"You paid the price for your big words! Cherish the time in front of you, it will never come back." Lu Ping said lightly, glanced at Jiang Yuanhang's muscular body, and felt deeply moved in his heart.

It is not easy to practice.

However, it was ruined overnight.

"What does he mean? Who can tell me what he means?" Jiang Yuanhang looked at the audience with a bright smile, and stroked his biceps that were thicker than his thighs.

Someone shouted: "He means to challenge you and crush you."

"Really? Do you mean that?" Jiang Yuanhang's muscles trembled while laughing, staring at Lu Ping like an eagle eating a chicken, the contempt in his heart was beyond words.

Lu Ping emphasized: "It's about the same. I will come to see you tonight, don't be absent."

"What time?" Jiang Yuanhang asked with interest.

Lu Ping said, "Is eight o'clock okay?"

"Okay, this is the best! This is the peak period for member fitness!" Jiang Yuanhang raised a hand and said to everyone: "Did you hear that? At eight o'clock in the evening, my coach is waiting for him here Come here if you can. It’s been almost ten years and no one has dared to pick on Jiang Yuanhang. I’m very excited and happy. I really want to tell you that I haven’t beaten anyone for a long time. Do you believe it? "

There was an uproar!
Some booed and others applauded.

Most of them are characters who are afraid of chaos.

"Then, we'll see you then." Lu Ping smiled, and looked back at the locker room, where there was still the faint sound of gurgling water. Women take a shower more carefully than men.

Jiang Yuanhang asked suddenly: "Then what if you dare not come at night?"

Lu Ping said: "That's impossible, I, Lu Ping, have always been honest and trustworthy."

"Chicken Feather!" Jiang Yuanhang sneered, and said, "I warn you, even if you don't come, I can still find you! Unless you are accidentally hit by a car, there is no way. , I have to be worthy of my muscles, I won’t be angry if I don’t beat you up, right?”

"That makes sense! Coach Jiang, I suggest that you go to the hospital to reserve a bed first. The medical resources are very tight now. I can only help you with this." Lu Ping reminded the last sentence and started walking outside.

"He asked me to reserve a bed? Feather!" Jiang Yuanhang said, "Even if it's reserved, it's for you! You're so small, I can handle you in minutes, Feather!"

Lu Ping turned his head and asked, "Your mouth is full of chicken feathers, how many chicken asses did you lick?"

Jiang Yuanhang pointed forward: "What can you say again?"

"Very impetuous!" Lu Ping sneered, turned around, and walked away.

Anyway, the gauntlet has been written.

This guy's fate is a foregone conclusion.

A group of members began to focus on Jiang Yuanhang, looking forward to the night's battle, boasting all kinds of flattery and bullshit.

Jiang Yuanhang seemed to be on a stimulant. He was going to use the opponent's suicidal challenge to win greater prestige and prestige for himself in the club.

Gong Mengran quickly changed her clothes and came out, seeing that Lu Ping was no longer there, she started to walk out.

Jiang Yuanhang hurriedly chased after him, and said to Gong Mengran, "Coach Gong, what time can you come over at night?"

Gong Mengran said: "It depends on the situation, it may not be possible to come."

"Actually, I want to persuade you to change the driver in advance..." Jiang Yuanhang could only insinuate that she would be prepared. After all, after tonight, he was not sure whether the ignorant Lu Ping would still be able to work and drive.

Gong Mengran looked puzzled: "Why should I change drivers?"

"He... is not suitable for you anyway, you can definitely hire a driver with a higher level. I can also introduce you." Jiang Yuanhang said with a smile.

Gong Mengran shook his head: "At least I don't have this idea yet. Driver Lu is very capable. Why does Coach Jiang have such a big prejudice against him? It seems that I'm going to consider changing him to a fitness trainer. Obviously you are A man who likes to hold grudges. With such a big body, can't he have a wider heart?"

