This was the first time Lu Ping saw the young lady so sad.

Two bean-sized teardrops rolled down from her eyes, and she didn't even have time to wipe them off.

Whoever sees that picture feels pity.

A woman's mind is too difficult to guess.

"Miss, you... what's wrong with you?" Seeing that Gong Mengran was about to drink another glass of wine, Lu Ping hurried forward to stop her.

"Don't stop me! Don't stop me!" Gong Mengran stretched out her hand to block her drunken eyes, with an extremely helpless look on her face: "I...I'm sorry for the white lady, I'm sorry for her."

Lu Ping asked back, "Why are you sorry for her?"

"I...I framed the white lady. It's all...I was the one who harmed her." Gong Mengran sobbed, and under the influence of alcohol, her mood seemed even more sad.

" drank too much, miss." Lu Ping was startled suddenly.

I am very accurate in judging people. Although Gong Mengran can be very capricious sometimes, she has always been kind-hearted. How could she be harmful to others?

What's more, she is the white lady who is as close as a sister?
What exactly is going on?

"I really harmed her, and not only did I harm her, I also argued with her... fight... fight..." Gong Mengran pressed his forehead, paused for a moment, and then said: "Lu... ...Lu Ping, what do you think I should do? What should should I tell her? I...I can't explain to Lady Bai."

Lu Ping asked: "Miss, tell me quickly, what happened?"

"Shares... Bai Niangzi's shares will... be diluted." Gong Mengran sighed fiercely.

Lu Ping was even more puzzled: "Why do you want to dilute the shares of White Snake?"

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault." Gong Mengran murmured self-reproachingly, "Originally, the second phase of the Auto Trade City...the second phase was scheduled for Bai Kexin to hold 40% of the shares, and I would hold 60%. But...but now I My father sent Fang Zhixiong over, and father...he actually proposed to let Fang Zhixiong hold 30% of the shares of the entire Auto Trade City on his behalf. The Auto Trade City was... founded by my father's investment. It is true that it belonged to him. But...but now he suddenly proposes to let someone else hold the shares for him, which means that Bai Kexin's shares will be greatly diluted... Tell me, tell me, what should I do? Confess to Bai Kexin? I...I'm sorry for her."

Lu Ping vaguely remembered that Fang Zhixiong did mention this matter.

But he didn't think much about it at the time, and he didn't consider that Bai Kexin's interests would be involved behind the shareholding.

"Then...then you can talk to your father, he is your father after all." Lu Ping had a strong premonition that Sheng Xianlong, who had a human face and a beast heart, must have had no good intentions in doing this.

Gong Mengran said sadly: "I talked about it, I talked about it, but my father didn't agree at all. The share reorganization plan he proposed was obviously to cut flesh from the white lady, can I agree? We... ...We also had a fight. My father... He said that if I was stubborn, he would sell Auto Trade City. What do you think I should do? My good friend on the one hand, and my father on the other... "

If Gong Mengran hadn't drank too much wine today, she might have kept all these thoughts in her heart.

Like Bai Kexin, she would rather chew the pain into her stomach than confide in others and become someone else's pain. She is a very strong woman.

"I don't want this, I don't want this." Lu Ping comforted Gong Mengran and said: "There will always be a solution later, and it's not your fault, it's your father...he wants to take advantage of it."

Gong Mengran emphasized: "You are not allowed to say that about my dad! No!"

"He's not your real father..." Lu Ping couldn't help but say this in a moment of impatience.

"You... what did you say?" Gong Mengran was already in a state of half-drunk and half-awake, so she didn't cause too strong a reaction, and just looked at Lu Ping with a special look.

Lu Ping quickly said: "Miss, what I mean is, you can do Tai Chi for your dad on this matter, but it's not something that can be decided in a short while. There must be the most suitable way to solve it later. Fang Zhixiong said I'll take care of it. Your father's side, you can do some work. As for the white lady, she is your best friend, and she will definitely understand you. "

Gong Mengran said distressedly: "I proposed that in the reorganization plan, some of my shares should be allocated to Bai Kexin. But...but my father disagreed at all. And he told me that an important point after the reorganization , that is, Bai Kexin's shareholding in Auto Trade City cannot exceed 15%, otherwise... I really don't know why my father would do this? Why?"

Lu Ping said: "That is really unfair to the white lady."

Gong Mengran said: "So, even if Bai Kexin agrees, I, Gong Mengran, will not agree! Not to mention Bai Kexin, even if it is any shareholder who cooperates with Gong Mengran, I can't... It’s impossible to calculate other people’s money like this. There is also a way to get money, you can’t get money by plundering, you can’ can’t just grab money from other people’s pockets!”

Lu Ping nodded: "Miss, you are right, I support your point of view. In fact... In fact, with all due respect, your father's business ethics... Indeed... It is indeed a bit unflattering. Let me just talk about the previous paragraph. What your family Dingsheng Real Estate did in the Song Family an act of robbery!"

"'t say that about my dad." Gong Mengran's rebuttal this time seemed a bit unfounded, after all, she knew about Dingsheng Real Estate hiring gangsters to threaten the villagers of Songjia Village.And because she couldn't get used to it, she left Dingsheng Real Estate in a fit of anger and returned to Auto Trade City.

At this moment.

Bai Kexin is back.

"What are you talking about, you two?" Bai Kexin saw that Gong Mengran was in a bad mood, and his eyes were even a little moist, so he turned to ask Master Lu Pingxing, "Are you making your boss unhappy again?"

Lu Ping looked innocent: "I...I didn't."

"It's none of his business. Bai Niangzi, come and drink with me!" Gong Mengran temporarily hid his thoughts and picked up the wine glass in his hand.

