Super son-in-law of a beautiful president

Chapter 357 Difficult Procedure

at the front desk.

In the huge front hall, swords were still at war.

The bosses of both sides are meeting alone, and they are actively guessing what happened inside.

Obviously, the four subordinates that Kong Long brought in seem to be extremely confident.After all, more than 100 of them came in a mighty way today, and the boss, Kong Big Nose, is one of the top ten king kong, with amazing combat value.Coupled with the name of Qingfengtang, the result of this confrontation is already a certainty.

On the other hand, Shao Jinyuan's side is different.

They were already more or less injured, and factors such as poor numbers, poor momentum, and poor reputation all prevailed.

Can you not be depressed?
Mahjong has even begun to confess his last words to Shao Jinyuan and the poisonous snake: "Mr. Shao, poisonous snake, it seems that I can't escape today's disaster. Although we have just met, you have left me a lot. Deep impression. I can't be a brother in this life, I will do it in the next life!"

Shao Jinyuan comforted: "It shouldn't be as bad as you imagined, maybe... there is a turning point."

Saying so, in fact, just saying so.

Turnaround, where is the turnaround?

He saw it too, and that big hole in the nose didn't mean to give in at all.

The poisonous snake simply sat down on the wall, and said with a disillusioned face: "I think the poisonous snake was a hard idea back then, whoever saw it was afraid of the toubob. But so what? You are powerful, and others are stronger than you. Worked in a beauty club, was smashed by someone, wanted to come and join someone...Wei Tianfei, in the end, turned into the opposite, let the boss was Boss Lu who took over, we all saw, Boss Lu is good enough, right? ? Why... did you invite Qingfengtang again? Looking at the situation today, this is a sign that the group will be wiped out..."

The part-time receptionist also participated in the discussion and said: "No wonder my classmate told me that when looking for a job, don't look for entertainment venues. There are many gossip in entertainment venues. I still don't believe it. I didn't expect that I would encounter such a big deal not long after I started work." scene. If I had known, I would have listened to my classmates."

Shao Jinyuan said: "Okay, you can be content. At most, you can put in a water glass. You are a woman and have the upper hand."

The front desk said with an aggrieved face: "There is still a mobile phone, and they won't give it to me, and I dare not ask for it."

Shao Jinyuan pointed at the poisonous snake and said, "Compared to Lao Nie, what do you think he has been beaten up to? Can you hold on? Girl, let's stop making such sarcastic remarks."

The front desk said: "How can I..."

Kong Long's four subordinates are all domineering and dazzling.

They looked at each other's remnant soldiers and defeated bandits, and their hearts seemed to bloom with pride.

Subordinate A: "It's good to hang out with Brother Bi, so sometimes you have to follow the right boss, follow the good boss, and have meat to eat."

Subordinate B: "Once this scene is occupied, Ma's coming to sing in the future won't cost any money. Brother Bi has always protected his brothers. It seems that the scale of this scene is not too small, and there should be quite a few girls."

Subordinate C: "Do you guess that Brother Bi has made a move now? I think that kid is stubborn, it seems that he has to make a move."

Subordinate Ding: "Who is our nose brother? Ten King Kong! Shoot him to death every minute!"

Subordinate A: "I'm sure the celebration banquet will be held again tonight, and Niu will be hugged too. Brother Bi is always forthright."

Subordinate Ding: "..."



Some people are happy that someone is worried.

At this moment, Kong Long came out of the box.


He's coming. He's coming.

He came in a hurry!

At first glance, it was the return of victory, and the faces of the four subordinates were filled with spring-like smiles.

What about the little boss surnamed Lu?Why didn't he come out?
It looks like he has been laid down by Brother Nose.

Seeing this scene, Shao Jinyuan couldn't help being concerned about Lu Ping's safety.

Seeing the radiance on Kong Long's face, he must have surrendered to Boss Lu... Alas, what a pity!This romantic time has just taken over for a few days, and I am about to throw off my arms and do a big job, and it will change hands again.

In the wind and rain.

After a few precarious.

Finally, he could not escape the doom of the jungle.

Some of Kong Long's four fierce men stretched out their arms to embrace the happy time and space, some danced street dances on the spot, and some whistled loudly... As a winner, you have crazy capital, Not taking a flag to stick on the roof is already very low-key.

"Brother Nose! Brother Nose! Brother Nose!"

"Brother Nose strikes, the world is invincible!"

"Brother Nose is mighty!"

"Brother Nose is amazing!"

