The plane sailed into the sky over Huaxia and shuttled over the clouds.

Lu Ping glanced out of the window at the vast rivers and mountains, feeling restless.

"Nine years!"

"Nine years in a flash!"

"The homeland is still there, are your parents safe?"

When he was 15 years old, he was severed by his father and expelled from the house. After several twists and turns, he fled abroad alone.

But the grace of childbearing is greater than the sky, I, Lu Ping, dare not forget it!
It's time to come back and see...

Western country S, the king's bedroom.

The young King Charlie Heaton sat on the couch with his knees on his knees, looking anxious.

A waiter hurried in and knelt down to report: "Your Majesty, General Lu... General Lu really left!"

The king stood up in panic: "Huaxia... have you returned to Huaxia?"

The waiter responded: "Yes, Your Majesty, that is his home country after all..."

The king raised his arms and shouted anxiously: "Will you come back? Will you come back? Without General Lu, can I be a king safely? The Fuxing Society, the Chongla family, and those careerists will all come back. Country S is about to go into chaos! Maybe one day, I will be killed by them..."

The waiter said: "Although General Lu left, he left behind his 'Dragon Soul Team'."

The king calmed down a bit: "That's better, that's better..."

A certain village in Huaxia province S.

The home is still dilapidated.

Lu Ping stared for a long time. In this yard, his father's beating and scolding when he was drunk seemed to be vivid in his mind.

But even if he treated him like that back then, blood is thicker than water after all.

How can this family relationship be easily let go?
However, the nine-year relationship was over, and the parents were not at home.

According to neighbors, the Lu family couple has been away from home for several years because they are frequently pursued by loan sharks.

It seems that the Lu family was finally wiped out by his alcoholic father, who even borrowed money from usury?
After several twists and turns, Lu Ping found the current residence of his parents-Songjia Village.

This is a small village on the edge of Xuancheng.

An old Jetta was parked at the door of a certain household.

The strong smell of wine rushed out from the yard.

"Father, he still drinks heavily all day long!"

Lu Ping shook his head and sighed, and was about to go in when he heard a noise coming from inside.

"These old bastards, do you think you don't have to pay back the money when you escape here?"

"If you don't pay back the money, I will discount his other leg!"

"Please, both of you, we really...really have no money..."


Lu Ping felt sour and walked in.

Two young servants were gesticulating and reprimanding an old couple.

One has dyed yellow hair, and the other has dreadlocks.

Obviously, they are either usury creditors, or thugs under the creditors.

But that old couple...are they really their parents?

During the nine years of separation, they all seemed to be 20 years older, with ragged clothes and gray hair.

Especially his father, the leg that had been in a car accident seemed to be even more lame.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back!"

As Lu Ping spoke, he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"Ping'er, it's Ping'er, it's really Ping'er!" Mother Lu recognized him first, and greeted him excitedly.

Father Lu glanced this way in a daze: "This is really a brat!"

"Taller, darker, and stronger."

Mother Lu stroked Lu Ping's cheek, with tears in her eyes.

The yellow-haired and dreadlocked braid walked over swaggeringly, and looked Lu Ping up and down a few times.

"Haha, father's debt is repaid, and it's just in time for you to come back!"

"Pay back the money!"

Lu Ping glanced at the two: "How much do they owe?"

Huang Mao said: "With principal and interest, a total of 50!"

"Okay, the family will get the money in three days!" Lu Ping waved his hand and issued the order to evict the guest.

The yellow hair and the little dreadlocks looked skeptical, and after discussing with each other, they issued a warning to Lu Ping: "Okay, it's only three days! If you don't pay the money after three days, you'll be fine!"

They walked away, and there was a sound of a car motor outside.

The debt collector is gone for now.

Lu Ping looked at the wine bottles thrown everywhere in the yard.

He glanced at his dispirited father.

As a son, what else could he say?

Lu's father limped over and bared his yellow teeth: "Stinky boy, where have you been all these years?"

