"Wolf tooth!"

Liu Haibao said these two words extremely sharply.

"A wolf's tooth?"

In fact, Lu Ping had already noticed that this was indeed the sharpest tooth in the wolf's mouth.

"This is just a literal understanding, and it contains sacred and rich meanings." Liu Haibao continued to look at the wolf tooth ornament seriously, with a sense of glory on his face: "In China, there is a mysterious special forces , called the Spike Special Forces. They all have unique skills and are hard to beat. They believe in the spirit of wolves, so everyone will be issued such a wolf fang to hang on their bodies from the moment they join the team."

Lu Ping emphasized: "As far as I know, Spike is just a fictitious unit in novels and TV dramas. In reality, there is no such number. Could it be that your Spike is for the author of the novel or the screenwriter?"

"I am ignorant, who said there is no one?" Liu Haibao said eagerly: "Huaxia does have spikes, this is not a fiction! It's just that this army is too powerful, and his designation and everything about him are kept secret. You guys What qualifications do these ordinary people have to know its existence?"

Lu Ping asked, "Then what does your tooth mean?"

Liu Haibao said: "To tell you the truth, I was once hired by the Spike Special Brigade to help them improve their personal combat training application system. This Spike is a gift from them... as a souvenir."

Lu Ping asked again: "Oh, what's the matter?"

Liu Haibao said angrily: "You taste it! You taste it carefully!"

"Could it be that they knew that you were about to change your teeth, so they prepared a replacement for you in advance?" Lu Ping smiled and said, "Coach Liu, you really know how to play tricks. Just now you said that you will scare this to death. , Who can be scared to death with just such a tooth? Throw this thing away, I really don’t recommend you to wear it in front of people. If you use this thing to scare people, no one will be scared. I won’t lie to you.”

Um?Liu Haibao was dumbfounded.

What the hell is going on?

Anyone who heard the origin of this wolf tooth would be shocked and worshiped.

What's this?Is this just a tooth?

It's an honor!

This is a supreme status!

"It seems...you still don't understand what I mean." Liu Haibao was a little reconciled, so he simply acted as a commentator for himself, and said with a surge of blood: "Legendary special forces like Langya, do you think they are just casual? Can anyone go over to discuss actual combat applications with them? Let me tell you, those who are qualified to go are all Sanda kings who have achieved certain results in the field of actual combat. Otherwise, why would they ask you to go?"

Lu Ping nodded seriously: "Oh, don't I understand if you said that earlier?"

Liu Haibao suddenly had the pleasure of squatting for a long time and finally pooped out, and his face overflowed with a special arrogance: "At least you understand, it's really hard to talk to you."

"So, you were invited by the Spike Army to be a training partner? Did you get beaten a lot in there?" Lu Ping asked.

Liu Haibao's complexion darkened again, and he emphasized angrily: "Partner, what JB partner! Teach, teach, teach! They hired me to teach them Sanda and actual combat. I'm their special appointment Instructor, teacher. Do you understand now?"

Lu Ping asked back: "Then...then why did you come back? The teaching is not good, people don't need you anymore?"

Liu Haibao's face turned pale with anger: "It's over, do you understand? I'm not an army establishment, can I stay in that army for a lifetime? Besides, the cost. The cost is so high, I am very expensive, they It's impossible to take too long. Your comprehension ability... is very poor."

In fact, what the other party said made Lu Ping think of someone.

Qin Haotian.

That is, the head coach of Yongzhou University Wushu Team.

Lu Ping remembered that when he sent Ji Rui back to school, that Qin Haotian's tone was similar to that of Liu Haibao, and he also kept claiming that he had taught actual combat skills to many special forces, and was also taught by a certain regiment of the S State Protectorate Corps. He was kindly invited and hired him as an actual combat instructor.

At first Lu Ping felt that the other party was bragging, but Qin Haotian directly revealed the invitation letter.

It turns out that there is something to be said.

Until Lu Ping called Xiaojiao and dismissed Qin Haotian.

Poor guy, Coach Qin hasn't figured it out until now, why did the S-National Protectorate Corps suddenly change their minds?

But right now, Lu Ping met another character similar to Qin Haotian.

It's just that Qin Haotian showed off with an invitation letter.

This coach Liu Seal Liu is showing off with a wolf's tooth.

Xiaowu and Wudi, Lu Ping connected the two people with similar approaches but equally satisfactory results, and said to Liu Haibao: "I remember a...senior, he is very similar to you. That person is Qin Haotian, who works in a university. He Taught in some Special Forces too. You...know him?"

