Super son-in-law of a beautiful president

Chapter 400 A Sister Lin Falls from the Sky

Difficult to enter.

It is hard to retreat.

Lu Ping couldn't help frowning.

It's not that the problem is tricky, the key is that he doesn't want to waste time on such little thieves.

Bian Huhu wanted to make sarcastic remarks, but was stopped by Lu Ping.

With her tone and way of speaking, it is easy to cause public outrage.

The party who was originally standing up for reason was completely destroyed by her snobbish words and deeds.

"Then, call your boss over here, I'll talk to him." Lu Ping chose a roundabout strategy and said to the manager, Chen Junfeng.

Chen Junfeng climbed to the moral high ground, facing everyone's favor and admiration, his chest puffed up even higher: "Sir, it's useless for you to find anyone now, our boss is even more violent, you might as well follow my advice, Make an apology and compensate Sun Zhe for his medical expenses. We are not the kind of people who are not forgiving, what we want is justice. At the same time, I also hope that you can change your bad habits in the future. The income of our service staff is not High, but we should also be respected by the whole society. It is not because you are a guest or God that you can show your power to us..."

Lu Ping asked impatiently: "Are you finished?"

Chen Junfeng said: "You see that you are in a hurry again, do you think what I said is wrong?"

Lu Ping emphasized: "Manager Chen, right? Let me tell you, my patience is limited. Don't confuse the public by talking about these great principles here. I don't want to be as knowledgeable as you now, so don't push me. And , The waiter you have been defending wholeheartedly, Sun Hezhe, has a serious problem with his conduct. Spitting in the food of the guests is not a trivial matter. This is a moral corruption! If you still insist on covering up, your coffee shop will sooner or later will be destroyed by him."

"Here we go again." Chen Junfeng said with a chuckle: "Sir, you still blindly believe that our waiter has tampered with your coffee? But what I saw was also seen by the majority of customers." Yes, but it’s not like that. Now the facts are clear, it’s your self-righteous God status that fuels your colored eyes on us low-level people in society, which makes you do this kind of slander and slander… ..."

Lu Ping interrupted him: "Slander? Slander?"

Chen Junfeng asked back: "Isn't it? If you take this matter seriously, you are suspected of defamation! As I said just now, your actions have already given Sun Zhe, the client, and our coffee shop a lot of trouble." There have been multiple losses to reputation and spirit. We reserve the right to hold you accountable."



Everyone felt that this Manager Chen was too skilled.

Not only fearless of power, but also proficient in legal terms.

This arrogant pair of men and women, this time they have met their opponents, right?Let's see if they dare to bully the weak and despise the bottom class of society in the future.

The onlookers all praised the eloquent and upright Manager Chen in their hearts.

At the same time, he secretly criticized Lu Ping and Bian Huhu's evil deeds.


The target of public criticism.

At this time, the man with glasses who had been persuading the fight began to speak again: "The manager is right, this matter is indeed your mistake, the work of the coffee shop is in the world, so earnestly trying to solve the problem, the man You have already made the biggest concession. What else do you want?"

Lu Ping looked bewildered.

According to his previous temper, three punches and five kicks can solve the problem.

But today he really can't bring up this elegant mood.

At this time.

Another guest came in outside.

It was a woman wearing glasses, gorgeously dressed and elegantly mannered, with a precious handbag made of pearl fish skin on her arm.

Seeing so many people gathered inside, she also came over.

"Sir, you hurry up." Chen Junfeng urged Lu Ping: "See you too, our store is very busy, customers come one after another, if you spend it like this, you will only let more people see it, and you will be even more busy." It’s embarrassing. Moreover, if there are a few more tabloid reporters or website editors reporting your matter again, you will be even more ashamed to go out in the future. Don’t you think so?”

It's like a torture of the soul.

Chen Junfeng's tone was still well-founded, polite and generous.

His posture and conversation are comparable to that of a learned gentleman.

"Oh! Isn't this Sun Zhe? You...why did you come here to work?" The woman who had just entered recognized the male waiter Sun Zhe standing next to Chen Junfeng at a glance.

Sun Zhe's face changed suddenly, and he said mechanically: "Wei... Sister Wei... you are here. Yes, Sister Wei, I... I am working as a waiter in this coffee shop now."

Sister Wei was taken aback immediately, and said with a hint of sarcasm on her face, "You're already a waiter? I'll be good, then you have to do a good job this time, and don't bring in those bad things from the past... Ouch."

Seems like a lot of information.

"Sister, do you know this waiter...?" Lu Ping stepped forward and asked.

Sister Wei said: "It's not just acquaintances, my husband runs a courier company, and this Sun Zhe used to deliver couriers with us."

Lu Ping asked: "Then... why did he leave?"

"That's not resignation, it's fired by us..." Sister Wei stopped suddenly as she was talking, and then said: "Forget it, forget it, although he is no longer with me, but I can't ruin his future. It's... not at all, not at all."

Of course, Lu Ping would not let go of this turning point that fell from the sky, and immediately said: "Sister Wei, right? Your family runs express delivery, and it happens that our Auto Trade City also has a lot of express delivery business..."

