Super son-in-law of a beautiful president

Chapter 370 I feel sorry for you


Lu Ping and Gong Mengran's trip was a waste of time.

Bai Kexin's villa is locked.

Gong Mengran called Bai Kexin's two numbers respectively, but the other side reminded that the other party had turned off the phone.

On the way back.

Gong Mengran has been in a bad mood and has a lot of preoccupations.

"Oh, nothing will happen to Bai Kexin, right? Why... can't be contacted all of a sudden?" Gong Mengran tried to contact Bai Kexin through various contact methods, his face full of worries.

Lu Ping said while driving: "Don't worry, miss, Miss Bai is auspicious, and she is blessed by her own gods."

"No, I have to go to Auntie to ask about the situation." Gong Mengran decided to go visit Bai Kexin's mother, maybe Bai Kexin was with her.

Lu Ping really had no reason to stop it.


Gong Mengran became more worried after talking with Aunt Bai's family on the phone, and said to Lu Ping, "Auntie, like me, also felt that something was wrong with Bai Kexin these two days. She told me that Bai Kexin spent a lot of money today. For money, I bought a picture of Tang Bohu for my aunt, the authentic one. There is also a gold pendant on the car. Moreover, some relatives and friends of the Bai family also received gifts from Bai Kexin. What's more, Bai Kexin suddenly arranged for her aunt to go abroad for vacation this afternoon, and she will be on the plane right now."

Lu Ping had already learned about these situations from Kong Long and Ge Zhi.

It's just that these gifts are all 'betrothal gifts' from Mr. Fu, not by Bai Kexin.

And obviously, these 'betrothal gifts' are not given in vain. This is a warning signal sent by Mr. Fu: You Bai Kexin, you can follow me, and if you don't, your family, your relatives, and friends are all In my hands.I can not only make them pick up cheap things for nothing, but also make them face disaster in an instant.

Although Lu Ping knew it well, he couldn't point it out. He could only prevaricate: "This shows that Miss Bai is filial and never forgets her roots. Maybe her mobile phone is out of battery now. As soon as she finds out tonight, she will take the initiative to contact you."

Gong Mengran asked back: "How could it be possible that the phone is dead after so long?"

Lu Pingdao: "It's not necessarily true that I forgot to bring it when I went out!"

"No, no, I'm still worried." Gong Mengran always felt a little uneasy and had an ominous premonition, so she said to Lu Ping: "Now let's look around, let me think about the places she often goes to... ...if we still can't find it, then we can only call the police."

Lu Ping nodded: "Okay, I'll accompany you."

Celebrity mansion.

Bai's Group Headquarters.

Purple Jade Cafe.

Queen's Clubhouse.

Galaxy Bar.


I went to seven or eight places back and forth, but to no avail.

"Let me think about it, let me think about it again..." Gong Mengran still didn't let go of every clue. After thinking hard, she suddenly said: "By the way, Bai Kexin seemed to mention to me last time that she Recently, I often go to a club called... called... Jin... what kind of club to do spa, go there and have a look. Oh, look at my brain, it's always not enough at critical times... Jin... Jin... Jinjinjin... ...what's going on? Kim..."

Lu Ping saw that the eldest lady was having a headache from thinking, so he quickly said, "Golden Hibiscus?"

"Yes, that's right, it's the golden hibiscus, it's the golden hibiscus." Gong Mengran agreed with a sudden realization, and then looked surprised: "You... how do you know?"

Lu Ping said truthfully: "A few days ago, Miss Bai took me there."

Gong Mengran was full of doubts: "Take you there? Then... that should be a ladies' club, right? Why did you take you there?"

Lu Ping emphasized: "There is a new men's spa... Yes, there are also men's spa items."

"Ah? Men's spa? It's inexplicable!" Gong Mengran frowned slightly, and said, "This guy who values ​​sex and despises friends, will take you there or not me? Hmph, see if I don't settle accounts with her!"

Lu Ping said with a smile: "So miss, you should feel the pressure, and you will often take me to relax in the future. I have learned a lot this time. Men's spas are much richer and more comfortable than pedicures."

"Corrupt guy, I'll settle accounts with you later!" Gong Mengran rolled his eyes at him, and urged, "Hurry up and drive, turn on the navigation to go to Jin Furong... I hope Bai Kexin is there. Hmph, let her treat you!"

Lu Ping echoed: "Yes, let her treat her and kill her hard!"

Gong Mengran said: "Follow me to get rich, you will!"

Even though he said this, Gong Mengran really didn't know what to do in his heart.

This Golden Hibiscus is probably the last ray of hope.

Bai Kexin, oh Bai Kexin, what the hell are you doing, you are so anxious to death!
ten minutes later.

Golden Hibiscus leisure club.

Gong Mengran hurried to the front desk and said, "Hi, please check for me, is there a guest named Bai Kexin coming, I'm in a hurry."

The girl at the front desk looked distressed: "I'm sorry, I can't help you check, this belongs to the privacy of customers."

Gong Mengran emphasized: "She is my friend, but I can't contact her now, maybe... maybe the phone is out of battery."

The girl at the front desk said: "Then... That's not acceptable. Without the authorization of the guest, it is impossible for us to..."

"Forcing me to be in a hurry with you?" Gong Mengran said angrily, "I have an urgent matter with her, so it's convenient. If you can't be the master, call your boss down and I'll talk to him."

The girl at the front desk said: "I'm sorry, our President Bai is not here, even if she is, she will not agree to your request."

"What... Boss Bai?" Gong Mengran was startled for a moment, and murmured to himself: Could it be that Bai Kexin opened this club quietly?If that's the case, this white lady is too uninteresting, even I don't know.

The girl at the front desk nodded: "Yes, our boss is named Bai."

Gong Mengran asked: "What's her name?"