"What? Qin Haotian?" Liu Haibao's eyes lit up immediately, and he couldn't help but exaggerate: "Know, more than just know each other! Of course, I'm a little bit more accomplished than him. Why, you call him senior? Ouch Hey, this time you really hit the gun. If you do this, you can only be regarded as my apprentice? Come on, call me uncle, you can call me uncle, kneel down and kowtow to me senior, let me Give your master a lesson with two slaps... Hurry up and report your master's name, maybe your master will have to come and plead for you in person, Ma De, even him!"

Upon hearing this.

The audience was boiling again.

There hasn't been a fight yet, so the seniority is discussed first?
Jiang Yuanhang, in particular, was very excited. It seemed that he would definitely be able to avenge his revenge today.All things considered, this seemingly powerful guy turned out to be Liu Haibao's apprentice.

Isn't it easy and enjoyable for the elders to teach the younger ones?
You have to fight to the death!
"You really know how to put gold on your face, how shameless are you?" Lu Ping said with a speechless face: "Joke! Qin Haotian is also worthy of being my Lu Ping's senior? It's you, he is your senior. A senior who loves to show off and show off. When I met him at the time, I got goosebumps all over the place in disgust. When it comes to you, at least I have a little immunity. But you are more shameless than him, and at least he can come up with an invitation letter To prove your own strength. How about you? Just show off with a tooth here? Anything else, show it off for everyone to see. But you don’t seem to be as lucky as Qin Haotian today. The last time was at school , In order to consider the impact, I don't have the same knowledge as him. But you are different, you have to pay the tuition today."

"It's getting more and more interesting, okay, it's not a few minutes away." Liu Haibao took out his mobile phone from his pocket, moved to a corner and called Qin Haotian.

In fact, the relationship between him and Qin Haotian is really unusual.

"Oh, I see, haha...so that's the case, haha..."

When making the phone call, Liu Haibao Le's bowels almost burst with laughter.

After the call ended, he was even more proud.

"I thought I ran into a bad guy today! Shit!" Liu Hai turned around and took a step forward with joy, his disdainful eyes even less restrained: "You wouldn't have thought of what relationship I have with Qin Haotian, would you? ? I called to ask just now, and he really knows you. Heh heh heh..."

Lu Ping asked back: "He still remembers me? He has a good memory."

Liu Haibao raised the corners of his mouth, and said with a sneer: "Don't be so arrogant here, Qin Haotian has already said that you are a social hooligan, a young man. Qin Haotian bumped into you when you molested a female classmate in other schools. Qin Haotian saw that you really had some foundation, so he proposed to fight with you. As a result... I just couldn't help laughing when I heard it. As a result... as soon as Qin Haotian moved his body, you were scared away , run faster than a rabbit..."

"And what about this?" Jiang Yuanhang was even more encouraged, and couldn't help but interject.

Liu Haibao glared at him: "What do you think? You really regard him as a master? Showcase, there is no real talent to learn... Showcase. Haha, I don’t know if I don’t ask, but I’m shocked when I ask. What’s the deal? Dare to mention Qin Haotian to me, and use him to pretend to be coercive, right? Instead, it caused a lot of trouble? Haha..."

Although no one in the audience knew Qin Haotian.

But it sounds great.

Everyone agreed that the verbal confrontation between the two had pushed the competition to a climax.

The facts are already obvious, and Liu Haibao is naturally superior in force.

And not one chip.

It is overfunded.

"It's not that I, Lu Ping, intentionally trouble you, but you have to find trouble for yourself." Lu Ping suddenly felt a little sleepy, so he didn't want to waste any more time here, so he emphasized: "I came here today to kill chickens and monkeys, and killing one is the same. Killing, killing two is also killing."

Liu Haibao poked the bridge of his nose fiercely with his thumb, and sneered with disdain on his face: "In front of No. 2 of the Four Provinces Free Fighting Competition, with a red mouth and white teeth, you won't be afraid of the wind when you say such big words Tongue?"

Lu Ping said: "Then at least I still have teeth and a tongue, how about you?"

"I... Teeth, tongue, see? Are your teeth whiter than yours, and your tongue more flexible than yours?" Liu Haibao opened his mouth wide to show off, then put on his boxing gloves and did it on the spot A few professional jumping movements can be regarded as moving the body and stimulating muscle activity.