Bai Kexin said with concern: "Mengran, you seem to have drunk too much, that's fine, I won't compare you to the head office, shall I? Or, let's find a place to relax and I'll treat you."

Gong Mengran emphasized: "I...I must get drunk today!"

Lu Ping pondered for a while, but couldn't bear to stop him.

Perhaps, the eldest lady needs to vent in this way.

Many emotions are not vented, and it is easy to accumulate in the body and become a patient.

The two young ladies drank a lot again.

After drinking, they have a little more special charm.

Lu Ping never tired of teaching them how to punch and guess dice.

Of course, Lu Ping had replaced the white wine with plain boiled water, but they didn't even drink it.

This pair of aristocratic young ladies with their own concerns, used such a method to vent their worries, vent their dissatisfaction with reality and life.

Until twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

Lu Ping sent them to Bai Kexin's villa.

But at this time, the two eldest ladies had already fallen asleep in the car.

Lu Ping first carried Gong Mengran in, and then came back to hold Bai Kexin.

"Who, who is hugging me?" Bai Kexin was more vigilant, rubbed her sleepy eyes as soon as she got up, and struggled instinctively.

Lu Ping said, "It's me."

"Little...Little Lulu." Bai Kexin calmed down, but then asked, "You...where are you taking me? You...where is Mengran? Where did Mengran go?"

Lu Ping smiled wryly and said, "Don't you know what you're drinking? I've already thrown the young lady on the bed."

"Oh, that's good, that's good, if you want to take care of it, you must take care of it... No, why didn't you get me in first? You are obviously right... Treat her better." Bai Kexinjiu His strength has not retreated, his tongue is still slightly stiff when speaking, and he is easily agitated emotionally.

Lu Ping said: "Then you have to take it step by step? I am the porter today."

"Little Lulu, I want to tell you...I'll tell you why we two had a fight for wine just now. Do you know why?" Bai Kexin reached out and drew circles on Lu Ping's chest.

Lu Ping asked: "Why? Both of you... have something on your mind?"

"Actually... it's actually to fight for you!" Bai Kexin gently scratched Lu Ping's nose, and giggled amidst the fragrant breeze: "I made a secret bet with her, bet on drinking, Whoever wins... You will follow whoever. Whoever drinks the other down, you are the winner... No, it should be said that you are the winner, you understand what I mean?"

"Ah?" Lu Ping was shocked: "So you two have been betting on me?"

Bai Kexin smiled and said: "That's right, we both like you, both want you, and both want... to take you as our own."

"I...I..." Lu Ping smiled wryly, "In your eyes, am I just a commodity, or a thing?"

"Human. You are human." Bai Kexin emphasized: "You are a person worthy of entrustment. It is very...very happy to be by your side. Don't think that your boss is usually fierce to you, But...but she has a high opinion of you. But she has been possessing you, I am not convinced, so I will fight her. I...I won't let you be my driver, I want you to I will be... a husband, a husband..."



Lu Ping's face flushed for a while: "How much have you drank, you're starting to talk nonsense."

"I didn't say it, I didn't say it, it's all the truth." Bai Kexin smacked her mouth and emphasized: "But I decided not to argue with Meng Ran, she...she is my best friend, she...she It's also very lonely, very lonely. She...she needs you more than me. You must treat her well in the future and listen to her, you know, little Lulu? "

Where is this?

Lu Ping hasn't figured out until now, what exactly are these two young ladies arguing about?
It's vying to let yourself be the driver.

Or are you vying to let yourself be their husband?

If it's the latter...

Thinking about it, Lu Ping couldn't help feeling an inexplicable throbbing in his heart.

this evening.

Lu Ping was busy.

The two eldest ladies each slept in a room, one of them felt sick for a while, and the other had to go to the bathroom for a while.

It was really uncomfortable to drink so much wine for the first time.

The key is to love to command people.

For the convenience of taking care of her, Lu Ping stayed at Bai Kexin's house for the time being.

The next day.

After Lu Ping got up.

Bai Kexin and Gong Mengran were both soundly asleep.

And Bai Kexin actually... at some point tore off all her clothes, and lay naked on the bed.

Fortunately, he was lying on his stomach.

No wonder Lu Ping had inadvertently heard Gong Mengran say that Bai Kexin liked to sleep naked.

It seems that what he said is true.

Gong Mengran's sleeping posture is more elegant, with one foot drooping off the edge of the bed, one arm also turned to the side, in a half-fist position, and a few strands of saliva dripping from the corner of her mouth.

If I take a photo, will the young lady beat me up if she finds out?
Lu Ping took a few photos of this scene with his mobile phone and recorded it.

As for Bai Kexin, don't shoot it.

After all, Lu Ping is not the kind of person who takes advantage of the fire.

White Snake, White Snake, fortunately, you just lost your composure in front of me, Lu Ping. If it were someone else... the consequences would be disastrous.

Lu Ping didn't have the heart to wake up the two of them.

He went out to buy some breakfast and then drove to work by himself.

I still have to go to class.

Work still needs to be done.

Around nine in the morning.

Lu Ping was chatting with Su Ting in the exhibition hall.

A female colleague rushed in from outside in a hurry, walked up to Lu Ping, and said in panic: "Lu Ping, find a place to hide, there are many people coming outside, saying they are looking for you, all... It's all terrible."

"What, looking for me?" Lu Ping turned his head and glanced out of the window, isn't that right.

There were several more cars in the parking lot, three business cars and one Bentley.

A dozen or so macho men were clustered there, some smoking, some chewing gum, as if they were discussing something.

The female colleague said eagerly: "Hide... hide the women's room, hide the women's room! It's too late to escape, the women's room should be the safest now."

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