Super son-in-law of a beautiful president

Chapter 321 How about we also make a deal



When Nalan heard Xue, she suddenly felt helpless as if her aunt forgot to wear pants.

But in fact.

However, Lu Ping noticed a very subtle message in Nalan Tingxue's demonstration.

He remembered that when sending Su Ting's cousin Ji Rui back to school, Qin Haotian, the martial arts coach of Yongzhou University, also used this routine to intimidate himself.

It's a pity that the deterrence was not deterred.

Instead, he lost his dignity.

Could it be that there is some relationship between Nalan Tingxue and Qin Haotian?
"Well, Miss Nalan, I have to say, you are really amazing." Lu Ping saw Nalan Tingxue's expression of embarrassment at this time, so he praised her.

Nalan heard that Xue's mood improved, and asked back: "Have you seen my strength now?"

Lu Ping nodded: "I've seen it, I've seen it. It's an imitation show. It imitates a monkey climbing a tree. The imitation is lifelike. From the difficulty of movement, the range of movement, to the expression, it's all in place."

Um?Nalan blushed when she heard the snow: "Imitation show? Do you think this is an imitation show?"

Lu Ping exclaimed: "Isn't it?"

"I... I'm about to die of anger at you!" Nalan Tingxue stomped her feet in shame and anger, and then simply restrained her anger: Don't be as knowledgeable as him, don't be as knowledgeable as him.

That's right, I, Nalan, heard that Xue Mingming showed kung fu and skills.

You interpreted it as a parody.

How do you want me to explain to you?

But since he is determined to show his strength, how can Nalan Tingxue give up easily?
Fortunately, I, Nalan, have learned a lot of skills from hearing that Master Xue is famous.

It is true love.

"Look again!"

After hearing Xue drop these words, Nalan walked into the grove again.

Under a poplar tree, with a light leap, he broke off a fresh branch about three meters long.

After removing the remaining branches and rolling the remaining leaves, there is a long, bare and curved stick.

He pointed at Lu Ping with the stick tip.

"Show me, don't blink."

Nalan walked four or five meters away after listening to Xue's words.

Because it is necessary to demonstrate this exercise, it is also very taboo to wear skirts.

With a long stick in hand, hit the ground.

The body quickly soared into the air.

With one foot on the tip of the stick, the golden rooster is independent from above.

After controlling the balance, Nalan Tingxue slowly opened his arms and kicked.

"Hmph, let's see what you have to say this time!" She stood high above the long stick, pointing her toes at Lu Ping, with a heroic feeling of contempt for the sky.

Lu Ping looked up at the girl on the stick, and said with a smile, "Why are you stepping so high?"

Um?Didn't stop him?Nalan felt very distressed when he heard Xue, so he raised the volume and emphasized: "I'll ask you, are you convinced by my skills?"

Lu Ping asked: "Have you practiced acrobatics? Have you practiced walking on stilts?"

Nalan Tingxue said angrily: "How can those juggling tricks be compared with my superior skills?"

"It looks similar, but you stepped a little thinner." Lu Ping walked over and flicked the long stick lightly.

In fact, it is very rare to practice light skills to this level.

A long and weak stick can support a weight of about [-] catties and maintain balance.

Not to mention ordinary people, even experts in the martial arts world will definitely not be able to help but praise.

Why is this driver different from ordinary people?

Nalan was very annoyed when she heard Xue, she turned around and jumped off the long stick.

This road is very light and stable.

Fortunately, her skirt is a wrap style with strong fabric, otherwise it would be easy to float out a new world inside.


"It seems that you can only play tricks."

Before Nalan Tingxue came over to question him, Lu Ping threw another blow.

This kind of comment is a great insult to a martial arts practitioner.

Nalan Tingxue originally thought that the other party was a small driver, and any one of these two exercises just now could make him amazed and his jaw dropped.

But I didn't expect... He actually said that he was a showman?
Her girlish bodice was almost bursting.

However, after showing off to this extent, it is really not reconciled to just give up.

This is like taking a basket of high-quality eggs to the market. I thought I could sell them for a good price, but I met an ignorant owner who kept picking stones out of the eggs.

