Super son-in-law of a beautiful president

Chapter 332 This world is not as dangerous as you imagined!

Cao Ermeng looked bewildered.

Isn't this fat man who repairs the car too arrogant?
But at the same time, he also realized his mistake. He called in a hurry and didn't have time to tell him well.

" he the one you found for me to repair the tire?" Lu Ping pointed down.

Cao Er scratched his scalp fiercely and said, "I...I...I didn't tell him who it was for. I just said that there was a Mercedes-Benz in Anxiang Community. He took a test drive. He...he...mainly blamed me for not explaining it well."

Lu Ping asked: "How about technology?"

Cao Ermeng said: "Looking at his body shape, he knows that he is good at repairing cars. He has a big head and a thick neck. He is either a car repairer or a cook."

"I'll leave it to you here, I'll go down and have a look." Lu Ping patted Cao Ermeng on the shoulder.

Cao Ermeng nodded.

Lu Ping picked up the sniper rifle, and picked up the shell casing next to it.

Cao Ermeng exclaimed: "Wow, you look so handsome with a gun!"

Lu Ping asked back: "You mean, you can't be handsome if you don't hold a gun?"

Cao Ermeng hurriedly said, "You're handsome without a gun."

"I like to tell the truth... Hurry up and work!" Lu Ping emphasized, and started to go downstairs.

When he rushed to the side of the Mercedes-Benz test drive car, the fat master saw that he could not wait for the owner, so he cursed and prepared to leave.

"Come on, master, smoke a cigarette." Lu Ping stopped him.

The fat master looked at Lu Ping's appearance, and laughed: "Man, how old are you still playing with toy guns? Oh, this gun is very imitative, it shoots water bombs, my son also has one. Buy it When it came to the gun, I also gave several packs of small balls as gifts, which can become bigger when soaked in water, loaded on the gun and fired, biu—biu—"

"Haha, did you see it? It's pretty imitative, right?" Lu Ping said with a smile, "Just now someone was playing with it on the roof. I thought it was disturbing the people, so I went up and confiscated it for him."

The fat master suddenly realized: "I thought you were playing with it, but it turned out to be someone else's?"

"It's not robbery, it's confiscation." Lu Ping explained, pointing to the Mercedes-Benz next to him, and said, "Then... let's start working, hurry up and fix the tire, I have to go to work."

"Ah? Are you the owner of the car?" Fat Master's smiling eyes suddenly widened.

Lu Ping nodded: "Yes, my car."

"'ve been working on it for a long time and you haven't come down for a long time, so I've been yelling here for a long time." The fat master seemed to have learned Sichuan Opera's Changing Face, and he was amiable and chatting about toys just now, but now his face was covered with clouds : "It was agreed in advance that I have to pay more. You have delayed me for such a long time, at least give me an extra 15 yuan."

Lu Ping said: "Okay, no problem. Any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem."

The fat master stretched out his hand to cover the yawn that was about to come out again, and started to support the jack while complaining: "If I knew you were a run-flat tire, I wouldn't have come here. I should let you go directly to the shop to fix it. It's a waste of time. It seems that I want to spread common sense to you today. With zero tire pressure, run-flat tires can still travel about 80 to [-] kilometers at a speed of less than [-] mph. You... you must remember next time, even I don’t understand this bit of common sense. Seeing that you are still working at the fourth son’s place, how did you get in? No one told you this…”

Lu Ping put the sniper rifle in the trunk, interrupted the fat master, and said, "I know this situation, but I... I am actually a perfectionist, and I don't want to hurt my baby."

"Damn it! Dude, make me speechless, do you know? You are too sentimental, you still sympathize with the tires, you should sympathize with us, do you know how difficult these run-flat tires are? Come on, help Let me lift it." The fat master said carelessly, and he was very agile in his work, and he removed the tire with three strokes.

Lu Ping rolled up his shirt sleeves and asked, "Where are you taking it?"

"Where else can I carry it? Behind the car, there is a tire changer on the car." The fat master pointed at his van.

Lu Ping helped the fat master carry the tires, and found that the seats of the van had been dismantled, leaving only a driver's seat and a co-pilot's seat, and the back was full of various repair tools, and a huge pickling machine.

The fat master starts the car and powers up the tire changer.

"Come on, get out of the way, don't delay my work!" The fat master gave Lu Ping a push, and then he was about to put the tires on the tire shredding machine, and he showed off to him: "Did you see, the tire shredding machine I just bought , the strength is great, picking up your run-flat tires is like a joke. The double-sided mechanical assist arm is easy to operate and saves effort. The turntable can reach 14 revolutions per minute... This... this 5000 yuan, spend value."

"It's so troublesome, you need to use a machine to pick a tire? Isn't it faster to pick it by hand?" Lu Ping questioned.

"Hand pick?" The fat master turned his head and glared at Lu Ping, and said, "Dude, don't express your opinion if you don't understand. You can pick it up by hand. It's hard to pick a bicycle tire by hand, let alone you are a run-flat tire. This tire Ah, it's so tightly attached to the hub that ten people can't move it together...Huh? What about the tires?"

