Super son-in-law of a beautiful president

Chapter 377 I Know Who Sent You


Gezhi smiled faintly, indicating that he had plenty of time, and let him procrastinate.

Kong Long reminded softly again: "I'm afraid that Steward Xu will spoil the food when he comes back."

"Butler Xu? Is it very powerful?" Gezhi asked.

Kong Long responded, "Very powerful!"

Fu Yanji vaguely overheard his conversation with Ge Zhi, and looked at Kong Long with displeasure, thinking that this guy would also betray him, right?Actually quietly passed information to the other party.


It must be the other way around!

Butler Xu, butler Xu!
If I had known this, I would not have arranged for you to go out to do things in person, Third Master.

If you are in charge, how can I suffer the humiliation of the moment?
But now that someone pointed a gun at his head, Fu Yanji had no choice but to regret.

Alas, Miss Bai was originally a very simple and beautiful little leather shoe, but this masked guy just spit out a mouthful of phlegm, don't you think it's annoying?

And it's so accurate.

Bai Kexin stood there, pointing her toes up, feeling an inexplicable embarrassment in her heart.

But seeing Fu Sanye, who was worshiped as a god by the world, was subdued and humiliated by this mysterious masked man who suddenly appeared, she was still quite excited.

Can you not be excited?

Back then, this third master fu had humiliated his father like that.

Now it is time to treat the person in the same way as the person.

And also sublimated.

"Your surname is Fu, are you really going to let me count to three?" Ge Zhi glared at Fu Yanji angrily, and tightened his hands again.

"Don't count, don't count, I'll come, I'll come." Fu Yanji had no room for delay this time, so he could only bow his body and approach Bai Kexin.

Looking at the mouthful of thick phlegm on the shoe, it's fake not wanting to vomit.

Fortunately, Bai Kexin is as beautiful as a fairy. Her slender figure and the pleasant fragrance on her body have subtly weakened some disgusting reactions.

a time.

Fu Yanji thought a lot in his heart.

For example: It would be great if this phlegm was vomited by Bai Kexin, so it would not be disgusting.

Another example: Do I have a chance to hold Bai Kexin hostage and escape this catastrophe?
under balance.

Fu Yanji still gave up this idea that was too risky.

After all, that cold muzzle was right next to his head.


"Third Master... Alas!"

"Alas... alas, alas."

Following the men sighed.

Fu Yanji slowly lowered his noble head, pouted his mouth and moved closer and closer to the shoe... vomit... vomit...

Bai Kexin instinctively twitched her foot, then stretched it back.

Admittedly, it was a little embarrassing.


"This smell...I...vomit..."

As soon as Fu Yanji's mouth touched the upper of the shoe, he felt nauseated.

Ge Zhi tightened his muzzle again.

Fu Yanji gritted his teeth, and based on the principle that short-term pain is worse than long-term pain, he simply swallowed the thick white thing in one gulp.

"Don't spit, don't slow down, keep going! After licking this one, there will be another one." Gezhi said gloatingly: "Don't treat yourself as a human being, you are just a dog now, a begging begging dog. And It’s all your own bad deeds that have brought you down to this point! I’m helping you atone for your sins!”

Fu Yanji bent over and raised his buttocks. This posture made him feel like his waist was about to break.

But he dare not relax.

This masked man is too scary, I'm afraid he really dared to shoot.

Inch by inch.

One place one place.

He used his tongue resentfully, and gradually wet Bai Kexin's entire shoe.

If the owner is ashamed, everyone will be ashamed. The thirty or so subordinates looked at this scene like ants on a hot pot, wishing to fight them.

But the third master is now being pointed at with a gun, and he doesn't even have a chance to fight.

Just a few minutes.

Fu Yanji seemed to have passed a year.


In the end, he covered his mouth and straightened up, pleading with his throat, "I... I'm going to rinse my mouth."

"No!" Ge Zhi immediately rebuffed: "My surname is Fu, you are considered lucky to have met me today, and I let you eat shoes. A bully bastard like you should let you eat shit This time I'm just giving you a little lesson, I'm warning you, if you dare to take advantage of Miss Bai and her family in the future, I will really kill you. "

Fu Yanji responded with a complicated expression: "No, no."

