Classic Villain Rescue Station

Chapter 87 Prelude to Saving People

Luo Wei looked at one of the r2d2 robots in "Star Wars", and couldn't help being excited, and said to the security guy who had resumed his straight posture: "This little guy looks weird, by the way, you guys are also here." Strange, if a robot is used to receive visitors, what are you doing standing here?"

The security guard is neither humble nor overbearing: "Our security guards are mainly used to express respect to the owners. Occasionally, they will also help disperse unnecessary visitors and tourists."

Luo Wei's anger, who the hell is unnecessary.The security guy ignored him, and Luo Wei turned to flirting with Loulan, the smart housekeeper.

"Good evening, Loulan will serve you wholeheartedly."

"Can you open the door behind you and let us in?"

"Confirmation is complete, you are not our owner, do you have an appointment?"

"I really want to be your owner, but you must let me in to see the house first when buying a house!"

"Do you have an appointment for viewing?"

"You have to go in and have a look before you know which one to make an appointment for!"

"You can't come in without an appointment."

"If you can't enter, you don't know which one to make an appointment with."

"You can't come in without an appointment."

"If you can't enter, you don't know which one to make an appointment with."


The connection with the smart housekeeper Loulan fell into an endless loop, and the security guy not far away couldn't hold back: "Sir, if you continue to make trouble, I will call the police."

Luo Wei raised his hand to apologize, and retreated to the distance, just in time to meet Guan Hai who had come back after a circle.

Guan Hai pointed to the wall: "This wall is only two meters high, and no one is watching, so it's too easy to climb over."

Luo Wei hurriedly stopped, pointing to several cameras not far away: "Don't look at the wall, there is no one, that thing is called a camera, and the people squatting behind can see wherever it is photographed."

While the two were talking, two cars drove out from the front and rear. The front was a garishly painted bread, followed by another Japanese poor model with thin skin and heavy stuffing.

Scorpion Jing wondered: "Didn't you say that this place is full of rich people? Do the rich people here drive such inferior cars?"

Luo Wei was shocked: "Sister Hong also understands cars?"

The scorpion spirit disdained: "You can always tell the difference."

Luo Wei explained: "The car in the front is the car of the cleaning company at first glance. Someone should have booked a cleaning service, and the one in the back..."

Luo Wei didn't know how to explain the obviously wrong-looking private car in the back, but the owner of the private car took the initiative to lower the window, half body got out of the window, and waved to him excitedly: "Mr. Luo, how long has it been?" No, it's such a coincidence to meet you here."

This person is none other than Yu Bo, the former security captain and current sales manager of Tingfeng Bajiao Garden.Parking is not allowed at the gate, so he parked his car far away across the road, trotted back to Luo Wei: "Mr. Luo is the founder of my business, thanks to you, the general manager discovered my talent in sales, You are my benefactor."

The corner of Luo Wei's mouth twitched, and he patted Yu Bo's shoulder: "It's a small matter, by the way, your family lives here?"

Yu Bo shook his head desperately: "How is it possible? The villas in our Loulan Tianshang series of Zheng's family are all top rich and famous. Today, a customer took a fancy to the house in Tingfeng·Bajiaoyuan. I came here to deliver information. It shows that you don't seem to live here, where are you standing at the door?"

What can Luo Wei say, and he started to make up nonsense. He said that he was addicted to buying a house. He heard that Tianshang Baichuan Zunpin was good, barely worthy of his status, so he wanted to see which house would catch his eye.

Yu Bo understood, and a new doubt came up again: "Are you coming to see the house at night?"

Luo Wei acted in a very experienced manner: "When looking at a house during the day, you can at most see whether the house itself is good or bad. Only at night can you truly appreciate the environment and atmosphere."

Yu Bo suddenly became enlightened, but he was a little embarrassed: "However, Tianshang·Baichuan Prestige was sold out five or six years ago, and, usually, the rich and famous will only buy here, and they have to wait until they sell the house, unless they go bankrupt. .”

Luo Wei had a disdainful expression of "Tian Liang Wang Po": "There are only things I don't like, there is nothing I can't buy."

The scorpion spirit couldn't take it anymore, and slapped him on the forehead: "Be normal for me."

Yu Bo was shocked by the beauty of the scorpion, his brain suddenly short-circuited, and he made up a big drama.The red flag in a local tycoon's house does not fall - scorpion spirit, colorful flags fluttering outside - Hua Feixue & Luo Songsong, the gifts given to Xiaosan and Xiaosi are also at the level of townhouses, and the main palace at the head of the house naturally lives in Tianshang·Baichuanzun Products of this level can show their status.

Yu Bo couldn't help being awed, and suddenly remembered the business, looked at Xie Zijing, then at Luo Wei, and felt that speaking directly would lead to family changes, so he began to apply the "I have a friend" stalk: "Mr. Luo, before you Didn’t a friend of mine reserve three townhouses in our Tingfeng·Bajiao Garden, and we need to go through a series of procedures such as production certificates, maintenance funds, etc. When he is free, I will come to visit in person after finishing the information here.”

Luo Wei thought it was funny, didn't correct his misunderstanding, and continued to ask: "I remember that my friend bought three suites, two of which were given away. Since it was a surprise gift, I didn't want to let the other party know in advance. I don't know how to get it. Can I go through the formalities without the other party's certificate?"