"Okay master, I took off the outer tire, you can start repairing it, I'm in a hurry." Lu Ping patted the dust on his hands and said.

God horse situation?

The fat master was dumbfounded.

In the time it takes to say a word, the tire and the wheel hub in front of me have been completely separated.

Even if it is the most advanced tire changing machine with hundreds of thousands of units, it is impossible to be so efficient.How many seconds?Is there a mistake?

" took it off?" The fat master looked at Lu Ping dumbfounded, wondering if he was dreaming, to take off the run-flat tire one could do it.

Lu Ping nodded: "Yeah, what's the matter? Save time."

"By hand?" the fat master asked again.

Lu Ping asked back: "Is it not with my hands or with my teeth? That's all right, master, hurry up and work..."

"No... No, no, please let me slow down." The fat master squeezed his forehead with his hand full of black oil, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Brother, You are amazing, you are the one I am looking for! Picking tires with your hands is a unique skill! So, what kind of work do you still have? I will discuss with our boss, you go to our shop to pick tires Well, it’s guaranteed to be better than you going to work. Damn, if this is the case, the effect will be too high, one by one, one by one, and save electricity. My boss must be very happy..."

Um?Lu Ping suddenly couldn't laugh or cry: "How much can I pay you for a tire removal?"

The fat master made a gesture with a bold face: "How about eight thousand? Repairing tires is a busy job, especially this part of the tire is the most time-consuming. According to the speed you just did, the business of the store can increase by at least three or four." Double. Damn, my job is worth it. If I recruit such a talent for the boss, he will definitely...he will definitely be willing to use you, and maybe he can give me a raise, haha...not bad ,good!"

"Brother, don't be too happy, I haven't promised you yet... Let's repair the tire first, okay, I... I'm in a hurry to go to work, and my salary will be deducted if I go late." Lu Ping urged.

The fat master asked back: "How much money do you get a month now? 4000 yuan is the best?"

Lu Ping nodded: "Brother, your guess is really accurate, the monthly salary is four thousand."

"Then what are you thinking about? Go for the tire removal, our boss can give you more than [-] yuan!" Fat master spitting and waving his hands, emotionally excited: "The income has doubled, fool It's not doing it, is it?"

Lu Ping added: "Wages are wages. My commission this month... I can get a million or so."

"How much... How much?" The smile on the fat master's face froze suddenly: "One million? What about you, buddy, can I say you? If your monthly income It can reach a million... don't say a million, it's ten thousand, okay, can you live in this poor community?"

"Let's... let's fix the tire first, okay? Let's talk about other things after the tire is repaired. I'll take it all down for you. You have to hurry up and don't delay my work." Lu Ping thinks that the fat master is a carefree and honest person .

"Okay, repair the tire first." After the fat master spat on the palm of his hand, he began to work.

Lu Ping took the opportunity to light a cigarette for him, and smoked one himself.

Look at the time, anyway, late is certain.

I hope the eldest lady calms down.

The tires were quickly patched, fitted and inflated.

The action is complete.

After installing the screws, the fat master stretched his waist: "You're done!"

"Thank you, master. Lao Cao will give you the fare. I... will give you a bullet casing as a souvenir." Lu Ping said, and handed the sniper rifle casing to Fat Master.

The fat master looked disgusted: "Dude, I've been busy for a long time, can't you even pay the 100 yuan, and you want someone else to pay you? Just now I was bragging, it's millions of dollars a month... who cares?" You broken bullet case, it’s fake, it’s fake, it’s fake at first glance! Who are you fooling?”

Lu Ping emphasized: "This is the bullet case of a sniper rifle. It is difficult for ordinary people to get it, and it is impossible to buy it."

"Take it away, take it away, I don't want to listen to your nonsense... The idiot didn't say to put the money on for you, you hurry up and settle the money, I'm also in a hurry." The fat master is getting impatient now.

Lu Ping was taken aback: "What? Idiot?"

"Don't you know the idiot?" The fat master turned gloomy: "It's just that he called me, if it wasn't for the sake of the idiot, I would be lazy to come here early in the morning to fix your tire, please be content! "

"I thought it was Boss Cao who called you. It turns out... okay, I'll give you the cash." Lu Ping pouted, thinking that you, Old Cao, are simply looking for another job. For such an important task, If you don't come forward in person, let a little-known subordinate of yours do it for you... I have been scolded here a lot.

The fat master was startled: "What? still know Boss Cao?"

Lu Ping nodded: "Yes, what's the matter?"

"You can brag like that, so you might be bragging again. Just you, I guess you know someone like a fool." The fat master said with a smile, "How big is Boss Cao? I'm afraid it's just you who know him. I don’t know who you are. Haha, these days, there are everyone, even you dare to play the banner of Boss Cao. If you have his relationship, you still use this broken community? You still need to sell cars? This... ... This test drive car looks like you drove it back secretly, vanity, or too much vanity... Dude, listen to my brother's advice, be a down-to-earth person, and do things according to your duties. Bragging, it's useless."

Lu Ping was speechless.

"Is it fixed?"

At this time, a person ran over from the south and asked a question from a distance.

