Super son-in-law of a beautiful president

Chapter 343 That Bad Old Man Is Really Bad

"Where did you come from an onion, get out of here!"

After seeing Lu Ping's face clearly, Da Fei regained his composure, and trembled intentionally on the high-voltage line, enjoying the flexibility of the high altitude.

Those who stand at the top tend to underestimate the people below.

"It seems that you don't intend to listen to my advice!" Lu Ping's expression darkened.

"Listen to you, you murderous guy! Let me tell you, people on Earth can't do anything to me and I'm flying on the grass." Da Fei stretched out his fingers and clamped the throwing knife at his waist.

But his expression suddenly changed, used up?
"Very arrogant!" Lu Ping sneered, and picked up another small brick from the ground.

Da Fei said with disdain on his face: "You don't mean to cast me down, do you? Are you so naive? I can dodge bullets from Da Fei!"

"Really?" Lu Ping threw his arms upwards.

The bricks passed by Da Fei's body.

"Haha! Haha! Did you miss the shot?" Da Fei stood on the high-voltage wire laughing, leaning forward and back, bowing his body and looking at Lu Ping: "How dare you..."

The voice just fell.

He felt something fall from the air and hit his ass hard.

"Ouch..." Da Fei immediately panicked as he covered his buttocks. This unexpected situation made his body's center of gravity instantly deviate.

Who can vote for this?
Dare to say that the brick didn't hit him when it went up, but it hit it right when it came down.

Did he use 'cruising bricks'?

Losing control for a moment, Da Fei's body fell face down.

But Da Fei is Da Fei, he fell without any suspense, but suddenly he tipped his toes.

With a slight rebound of the high-voltage line.

Da Fei actually hooked the high-tension line with his feet upside down.

And after his body trembled for a while, he exerted a sudden force, leaned up in a giant circle, and stood up again.

Like a tumbler on a high-tension line.

"That's okay? Acrobatic background?" Lu Ping couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Haha, it's fake, it's fake!" Da Fei said triumphantly, "I was hit by you just now, are you really going to fall? I'm kidding you, grandpa, I did it on purpose!"

Lu Ping lowered his head and picked up a few stones from the ground, and said with a smile, "I'm teasing you too!"

"If it weren't for so many people chasing me over there, I really want to go down and 'make up' you and sell you to beg for food. If the match is successful, maybe your internal organs can be sold for a good price." Da Fei continued Air defiantly provoked.

Lu Ping knowingly asked: "Makeup? Are you a makeup artist?"

Da Fei sneered: "Almost. But once I put on my makeup, I can't remove it."

"Like those children you made disabled? Are you so devoid of conscience that you are not afraid of retribution?" Lu Ping's face became increasingly ugly.

Da Fei was slightly taken aback: " are you...are you a policeman?"

Lu Ping emphasized: "I'm just an enthusiastic citizen."

"Ah?" Da Fei also restrained his arrogance, and asked tentatively, "Is it you who helped the police catch my buyers?"

Lu Ping said: "That's right."

"Do you know that you broke our rules, and you will be chased and killed by countless people?" Da Fei said with a condensed expression, "Okay, there's still time, I'll go down and kill you now!"

"You want to come down, but I won't let you down!" Lu Ping threw a stone, which hit the high-voltage electric pole a few meters away.

Um?What kind of trick is this?
I'm on a high-voltage line, why are you smashing someone's utility pole?
"Stupid!" Da Fei was dazed, and just as he cursed, he felt a hard object flying towards him.

The speed was so fast that he couldn't dodge in time.


The hard object hit Da Fei directly in the face, and he moaned suddenly, it hurt so much.

When I touched it, it bleeds.


This situation is indeed incredible.

Lu Ping hit the electric pole with the stone, bounced off the electric pole and hit Dafei again.

What kind of control and analysis power is needed, and it also contains some knowledge of physics, which has strict requirements on strength, angle, impact point and other aspects.

So Da Fei no longer dared to underestimate Lu Ping, he felt that the other party, like himself, had already mastered certain special skills to the point of perfection.

Next is the rain of stones.

Lu Ping quickly threw all the stones in his hand out.

Da Fei didn't escape even a single one.

His body had already been hit by the flying stones, his body was covered with cuts and bruises, pain everywhere, and blood oozing everywhere.

"This... this... is so weird." The only thing Da Fei is more awake now is his brain.

"Come down!"

Holding the last pebble in his hand, Lu Ping said.

But this time he didn't use the telegraph pole to reflect it, but directly threw it at Dafei.

Could it be that he was afraid of smashing a utility pole and being sued for deliberately damaging public property?
Look at Dafei again.

It was like a frightened bird.

After shaking his arms twice, he suddenly fell off the high-tension line.

Lu Ping rushed up quickly and kicked him to buffer him.

It's so high, don't drop a ball to your death.

this moment.

There is a song singing in Da Fei's mind: I am a little bird oh oh, I want to fly, I want to fly but I can't fly high oh oh...

Before he could react, he was already lying on the ground.

Lu Ping raised his foot and stepped on it, stepping on his thin face with sharp mouth and monkey cheeks.

Referring to the body proportions of normal people, this Dafei can be regarded as an alternative.He has a small head with a large forehead and looks like an alien.The shoulders are broad, the waist is thin, the thighs are thick and powerful, and the calves are thin and scary, like a pair of ostrich legs.

No wonder this guy is so good at lightness kung fu, he turned out to be a 'bird man'.

In terms of body proportions, it is in line with the characteristics of birds.

Instead, this freak turned these into his own strengths, and developed the ability to fly over walls.

"Brother, brother, you let me go, I obey, I obey."

It was the first time in his life that Da Fei was caught, so he was naturally unwilling.

