Super son-in-law of a beautiful president

Chapter 294 Lu Ping's Ingenious Layout

This seems to be five words?
But these five words showed a kind of potential domineering.

"You talk to him?" Gong Mengran said with both a smile and a smile: "Is there any difference if you talk to him and I talk to him? On the contrary, it's better if I talk to him personally."

Lu Ping emphasized: "That's different, my... method is quite special."

Gong Mengran asked back: "What special method?"

"Well, I won't hide it from you. I'm good at persuading people." Lu Ping said solemnly: "Well, within three days, I promise to persuade Hou Shijie to quit despite difficulties."

"Are you good at persuading people? It means... are you good at eloquence?"

"It's no exaggeration to say that it is."

Gong Mengran rolled her eyes and said, "Okay, aren't you eloquent? Then you can convince me first, and let me agree to let you come forward to coordinate this matter. I will give you 3 minutes."

Lu Ping cast a sincere look: "Miss, trust me..."

Gong Mengran pointed to the watch on her wrist: "There are still 2 minutes."

Lu Ping continued: "I...can't I issue a military order to you?"

Gong Mengran pointed to the watch again: "There is still one minute."

"Okay, Miss." Lu Ping stood up straight with a serious face, his eyes were deep and solemn, and he had a kind of domineering control over the world: "No matter what it is, it is most afraid of discussing, once it is discussed, it will never end. It's gone. Then don't discuss it at all, this matter is settled like this, give me a day off, and return your life."

After leaving this sentence.

Lu Ping turned around and left immediately.

Uh... how dare he speak to this girl in such a tone?

Gong Mengran looked at the back of Lu Ping's departure, and four extremely thin words stretched out from the corner of his mouth: This living treasure!
After Lu Ping came out of the president's office, he walked out of the Mercedes-Benz shop.

A man and a woman walked over talking and laughing.

It's Zheng Sanhu and Xia Li.

"Brother, why are you going?" Zheng Sanhu asked from a distance.

Lu Ping walked up to Zheng Sanhu and said, "Brother Hu, you two...what's the situation?"

Xia Li explained from the side: "I just came here to start my job today, and I asked Director Zheng to take me around the Auto Trade City. Although Mr. Gong arranged for me to be the supervisor of the Audi store, I think the entire Auto Trade City should be taken care of. Let’s understand the situation. This will also make it easier to work in the future.”

Lu Ping nodded: "Not bad, not bad, I didn't see it, there is still a little pattern in my chest."

Charlie smiled: "Of course."

Lu Ping patted Zheng Sanhu's shoulder lightly, and said, "Xia Li, one of my own, she's new here, so you should cover her up more in the future."

Zheng Sanhu said: "Look at what you said? Your neighbor is my neighbor. With me here, let's see who dares to bully him?"

Xia Li stepped forward and pulled Zheng Sanhu's shoulder, gave a smirk, pointed at Lu Ping and complained: "Brother Sanhu, you, brother Lu, bully me the most."

"No conscience!" Lu Ping glared at Xia Li, and was about to drive.

It's him?

Just remote unlocked.

Lu Ping noticed from a distance that a young lady was riding a mountain bike to the entrance of the Audi store.

The unpredictable and cold little prince: Chu Xuan.

The second generation of rich people.

Lu Ping felt that Chu Xuan should be able to help suppress Hou Shijie.

So he quickly walked towards the Audi store.

At the front desk of the store.

Chu Xuan is asking the girl at the front desk to contact his sales consultant, Gu Pan.

"Don't come here unharmed, Mr. Chu?" Lu Ping greeted with a smile from behind.

Chu Xuan glanced back, and suddenly revealed a hint of surprise: "Is it you?"

Lu Ping leaned over and asked, "Are you here to pick up the car?"

Chu Xuan nodded: "Yes, Gu Pan called me and said that my R8 has arrived at the store. I didn't expect to pick up the car so soon."

"Maybe it's because of my face." Lu Ping pointed to the customer rest area, and said, "Mr. Chu, can I take a step and say a few words?"

Chu Xuan thought for a while and said, "Of course."

The two sat down on the sofa.

Drinks were served by staff.

"If I remember correctly, Mr. Chu seems to have opened a cultural company?" Lu Ping said bluntly.

Chu Xuan put the mobile phone on the square table in front of him, and said, "Yes. The company is called 'Haoxuan Culture', and the website is called 'Wanchengwang', which can be regarded as a comprehensive portal website."

" This name has a huge structure." Lu Ping said with emotion.

Yes, after all, you are asking someone to do something, so why not give a few words of symbolic appreciation?

Chu Xuan said: "It's okay, anyway, there are more than 1000 million registered users now."

"Then, it shouldn't be a problem to post a post on your website, right?" Lu Ping asked suddenly.

Chu Xuan said: "Our website itself is a communication platform, you can post any post as long as it doesn't violate the rules."

Lu Pingdao: "It's not a violation of the rules, but I'm afraid you won't dare to post it. Because this post may offend some dignitaries in Yongzhou."

"You worry too much." Chu Xuan said, "I, Chu Xuan, am not afraid of offending people."