The fat master turned his head and glanced over there, and suddenly trembled in shock... Boss Cao?

He rubbed his eyes and took a closer look, it was really Boss Cao.

How could someone as big as him appear in this broken community?
When Cao Ermeng walked up to Lu Ping out of breath, the fat master even bent down and bowed with a flushed face, laughing: "Boss's really you! I thought I was delusional just now. Well, with such a great status, could you come to this dilapidated neighborhood..."

Lu Ping glared at Cao Ermeng, and asked scoldingly, "Have you finished the work I told you? Why come here to join in the fun?"

"The car has already been loaded, brothers take a step ahead, and I will follow after that." Cao Ermeng nodded and bowed to explain, not forgetting to take out a cigarette as a courtesy, and took out a lighter.

"Slack! You have to watch this matter yourself!" Lu Ping emphasized.

Cao Ermeng said: "That must be! I... I drive a Prado, and I will catch up in a while!"

"Show off, right? Did you deliberately show off in front of me?" Lu Ping glanced back at the Mercedes-Benz test drive car, and said, "It means your car speeds up faster than mine?"

" can it be..." Cao Er scratched his scalp and smiled wryly: "You don't want to drive, if you want to drive, Rolls-Royce is not a problem."

When the fat master saw this, he was in a bad mood.

He froze there like a sculpture, his surprised mouth remained open for a long time.

What's the situation?This is the all-powerful Boss Cao, the owner of six or seven nightclubs like Yao Ye, how could he be so respectful to this younger guy in front of him?It was handing cigarettes and lighting a fire, and it was still a submissive look, as if afraid of saying the wrong thing.

What's even more unbelievable is that, listening to what they said, it seems that Boss Cao is working for this young man?

Could it be that he Boss Cao's boss?


The fat master even suspected that he met a fake Boss Cao today.

"Fatty man, why are you in a daze, what are you doing?" Cao Er stabbed his sharp eyes and scolded, "I'll let the idiot finish calling you, and then I'll rush here. I'm in such a stupid place It's farther than you, and arrived earlier than you! Fatty, do you believe that I'll call your boss right now and ask him to whip you a bastard?"

"Cao...Boss Cao, I'm already...already very fast, very fast...I'm hurrying..." The fat master was so frightened that he broke into cold sweat and felt like kneeling down.

Lu Ping said from the side: "It's hard enough for someone to come here early in the morning to repair my tire. Why are you scaring him? Why don't you go get this master a bottle of water? I have it in the trunk."

"Okay." Cao Ermeng suppressed his anger, and he really took out a bottle of mineral water from the trunk.

But how dare the fat master take it.

He's so scared now that he doesn't want to.

The regret in my heart is like a torrent of water, which is out of control.

It's bad, it's bad, this person really has a lot of background, even Boss Cao is obedient to him.When I spoke just now, was my tone a bit heavy?Are you still laughing at others?Is it not a good attitude?Yes or no……

Thinking about it, Fat Master's face turned green.

"I...I...Actually...I...I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong, I...I just...offended...I...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I was wrong..." He With a sob in his throat and trembling legs, he took a step closer to Lu Ping, and then he was about to kneel down.

Lu Ping supported him: "Brother, what are you doing?"

"I just... I was blind, I was blind, I didn't know you... no... just, offended...offended. I'm looking for smoke, I'm looking for smoke!" The fat master said, and he wanted to slap himself, so that Show self-punishment.To him, Boss Cao is already considered a dominating big brother, known for his might and viciousness, so wouldn't Boss Cao's boss be even more terrifying?In order to regret his unfriendly attitude just now, he could only choose to self-mutilate, maybe doing so would allow the other party to forgive him.

Lu Ping quickly grabbed his wrist again, and said with a smile: "Master, save yourself some effort, you have to go back to work."

The fat master said blankly, " don't blame me?"

Lu Ping asked: "What am I blaming you for? Don't think too much, this world is not as dangerous as you imagined."

Cao Ermeng also added: "Yes, we are easy to get along with, don't you see?"

How are you getting along?The fat master is also speechless.

It's not that I haven't heard of your Boss Cao's deeds. When you beat someone up, it's called a... beat to death.When our boss heard your name, his face twitched in fright like Zhao Si, as if there was a shadow.

At this moment.

Bai Kexin hurried out from the unit door.

"Little Lulu, little Lulu...why don't you go to work? Are you afraid that your boss will deduct your wages if you are late? It seems that you have become more courageous." Bai Kexin said while waving She waved the key in her hand, and remotely unlocked the Maybach she drove.

My goodness!

The three views of the fat master were once again refreshed.

Boss Cao is one.

One of the best beauties.

A Mercedes-Benz Maymach.

Please, I'm just a repairman in the repair shop, and I've never seen such a big battle in my life.

What is the origin of this young man who drives a test car to work?

The fat master's brain hurts from thinking about it, but he still has no solution.

"Crow's mouth!" Lu Ping turned his head to look at Bai Kexin, and emphasized: "Our eldest lady treats me so well, why is she willing to deduct my salary? Don't judge a gentleman with a villain's heart..."

While talking, the phone rang.

Caller: Gong Mengran.

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