"Let you go? Make you do those unconscionable things again?" Lu Ping kicked his feet hard and said angrily, "I want to kill you now to eliminate harm for the people."

Da Fei said: " will go to jail if you kill me!"

"Let me ask you, who did you learn this skill from? Don't tell me you are self-taught!" Lu Ping asked forcefully.

" can control who you are with? Anyway...that's someone you can't afford to offend." Da Fei began to stiffen his mouth again, perhaps because he thought of his god-like master master.

Lu Ping continued to add some strength to his feet.

"Ah...I say I say!" Da Fei felt that his chest was already being compressed to the point of exploding, so he said quickly, "My master is...he is the Flying Immortal!"

"Pfft... I'll make you talk harder!" Lu Ping clenched his fists and beat down.

Returning to the Flying Immortal, why don't you say that you are the original Tianzun, that name is bigger.

"It's really Flying Immortal, that's his nickname, his real name is... Leng Shui. That old man is really powerful!" Da Fei added like a cannonball.

Lu Ping was taken aback suddenly.

He had indeed heard the name 'cold water' from his master before.

And the master once warned him that whenever he returns to Huaxia, he must be wary of this person.

Its ability is huge.

His heart is cruel.

Its hands are hot.

It's all unimaginable.

"You did the business of harvesting and cutting, and that bad old man passed it on to you?" Lu Ping restrained his many guesses about 'cold water', and asked Da Fei again.

Da Fei shook his head violently: "No... no. This has nothing to do with his old man. I... I used to be a godly thief. I traveled to five continents and stole all kinds of things. I feel that there is nothing worth lusting after in life. Just... and then I wanted to find some excitement."

Lu Ping asked back: "The stimulus you are talking about is making the stolen children crippled alive?"

"There are also adults..." Da Fei explained.

"No humanity at all!" Lu Ping darkened his face and said angrily, "I'll see if you can fly again in the future!"

Da Fei exclaimed: "You...what do you want to do?"

Lu Ping reached out to touch Da Fei's thigh, and said lightly: "I see that your thighs are muscular, and your calves are deformed, like a bird... So, it is very dangerous to always fly over the walls, didn't your parents teach you when you were young?" ? Don’t run around and climb around, it’s easy to fall to your death..."





Grunt, grunt, grunt, grunt!

"Ah... Ouch... It hurts me to death... Is my leg broken?" Da Fei's painful eyes almost popped out, and he looked at the unpredictable strange man in front of him in disbelief.

"Break first and then break!" Lu Ping said, "From now on, you won't run around anymore."

Da Fei was about to cry.

It felt like a dream.

At this moment.

Nalan Tingxue has already caught up.

Behind her were Li Jiaqi and other plain clothes.

In the opposite direction, another group of plainclothes surrounded them.

Nalan Tingxue was stunned by the scene in front of him.

It never occurred to her that a snitch, who could not even catch a "little flying man" like herself, would be caught by her target of protection, Lu Ping.

The point is, she didn't even see how she caught it.

Just now she was watching from a distance, but saw two people talking from a distance, and then this Dafei fell from the high voltage wire and was subdued by Lu Ping.

"I...I'm going to kill this beast with my own hands!" Nalan Tingxue rushed up quickly when she thought of the poor disabled children on the TV and looked at the culprit lying on the ground.

Lu Ping quickly stopped her: "Don't be impulsive! Is it worth going to jail for this kind of person?"

"I'd rather go with my life than kill him. Have you forgotten those poor children?" Nalan Tingxue asked angrily.

Lu Ping reached out to support Nalan Tingxue's shoulder, and said softly: "Listen, it's fun to vent your anger for a while, but it can't solve the fundamental problem. This bastard needs to be judged by the people, and there are still many unknown people who have not been rescued." The children are still waiting for his confession."

Nalan gradually calmed down after listening to Xue: "You are right, you are right, there are more victims... Sigh, how can people be so bad?"

Li Jiaqi and others stepped forward.

Several plainclothes officers quickly controlled Da Fei.

Li Jiaqi held Lu Ping's hand tightly and said excitedly: "Are you a righteous messenger sent by heaven? This time, you have done us a big favor again. No, you have done a big favor to this society. Doing a big favor to parents who have lost their kids. You... so handsome!"

Several other plain clothes also came over one after another, handing cigarettes and fire, chatting for a while.

"Don't put a high hat on me, I just happened to meet." Lu Ping pointed at Nalan Tingxue, and then said: "Actually, it is this girl Nalan who you should really thank, she is the one who helped you catch the snow this time." The hero who caught the murderer. I just picked a leak while the murderer was tired from running on the wire."

"Beauty, you are also great! This lightness skill is amazing!" Li Jiaqi turned and held Nalan Tingxue's hand again.

Li Jiaqi said guiltily: "No, no, I actually..."

At this time, Lu Ping was walking quickly towards the bridge in the distance.

Many onlookers also rushed over one after another.

But none of them could see clearly who caught that miraculous 'trapeze'.

Li Jiaqi looked at Lu Ping's disappearing figure, and asked him loudly: "You are in such a hurry to leave, where are you going?"

Lu Ping said without turning his head: "Go back and deliver breakfast to our eldest lady, it must be cold."

Li Jiaqi asked again: "Do you need me to accompany you to explain?"

Lu Ping replied: "No need. At worst, two wages will be deducted."

"I'm going back too, I'm his assistant now." Hearing Xue's words, Nalan followed quickly.

Li Jiaqi looked at this scene.

Can't help but think of the TV series called "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

Da Yongzhou is indeed a hidden dragon and a crouching phoenix.

Back in the car.

Lu Ping just started the car.

Nalan Tingxue, who sat in the co-pilot seat, gave him an incriminating look: "Lu Ping, you...are you kidding me?"

Lu Ping looked confused: "I...have any?"

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