Super son-in-law of a beautiful president

Chapter 227 You Be Careful of Getting Connected!

The fun has begun.

Fang Ziran smiled slightly, with a strategizing posture.

Fang Qian was also pleasantly surprised, and continued to fan the flames: "Could it be a mistake? Lu Ping and I are colleagues. He is very popular in our Auto Trade City. In addition to being a driver for Mr. Gong, he also sells cars. A good player. And he is highly valued and trusted by our Palace President."

Gong Mengran suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of loss.

Based on my understanding of Lu Ping, although this guy is usually a bit talkative, and sometimes even cunning, his outlook on life and values ​​are still positive.What's more, he donated 200 million to Maolin a few days ago.Moreover, he has resolved many difficult crises for himself many times.

"It's really the same person?" Fang Ziran also pretended to be shocked, sighed regretfully, and said, "If this is the case, then I'm afraid Mr. Gong was really deceived by his appearance. Alas, in the spirit of being responsible to Mr. Gong Responsibility, Xiao Shi, you should tell Mr. Gong the truth, and let her see her driver's true face."

"Shouldn't you say it?" Shi Chunjin said with a look of embarrassment on his face: "It's not good to speak ill of people behind their backs."

Fang Ziran emphasized: "Misunderstanding! You are a misunderstanding! This is different from making small reports. Although Mr. Gong and I have just met, but Mr. Gong is such a beautiful and noble beautiful president, our partner of Xinlian Communication, we have an obligation Keep eyes open for her, and not be deceived by bad people. You can talk about it, but you must seek truth from facts!"

Shi Chunjin looked at Gong Mengran, as if he was waiting for a reply.

After thinking about it for a while, Gong Mengran said, "Tell me, what kind of person is Lu Ping you know?"

Shi Chunjin gritted his teeth even more as he recalled the scene of being beaten and eaten yesterday, and he described the pre-compiled lines more vividly: "Then let me just say it, this guy is... just a rascal. There is an employee in our company named Xia Li who lives across from this Lu Ping. According to Xia Li, this Lu Ping often goes to other people’s homes, harassing them, and even…. Reported this situation to the company, our President Fang has always cared about his subordinates, so he came to Xia Li's house to understand the situation, and wanted to solve the problem for her. Who knew that this Lu Ping not only insulted our President Fang, but even made a move. What's shameless is that he also installed a camera at Xia Li's house...that camera, who was dressed secretly, think about how dirty this person is psychologically?"

"Is there such a thing?" Gong Mengran frowned at Shi Chunjin, feeling very puzzled.

Fang Qian continued to use the wind to generate electricity, and deliberately put on a skeptical attitude: "Shouldn't it? Harassing female neighbors, and installing peeping devices in people's homes... This is a perverted behavior. I think Lu Ping should... probably not It’s so dirty. Driver Shi, you have to be responsible for what you say.”

"I'm telling the truth, whoever cheats... will have a bad tongue!" Shi Chunjin originally wanted to say 'whoever cheats is a bastard', but he was euphemistic, after all, he really didn't tell the truth.

"President Gong, what he said seems to be true!" Fang Qian turned her head and said to Gong Mengran.

"If Lu Ping is really what he said, I will naturally not allow him." After thinking for a while, Gong Mengran said, "But I still feel that there is some misunderstanding here?"

At this moment, Fang Ziran's cell phone rang suddenly.

After Fang Ziran answered, his expression gradually changed: "Ah? What are you talking about? This guy is really lawless, let me control him, I am discussing an important business here...Okay, okay, but don't do anything...Okay, Okay, I got it... what? Don't call the police, don't call the police, this person is the driver of a friend of mine, and don't do anything absolutely... yes, yes, yes, let's do this first, remember not to do anything... "

Gong Mengran looked at Fang Ziran hesitantly, with mixed feelings in his heart.

"No, no, how could our driver Lu... be so unbearable?"

This is the subtext deep in her heart.

After Fang Ziran hung up the phone, he slapped his phone on the dining table, and said with regret: "This is even more serious. Vice President Zhang called and said that Lu Ping had found our company, and he insisted on forcing Xia Li Oh, Xia Li is now the manager of our company. He wants to force Xia Li to leave the company. Xia Li doesn’t want to, so he made a big fuss in our company. We have two female employees, and he...was beaten by him Several slaps."

Shi Chunjin asked anxiously: "Then what should we do, Mr. Fang, should we go back?"

"It depends on the situation, after all, it's the driver of President Gong." Fang Ziran glanced at Gong Mengran with evil intentions, and said, "Don't worry, President Gong, don't you look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, I have already asked Vice President Zhang to control the situation. I won't make things worse. After all, this is related to your face, Mr. Gong. Fortunately, I got the right number today, otherwise... Otherwise, I will definitely call the police and arrest him. How can such a rogue behavior be tolerated?"