"Miss Bai, what else do you want to explain?" Ge Zhi asked Bai Kexin.

Bai Kexin shook her head slightly, but then bit her lip hard and said, "Actually, I really want to kill him!"

"Miss Bai, you..." Fu Yanji turned his head and cast a begging look at Ge Zhi, which means that you asked me to lick my shoes and I licked them too, so I can't talk without counting, right?

"Let's save his life first, if he still dares to act recklessly, I will punish him!" Of course, Ge Zhi didn't dare to disobey Lu Ping's order, so he didn't want to kill Yan Ji.After all, one thing can affect the whole body, one more thing is worse than one less thing, if he dies, then Qingfengtang will jump the wall in a hurry, and Bai Kexin will be even more dangerous.

Bai Kexin nodded thoughtfully: "Then...then let's go, I don't want to stay here any longer."

"Okay, let's go." Gezhi immediately said to Fu Yanji who was under the gun: "My surname is Fu, please give us a ride. Let's go!"

Fu Yanji tentatively said, "Do I need to send a car..."

"You still dare to make a bad idea, don't you?" Gezhi frowned: "There is no need for you to be hypocritical."

"Then... I..."

"Go, come with us!"

Ge Zhi pointed his gun at Fu Yanji, then waved to Bai Kexin: "Miss Bai, you go ahead, there is a broken Jetta outside, that is my car."

What?Broken Jetta?
Bai Kexin was stunned for a moment.

All of Fu Yanji's subordinates were also shocked.

Such an awesome character, actually drives that kind of broken Jetta?At least Mercedes-Benz, BMW and the like are a good match.

But people are low-key, that can't be helped.

In the process of holding Fu Yanji out, Ge Zhi tore off the shirt of one of his subordinates, covered his arm, and moved the muzzle of the gun to Fu Yanji's waist.

Bai Kexin took off those two shoes while walking, and walked out of the courtyard barefoot.

She felt that Fu Yanji's saliva was disgusting.


After Ge Zhi opened the door of the broken Jetta, he pushed Fu Yanji away.

Fu Yanji almost threw himself into a shit.

All the subordinates hurriedly supported him.

"Remember what I said, if you don't want to die, just stay there." Ge Zhi warned Fu Yanji before leaving: "This time I want you to lick Miss Bai's shoes, next time, you can only lick the shoes of Lord Yan." Got it. Do you know what I mean?"

Just so domineering.

Fu Yanji's subordinates wanted to rush up to take revenge, but Fu Yanji stretched out his hand to stop them.

He realized that the sum of his useless subordinates may not necessarily be the masked man's opponent.

Let's wait for Steward Xu to come and discuss later.

In the car.

The dilapidated Jetta made a lot of noise inside and outside the car.

But this does not hide Gezhi's demeanor.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Bai, I let you lose a pair of shoes for nothing. Otherwise, I'll find a mall and I'll give you a new pair? Wow, what a pair of beautiful feet." Ge Zhi is actually a guy who doesn't have a sense of humor. A boring guy, but after being influenced by Boss Lu for more than two years, he can sometimes be very humorous.

Bai Kexin smiled softly: "Thank you, I have a lot of shoes at home."

Ge Zhi said, "Tell me the address, and I'll take you back."

Bai Kexin asked tentatively: "You... who the hell are you? Why did you help me?"

"I... I... I was actually entrusted by someone." Ge faltered, he didn't understand why the boss wanted to do good deeds without leaving his name, he only knew that he must have a deep meaning in doing so.

Bai Kexin asked again: "Who?"

Ge Zhi shook his head: "Forgive me for not being able to say."

"Then...then can you take off the hood and let me take a look? You saved me, but I don't even know what you look like." Bai Kexin said expectantly.

"It's not necessary." Gezhi smiled: "You just need to know that I'm handsome."

Bai Kexin just provoked him: "I don't think you are handsome at all, otherwise you would have let me see you."

