Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 46 Melee at Silver Company Headquarters (Part [-])

Wang Hao's first player faction duel ended with a difficult victory, and the rewards Wang Hao got from it included: alliance points X100 points; super ball X10; powerful wound medicine X10; awakening stone X1.Among them, what is the alliance points, Wang Hao has no idea at all.But he didn't have time to study it carefully, because now the steel plate defense line on the first floor of the headquarters building of Silver Company has appeared in front of their eyes.

In fact, the steel plate defense line is not a big problem for Wang Hao and the others. With some powerful skills of Pokémon, they can penetrate at any time, but the point is what defense line will they face after breaking through the steel plate defense line?This is the most confusing question for Nazi, Wang Hao, Wu De and Miss Junsha.

With Miss Joy's help, everyone's Pokémon have been restored to their best condition.Nazi immediately launched an offensive to break through, after all, the staff in the building would be even more dangerous if it was delayed.The defense line of the steel plate quickly collapsed completely under the bombardment of Pokémon.Everyone finally entered the headquarters building of Silver Company.

The entire first floor of the Silver Company headquarters building is now empty, and it seems that all the players from the Rockets camp have evacuated.But just when Wang Hao and others were about to start the elevator to go to a higher floor, the elevator door suddenly opened.

A man with green hair and green eyes wearing a black suit with a white belt and a black beret stepped out of the elevator.Looking at the fiery red "R" in front of the black suit on the man's body, everyone knew that the culprit of the attack was the Rockets.And when Wang Hao saw this man, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help complaining in his heart: The road to the enemy is narrow!
This man is one of the four cadres of the Rockets, Lance.He was also the Rockets cadre who fought against Wang Hao to hunt down Lalu Lasi before.The so-called enemy was extremely jealous when they met. As soon as Lance stepped out of the elevator, he saw Wang Hao, and the anger in his heart was instantly ignited.

"It's really a narrow road to the enemy! Let me meet you again, is Lalu Lasi still following you? I won't let you go this time! Brat!"

Lance's aggressive appearance made Nazi, Wu De and Miss Junsha feel strange, and they all speculated about the relationship between Wang Hao and this person.For this reason, Wang Hao can only explain.

"This man is called Lance, one of the four major cadres of the Rockets. He was blocked by me when he was chasing Pokémon before, so he has always held a grudge against me! Now it's time to stop, you continue to look up Let's investigate the situation! I will settle the previous matter with him."

After listening to Wang Hao's words, Miss Junsha wanted to stay and help, but in the end she was taken away by Nazi.The situation inside the building is still unclear now, and it is impossible to waste a little more power to target a cadre with limited manpower.Nazi believed that Wang Hao could handle it alone, so she took Wu De, Miss Junsha and others to rush upstairs from the fire stairs next to the elevator.

Only Wang Hao and Lance are left on the first floor of the entire headquarters building of Silver Company.Lance didn't intend to stop Nazi and the others, he only had Wang Hao in his eyes.This reassured Wang Hao a lot, and he could devote himself to the duel with Lance.

Lance quickly dispatched his first Pokémon, Forked Bat.The forked bat with high-speed movement and poisonous skills is more difficult to deal with than the unevolved big-mouthed bat.Wang Hao knew that Lance would never use ordinary Pokémon this time, but he didn't expect that he would be such a troublesome opponent in the first place.

To suppress the cross-word bat in terms of speed, the first thing Wang Hao thought of was Lalu Lasi.As soon as Lance saw the strange-colored Lalulas sent by Wang Hao, he said with a look of surprise: "Sure enough, you finally subdued Lalulas, no one can escape the attraction of different-colored Pokémon! ".

"Don't compare me with you. Lalu Lasi followed me voluntarily, which is different from your robbery!"

Wang Hao's words angered Lance again, and Lance stopped arguing with Wang Hao, and immediately ordered the cross bat to use the cross poison blade on Lalu Lasi!Poison attribute attacks are actually very deadly to Lalu Lasi with super energy and fairy attributes!But relying on Bird's command, Wang Hao successfully let Lalu Lasi avoid the attack of the Cross Poison Blade.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Hao commanded Lalu Lasi to use his mind to block the movement of the cross bat, and fired a phantom light to directly bombard the cross bat.Originally, Wang Hao thought that this blow would be enough to make the cross bat lose its fighting ability, but the cross bat still stood firm after being attacked by the phantom light.Lance quickly commanded the crossbat to use the strange light in an attempt to cause confusion by disturbing Lalu Lasi's sight.

But how could Wang Hao let Lance succeed?He quickly ordered Lalu Lasi to close his eyes tightly to block the interference of the strange light, and then used the power of Leolu's waveguide to lock the position of the cross-bat for Lalu Lasi, and let Lalu Lasi face the cross-bat Make up for a memory.At this point, the forked bat finally lost its ability to fight.

Immediately after Crossbat was rendered incapable of fighting, Lance took him back and sent out a second Pokémon, Nidoking.It's another Poison-type Pokémon, which is a bit too much for Lalu Lasi.Therefore, Wang Hao asked Lalu Lasi to retreat and sent Menus.Menus, which is suspended in the air, evades Nido King's ground attribute attacks to a certain extent, and has a great advantage in attributes.

King Nido released a sludge bomb as soon as he appeared on the stage in an attempt to cause pollution and damage to Menus.But how can the most beautiful Pokémon Menas make such an attack hit?I saw Menus blowing away the sludge bomb with a wave of water.After the baptism of sludge bombs and water fluctuations, the first floor of the Silver Company headquarters building has become muddy.

Seeing that the sludge bomb was scattered by the waves of the water, Lance quickly asked King Nido to make a big fuss.A crazy and sharp attack burst out from Nido King's body, hitting Menus directly.Although Riolu's waveguide power could predict King Nido's attack, Menus was hit once because King Nido's attack was too crazy and chaotic.

Wang Hao hurriedly asked Menus to cover his surroundings with a water curtain, using the water flow ring to restore his own health.However, King Nido, who was supposed to be in chaos because of the riot, did not have the slightest confusion, which made Wang Hao a little unbelievable.

Wang Hao speculates that King Nido may have props that can recover from chaos!Otherwise, how could there be no confusion.Lance seemed to have known that King Nido would not fall into chaos. Immediately after King Nido's attack was explained, he ordered King Nido to make a big fuss for the second time.However, this time, King Nido did not obey Lance's command at all, and remained motionless.

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