"No, No, No! This has nothing to do with whether you remember the grudge or not. Well, I won't hide it from you." In order to achieve the purpose of persuading the other party, Jiang Yuanhang did not hesitate to fabricate it: "Although I only had such a short time with him just now. , but he has been... He is just a whiner, just now he has been complaining about you, the boss, saying that you did not pay him in time and were too strict with him, and he also... said that you have always wanted to sneak up on him. Rules... Haha I laughed at that time. A beautiful female boss like Coach Gong will unspokenly rule him? He is obviously...not enough...unworthy. Coach Gong, please forgive my bluntness, I didn't mean to be in your I am doing a small report on your driver in front of you. I am doing it for your own good. You have to understand my painstaking efforts. An employee like him will definitely not be able to play a good role in your company, what do you think?"

Gong Mengran emphasized: "I can judge the character of my employees. Coach Jiang, there are a lot of members here today. You are busy, and I have to go back to work. Goodbye."

"Coach Gong, please wait for me." Jiang Yuanhang stepped forward to block Gong Mengran's way, and said: "I will rest tomorrow, I would like to ask you to have a meal at noon tomorrow, and I hope Coach Gong will show respect. Of course, Not in vain, I still have a three-year-old Mercedes-Benz E-Class at home, which is an imported model. You must also have a new car replacement business, right? I want to discount it and directly pick up a new car from you. what do you think?"

In fact, Jiang Yuanhang didn't know much about Gong Mengran.

All he knew was that Gong Mengran was a car dealer in the Auto Trade City, so the bait he threw out would definitely arouse her interest.

As everyone knows, it is actually a big mistake!
How could he know that the entire Auto Trade City is owned by Gong Mengran.

He didn't even know that, let alone a car as a bait, even Mr. Hou Shijie, who was thousands of times more valuable than him, the list of a thousand cars was not enough to make Gong Mengran lose his heart. , loss of principle.

"You don't need to eat. There is definitely a replacement business. When you are free, you can drive the car to the Auto Trade City. We will have a professional appraiser to evaluate and value it." Gong Mengran said.

Jiang Yuanhang continued to upgrade his chips, gritted his teeth, and said, "I may have to change to a... million-level car. It is even possible to directly... win the big G directly. Coach Gong, you are here to take a part-time job with a bicycle, we It can be regarded as half a colleague, don't worry, I don't want you to give me any discount, I just want to learn about the performance of some top cars through you, I think you can give me the best answer in this regard."

Gong Mengran said regretfully: "Discounts are impossible. Like the big G and the Maymach, they have to increase the price by hundreds of thousands to pick up the car. These are the reasons of the manufacturer. I can't control the car dealer alone. Also, about the car Performance, my employees have more say than me. If Coach Jiang really wants to change the car, you go, and I can arrange the most experienced sales consultant for you."

"This..." Although the other party refused very tactfully, Jiang Yuanhang still felt a little uneasy. In his dictionary, it seemed that he had never experienced such a sense of frustration.At least, other female coaches or female members will feel that it is a great honor when they hear that they are invited to dinner.There are even cases of counter-pleading and counter-chasing.

In fact, how could Gong Mengran fail to see his careful thinking.

Asking her out for dinner in various names, there are many people who pursue her.

This Jiang Yuanhang is probably the most clichéd one.

Jiang Yuanhang felt extremely upset after being closed by Gong Mengran, but the temptation of this top-notch woman was too great for him, and he couldn't give up the idea of ​​dating her.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to take some extraordinary measures to comfort his wounded heart.

Of course, this only intensified his hatred for Gong Mengran's driver, Lu Ping. Tonight, he must make his ignorant guy pay a heavy price for his rudeness and the arrogance of his boss.

It is too easy to conquer him by force alone.

Jiang Yuanhang also wanted him to lose face and suffer both physical and mental torture.

this afternoon.

More than [-] women's soldiers came to the Auto Trade City one after another.

Lu Ping signed some more car orders. Of course, he generously distributed most of the sales to Su Ting, Gu Pan and other good colleagues.

Su Ting divided into three channels.

Gu Pan divided into four sets.

