what sound?
When it was about five or six meters above the ground, Jeep suddenly felt a gust of wind above his head, and then, the three of them began to descend rapidly, clang, clang, clang, three sounds, and the three of them almost fell together.

Although not high.

But the fall was caught off guard.

The rope broke?How did it break?

Fortunately, the lawn was relatively soft. Jeep and the other two mercenaries turned over and lay down covering their buttocks, covering themselves and observing the surroundings.

After hearing the two voices, Jip looked back and was startled.

The two mercenaries seemed to faint.

"Stay still!"

Immediately afterwards, a familiar but intimidating voice came from the front.

Jeep looked up and saw that there was a black hole pointing at his head.

sun god?
How could it be Gezhi, the sun god?
Oh, and there's a pair of feet next to it...that's...who?

"You...you..." Kip turned his gun in panic, ready to shoot on the spot.

But Gezhi kicked over.

The gun was kicked away.

Kip clutched his wrist and groaned.

Lu Ping lit a cigarette, knelt down and looked at Jeep carefully, and asked, "Are you the real Jeep?"

Jeep asked back, "You...you are Lu...Lu Ping?"

Lu Ping asked with a smile: "Know me?"

"It's really you!" Jip was taken aback for a moment: "You...you two..."

"Gezhi, did you make a mistake? Why is the real jeep not as heroic as the fake jeep? At least the fake jeep has a chance to stand there to frighten people and brag before it dies. This one is really good, not yet. When it lands safely, we will control it. Sigh, it's a bit unfulfilling." Lu Ping sighed.

"Who says it's not?" Gezhi stomped on Jeep's hand, and said, "The weapons are also advanced enough, and the helicopters are used. Damn, MP5 submachine gun, bought one for more money?"

Kip punched the ground so hard that he was about to cry.

Helicopters, submachine guns, have a fart?
Nima, I became a prisoner before I finished landing.

Lu Ping said: "Gezhi, tell him how their rope was broken. You can't let others understand even if you die, right?"

Kip looked at Gezhi with a face like a pig's liver.

Ge Zhi glanced at Lu Ping and explained: "This Mr. Lu flew over with a playing card and cut it off!"

Lu Ping gently stroked his hair, hiding his achievements and fame.

Ge Zhi looked surprised: "Playing... poker? Impossible, it's completely impossible, unless it's a dagger, a short knife, and it also needs... a lot of strength. And, how do you know..."

"Gezhi, he's questioning me." Lu Ping said displeasedly.

Gezhi took the butt of his gun and slammed Gezhi on the shoulder: "You have never seen the world before. It's nothing to cut off the rope with poker cards. For him, cutting off your head is not a problem!"

"Huh? Then... isn't that still unhuman?" Jip became more and more outrageous the more he heard it.

Lu Ping glanced at Gezhi again and said, "He scolded me!"

Gezhi went over with another gun butt: "You bastard is not considered a human being! You instigated rebellion within the clan, seized power, slaughtered the same clan, and even planned to frame me Gezhi. I also heard that you like to eat placenta and babies? Tell me , do you still have any humanity at all?"

"Ah, one miscalculation, and the whole game is lost." Jip said angrily, "I already had the chance to win, Mei Jia... Where is Mei Jia? What did you do to Mei Jia?"

Gezhi asked, "Who is Meijia?"

"Meijia... Ruoyu. Has she been killed by you?" Jip asked back.

Gezhi emphasized: "It's true that she died, but I didn't kill her. She killed herself by biting her tongue. Kip, do you think you are a beast? A little girl who is only fifteen or sixteen years old was cruelly trained by you to kill The machine was originally the best age, the most beautiful age, but because it did such a nasty thing for you, it took its life, don't you feel bad?"

Jeep said: "Loss? I, Jeep, don't owe her at all! Because she was a dead person more than ten years ago, and I extended her life for more than ten years, and sent her to a training school to participate in various trainings. A lot of money, a lot of money. So her life is for my jeep, she died, easy, and the biggest loss is my jeep!"

Ge Zhi frowned: "I don't seem to understand what you mean, should you explain more clearly? What's going on with this Mei Jia? What's her relationship with Ruoyu? Also, the real Ruoyu Well, where did you go?"

Kip asked, "Why should I tell you?"

"Just rely on this!" Gezhi took out a military stab from behind, and stabbed it hard into Jip's arm.

"Ah... Ouch..." Kip's painful face twitched.

"Don't just play with yourself, I'll play too." Lu Ping glared at Ge Zhi.

Ge Zhi pulled out the military thorn knowingly and handed it to Lu Ping.

Lu Ping pulled up Kip's hair, and wrapped a military stab around his neck.

Jeep felt the coolness, and broke out in cold sweat: "You...you...you are not terrorists, are you? Do you... want to give me the head?"

Lu Ping stabbed Jeep's thigh with a knife!
Jip groaned again.

"I didn't realize that I was going all over the place? Xiaoshou, you think beautifully! How can you die so easily, why don't you be stimulated first, purify your soul, and then send you away? In this way, maybe after you go to hell, you will die." , can be a good ghost. It is said that the service at Lord Yan’s has been upgraded now, and a scum like you will even return the product for seven days without reason. Alas, that would be a disaster in the world. And I don’t have so much time to deal with it You little thief." As Lu Ping said, he pulled out the military stab that was stuck in Jeep's thigh, and wiped the blood on his face.

"Huh? I..." Jip hesitated to speak in pain.

Gezhi laughed suddenly: "He even said we are terrorists, his vision is really bad. He looks down on people too much."