Sister Wei's face suddenly glowed: "Are you from Auto Trade City? Your business seems to be handed over to... Fatty Lei and his courier company, right? I have done public relations with you for several times. I’m back, hey, I was rejected by your leaders.”

Lu Ping emphasized: "If you believe me, I can open this door for you, at least let you and our person in charge meet up and have a good chat. You should know that the Auto Trade City is so large, now We are working on the second phase, and the business volume in the future will definitely be quite amazing.”

Sister Wei said with a look of surprise: "Then... that's good, please add a WeChat account, brother, wow, brother, you look so handsome."

Lu Ping scanned the QR code with her and added WeChat.

"Hmph, why did he leave?" Sister Wei looked at Sun Zhe standing there with disdain, her eyes reflected a wave of disdain from the bottom of her heart: "I lost the customer's package, I was complained continuously, and all the lost ones were expensive. The fresh food, such as salmon and tuna, was investigated later, and it was actually detained by him privately, and he ate them all by himself..."

Bian Huhu exclaimed, "Is there such a thing?"

Sun Zhe couldn't hold back anymore, and hurriedly said: "Can we not mention the past of Sister Wei, I...I am now..."

Sister Wei interrupted him: "The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change! Later, I was still a little soft-hearted, so I introduced him to deliver food, but he hadn't worked for a week, and something happened again!"

Lu Ping asked, "What happened?"

"It's even worse! He...he dared to steal the meal ordered by the customer, that's not counting, and... he dared to spit in the takeaway ordered by the customer!" Sister Wei's eyes were already burning when she said this Star child.

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was shocked.

Not only Sun Zhe felt ashamed, but even the manager Chen Junfeng, who had been covering for him, couldn't bear it anymore.

"This really looks like his style." Lu Ping thought to himself, as the saying goes, Sister Lin fell from the sky, but right now, this is Sister Wei who fell from the world.

Her statement was to bring the pitiful Sun Zhe back to his original form.

Seeing this scene, Sun Zhe also wanted to imitate Manager Chen's rhetoric to clear himself up, so he said sonorously and forcefully: "Sister Wei, we don't have any real evidence, so don't just talk about it. When did I spit in someone's food?" This kind of unconscionable thing... I... I have never done it. Sister Wei, you are wronging people, you are wronging people, you are slander, I can sue you! And... And, I suspect that you are You have a grudge against my resignation from you, that's why... that's why you took this opportunity to take revenge on me. You are taking revenge on me."

Chen Junfeng couldn't help sighing.

No matter how sharp his eloquence is, he may be powerless at this time.

One person said that you spit in the customer's food, for the benefit of the coffee shop, I can help you suppress him as a 'slander', but another person stood up and accused you of spitting in the customer's food, I can still call it a slander ?
"I wronged you?" Sister Wei snorted coldly, and emphasized: "Don't you remember how you were fired by the food delivery company? You were at the door of the guest's villa, and you stole the expensive nutrition set meal they ordered. You spit a few mouthfuls of saliva inside, and your behavior was captured by the surveillance camera. The guests saw it clearly, and originally wanted to call the police. Later, the boss of the food delivery company came forward and apologized, so you escaped. How dare you? Admit it? Hmph, I have that video in my hand, I made a copy, do you want me to show it to everyone?"

Sun Zhe hurriedly said: "Don't let it go, don't let it go, Sister Wei, please forgive me!"

In desperation, he stopped calling himself.

This moment of misfortune.

It also caused a strong chemical change in the psychology of the onlookers.

In view of Sun Zhe's previous record, people naturally believed what Lu Ping said just now, and decided that this bad-behaved male waiter had indeed spit into his coffee.

"People's hearts, how can people's hearts be so bad? This waiter is too bad, too bad."

"This kind of person is not worthy of pity if he is killed. Psychopath, spit in other people's food?"

"Well, poor people must have something to hate. There are such things on the Internet. Most of the delivery staff are good, earn hard money, and provide good service. But there are also some black apples... last year, it was exposed last year One, like him, spat in the food ordered by other guests, and the face was mosaiced in the video, could it be him?"

"It's over, it's over, I ate a lot just now, I'm going to vomit for a while first."

"I...I want to throw up too."

between conversations.

Several guests have already felt unwell and have the urge to vomit.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The man with glasses who had been arguing for Sun Zhe looked at Lu Ping apologetically, and said, "I really didn't seems...I'm really sorry brother, I got sidetracked, Now I believe you're telling the truth. This... this vile, despicable!"

Lu Ping was speechless.

Mainly lazy reply.

To be honest, this feeling of being wronged is not bad.

Sun Zhe saw that there were constant scolding at the scene, and the scene was almost out of control, so he quickly said: "You have to trust me, trust me, your I didn't move, I just spit into his coffee alone!"

He pointed at Lu Ping, with a trace of innocence on his face.

There was another uproar.

Lu Ping gave a wry smile, also drunk.

What kind of thing is this thing that happened to me today?
I just came here for a blind date when I have nothing to do, did I provoke you?
It is exactly what a guest said just now.

poor person must have something mean.

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