"The aggressive method is useless to me, Miss Bai." Ge Zhi said: "That guy named Fu is too vicious. I can help you once, but I can't help you forever. Miss Bai, please be more careful in the future. What's the matter? ...But generally speaking, you are considered lucky, and you have friends who will help you when you encounter any problems."

Bai Kexin extracted important information from his words, and asked back: "You mean, you were entrusted by a friend of mine to help me? Uh, that must be the case. Who could it be? You just Just tell me, I have to thank you for helping me so much, right?"

Gezhi emphasized: "I really can't say, can try to guess it yourself."

Bai Kexin murmured and began to guess: "Yan... Uncle Yan Tianying Yan? No, no, it can't be him, he himself is terribly afraid of this half of his head. Who is that? Could it be... Meng Ran No, if she wants to help me, there is no need to hide it... Who else? I really can't think of anyone else around me who has such great ability..."

At this moment.

Gage's cell phone rang.

Seeing that it was the boss calling, he simply parked on the side of the road and walked down.

Bai Kexin suspected that it should be the call from his friend behind the scenes, so he decided to eavesdrop on it and find out this hidden guy... Don't you want to thank him?

So she tiptoed open the car door, and the cat was on the side of the car listening to the military situation.

Gezhi naturally noticed her little tricks, and smiled faintly at Bai Kexin: "Miss Bai, eavesdropping on other people's phone calls is not a good habit. Get in the car and wait for me, I'll be fine soon."

Bai Kexin was speechless, and returned to the car resentfully.

Then continue to speculate.


Gezhi reported to Lu Pinghui: "Boss, it's done. I'm sending Miss Bai home now."

Lu Ping said, "How did you do it?"

Gezhi looked smug: "I beat all the heroes by myself, and dozens of people in their yard are all idiots. The one surnamed Fu dared to point a gun at me... Hmph, if you didn't confess to the boss, I would have killed him .”

Lu Pingdao: "Just clean up a gangster, why are you so proud? Tell me, how did you teach him a lesson?"

Ge Zhi said: "I pointed a gun at his head and forced him to lick Miss Bai's shoes. Two shoes. Because the surname Fu used to insult Miss Bai's father in this way. Oh right , I even spit on that shoe. Didn’t you see that fu-stricken man!”

Lu Ping asked back, "It''s that simple? Did you beat him?"

Ge Zhi was stunned: "No, just insult... insult him, oh, and warn him."

Lu Ping scolded: "I won't let you kill him, and I didn't say I won't let you beat him! You beat him!"

Ge Zhi looked regretful: "Oh, you can beat me, right? I... I... I'm too busy thinking about repaying him in his own way. Look... Boss, how about..."

Lu Ping interrupted him: "He is so rich, why didn't you take advantage of it?"

Gezhi's face changed again: ", right? Ouch, I forgot too, why...yes, I should let him pay for some mental damage or something, so I can't go for nothing .The two countries are at war, and they still have to cut land and pay compensation, I... I... Oh, I am really a pig brain."

Lu Pingdao: "So you guys... don't do much."

Gezhi tentatively said: "How about I go back again, beat him up, and squeeze him some money to spend? Anyway, it's not difficult."

Lu Ping emphasized: "Forget it, you, you will learn a lot of wisdom and a long memory."


In the car.

Bai Kexin looked out of the car window at the masked man on the phone with a respectful face, and suddenly realized something.

I thought I was going to die today, but I didn't expect to be saved by this masked man.

It's ready to boot.

I want to announce to the world that I am still alive.

She turned on the phone, and a series of text messages rang out overwhelmingly.

There are dozens of missed calls?

Gong Mengran...

Guanggong Mengran played more than 20 times.

It seems that classmate Mengran really cares about herself, good sister.

It's a pity that she swiped for a long time, but she didn't find a call from Lu Ping.Oh, little Lulu, little Lulu, do you really care about your sister so much?Do you know, my sister almost went to another world.

Is it...

Thinking of Lu Ping, a big question mark suddenly appeared in Bai Kexin's mind.

After Ge Zhi returned to the car after making the phone call.

Bai Kexin turned her head and said to her, "I know who sent you."

Ge Zhi was startled: "Who is it?"

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