"This...why are you asking this?" The girl at the front desk looked confused.

Gong Mengran stretched out her hands and pinched the bridge of her nose, and said a little angrily, "Don't say anything when you ask a question, don't say anything when you ask a question, sister, what can you tell me? I can still... Sigh!"

The girl at the front desk emphasized: "I'm sorry miss, this is our rule."

"I..." Gong Mengran hurriedly slapped the table at the front desk, her hands were numb, she turned her head to look at Lu Ping, and urged, "What are you doing in a daze, think of a solution!"

Lu Ping could only delay time: "Miss, what people say is also reasonable, what can I do? Or, let's sit down and drink a bottle of soda water for free."

"For your sake!" Gong Mengran glared at Lu Ping, and lashed out, "Bai Kexin has no news now, so you're not in a hurry at all?"

Lu Ping said: "Miss, please calm down first, I have never seen you lose your composure before."

Gong Mengran said angrily: "That's my best friend, can I not be in a hurry? No, no, I want to call the police."

Lu Ping stepped forward to stop him and said, "According to the law, you can only report missing after 24 hours. Miss, why don't we sit down and wait, maybe Miss Bai will come out by herself in a while."

Gong Mengran stomped her feet on the spot: "Didn't you see that my butt is about to catch fire, can you sit still?"

"Why don't you go to the room and have a spa first. There is a bathtub in the room, so take a bath to reduce the fire." Lu Ping suggested, "Don't worry, I'll guarantee that Miss Bai will be fine."

Gong Mengran asked back: "Looking for someone. Now I'm looking for someone. What do I want your head for? Hell, I still have the mind to do a spa?"

Lu Ping said, "Trust me."

After Gong Mengran took a deep breath, she sat down on the sofa next to her.

Lu Ping opened a bottle of soda water and handed it over.

Gong Mengran didn't answer, just lowered her head and kept flipping through the address book, and dialed Bai Kexin's two mobile phone numbers several times, but the phone was still turned off.Then she dialed what she knew, Bai Kexin's friends, even her subordinates, and the company landline one by one, looking for clues.

But no one knows Bai Kexin's whereabouts.

Lu Ping couldn't bear to see the eldest lady in a hurry.

That's right, I, Lu Ping, know the whereabouts of Bai Kexin, but I can't tell the eldest lady.

In that case, things would get even more complicated.

According to Gong Mengran's temper, if she finds out that Bai Kexin has gone to see Fu Sanye, she will definitely be able to track down some of the truth behind the scenes, and will go through fire and water to rescue Bai Kexin.

Missy, Missy.

Please forgive me for hiding Lu Ping from you...

"Where's the person? Where's the person? Why did a big living person disappear, suddenly disappeared?" Gong Mengran took a picture of the phone on the table in front of him, picked it up again, and flipped through the address book again. , and then continue to use WeChat and QQ to leave messages and play videos...

She is in a mess.

To be exact, Lu Ping has never seen the eldest lady so anxious.

In the mall, she has always been a very calm young female president, calm and decisive in dealing with things.

It can be seen that the relationship between her and Bai Kexin is indeed very deep.




Fu Yanji led a group of subordinates and greeted him outside in person.

He deliberately put on a newly bought Tang suit, the color is very festive, and the leather shoes are also polished.Although he was still wearing the jazz hat that didn't match because of his incomplete head, he was clearly already putting his heart into it.

People are ugly.


He couldn't hide his excitement as a groom.

He has never been so radiant and energetic as he is today.

"Here we come, Third Master, Miss Bai is here!" Kong Long beside him pointed at a Rolls Royce that was approaching, and said to Yanji.

There was surprise on Fu Yanji's face, but then he reprimanded: "Why don't you use the extended version?"

Kong Long explained: "The extended one is too eye-catching. It's not good if more people pay attention to it."

Fu Yanji nodded slightly: "Okay, you have a big nose, you know that consideration has affected you, and you have made progress."

Kong Long quickly said: "I learned from you, I learned from you."

"Fireworks, firecrackers, set it up for me!" Fu Yanji took a few steps forward, and the subordinates on both sides had already put their hands in their poses, ready to grandly welcome the third master's new woman.

Kong Long arranged for more than a dozen people to enter the courtyard and stand in front of the prepared fireworks.

The other seven or eight people have already started lighting the fireworks and firecrackers outside.

dong dong!

Whoa... whoa... whoa!


Because the sky has not yet completely darkened, the effect of the fireworks is somewhat unsatisfactory, but this grand welcome ceremony is already very sincere.

Rolls Royce approached slowly and stopped.

Two young men got out of the car first, opened the rear door, bowed and let Bai Kexin get out of the car.

Fu Yanji raised his hand as a gesture.

More than twenty men on both sides cheered together:

"Welcome welcome, warm welcome!"

"Welcome welcome, warm welcome!"

"Welcome welcome, warm welcome!"

The applause lasted for a long time.

Until Bai Kexin, surrounded by three men, walked in front of Fu Yanji.

"Miss Bai, today is a happy day, you...why are you wearing white clothes?" Fu Yanji frowned slightly, with an indescribable sense of blame reflected in his eyes.

Bai Kexin quietly touched the handle of the short knife hidden in her sleeve, pretending to be natural and said: "My surname is Bai, and I also like white, can't I?"

"Okay, that's great. It's very beautiful to wear like this." Fu Yanji looked at Bai Kexin's overwhelming beauty from a close distance, and couldn't help but feel rippling in his heart. He waved his hands accordingly, and said: "Miss Bai, please come in!"

Surrounded by the crowd, Bai Kexin walked in slowly.

There was another burst of firecrackers in the yard.

The sound is in my ears.

However, Bai Kexin felt that this was the death knell sounded for him and this bastard surnamed Fu.

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