." Ji Rui simply took a few steps back.

Lu Ping also retreated.


Dogs will bite people when they are anxious.

What's more, Xia Shengwu always thought he was a tiger.

In Xia Shengwu's continuous embarrassment, he finally became bloody.

But the overconfident Liu Haibao didn't realize this. He was immersed in the pleasure of humiliating others and couldn't extricate himself.

Then he flew out again and positioned himself in front of the tip of Xia Shengwu's nose.

Show off your legwork and release your breath.

He also deliberately waggled his toes in front of his face, making the other party worship his supreme willow-style leg technique.

But what Liu Haibao didn't expect was that Xia Shengwu suddenly took advantage of his unpreparedness, picked up his leg, and gnawed on it!

Xia Shengwu was like a ferocious beast, biting his toes with all his strength.

Under such a bite, the sock did not provide any protection at all.

"Ah... howl, howl... let go, let go!" Liu Haibao twitched his feet in pain, but the other party hugged him so tightly that he couldn't pull back at all.

Xia Shengwu went crazy.

He is really crazy now.

he bites.

he bites.

He bites hard!
Zhang Yuan and the others were also taken aback by this scene, seeing blood ooze from the white socks.

"Damn it, I'll kill you mad dog!" Enduring the severe pain, Liu Haibao reached out and grabbed Xia Shengwu's hair, and threw him out violently.

This fall is no small matter.

Xia Shengwu finally let go of his mouth and fell to the ground.

Liu Haibao shrank his feet and lifted his crotch in pain, sweating frequently, he felt that his toe bones seemed to be bitten by Xia Shengwu.

Ji Rui was also thrilled to see it.

Only Lu Ping is as calm as a breeze.

For him, it was nothing more than watching a game of dog bite dog hair.

Lu Ping walked over slowly, patted Liu Haibao on the shoulder, and said in a serious manner: "It's not your fault, it's obviously this mad dog who was attacking you, otherwise he would not be your opponent at all. I still admit, your Strength, can beat him by ten blocks, more than that."

Hearing this, Liu Haibao seemed to have regained some of his lost dignity: " can see that he was a sneak attack, right? This dog is a dog, and he bites people. If I really want to With a ruthless hand, he can kick his head off with one kick! Ouch... Ouch, bite me, bite me, I really want to pry his mouth open."

Lu Ping nodded: "That's right, go buy a Band-Aid first, and I'll have a chat with him."

Knowing Lu Ping's tricks, Liu Haibao glanced at Xia Shengwu who was leaning on the bookshelf and moaning, feeling a moment of silence in his heart.

This kid is finished.

This Lu Ping beats me like he beat his grandson, if he beats you...

Live it!

"You...what do you want to do?" Xia Shengwu looked timidly at Lu Ping who was coming, the feeling of wanting to gag after eating socks was completely covered by the fear of the person in front of him.

Lu Ping smiled: "Student Xia, is it fun to fight against Lu Ping with me?"

Xia Shengwu quickly shook his head: "'s not fun."

Lu Ping asked back: "Look back for yourself. I, Lu Ping, have never lifted a finger of you from the beginning to the end. But what about you? How many times have you plotted against me back and forth? Although you have never succeeded. Let me ask you, are you Isn’t it a mad dog that only bites people? Isn’t it? Answer me!”

"I...I..." Xia Shengwu glanced at Ji Rui, Zhang Yuan and the others, but didn't answer, pretending not to admit it.

Lu Ping's face darkened for a moment, and a fierce brilliance reflected in his eyes: "Answer me!"

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