"I said, I said, I'll tell you..." Jipp turned his head and glanced at the bleeding body, and said tremblingly, "Meijia...Meijia is actually Ruoyu's twin sister, just like me and the fake Jeep, They are all twins. It’s just that when Shiva gave Mejia to me, they all thought that Mejia was dead. In fact... Mejia was just in shock.”

"Ah? Why did Khiva give you his daughter?" Gezhi asked back.

Lu Ping said from the side: "Because this jeep likes to eat human flesh, I think that Khiva naturally knew this. In order to flatter jeep, he gave his dead daughter to jeep. It seems that the fake jeep is playing You put in a lot of effort before, even showing your hobbies and personality to the fullest. If he didn't help you out, he might become a good actor."

"No way? Which father would...would give his daughter to others to eat?" Ge Zhi said with an incredulous expression.

Kip nodded: "He guessed right, it was indeed the case at the time. Shiva is a bastard, he...he even slept with his own daughter!"

"Human nature, human nature! Beast, beast!" Gezhi gritted his teeth and twisted Jipp's hands hard, urging: "Go on!"

Jeep said: "Do you need to go on? Meijia didn't die, so I didn't eat it. I secretly raised her until she was five or six years old, and then sent her to a secret training base abroad... So now, ten years later, I let She pretended to be her twin sister, Ruoyu, in order to deal with you Sun God. Because you are too difficult to deal with, I can only outsmart you."

"Then... what about Ruoyu?" Ge Zhi asked.

Jeep sneered: "Do you still need to ask? To be safe, of course I killed him."

"This... this is inhumane! I'm killing you for the Hadzas now!" Gezhi lost control of his emotions, and his angry eyes almost popped out.

Lu Ping said: "Gezhi, you calm down first, he can't die yet."

Gezhi asked back: "How do you tell me to calm down? Listen to what he has done? This bastard tore our people apart and brutally killed so many people...he...he still deserves to live ?"

"What I mean is, don't overwhelm the host! You should rely on your princess to deal with Jip. Don't forget, your task now is to assist her. Your prestige is already high enough, you should help your princess to establish her prestige ” Lu Ping saw that Ge Zhi, who had always been calm, became extremely agitated, so he reminded him.

This may not blame Ge Zhi.

After all, what Jeep and Shiva did was really outrageous.

"Uh, yes, yes, he should be handed over to the princess." Gezhi gradually eased his emotions.

At this time.

The two mercenaries gradually woke up.

They rubbed their eyes one after another and looked around.

"Are you awake? Did you sleep well?" Lu Ping greeted them with a smile.

Mercenary A couldn't touch the weapon, and suddenly became extremely panicked, raised his head and asked, "Who are you?"

Mercenary B originally wanted to stand up, but when he saw someone pointing a submachine gun at the jeep, he gave up the idea.

"Which regiment are you two mercenaries from? Where do you come from? Europe?" Lu Ping communicated with them in English fluently.

Mercenary A shook his head and said in English, "Why did we tell you?"

Mercenary B secretly marveled in his heart, why is this Chinese man's English pronunciation so accurate?How many levels have passed!

Lu Ping emphasized: "Because you are my captives now, isn't that enough reason?"

Mercenary B took the initiative to say this time: "Since you, a Chinese, can speak English so well, I think you must have stayed in Europe or the United States, right? You'd better let us go, because our organization...haha , you can’t afford to offend us. If you kill us, they will definitely come to you for revenge. At that time, it will be a big killing game!”

"He didn't lie to you!" Mercenary A unbuttoned the two buttons of his clothes, revealing his long and dense chest hair, and his mood changed from panic to calmness: "We are from the SP mercenary company in Europe, and we also I’m not afraid to tell you that Minister of Foreign Affairs Steer, Deputy Defense Minister of Coolenci, and the famous politician Michael Senda were all killed by our organization.”

Mercenary B also became more confident: "Yes, Mr. Yellow, haha, you can kill Jeep if you want, but we are Europeans and members of the SP company, so you dare not kill us."

Jeep turned his head and looked at them with contempt. They were all captured, so why are they bragging here!

I, Jeep, spent money on your organization. Shouldn’t it be me, the employer, who you should protect the most?

"SP?" Gezhi laughed suddenly, and couldn't help but said: "The boss of your organization is that... a string of names, a very long name... what is it called... Shamibangfu, Stevlobkiv ? I know him. He is really famous in several countries, and he is a powerful character."

"Wow, that's great. Shami's name seems to save our lives." Mercenary A looked at his companion excitedly, and said, "He actually knows our big boss."

Mercenary B nodded: "Of course, we have a background, we are the only ones who kill others, who dares to kill us? So no matter where we are, we are safe."

Kip got excited when he heard it, and said to Gezhi: "Sun God, I didn't expect you to have people who are afraid, haha, to tell you the truth, Shami and I have a different relationship, otherwise he wouldn't have sent two mercenaries over here Help me. I have a positioning system on me. Once something happens to my jeep, Shami will bring people over to clear this place. I think he will bring many, many people here, at least dozens of well-trained mercenaries. You fight Have you been? Heh heh, that European guy is not a character to mess with, you'd better think of a way out for yourself. Let us go back, maybe...maybe things will turn around."

Lu Ping curled his lips and said, "Gezhi, why did you tell them that you know that Shamibofu who eats chicken or not? Let's give them chicken blood, one by one. Are you justified? They came here with guns to kill us and became prisoners, how dare they speak so righteously!"

Ge Zhi said: "Yes, I have rarely seen such an arrogant prisoner."

"My opinion is, let the two of them finish it on their own." Lu Ping glanced at the two white mercenaries, and felt that they should be given a decent life.

Gezhi laughed and said, "This is simple."

The two white mercenaries looked at each other in blank dismay.

Jeep is also unclear.

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