Lu Ping stretched out a thumb to him: "Heroes see the same thing."

Chu Xuan asked back: "Tell me, what content are you going to post, I'll post the website headlines for you."

"I'll send it to you after I draft it," Lu Ping said.

Chu Xuan nodded: "Okay. Simple."

Lu Ping didn't expect Chu Xuan to agree so happily.

In fact, in Chu Xuan's heart, he already had sincere admiration for Lu Ping.Especially this time, Lu Ping distributed the hundreds of millions of money that Laplace defrauded clients to the deceived clients.This is definitely not a righteous deed that an ordinary person can do, and Chu Xuan is deeply affected by it.

Chu Xuan is introverted and not good at dealing with people.

But once he has identified someone, he is willing to go through fire and water to make friends and give.

At this time, the sound of high-heeled shoes came over, and it was getting closer.

Gu Pan stood in front of Chu Xuan with a smile on his face, and said in surprise, "It's strange, why are you two tied together?"

"Gu...Consultant Gu." Chu Xuan felt that this name was quite convoluted. He stood up, walked to Lu Ping's side, embraced Lu Ping's shoulder from behind, and said, "From now on, Lu Ping will be a good brother to me. Take a picture of the two of us."

Masahiro's face.

Hard expression.

Passionate heart.

Lu Ping felt more and more that Chu Xuan was interesting.

Gu Pan was happy to help, and took several photos horizontally and vertically with his mobile phone.

"Okay, Gu Pan, you take Mr. Chu to pick up the car first, I have other things to do." Lu Ping offered to leave.

Chu Xuan turned his head and asked, "Is it important? I'm going to ask you to have dinner with Consultant Gu at noon."

Lu Ping nodded: "It's very important, I have to meet someone."

Chu Xuan asked again: "Who?"

"This..." Lu Ping thought for a while, and felt that it would be okay to tell him: "A writer, Mr. Huang He."

"Ah?" Chu Xuan was taken aback immediately, and a trace of imperceptible surprise filled his face again: "So, do you know Mr. Huang He? I won't pick up the car anymore, I want to go with you."

Lu Ping showed embarrassment: "This... I have a personal matter with him." The meaning is obvious, and it is inconvenient to take you there.

But Chu Xuan didn't seem to understand the signal sent by Lu Ping, and immediately stepped forward to help Lu Ping on the shoulder, and said, "Let's go, Brother Lu, take my car."

Lu Ping was embarrassed to refuse.

In the car.

Chu Xuan told Lu Ping: "Mr. Huang He is also a person with a great sense of justice. Recently, he has been receiving a lot of attention. Our company wants to make an appointment with him and let him become a columnist for ''. However, we still have Couldn't get in touch with him."

Lu Ping nodded: "This is a good thing."

Chu Xuan said: "So I should thank you for giving me this opportunity to meet Mr. Huang He in person."

The place where Lu Ping met Mr. Huang He was a coffee shop.

Mr. Huang He wears a pair of wide-brimmed sunglasses and holds a copy of "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" in his hand. He has a strong atmosphere of an artist.

"It really is Mr. Huang He." After seeing him, Chu Xuan showed rare enthusiasm.



Lu Ping said bluntly: "Mr. Huang He, I asked you to meet today because I want to meet someone through you. Dahei. After all, you are his master in writing. Help me contact him. I want to pay a visit."

"Dahei?" Mr. Huang He smiled: "No problem, actually he doesn't live far away."

Lu Pingdao: "Then...then why don't you talk to Mr. Chu first, one is a cultural company and the other is a cultural person, and you have a common topic. I'll go directly to Dahei."

Mr. Huang He was a little confused and said: "Brother Lu Ping, I know you're coming, and I've already booked a restaurant. Why don't you go after lunch, or I'll just call Dahei over? Just right..."

But Chu Xuan interrupted Mr. Huang He, and gave Lu Ping an order to chase away the guest: "Let's go, let's go, I want to talk to Mr. Huang He alone, it's really inconvenient for you to be here. Thank you for the marriage between me and Mr. Huang He." Clothes."

Mr. Chu has always spoken quickly and without hindrance.

Lu Ping expressed his understanding.

Dahei now lives in a mid-range apartment.

Lu Ping bought some bananas and fruits and came to the door of Dahei's apartment.

The moment he opened the door, Lu Ping couldn't help being stunned.

The Dahei in front of him has completely lost his former style. He is wearing a tank top and trousers, and a pair of flip-flops with his toes on his feet. His hair is messed up like a chicken coop, and he has a pitiful look of vicissitudes.

"Are you really here? Hurry up and sit inside, sit inside." Dahei even changed his tone of voice, with a look of enthusiasm, and while politely letting Lu Ping in, he said: "It's a bit messy here, hehe, Lazy to clean up. What fruit do you want to buy, you are too polite, I don’t have time to eat now, I have been concentrating on typing..."

This small apartment with only about [-] square meters is really a mess.