Yu Bo was really surprised now. It's not uncommon for local tyrants to buy property with Xiao Qing'er. It's rare for a local tyrant to write it directly under Xiao Qing'er's name. It's probably only a real local tyrant like Luo Wei who is generous and generous. In order to turn the two little lovers into real sisters and neighbors: "Although it is a bit troublesome, it is not a big problem, as long as there are names and ID numbers."

Luo Wei didn't know that Yu Bo had already worshiped him a little bit, and made an appointment with him to take his "friend" to the sales center tomorrow, and saw him take out his work card to say hello to the security guy, and then respectfully sent Luo Wei The three of them were sent to the gate of Tianshang·Baichuan Zunpin.

Tianshang·Baichuan Zunpin is different from Tingfeng·Bajiao Garden in terms of freshness and nature. It adopts a thick and luxurious Baroque style, which combines romanticism and hedonism. From architecture to sculpture, layers of complex textures transform the changes in space. Integrate with the three-dimensional beauty.

Because the road was flat and wide, Xie Zijing only came once, and even though he couldn't remember the house number, he could easily find Zheng Lingyun's villa.Different from the security outside, the rich probably pay more attention to privacy. When they enter the inside, the installation of the surveillance head is much looser.Luo Wei and his party pretended to point and point at each villa and slowly approached the destination, then circled around Zheng Lingyun's villa, and found a dead corner for monitoring.

The garden fence of Zheng Lingyun's villa is less than two meters high, and it is composed of complex gold and black iron shapes. It looks elegant and elegant, but it has no defensive power at all.Luo Wei stepped on one foot first, and found that although it looked unreliable, the material was indeed real, hard and strong, and ordered Guan Hai to climb over the wall first and go in to investigate.

I don't know if it's because he didn't explain clearly, Guan Hai put his hands on the iron bars, and with all his strength, he broke the two vertical fences out of the "O"-shaped gap, and easily plunged into the back of the fence in the bushes.

Luo Wei stared at the bent iron bar, only one word "reliable" could describe his mood.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the bushes finally moved. First, a person was stuffed horizontally through the gap. Luo Wei stretched out his hand to meet it in a panic. The tentacles were soft and delicate, and then Guan Hai jumped out.

Luo Wei was a little embarrassed holding that body, but he didn't dare to let go of his voice, and asked under his voice: "What the hell, I asked you to investigate, how did it become a thief?"

Guan Hai jumped angrily: "Whoever stole someone, as soon as I went in, the person squatted behind the tree. I was afraid of any accident, so I knocked him out first."

Luo Wei put the man under the wall, turned on his mobile phone and took a picture. This man was wearing fancy overalls and a fancy cap on his head. Luo Wei remembered this pattern, which was similar to the one printed on the car body of the cleaning company that drove out earlier. Pulling up the brim of the hat to look, it turned out to be an acquaintance, it was Lu Bu's cheap little sister, Si Zhen.

Doesn't her family belong to a flower shop? Why is she a cleaning girl again?Luo Wei wanted to wake him up and patted his arms and back, but unexpectedly a large folding fruit knife fell out of his sleeve.

Luo Wei froze for a moment, and was pushed away by the scorpion spirit who couldn't stand it: "I'll do it!"

She casually pressed the back of her neck two or three times, only to hear Si Zhen groan, and the first thing she did when she recovered from her senses was to touch the fruit knife in her sleeve.

Luo Wei coughed lightly: "I'm Luo Wei, do you remember me?"

Si Zhen was in a daze for a moment, looked at the environment she was in, suddenly remembered something, and glared at Guan Hai who was standing aside.

Guan Hai rubbed his nose: "I was afraid that your yelling would disturb the inside, so..."

Si Zhen snorted: "You also sneaked in, why did you knock me out?"

Guan Hai stopped talking, Luo Wei continued: "Did Er Shao Zheng make things difficult for you again?"

Si Zhen remembered something, and hurriedly grabbed Luo Wei's sleeve: "Si Gui, Si Gui, Zheng Lingyun caught my brother in."

The conflict that day ended with Zheng Ershao's full face, but it was not the end.Afterwards, he recruited two more people to retaliate. One wave of ruffian bosses troubled Luo Wei, and the other wave went to Si Zhen's flower shop.

The siblings planned to close the shop for a day today, and go to Luerling to see the flower farmers and the couple, and take a look at the newly cultivated flower seedlings.Unexpectedly, when Si Gui woke up this morning with a cold, Si Zhen left him in the shop and went to Luerling by herself.In the afternoon, she received a call from Zheng Lingyun, saying that Sigui was in his hands, threatening Sizhen to send herself to her home in exchange for her younger brother's safety.

When the scorpion spirit heard this, he became angry: "You just gave yourself up like this?"

Si Zhen quickly shook her head: "How is it possible? I lied that I was not in Tuanlonggang, and I would not be back until tomorrow morning at the earliest. In fact, I rushed back after answering the phone." She pointed to the clothes, "Then hid in the cleaning company got mixed up in the car."

Luo Wei couldn't put it into words: "You don't report to the police, what do you want to do in here? Do you want to deliver food?"

Si Zhen's tears fell down: "He won't make me feel better, so I will fight him hard!"

Luo Wei raised his forehead: "Sister, do you have a hole in your head? Forget it. I don't care what's going on in the second brother. When you see Si Gui, uh, there are other people in the house besides the guy with a swollen face. Anyone else?"

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