Zheng Sanhu divided sixteen sets.

There are several XX units, and XXX is divided into several units.

After all, Auto Trade City has been carrying out an all-staff marketing plan, and support staff like Zheng Sanhu and Su Ting can also enjoy the commission of selling cars.

Lu Ping's actions greatly stimulated Zhang Shengli, the former sales champion.

Or how to say that someone is a sales champion, can you be a champion if you are not thick-skinned?

Originally, he had always disliked Lu Ping.

But for the sake of performance, Zhang Shengli still found Lu Ping with the cheek.

In the corner of the exhibition hall, Zhang Shengli looked at Lu Ping with a smile on his face, and said, "Lu Ping, you see that you sold hundreds of cars today, and for you, you have already achieved the limelight in the Auto Trade City and become an idol. Even for a front desk like Su Ting, you gave her a few performances, look at me...you understand what I mean? Hehe..."

Lu Ping asked back: "What do you think you are doing? Are you good-looking?"

Zhang Shengli said with a look of anticipation: "I... I just want you to share some performance with me. I'm not greedy, just eight out of ten units, so I will try to break through 60 units this month. Lu Ping, you have to fulfill me Ah, is that good? Help others, and help others."

Lu Ping patted Zhang Shengli's shoulder lightly, and said with a lot of emotion: "You... are so beautiful."

Um?Zhang Shengli was a little caught off guard by this kind of praise, and touched his cheek: "The word beauty is generally used to describe women, and men should be handsome. But it can't be generalized. Isn't beautiful men also using the word 'beautiful'? Hehe, so you agree, Lu Ping? How many sets do you plan to share with me?"

"I mean...you think beautifully!" Lu Ping was about to get drunk in his brazenness, and couldn't help but ask him back: "Zhang Shengli, can we be a little self-aware? Ask me for performance, what do you think?" Yes? You know the state of our relationship better than I do. It’s not an exaggeration to describe it as incompatible with water and fire, right? If it weren’t for the fact that you can bring achievements to the eldest lady, I would have... slapped you a long time ago. Do you know that you are dead?"

"Angry, angry? Don't..." Zhang Shengli was not angry but happy after being scolded, and continued to use his thick-skinned advantage, and said with a smile: "I know that I did something wrong before. If you scold me A few words can relieve my anger and divide my achievements, then you can scold or beat me, I will leave both sides of my face to you, come on, come on, which side to hit first? Hehe, you have the final say, I promise Don't fight back, don't cry out in pain."

"Don't... face!" Lu Ping felt goose bumps on his body in response to the situation.

A thick face is fearless.

The most humble are invincible.

He wanted to be slapped so wholeheartedly, Lu Ping really wanted to fulfill him.

But I still endured it, the scene was wrong, the atmosphere was wrong, and the posture was wrong.

It's broken, it's time.

Lu Ping shuddered violently.

It's four o'clock now, and five o'clock is the time Yu Zhen agreed with him.

Entanglements of grievances and grievances always have to be resolved.

I, Lu Ping, won't give him a chance to shrink his head again.

After briefly explaining some things, Lu Ping drove to Yaya River by himself.

Yaya River.

A certain section of the river.

The location of this appointment is uninhabited, an undeveloped wilderness.

This proves that Yu Zhen is very good at choosing places.

In the faint river wind, there was a faint smell of blood.

Lu Ping didn't bring any weapons. Standing on the bank of the river and looking at the turbulent water, he sighed with emotion about life, and there was always a kind of unpaid pride surging in his heart.

On the river bank, the dense weeds and jungle are no longer the servants of the wind.

The ostentatious branches and leaves seem to be waiting for a hero from the mysterious world, setting off a bloody storm.

Lu Ping looked around, but there was no trace of Yu Zhen.

Want me to wait for him?

Lu Ping simply took out a new set of fishing gear from the trunk, sat by the river, and calmed down to fish.

That kind of sentiment is just like Jiang Taigong fishing.

Those who wish to take the bait!

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