How to do?
Get angry, but the eggs still have to be sold!
"Girl, you are a female bodyguard, not an acrobat, nor an imitation show." Lu Ping said seriously: "I don't see any quality of being a bodyguard in you. So, again, you The reason why you refused to be my bodyguard just now is entirely out of lack of confidence in yourself."

Hmph, you, Nalan Tingxue, don't give me Lu Ping, especially in front of the eldest lady.

How can I let you steal the show?

If you don't wear off your arrogance today.

How do you know that the world is dangerous!

What's more, if I, Lu Ping, can't even surrender to you, a girl in her early twenties, what face do I have to control the 20-strong National Defense Army?
"" Nalan stomped his feet a few more times in anger, almost speechless: "I see, you want to watch hard work, right? Okay... okay... I It's still fine!"

Lu Ping smiled and said: "That's right, then, Miss Nalan, what hard work do you know?"

Nalan Tingxue clenched her small fists: "Just keep your eyes open!"

At this moment, she also made up her mind.

Show yourself one more time, if the guy still doesn't like it.

Then teach him a lesson first, anyway, he asked for it.

Nalan Tingxue then walked into the grove again, and stood firm in front of a willow tree with a thick bowl mouth.


Let out a sigh.

Pulled out the fighting stance.

Then he punched the thick tree trunk one after another.

a time.

The tree swayed and its branches swayed, and the leaves fell.

But Lu Ping didn't even look at her at all.

He was leaning against another tree, smoking a cigarette, playing with his mobile phone, with a carefree look of seeing through the world of mortals.

What is Lu Ping doing?
Contact Pepper and Chanalan to listen to Xue's information.

Little pepper, little pepper, the work efficiency has always been high.

After a while, all the information about Nalan Tingxue was passed on, more than 5000 words.

Lu Ping extracted some important item information from it.

Nalan listens to the snow.

Manchu, aged 23.

Born in a martial arts family, he practiced martial arts at the age of 3 and made his debut at the age of 6.

From preschool to junior high school, she has always been a halo, and she has also played guest roles in two TV dramas.

At the age of 15, he studied Sanda fighting under the famous combat master Qin Haotian.

At the age of 20, he was specially recruited by the famous Tianlong Special Guard Company in China and admitted to the hospital. He participated in the one-year special training of the private bodyguard project.At the same time, during the delegations from Britain, France, the United States and other countries to China, they were responsible for the personal protection of important figures.In addition, she also personally protected seven famous domestic stars in the entertainment industry, and 12 big names in the business world participated in important events...


Two weeks ago, his father, Nalan Huai'an (national first-level martial arts athlete, runner-up of the 12th "Mingyu Cup" National Wushu Routine Championships) was sent to the Summer School affiliated to the Free University of Berlin and Humboldt University because of severe uremia. He received treatment at Charité Hospital, but was treated unfairly by a Qihua doctor in the hospital. Nalan Huai'an had serious doubts about the level and medical ethics of the attending doctor, and has been refusing to undergo surgery, and considered transferring treat.


Lu Ping extracted some weird information from these materials.

Nalan Tingxue's father Nalan Huai'an is seriously ill, shouldn't she be by his father's side now?What prompted her to ignore her family and instead be entrusted by Sheng Xianlong to come to Yongzhou to protect Gong Mengran?
There must be something strange in this.

But now Lu Ping is willing to make a deal with Nalan Tingxue.

At least, that's an idea that has the best of both worlds.

But right now.

Nalan Tingxue was already sweating profusely after dozens of punches and hit trees.

The solid poplar tree had been smashed to pieces of bark by her, exposing the bright yellow backbone.

"Hey, come and have a look!"

Nalan Tingxue wiped her sweat with the back of her hand, then turned her head and shouted at Lu Ping.

Hmph, what else can he say this time?

Lu Ping put away his phone and walked over.

"Well, it's okay this time, it seems that you really have some skill." Lu Ping saw that the back of the girl's hand was about to bleed, so he didn't have the heart to hit her again.

Nalan was so excited that she wanted to cry when she heard Xue: "You... you finally admitted it, right?"

