This is actually a video shot by Zhang Buwei's wife and posted on the Internet to show off.

In the video, Zhang Buwei's wife is wearing gold and gold, and is dangling a Mercedes-Benz car key in her hand.

The scene is the mansion of Zhang Buwei's family.

In fact, it is not considered a mansion. It is a row of small villas of more than 200 square meters, and the yard is not very big.

There is no comparison with the set that Gong Mengran is currently decorating.

But Zhang Buwei's wife is well versed in photography. This small villa of more than 200 square meters actually allowed her to shoot the effect of a mansion of [-] to [-] square meters, which is enviable.

In the picture, Zhang Buwei's wife walked into the living room from the yard, and began to introduce to netizens one by one:

"This is the living room of my house. It is a large living room of more than 70 square meters. The lighting is very good. Is there anything? Sister Xin will show you my kitchen... This is the kitchen. My nanny is coming home soon. Her kitchen Good art."

"Look at the crystal chandelier in my house. It's beautiful. Do you have it? Are you envious? It cost [-] to [-] yuan for this lamp. Take everyone to the second floor to see my bedroom... The bedroom is here, and this is Miss Xin's den , is it okay? There is a big bathtub and a small sauna room, and there is a big terrace over there, and it is cool to blow a little wind on the terrace at night."

"The third floor is here. Have you seen such a high-rise building? It is 2 meters high, very imposing. Is there any reason? The bedroom above is the largest, empty, and unoccupied for the time being. This bed is solid wood European style, six or seven I bought it for 12 yuan, and this bedside table costs [-] yuan. Fortunately, my husband can make money. There is also a leisure room here. Have you seen an imported massage chair? I bought it for [-] yuan. It is very comfortable to sit on and lie down on. , the effect is better than going to the clubhouse for massage..."


Zhang Buwei laughed as he looked at it, and said to Bai Kexin: "What's the matter? I'm the vice principal of a noble school. Is it a luxury to live in such a small villa? It's only less than three hundred square meters. Yes, I am There is a prodigal woman who likes to show off at home. The living room is not as big as she said, the chandelier is not that expensive, and the European-style bed only cost about [-] yuan. But what can these explain? Why did you send me here? Guillotine? Miss Bai, you are also rich, your villa must be much bigger than mine, your life is a hundred times more luxurious than mine, you want to use this to make a fuss about me, is it interesting?"

Bai Kexin smiled calmly: "Don't worry, just read on, there will be surprises."

Zhang Buwei's heart skipped a beat: "Don't tell me, my wife stole a man behind my back at home, and accidentally caught it?"

Bai Kexin said: "You think too much!"

The video continues.

Zhang Buwei's wife continued to show off: "Next, Sister Xin will take everyone with me to see a mysterious place. I named it Treasure Pavilion. Now I'm going downstairs, aiming for the basement. But this Sister Huixin doesn’t take the stairs anymore, because our house has a built-in elevator. At that time, it cost 30 yuan to install it, which is very practical. After all, our house has three floors above ground and two floors underground..."

"Okay, this is the basement of our house. Everyone, please hold your breath. Sister Xin will open the door of the Treasure Pavilion soon... Wow, I am so excited every time I come here. Do you feel dazzled? Here , Here, it’s full of treasures. There are dozens of boxes of Moutai, which were given to my husband by a parent of a student. Those over there are more than 30 boxes of Cordyceps sinensis, and hundreds of boxes of sea cucumbers, which were also given to my husband by a parent of a student. Yes, it’s too much to eat, it’s much better to throw it away. And there... Wow, you read it right, it’s a gold bar, and it was also given to my husband by the parents of the students..."

"According to my husband, the parents in their school are rich. Noble schools, people are stupid and have a lot of money. My husband also created the 'Zhang's 36 Bloodletting Strategies'. Sister Xin tells you, this bloodletting is not murder. Oh, it means bloodletting those rich parents. You can do the math, the number of students recruited by my husband is no less than a few hundred, and no one has ever slipped through the net. My husband said, what about noble schools? Is it so easy to advance? Don’t let some blood come out, even if you come in, I will find a way to expel you... Haha, my husband is amazing, right? Let me tell you quietly, my husband is very powerful. Those celebrities and rich families spend a lot of money to curry favor with him."

"Guys, please give me a thumbs-up! Anyway, these precious things are piling up like a mountain in our house. Sister Xin distributes money every day. I have already sent a lot of things to netizens. Anyway, I My husband has a good way of making money, and all kinds of gifts are piled up at home..."


See here.

Zhang Buwei finally collapsed.

This prodigal bitch who suffered a thousand knives.

It’s all right if you show off your house, car, gold and silver jewelry, but how dare you post these shady things on the Internet?
Do you know how terrible those people's hatred of the rich is now?
It's over, it's over, this time it's over.

"This... this stinky bitch is trying to harm me... this... delete it, delete it, I'll call her immediately and ask her to delete it." Zhang Buwei took out his phone in a panic.

Bai Kexin emphasized: "Excuse me, Vice President Zhang, it's too late."

Zhang Buwei said angrily: "Bai...Miss Bai, why did you harm me? I have no grudges against you!"

"Did I hurt you? This is because I accidentally posted your wife's selfie. Actually, I didn't look carefully, but your performance today disappointed me, so I just finished watching all the videos taken by your wife. I found this most classic version and helped her promote it for free. Check it out, now the audience has reached more than 100 million, more than 30 likes, and tens of thousands of comments. And this is just over an hour Data... Vice President Zhang, your wife is hot." Bai Kexin then clicked on the comment section again, and a series of messages came into view.

The master is among the people, and the comment area will always be a place where dragons and tigers are hidden.