Clothes, socks and shoes were thrown all over the place, and there was hair growing on the floor.There was so much rubbish in the trash can that it was covered, only a plastic corner was exposed.On the window sills, on the ground, and on the tables, there are leftover buckets of instant noodles everywhere, and some are even used as ashtrays.

A dusty computer with soot and hair all over the keyboard.

The computer page is a word document filled with text.

The whole house exudes a strong... smell of stinky feet.

Lu Ping walked over and opened the window, took out a bottle of perfume from his pocket, and sprayed it vigorously on the whole room.

In fact, before he came, he was already mentally prepared.

So he deliberately brought a bottle of perfume over.

Dahei pushed aside a pile of clothes on the bed, and politely let Lu Ping sit on it.

"Hey, Dahei, is it whiter than before?" Lu Ping finally found a way to praise Dahei.

Dahei gritted his teeth and smiled: "Shut up. Staying at home all day and not going out, can you not be in vain? By the way, are you thirsty? I'll get you a glass of water to drink?"

"No, no, no." Lu Ping stretched out his hand to stop: "Clean up the house when you have time, look at this mess, it's still smelly, how can you find a girlfriend?"

Dahei sat on the swivel chair in front of the computer, turned around and said, "I don't have time to find a girlfriend, I'm addicted to writing novels."

Lu Ping asked, "Are you still addicted?"

Dahei nodded affirmatively: "After Mr. Huang He's guidance, I now...hehe, I feel like I'm writing like a ghost now, all."

"If you're still writing like a god?" Lu Ping exclaimed: "It seems that you have abandoned martial arts and followed literature, and you have made a good transformation."

Dahei laughed and said: "Mr. Huang He also abandoned martial arts and went to literature? I am a good teacher, and he rented this apartment for me. He also helped me introduce the website, help me sign a contract, and my new novel, I have income this month."

Lu Ping was even more shocked: "Have you made money? Great, great."

"It's been sold for more than 2000 yuan, and there are still people offering rewards..." Dahei said with pride: "Let me tell you, writing novels is fun. If you write well, there will be readers for you." Rewards. Several people have given me rewards for my novels. There is also a reader who leaves a message every day to praise the truth and life of my writing. It is... that the writing still needs... needs to be further strengthened, strengthened..."

"Unexpected, really unexpected, Dahei is amazing." Lu Ping stepped forward and patted Dahei's shoulder, encouraging him: "Come on, you must work hard."

Dahei posed like a pair of scissors hands: "Come on, yeah! Ouch..."

Lu Ping asked: "What's wrong?"

Dahei shook his arm, and said with an embarrassed expression: "I was beaten by you last time, and it still hurts now. I was stunned just now."

"Remember grudges, don't you still remember grudges?" Lu Ping even felt a little sympathetic to Dahei at this time, thinking that he was also a powerful and tough man back then, and he was one of the 'Black Wind Shuangsha'.But because he offended himself by working for Hou Shijie, he no longer had the style of the past, and was forced to abandon martial arts and follow literature.

Dahei emphasized: "How can it be, brother, I don't hold any grudges against you. I think the path you recommended to me... writing novels is the right way to go. I like it."

"Dahei, I'm here to see you today. Actually, I have something to ask for." Lu Ping explained the purpose of his visit without losing the opportunity.

Dahei said boldly: "Then just say it, I will do it if I can."

Lu Ping said: "I want you to call your former employer, Hou Shijie."

"What?" Dahei stood up angrily, and said: "No, no, no. I have decided not to contact them anymore. I have said goodbye to my former self. Everything in the past, especially Hou Shijie... …Now that I think about it, my previous self was indeed an asshole. And Hou Shijie, he was even more of an asshole. I...I..."

"Don't get excited, don't get excited, I can understand your feelings, Dahei." Lu Ping looked at Dahei who had a face of change, and said with some relief: "I don't want you to get involved with Hou Shijie and the others again, I just want to Let you cooperate with me, pass a few words to him, and then...then you can never talk to them again, never again."

Dahei tentatively asked: "It's just... that simple?"

Lu Ping nodded firmly: "Yes, Dahei, I need you now."

Dahei gradually calmed down, sat down on the chair again, and said, "Then tell me, let me do it..."

Lu Ping said softly: "..."


After leaving Dahei's apartment.

Lu Ping still felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, Dahei's current embarrassment has something to do with him.

Fortunately, he has indeed chosen a correct life path now.

There is nothing good about abandoning evil and doing good.

Lu Ping found the novel "Legend of the Black Ghost" written by Dahei from the Internet, although the number of words is still small, although the writing style is really not good.But Lu Ping still rewarded him with 1 million book coins...equivalent to 100 million Huaxia coins.

It can be regarded as further encouraging and encouraging his creative enthusiasm.

If things go on like this, he will definitely be able to become an excellent writer.


Lu Ping started to contact Pepper...

In one morning, the layout has been completed.

Lu Ping expressed that he has no pressure to deal with a playboy like Hou Shijie.

Just put out a small trick casually.


After all, it is not yet time to completely wipe him out.

In a certain sense, his existence can save him a lot of worry.

But the warning is still to be warned.

Can't let him lose control.

This is the premise.

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