The four people insisted on shouting four different greeting slogans with the momentum of landslide and tsunami.

Shao Jinyuan, Poisonous Snake and Mahjong mourned each other for a while, then his expression became tense, and he rushed towards the box.

He prayed that Boss Lu would not be hurt too badly.

"Damn it, what a fart, you guys! You're like their sows in heat." As soon as Kong Long came over, he kicked each of the four men's buttocks one by one.

Subordinate B held his buttocks, and this time he spoke first: "Brother Nose, you have triumphed, why are you really kicking, your ass is blooming. Tell me, how did you subdue that kid?"

The other three subordinates also covered their buttocks and listened attentively.

"Shut up...Shut up your mother's head, Jiang!" Kong Long usually couldn't understand the frightening looks of these people, let alone the defeat in the box just now.

How bad was the defeat?
Originally, he wanted to surrender without fighting.

In the end, I was too scared to fight, and I begged my grandpa to sue my grandma to save my life.

That's right, even if he brought hundreds of strong men, the opponent's strength is enough to kill him, the leader, among a hundred people.

That...that is simply not the ability that a person on Earth should have.

In that case, if he didn't pee his pants, it could be regarded as saving face for the thing in his crotch.

The four subordinates felt baffled.

How can you be scolded even after winning the battle?It shouldn't be!
Kong Long snatched the mobile phone of the girl at the front desk from his subordinate B, stepped forward and returned it to her, and said, "Sister, return the mobile phone to you, and I will leave you another 1 yuan. You can change it to a better one." The mobile phone should be the one with dual cards and dual standby. I will also compensate you for breaking your cup and eating your fat sea. Is 1 yuan enough? Oh, I don’t have enough cash. I’ll transfer money to you via WeChat Come on, add WeChat..."

Um?What is the situation?

The girl at the front desk felt that the happiness had come too suddenly, so she hurriedly asked, "'re not bluffing me, are you? Why... I don't believe this... so much."

"What am I lying to you for? I'm really forwarding it." Kong Long said, and he really turned on the scan function on WeChat. yuan money.

"Got it, got it." The girl at the front desk was as happy as a flower on her face. To her, this was definitely a huge sum of money.

These robbers are too humane.

The four subordinates were dumbfounded... Could it be that Brother Bi has taken a fancy to her girl?Want to fuck her?

Mahjong and Poisonous Snake also felt that this style of painting was wrong.

Then Kong Long glanced at Mahjong again, and smiled with a complicated face: "Brother Mahjong, I have wronged you..."

He smiled at me?The astonishment of mahjong is no less than the discovery of a new world.

Even weirder.

Kong Long even walked up to Mahjong and gave him a big hug.

The mahjong in my arms feels like an ant is scratching my heart, I don't know why.

"No, Kong... Boss Kong, I didn't fully understand..." Mahjong stood there stiffly, as if accepting a demon's overture, which came so suddenly and so strongly.

"The two brothers will have a good chat later." Kong Long said with a smile.

He still wants to talk to me?Mahjong is even more confusing. Is Konglong in front of him still the arrogant and domineering Kong Big Nose?It's almost like being raped by Guanyin Bodhisattva, so gentle, so amiable.

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and untie your Mahjong brother's hands! Hurry up!" Kong Long turned his head again, and gave the four men a hard look.

in this way:

Be generous!

Be strict with yourself!

This style of acting changed too quickly.

Soon the mahjong was released, and while moving his wrist, he looked at Kong Long in surprise.

"It's all right, Brother Mahjong, take your time. I...I still haven't finished the procedure." Kong Long glanced at the box from a distance, and his heart skipped a beat as if touched by the scene.

Follow the procedure?
What program?

Everyone was at a loss.

Kong Long walked up to the poisonous snake again, and asked warmly: "Brother Venomous Snake, how offensive you are today, you... Are the wounds on your face okay? Blame me, blame me, I will throw you 10 yuan in a while, what should I do?" Bandage the bandage, take the medicine that should be taken. And those little brothers who were beaten just now, together. How about this, I will add... 20. You take them to treat the injury together. Thanks to just now... ...I didn't kill you just now..."

The poisonous snake also looked confused.


Shock value +10000!

Doubt value +100000000!

Everyone's mind is a mess, only one pile left? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
"Not good, is this meant to return to the light?" Mahjong shook his head, and felt that the adjective "return to the light" was not very appropriate.

This is supposed to be... the last supper?

