Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 72 The Battle Between Legendary Pokémon

Wang Hao and the others looked at the three bird Pokémon on the transparent dome in Yuhong City, and were stunned one by one.Aren't these three the legendary bird Pokémon in the Kanto area, the flame bird, the freezing bird and the lightning bird?How did these three legendary Pokémon appear here?Are they hovering over Yuhong City planning to do something?

At this time, Armor Mewtwo, who was exuding a violent aura, also noticed the three legendary Pokémon above his head.He seemed to feel the power of these three Pokémon, and instantly lost interest in Lucario and other Pokémon.With a wave of the armored right hand, the three spiritual blades slashed at the positions of the three legendary Pokémon.

However, the attacks of these spiritual blades were all isolated by the transparent dome of Yuhong City, and they did not touch the three legendary bird Pokémon at all.The three legendary bird Pokémon apparently also sensed Armor Mewtwo's demonstration against them, so the flame bird took the lead in casting flames on the dome of Yuhong City, followed by the freezing beam of the freezing bird and the [-] volts of the lightning bird It also bombarded the position where the flame bird attacked one after another.

The powerful attacks of three different attributes were concentrated at one point, and the transparent dome that originally covered the entire Yuhong City burst in an instant.The Rockets' blockade of Yuhong City came to an end at this moment, but A'Du and other alliance members couldn't help worrying.Because a battle between legendary Pokémon may break out at any time, and the citizens who have just escaped from Yuhong Game City have not had time to settle down, what should we do?

As the champion of the alliance, A'Du has the highest command power in the current Yuhong City. He immediately issued an order to Na Zi, Xia Bo, and A Xing: "Although I don't know that these three legendary Pokémon appear here. What is your intention, but it seems that you are preparing to fight Armor Mewtwo. The battle between the legendary Pokémon may affect the entire Yuhong City, so now your first task is to bring the citizens of Yuhong City First evacuate to Jinhuang City. Nazi, you will lead the evacuation work! Mr. Xia Bo and A Xing will cooperate with Nazi's work and evacuate all the citizens of Yuhong City as soon as possible."

As members of the alliance, Nazi and the others naturally understood A'Du's intentions, so they did not raise any objections, but acted quickly.Wang Hao and Serena didn't care about A'Du's command, because at this time they were completely attracted by the three legendary Pokémon.This is the first time they have seen the legendary Pokémon as players, and it is also the mythical beast that players often say.As far as they know, no other players in this game have seen the appearance of the beast.They saw three at once this time, can they not be attracted?

"Serena, this should be the first time a Legendary Pokémon has appeared in this game so far! Have you ever heard of others seeing other Legendary Pokémon?"

"No! I believe we are the first players to see this scene! I recorded this scene and broadcast it live in the world chat window. Now many nearby players are rushing here, for It is to be able to see the appearance of the divine beast, this is a rare opportunity to truly feel the aura of the divine beast, which player would not want to take a look."

Wang Hao never thought that Serena had broadcast everything in front of him live. This guy's know-it-all skills are probably acquired because of this!Wang Hao didn't pay much attention to Serena's live broadcasting career anymore, he looked in the direction where Lucario was.At this time, Lucario no longer stared at Armor Mewtwo, he was also deeply attracted by the auras of the Flame Bird, Frozen Bird and Lightning Bird.

After the three legendary Pokémon broke the dome of Yuhong City, they did not immediately rush to Armor Mewtwo, but uttered a cry at Armor Mewtwo.The chirping sound was very pleasant to the ears of A'Du and others, and there was nothing special about it.But for Lucario and Wang Hao, who have the power of waveguide, this burst of tweets is a warning from the three legendary Pokémon to Armor Mewtwo.They hope that Armor Mewtwo will stop destroying and leave.

However, Armor Mewtwo ignored the warnings of the three Legendary Pokémon.Using teleportation, he moved from the roof of Yuhong Game City to the opposite side of the three Legendary Pokémon in the blink of an eye.In this way, four legendary Pokémon faced each other in the sky of Yuhong City.

Feeling the powerful breath between each other, no one launched the offensive first, whether it was Armor Mewtwo, Flame Bird, Frozen Bird, or Lightning Bird.But each other silently released a special aura.Armor Mewtwo's mental oppression is close to the three legendary Pokémon, and the flames wrapped around the flame bird's body have become more fierce, the wind and snow around the freezing bird have formed countless ice crystals, and the lightning bird's thunder is constantly radiating outwards. The extension flickered continuously.

In the tense atmosphere, it seemed that a fight would break out at any moment, and Wang Hao, A'Du, and Serena couldn't help but get nervous.At this time, the sky over Yuhong City, which was originally still clear, became cloudy in an instant, thunder was rolling, and at the same time, white snowflakes began to slowly drift away.Is it snowing again, is it thundering again?How is this going?