"It's time for your teeth to change."

Lu Ping smiled at him and leaned forward.

Liu Haibao didn't understand what he meant, but immediately got into the mood, and while sinking his shoulders, he punched Lu Ping's abdomen suddenly.

But when he realized that the situation was not good and wanted to retreat, it was already too late.

That was a horizontal uppercut that seemed to drop from the sky, hitting his right cheek like lightning.

Can't escape?

Hmm... I didn't have time to react at all!
Although Lu Ping didn't use his full strength for this earth-breaking punch.

However, Liu Haibao's head was violently thrown out, and even the cervical spine clicked.

at the same time.

A number of red and white 'pearls' spewed out from his mouth.

That's... teeth.

"Hey, hey, hey..."

For a moment, Liu Haibao's mouth seemed to be on fire, with pain, swelling, bitterness, and saltiness mixed together.

And why does the tongue hurt so badly?

He touched the blood on his mouth and was amazed.

"It's easy to talk too much if you talk too arrogantly, it's under your feet now." Lu Ping reminded him.

ah?Liu Haibao panicked and withdrew one foot, looked down... Sure enough!
That bloody thing was really half of his own tongue.

Inadvertently bit off that punch just now?

Liu Haibao suddenly felt as if he was in hell.



Everyone at the scene was dumbfounded.

This is Liu Haibao, the club's Sanda coach!
This is the Sanda king who has won many awards in the province's fighting competitions!

How could he be so muddle-headed that he was completely stumped by the opponent's punch before he even punched him?

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yuanhang knew that Lu Ping would definitely not spare him, so he decided to run away as the best policy.

But how could he escape from Lu Ping's palm?

Lu Ping grabbed Jiang Yuanhang's belt from behind.

Then he kicked his butt several times in a rhythm of tearing skin and flesh.

"Coach Jiang, go pick up those dog teeth on the ground for me." Lu Ping gave Jiang Yuanhang instructions.

Jiang Yuanhang didn't dare to hesitate, squatting down like picking pearls, and picked the teeth of willow seals one by one into the palm of his hand like a treasure, and there seemed to be a faint stench of leftovers on them. But Jiang Yuanhang couldn't care less about nausea now.

After picking, he looked at Lu Ping expectantly and listened to the next instructions.

Lu Ping said: "This is Coach Liu's tooth. It should be returned to its original owner. Open his mouth and feed him!"

What is this operation?
The willow seal tightly shut its mouth, the heart-piercing feeling was really very sad.

Jiang Yuanhang tried to walk up to Liu Haibao's side, and discussed with embarrassment: "Coach Liu, please cooperate, otherwise...or our end will be miserable... just listen to him."

Liu Haibao moaned angrily: "Evil support and dig a cup... Evil support and dig a cup..."

"What are you talking about, I don't understand." Jiang Yuanhang said eagerly.

Liu Haibao opened his mouth and cursed word by word, "I...listen...ni...ma...bi..."


Ha la la.

Jiang Yuanhang was very good at taking advantage of the loopholes and threw those bloody teeth into his mouth.

Throwing is very accurate.

"Ouch..." Liu Haibao wanted to vomit.

Lu Ping rushed over like lightning and kicked him in the chin.

Liu Haibao raised his jaw, and swallowed several teeth into his stomach with a 'creak' sound.

"No other meaning." Lu Ping looked at the shy and sad Liu Haibao, and said lightly: "I just want to tell you a truth, widen your dog eyes to see clearly, and if you meet me in the future, Lu Ping, give me I gritted my teeth and swallowed them. You can hate me, you can dislike me, but you can’t provoke me. This time it’s teeth, next time it’s life.”

Liu Haibao stood there in a daze, not knowing what to say.

"Yes, yes, we will. We...we will never dare again." Jiang Yuanhang stood beside him obediently, as if making a promise for Liu Haibao and himself.

Lu Ping stepped forward and patted Jiang Yuanhang on the shoulder: "Convey to him the purpose of my trip and tell him who in this club is not allowed to provoke him."

Jiang Yuanhang said solemnly: "I said, I said, yes... yes... it's Coach Gong, it's Coach Gong..."

"Ah... woo... I'm going to... kill you!"

Liu Haibao, who was extremely ashamed, chose to resist amidst the ups and downs in his heart.

His teeth are gone, and a piece of his tongue is missing, but his martial arts skills are still there.

A spin split.

It slashed towards Lu Ping like a guillotine!

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