Greetings before the kill?
Mahjong knows that in the prison, when the death penalty is executed, the death row inmates will receive a humanistic care, and they will be able to eat a delicious meal...

Could it be that this big nose is really going to kill people?
But this weird phenomenon is not over yet.

After Kong Long looked around at the 'both the enemy and us', a trace of embarrassment suddenly appeared on his face.

According to that Boss Lu's instructions, it should be the next step.


It's so embarrassing.

Is it okay not to sing?
Kong Long asked himself in his heart.

But as soon as he had this thought, the word 'dinosaur' deeply recessed on the floor tiles crossed his mind again.There is also the circle that closed within a centimeter.


The nerves of the whole body seemed to be shocked.

Or sing obediently.

If he kills me, I won't live at all.

Kong Long cleared his throat and simply closed his eyes to avoid embarrassment.

Then I started to look for a hanging voice...'Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'.

Then sing the shortest and simplest one.

What are you singing?

Yes, there is.

Isn't it over after singing a birthday song?

Although it is abrupt, the embarrassment factor can be greatly reduced.

Just rap and sing:

"Happy Birthday!"

"Happy Birthday!"

"Happy birthday to you eh!"

"Happy Birthday!"

Kong Long stood there, clapping his hands gently, shaking his rough head.

Although it's hard to sing.

But very involved.

But everyone else was blinded for an instant.

For a while, the front hall was eerily quiet, and everyone looked at Kong Long with ignorant faces, unable to keep up with his rhythm.

You can hear the needle drop, but the numbers are all there.

Until the girl at the front desk giggled suddenly: "Whose birthday is it? Hehe, come on, let's bless him together! Sing with me, Happy birthday to you..."

Her inspiration is all right.

Everyone at the scene began to enter the state, from low to high, from scratch, and sang in chorus.

"Happy birthday to you!"

"Happy birthday to you!"

"Happy birthday to you!"

"Happy birthday to you!"


The atmosphere was once peaceful to the sky.

This scene is no different from the enemy and us on the battlefield, throwing down their guns one after another, embracing peace and the sun together.

It's so freaking weird!

Everyone sang for a long time inexplicably.

Shou Xing still did not show up.

Everyone, you look at me and I look at you, and you don't know whose birthday it is.

At this moment.

From the box, there was a coughing sound.

Kong Long was taken aback for a moment, and immediately thought that this was a warning from Mr. Lu.

He...he seemed to be telling himself to sing a song by Andy Lau just now...why should I sing birthday song?
It seems that being lazy is absolutely forbidden.

Fortunately, that song "Birthday Song" has already warmed up the atmosphere, so why not sing another one?


Kong Long touched his big nose.

In an instant, it seemed to be Andy Lau's upper body.

"Hi everyone, please listen to Andy Lau's masterpiece "It's not a crime for a man to cry", the singer... I." Kong Long said while shaking his body in place, looking for feelings and expressions.

The momentum was also quickly taken out.

If there is no wheat, just pretend to have wheat.

Without accompaniment, just beat the beat by yourself.


clap clap.

Clap, clap, clap...

"When I was young."

"The people around me say you can't cry."

"After I mature."

"Tell the mirror I can't regret it."


"Start to slowly let go of your defenses."

"Regret slowly and cry slowly."

"It's not a sin for a man to cry, cry, cry."

"No matter how strong a person is, he has the right to be exhausted."

"It's not a sin for a man to cry, cry, cry."

"Taste the long-lost tears..."



Everyone agrees: It's even more ugly!
After singing this song, Kong Long felt a little unsatisfied, so he sang hi.

But after all, these are just procedures. After completing the procedures, there are still many business matters to be done, so there should be no delay.

"Brother Mahjong, come, come, let's find a place to chat." Kong Long walked over and put his arms around Mahjong's shoulders, and enthusiastically led him to an empty corner.

In the vestibule.

Watching Boss Kong's actions, the four subordinates seemed to be awakened all of a sudden.

They began to try to send some humanistic care to each other.

For example, shaking hands, chatting, leaving a contact information and so on.


In the exhibition hall, there is no trace of...

The smell of gunpowder.


in the box.

Lu Ping coughed and commanded remotely.

Fortunately, Kong Long was quite obedient, otherwise he would have to be called over to watch the show.

Just now Ge Zhi called, saying that it was Bai Kexin's place, and a series of strange things happened: the sales of various marketing companies under the Bai Group suddenly increased collectively today, and some strange customers from all over Dongshan Province rushed to see each other. Use various communication methods to place orders with the branches and subsidiaries of the Baishi Group.Buyers who are relatively close will come directly to Yongzhou to sign orders.In just a few hours, five companies successively completed the sales tasks of the month.