"I admit that you are a qualified bodyguard, but I don't admit that you are a qualified daughter." Lu Ping looked at the serious Manchu girl in front of him and said, "Your father is seriously ill and is facing a kidney transplant, and he is away in Germany for treatment." , you are a daughter, but you still have the mind to come to Yongzhou to be some kind of bodyguard, are you so short of money?"

"Ah...ah?" Nalan Tingxue's eyes widened, and she asked in panic, "You... how do you know? Could it be... Could it be that Mr. Sheng told you? No, no, he didn't Maybe I told you, the driver, about my father? Then...then...did Mr. Sheng tell Miss Gong? Miss Gong told you again?"

Lu Ping emphasized: "It's not important! What's important is that your father was treated unfairly at Charité Hospital in Germany, but you don't seem to take it to heart!"

"It's not like's not like this..." Nalan Tingxue shook her head continuously, her eyes filled with white light: "I was originally in Germany to accompany my father, but Mr. Sheng Xianlong found me suddenly and asked me to come back to China Yongzhou personally protects Ms. Gong, but I definitely can't agree, but Mr. Sheng has a lot of contacts. After learning about my father's situation, he promised to come forward to coordinate with the leaders of Charité Hospital and arrange for more experienced doctors to follow up... "

Lu Ping was startled: "So you made a deal with Sheng Xianlong?"

"Forget it...forget it." Nalan Tingxue no longer has the dignity of a female bodyguard at this time, but is just a helpless daughter: "My father is very sick, and many big hospitals dare not perform surgery. Charité, Germany is ranked among the top few in the world, so we placed our hopes there, but we were treated unfairly. Alas, I can only place my hopes on Mr. Sheng..."

Lu Ping said: "You put your hope in Sheng Xianlong, you might as well put your hope in me."

Nalan Tingxue asked back: "What do you mean?"

"Now I will also make a deal with you. I can help you, so that your father will receive the greatest attention and the best treatment in Charité Hospital." The best plan to come back, and then said: "Of course, my request is that you agree to be my bodyguard. Just agree, not to let you really be my bodyguard, you can go to Germany to continue to take care of your father."

Nalan Tingxue looked skeptical: "You? Help me? Don't tell me that you are related to the famous Charité Hospital?"

Lu Ping nodded: "There is a little bit, and it is definitely easy to use."

"Impossible, impossible..." Nalan Tingxue shook her head sharply, and said, "If you have such a strong relationship, do you still need to stay in Yongzhou to be a driver? I know it, in Charité Hospital As a security guard, the monthly salary can exceed [-] euros, which is equivalent to [-] Chinese dollars."

"Everyone has their own aspirations, and I have a soft spot for being a driver for our eldest lady." Lu Ping said.

Nalan Tingxue slapped her mouth: "It's too far-fetched, I can't believe you."

"I'll make a phone call, and we'll see the result within 15 minutes." Lu Ping shook his phone and said, "At that time, you can decide whether to make this deal with me. Okay?"

Nalan listened to Xue pondering for a while, and although he thought it was too incredible, he still nodded.

After all, I have nothing to lose.

Anyway, the bull has already blown out, let's see how he plays it.

In fact, Lu Ping also felt that the cart had put the cart before the horse.

Originally, he wanted to take the opportunity to suppress this arrogant female bodyguard in order to save face.

It turned out to be helping her.

Either way.

Who let me catch up with Lu Ping?
Alas, is face really that important?

In order to regain the so-called face, how many circles has this been going through?
All the way to Germany...

The time difference between Germany and China is about seven hours. That is to say, at this time, Germans are still sleeping in bed.

But saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, not to mention helping Chinese compatriots regain their dignity and face in a foreign land.

"Emri, I'm Lu Tianqi, I need your help..."

Lu Ping made a phone call.

over there in Germany.

The world-renowned Amly expert got up from the bed as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

Immediately afterwards, Emery made another phone call, which woke up the entire Charité Hospital as if suddenly awakened. The relevant leaders, doctors, and nurses were all concerned for a Chinese man named Nalan Huai'an, Busy, running.


In the western world, no matter what your status is or how noble you are, who would dare not give a dragon a stab at face?

But this beautiful Manchu bodyguard in front of me...

I didn't give it in a daze.

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