Gong Mengran's heart fluctuated. Although she had always believed in Lu Ping's character, what Fang Ziran said to his driver had a good nose and a good eye, which really made her a little suspicious.

She tried to call Lu Ping again.

This time it actually dialed.

"Miss, are you looking for me?"

"Lu Ping, let me ask you, where are you now?"

"I... I came out to do some errands, and I forgot to ask for leave..."

"Tell me the address, where are you now?"

"I'm in... I'm in Kemao Building!"

"Come right back to me!"

After hanging up the phone, Gong Mengran couldn't hide her disappointment and her mind was in a mess.

"Keomao Building is the office location of our company." Fang Ziran obviously heard the voice on the phone, and hurried over to confirm the 'fact' he just said.

But in fact, Fang Ziran was also a false alarm.

It shouldn't be!When he went out today, he invited the four gangsters Ding Lengzi who opened the pedicure shop to deal with Lu Ping.With their methods, that boy Lu Ping must have been beaten into a shabby shape by now, how could he still receive a call from Gong Mengran?
This thing is really strange.

After a short period of doubts, Fang Ziran felt relieved.

It must be Ding Lengzi and the others who were controlling from the side, deliberately letting Lu Ping answer the call.In this way, it seemed more natural, and on the contrary, it was confirmed that he went to the company to make trouble.

All right, these little hooligans have made friends for nothing, they know how to cooperate.

"President Fang, how about this, I'll go to your company with you." Gong Mengran was still a little worried, so Fang Ziran said: "If my driver really caused you such a big trouble, I'm sure I will apologize. And, I will give you an explanation."

"This... this... okay, then please excuse me to go to the palace, wait a moment, I'll go to the bathroom first." Fang Ziran echoed, thinking that this time the drama has been upgraded, not only will it make Lu Ping lose face If he fails, he will earn enough impression points in front of this beautiful president.Hmph, I'm sure I'll eat this girl!

The next step is to quietly inform Ding Lengzi that they have faked the scene.

Shi Chunjin was also very excited, he admired his Boss Fang so much.

Mr. Fang, is this the reincarnation of Zhuge Liang from the Three Kingdoms?He used a little trick casually, not only let Lu Ping get a beating, but also made him embarrass himself in front of the boss and make a fool of himself.

Ding Lengzi's methods are dark. At that time, whatever they want to portray Lu Ping, Lu Ping will definitely be very cooperative.Try not to act?They haven't skinned him yet!
"Mr. Gong, do you want to ask a few people to go over together, in case Lu Ping doesn't listen to the greeting, he will jump over the wall in a hurry!" Fang Qian suggested without losing the opportunity.

Gong Mengran frowned and said, "No need."

Fang Qian was so happy at this moment, she couldn't wait to send Bai Zhiyuan a WeChat message: "Good news, that bastard Lu Ping will be fired soon! Haha, open a room to celebrate tonight?"

Bai Zhiyuan quickly replied: "Really? I've waited for all the flowers for this day to wither! We must celebrate. The old place, 841, will kill you!"

Fang Qian: "The news is accurate, hmph, I'm going to die, do you have the waist?"

Bai Zhiyuan: "I have several bottles of tonic wine in the car, I'll go get them now!"


Auto Trade City.

staff canteen.

After receiving the report from Fang Qian, Bai Zhiyuan burst into ecstasy.

Excited, he couldn't wait to tell Zhang Shengli, who was sitting next to him, the news that Lu Ping was about to be fired.

After Zhang Shengli heard about it, he couldn't help shaking hands with Bai Zhiyuan in excitement, almost tears filled his eyes.

Those in the entire Auto Trade City who hate Lu Ping the most are probably the two of them plus Fang Qian.

"Manager Bai, finally got rid of this pest, My God! Manager Bai, you are awesome, do you know that? I must treat you to dinner, singing, and... But Manager Bai, where did you get the news from?" ? Is it reliable?" Zhang Shengli raised his doubts despite being happy.

Bai Zhiyuan swore: "Absolutely reliable! President Gong said this himself, could there be a mistake?" He definitely couldn't tell Zhang Shengli that it was his underground concubine Fang Qian who delivered the news.

Zhang Shengli said happily: "Then there is nothing wrong with it! A big surprise!"

Bai Zhiyuan said enthusiastically: "Then should we share this good news with everyone? I'm really looking forward to the official announcement. I don't know when it will be announced?"

"Certainly! I'm going to tell the whole world!"

After Zhang Shengli posed like a pair of scissors hands, he volunteered to be a gossip ambassador.

He stood up, cleared his throat, and said, "Everyone stop, stop, wait me a minute! According to reliable information, our president's driver, Lu Ping, has committed an unforgivable major mistake and will soon be released." Mr. Gong has been fired. Comrades who are usually close to Lu Ping, you have to be careful, you may be implicated, you will be linked..."

For a moment, the entire Qimao city was boiling.

Some people are happy that someone is worried.

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