Signing is a good thing.

But it took a few hours to complete a whole month's sales, isn't it too weird?
And according to some customers inadvertently revealed that it was a respected boss in Yongzhou who greeted them.

This big guy...surnamed Fu.

The situation already seems obvious.

Lu Ping was almost certain that it was the third master Fu who was moved by Bai Ke's heart.

Bai Kexin is the eldest lady's best friend, and she is also quite nice to herself.

This matter must be managed.

Therefore, Lu Ping's instructions to Gezhi are: pay close attention and report in time.

You Gezhi secretly protected Bai Kexin, but Lu Ping had nothing to worry about. If he is a member of the Dragon Soul team, he can't even handle such a trivial matter, so what do you want him to do?

Just go back to him as the head of the Red Snake Clan!

And now.

Shao Jinyuan was standing in front of Lu Ping, looking outside from time to time, feeling very puzzled.

He didn't understand, what kind of magic did Konglong have?
It's for the mobile phone again, and it's for the water cup.

Also sang two songs.

"Isn't it ugly? If I knew it, I wouldn't let him sing!" Lu Ping shook his feet, stretched out his little finger and picked his ear, expressing that he was very abused.

Shao Jinyuan was taken aback for a moment: "Could it be... Could it be that you asked him to sing?"

"Oh." Lu Ping nodded thoughtfully: "Yes. Just now I told him that his big nose is smooth and suitable for pronunciation, so I suggested him to sing a song by Andy Lau. But now, my Judgment seems to be wrong. This guy sings like a pig."

Shao Jinyuan looked puzzled: " can he listen to you?"

Lu Ping asked: "Is this strange? Don't you also obey my orders now? I just want you to listen, but others can't do it?"

"But..." Shao Jinyuan rubbed his forehead and said, "Could it be that you beat him up just now? Did you beat him up?"

Lu Ping said: "No! People talk about civilization to me, and I treat each other with courtesy."

Shao Jinyuan smiled wryly and said: "Then why is he... Boss, you... You are almost confusing me. He, Qingfengtang, and one of the top ten Vajras, how can he give in so easily? Boss, you... You must have used some method. You must have done it, for sure!"

"You guy...I..." Lu Ping looked up at Shao Jinyuan, "I just drew a circle to frame him."

Shao Jinyuan looked stunned: "Draw a circle to frame it? How to frame it? Is it like Sun Wukong drew a circle to frame his master? Boss, you... I can't understand this, I can't understand."

Lu Ping emphasized: "Then don't understand it. Listen, from now on, that big nose is his own. But... you just need to know about this, so don't tell the poisonous snakes. I still point to this The guy went to his old club to get some money to spend. To further develop Romantic Time, you also need to invest money."

Shao Jinyuan shook his head: "I still don't understand."

"Then change your head!" Lu Ping lazily explained to him again, went over and patted his head, and walked out.

Shao Jinyuan was dumbfounded in the box.

Think again.

Still puzzled.

Later he found the two words written on the floor, and the circle outside.

he thinks.

The words are not very beautiful.

The circle is not round, and it is not finished yet.

Lu Ping had already walked out at this time.

But as soon as he arrived at the entrance of the clubhouse, he was stopped by the subordinates brought by Kong Long: "Stop, you can't go out!"

Lu Ping asked, "Why can't I go out?"

The man looked arrogant: "Our boss has confessed that no one can go out or enter!"

Lu Ping asked again: "Who is your boss? Big nose?"

The man said displeasedly: "You are also called the big nose? That is our Boss Kong! Hey, I recognized you. You are the... that guy who broke in just now, right?"

As soon as he said that, a few more men surrounded him.

Lu Ping was also lazy to waste words with these little guys, so he directly dialed Kong Long's phone number and handed it to one of the little bosses.

The little leader held his mobile phone to avoid three or four meters, and reported the situation to Kong Long obediently.

His head was like a chicken eating rice, and he kept nodding.

Then he came over and handed the phone back, and said with a smile: "Boss Kong said, you can go out and you can go in."

Everyone else was surprised.


Lu Ping was about to drive back, but received a call from Bai Kexin.

"Little Lulu..."

It was still such a friendly voice.

But Lu Ping could tell that Bai Kexin was forcing a smile.

Don't worry, Miss Bai, no matter how big things happen to you, I, Lu Ping, will never stand idly by.

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