The strong smell of alcohol made Lu Ping hard.

I remembered the cruel scene where my father kicked me out of the house nine years ago with the help of alcohol.

At that time, Lu Ping was still a 15-year-old child.

Even though he is now galloping freely in the western world, leading all directions.

But in my heart, I couldn't pass that hurdle after all.

"Thanks to you, I am alive." Lu Ping suppressed his emotions and said: "It seems that you are still the same, drunk all day long, let's see how you ruined your family? I can help you Still, but what I have to say is that you are in vain as a husband and in vain as a father!"

Father Lu lowered his head and sighed.

"Ping'er, wronged your father! In fact, he...he severed ties with you back then because he loved you and to protect you, child!" Mother Lu said emotionally.

Lu Ping was taken aback!
Lu's father signaled Lu's mother not to say anything, but Lu's mother still told the truth:
"When you were eight years old, your godfather Sheng Yongcai said that your godmother was terminally ill. After discussing it with me, your father decided that it was important to save people. We mortgaged the homestead and borrowed usury...but in the end your godfather brought The money disappeared. Since then, our family has been in dire straits, and your father has started to drink alcohol..."

"But a few years later, Sheng Yongcai became prosperous. He became a big boss and changed his name to Sheng Xianlong. He came back once, but was scolded by me and your dad... Immediately after that, your dad and I met. A car accident, fortunately our lives were fatal, but your father limped a leg..."

"Both your father and I can see that Sheng Yongcai is going to kill people to silence him. He wants to cover up the scandal of betrayal and revenge!"

"So, your dad was worried that Sheng Yongcai would not let you go, so he made the decision to drive you out of the house. Do you know that after you left, your dad cried every day, almost crying his eyes out blind."


What?how could this be?

After hearing the truth, Lu Ping was filled with guilt, the hearts of parents all over the world!
Just godfather him...

Back then when Sheng Yongcai was desperate, he was taken in by his parents, and the Lu family treated him like a mountain, how could he do such a thing that is inferior to a beast?
"Dad, Mom, now that I'm back, everything will be fine."

"I will seek justice for the Lu family."

When Lu Ping spoke lightly, his parents thought he was just talking casually.

After all, Sheng Yongcai is now as rich as an enemy, and his power has reached its peak.

The relatives are reunited after nine years, and there are endless topics to talk about.

As if, everything is the same.

Two hours later, neighbor Song Laohan entered the yard with a cane.

The Lu family couple greeted them respectfully.

"Brother Lu Yi, I heard that those loan sharks are coming to your door...I'm just a farmer and I can't help you too much. Here's 3 yuan. I'll give you an emergency first."

Song Laohan spread out the newspaper that was wrapped layer after layer in his hand, and handed it to Father Lu.

"Brother Song..." The Lu family couple burst into tears.

Lu Ping followed after hearing the movement, and his father suddenly yelled at him: "Kneel down!"

"Listen, Ping'er, your dad and I were cornered by loan sharks. It was you, Uncle Song, who took us in. He gave us a yard in his own house and helped us get registered in Songjia Village... ...His great kindness and virtue, our family will not be able to finish it in this lifetime, child..."

Lu's mother was very excited when she recalled the scene back then.

Lu Ping knelt down without hesitation.

In these years, in the western world, he has made many powerful bigwigs kneel at his feet.

But at this time, he knelt in front of a ragged, wrinkled rural old man, without even hesitating.

Yes, good people are rewarded after all.

Back then, when Sheng Yongcai was in trouble, the Lu family took them in.

Later, when the Lu family was in distress, Song Laohan took him in again.

The kindness in the world is always linked together.

Only there was a bastard like Sheng Yongcai who would repay his kindness with revenge.

No matter how powerful you are now, I, Lu Ping, will make you pay with blood!

PS: A new book is uploaded, a brand new story, it will take you to dominate the city, please bookmark, please vote, please support, all kinds of requests, brothers and sisters, give some strength!

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