"Master, this is a master, this is too powerful! 20 years of professional anti-corruption!"

"Sister Xin, your husband is waiting for you to visit him in prison!"

"Damn it! These things are worth tens of millions, right? Check! Check him! @永州日报, @小荣交事@华夏新闻@...Report, another vampire in the education industry bared its fangs."

"This woman married him for revenge, right? Corruption has reached a heinous level. Sister Xin, congratulations on your first contribution in the fight against corruption!"

"Human flesh her husband, human flesh her husband that vampire..."

"Reliable information: The male protagonist of this video is Zhang Buwei, the vice principal of 'Xinxing Dance School', who is in charge of recruiting students. He was suspended for three months last year for accepting property from parents. Why is he here again? @新星艺术@内宗业 has focused on art education for 27 years... let’s see how you explain it this time!"


There was a lot of scolding in the message area.

The crusade was louder and louder.

"Miss Bai, check how much power is left on your phone, and send me the number of Sister Xin, I also want to pay attention to her." Lu Ping said to Bai Kexin with great interest: "A good daughter-in-law in Huaxia, a good wife in the world! It is the duty of every citizen to expose social bugs, and she did it! She did it successfully!"

Bai Kexin shrugged her brows, then smiled: "Xiao Lulu, are you satisfied now? Who dares to bully you, sister will do her best to fight him! Hmph, who is afraid of whom?"

Lu Ping turned his head to look at Zhang Buwei, who was in a daze, and said with a smile, "Satisfied, so satisfied! Don't you see that I'm gloating now?"

"Don't worry! Tomorrow, I'll take your sister to see Director Ji directly, that's the @'Ji Zongye Focused on Art Education for 27 Years' in the comment area just now, this screen name is quite catchy." Bai Kexin said.

Lu Ping asked: "Now it seems that this new star school is corrupt to such an extent, can it still do well in teaching? Don't delay my sister anymore."

Bai Kexin emphasized: "We can't hide our flaws! In fact, Zhang... Zhang Buwei didn't lie to you. The educational resources and status of new stars in the art world are still very high. Especially in the 'Dance' major, they have cultivated many domestic talents. Even well-known artists in the world. Just like Yang Yushu, a slender dancer, Tong Yao, the runner-up in a world-class dance competition, and many others, all came out of new stars."

Lu Ping nodded: "That's okay."

Mi Can'er's blood boiled while listening: "Yang Yushu? Tong Yao? Wow, they are all amazing, they are my idols."

Bai Kexin said: "And both of them are art consultants of the New Star Dance School. After you enroll, you will definitely have the opportunity to meet them, and they will also give you some good advice on dance."

Mi Can'er said excitedly: "That's great, that's great, thank you Sister Bai, you are beautiful and enthusiastic, it's great that my brother has a friend like you."

"I'm afraid your brother doesn't think so." Bai Kexin looked up at Lu Ping.

Lu Ping chuckled: "I have the same feeling, I have the same feeling."

Zhang Buwei, who was sitting there paralyzed, was well aware of the influence of public opinion, and guessed that under the show off of the little witch at home, he might be doomed.

Alas, woman, woman, what does she think?
You show off, okay.

But why are you showing off that shady 'little warehouse'?

I clearly confessed to you before... Alas!

He was about to call and scolded the little witch severely, but he didn't expect that the other party called him first.

"Husband, I was wrong, I caused a big disaster this time... I didn't expect that I would post a video to show our family's strength and make them envious. I didn't expect so many people to watch it, and they were all scolding... ...Husband, do you think these people are sick? Can't you tolerate other people's lives? Husband...husband...why don't you talk?"

"Husband, hurry up and talk..."

Zhang Buwei stood up in a daze, unable to utter a word while choking with sobs.

Then, just as he was about to slam the phone down to the ground, another bell rang.

This time it was Ji Zongye, the school director.

"Zhang Buwei, Zhang Buwei, have you seen the video your wife posted? Good wife and mother, good wife and mother! You have completely lost the face of Xin Xing! The influence... the influence is too bad, too bad! I told You, no one can protect you this time, you are ready to go to jail!"

After a burst of abuse, the other side hung up the phone abruptly.

Followed by.

Someone called again.

Zhang Buwei didn't answer, and let the phone ring endlessly.

It sounded like a death knell.

20 years foundation.


In despair, Zhang Buwei couldn't help crying.

"It's so pitiful." Lu Ping looked at the weeping Zhang Buwei and shook his head thoughtfully.

Bai Kexin asked back: "Why, do you still sympathize with him?"

Lu Ping emphasized: "I'm sympathizing with my stomach, this person is so disgusting that I lose my appetite."

Mi Can'er said: "Brother, the food is basically not touched anyway, why don't we pack it and go home to eat?"

Lu Ping nodded: "Good idea."

After a few minutes.

Front desk.

Bai Kexin was ready to pay the bill.

Lu Ping stepped forward and grabbed her arm, and said, "Why are you so active? Give Vice Principal Zhang a chance to perform."

Bai Kexin said: "It should be said, the former vice principal Zhang."

Lu Ping said: "Correct answer."

The next day.

Nine o'clock in the morning.

Lu Ping received a call from Bai Kexin, saying that she had already taken care of Xinxing School, and the school director Ji Zongye had readily agreed that Mi Caner could go through the enrollment procedures at any time.

But Lu Ping always felt that Bai Kexin's emotions were a little weird when he spoke.

Until Gezhi, who had been secretly protecting Bai Kexin, told Lu Ping the truth behind it.

After hearing this, Lu Ping felt a little uncomfortable.

White Snake, why are you bothering?

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