Wang Hao, A'Du and Serena could no longer understand the current situation, they could only watch silently.The snowflakes are getting bigger and bigger, especially around Armor Mewtwo, which seems to have been surrounded by a blizzard and completely disappeared.This is the blizzard of the Frozen Bird, and it was the Frozen Bird who launched the offensive first?However, Wang Hao and others realized their mistake in the next second.

Because in the next second, the blizzard enveloping Armored Mewtwo was struck by thunder after thunder. This was the thunder of the Lightning Bird.The Thunder didn't stop at all, and continuously slashed into the blizzard, turning the entire blizzard into a thunderstorm.

It wasn't until this moment that Wang Hao and the others understood that this was a joint attack by the Frozen Bird and the Lightning Bird.Taking the blizzard as a guide, Armor Mewtwo was blocked in the blizzard, although thunder was used as a strike, and the Armor Mewtwo in the blizzard was constantly bombarded.Is this how Legendary Pokémon fight?Based on the power of nature, one skill can change the weather and environment.

When Wang Hao and others were intoxicated by the power of Frozen Bird and Lightning Bird, the thunder and snowstorm that blocked Armor Chaomeng was cut by four sharp blades.That is the spiritual blade that belongs to Armor Mewtwo, and it breaks through the joint attack of Lightning Bird and Frozen Bird with multiple mental blade attacks.And Armor Mewtwo didn't seem to be hurt in any way, which shocked everyone.How strong do you have to be to get away from such a joint attack unharmed?
The thunder and blizzard was broken, and Armor Mewtwo's safe and sound expression seemed to be mocking the Lightning Bird and the Frozen Bird.However, at this moment, the flame bird's whole body was wrapped in strong light, and it blasted towards Armor Chaomeng in an instant.Armor Mewtwo subconsciously used the hold to resist, but the light of the hold disappeared as soon as it appeared, and the use of the skill was invalid.The flame bird wrapped in strong light directly hit Armor Mewtwo, shattering all of Armor Mewtwo's chest armor.

A charged blow wrapped in strong light, this should be the slam of the bird.In other words, the flame bird had already started preparing for this skill when the freezing bird and lightning bird launched their offensive.The coordination of the three Legendary Pokémon has been perfectly connected from the beginning, what a terrifying offensive!The reason why Armor Mewtwo's defense will fail is that it has already been used to defend against the joint attack of the Frozen Bird and the Lightning Bird, and multiple use of the defense will cause the skill to fail.

This series of attacks is actually the first head-to-head confrontation between the three Legendary Pokémon and Armor Mewtwo.But it was able to shatter Armor Chaomeng's breastplate, which made Wang Hao and others feel ashamed.At the beginning, they tried their best to cause some cracks in Armor Mewtwo's armor.The gap in strength was not only deeply felt by Wang Hao and others, but even Lucario saw it clearly.

After Armor Chaomeng's breastplate was shattered, he didn't care, but let the fragments on the breastplate fall.He waved his hands towards the position of the flame bird, the freezing bird and the lightning bird, and the energy of the super power attribute spread out quickly, and then he moved to the back of the freezing bird in an instant, and a mental sharp blade slammed Frozen bird's back hacked.

First use the ability to predict the future to set the tone of the attack, and then rely on the speed of teleportation to cause damage to the freezing bird.This is the usual attack method of Armor Mewtwo, and Wang Hao and others are very clear about it.But the three Legendary Pokémon don't know this.The location of Armor Mewtwo's teleportation is very ingenious, just at the dead corner of Frozen Bird's back, so Frozen Bird failed to respond to Armor Mewtwo's attack in time, so it could only take this spiritual blade in a real way.

However, Frozen Bird did not suffer this attack in vain.Because the moment Armor Mewtwo attacked the Frozen Bird, the high-speed rotating Lightning Bird launched a pecking attack with a sharp beak at lightning speed.Although the Frozen Bird was hit by the mental blade, Armor Mewtwo was also knocked away by the Lightning Bird's peck.

The armored Chaomeng who was knocked into the air disappeared over Yuhong City without flying very far.Neither the three Legendary Pokémon nor Wang Hao and others found any trace of Armor Mewtwo. Did Armor Mewtwo escape?This is obviously impossible, Lucario sent out his own waveguide, and enveloped the surroundings of the three legendary Pokémon.

Soon, Lucario discovered that there was a special energy fluctuation around the flame bird, and he quickly reminded the flame bird to pay attention to the position of the left wing through the power of the waveguide.At this time, Armor Mewtwo appeared from the left wing of the flame bird, and launched a mental breakdown.

Because of Lucario's reminder, the flame bird responded in time, breaking the confrontation with a powerful jet of flame and the spirit of Armor Mewtwo. Neither side took advantage, and the skills canceled each other out.However, Armor Mewtwo disappeared in the sky of Yuhong City again with the explosion caused by the skill confrontation.How did Armor Mewtwo disappear completely and reappear instantly?

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