Chapter 58 Snow at the South Gate
After about an hour or so, Yun Ting finally arrived home safely.In order to avoid unnecessary embarrassment, he still entered through the back door, and waited patiently for the telecom staff to come over to connect the network cable.

After shopping all morning, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon when we got home.After Yunting put his newly bought mobile phone and computer on the bar, he hurriedly started cooking rice and cooking vegetables.

After eating, the thought of not having half a penny with me made my flesh ache.


There was a slight knock on the door, and it was unknown who was knocking on the door vigorously outside.

Originally, these doors had copper rings, but they were pried away by some shameless people.In order to prevent others from stealing again, the copper ring was not installed.

I heard from my grandfather that the original copper ring on the door is an antique.If you put a modern stainless steel ring on it, it won't look good no matter what, so you just don't want to repair it.

This door is solid and heavy, and it is really inconvenient without the copper ring, so when you hit the door, you can only hurt your palm.

"Boss, is Boss Yun at home?"

A strange tenor sounded outside the door, sounding anxious.

"Come on!"

Yun Ting put down the bowl and strode towards the front door.

"Boss, are you in there?"

The knocking on the door gradually became louder.

Based on the sound, Yun Ting concluded that this person was standing outside the third door and knocking.So he opened the door with both hands.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing work clothes of a telecommunications company, carrying a canvas bag, standing outside the gate, raising his hand to take another picture.

"Hello, are you the staff who installed the network cable?"

Yun Ting was the first to ask, but he didn't expect them to come so soon.

"You're the boss? I'm an employee of a telecom company..."

A warm smile appeared on the dark face of the middle-aged man.

"Please come in."

Yun Ting opened the door and said sideways.

"Excuse me, which floor do you install?"

The middle-aged man walked in, looked left and right.

"The third floor!"

"The third floor? I'll go outside to see the fiber optic distribution box first..." After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he turned around and went out to look at the fiber optic distribution box on this street.

After a while, the middle-aged man walked in and said, "Take me upstairs to have a look."


Yun Ting closed the door smoothly and led him to the third floor.

The more you go up, the more strange the middle-aged man feels.The first floor is so luxuriously decorated, why is the second floor so old and shabby?

Especially in Yunting's bedroom on the third floor.A 1.5-meter hard board bed, a set of outdated old wardrobes; a square table with peeling paint and a crooked wooden chair are placed in the corner.In addition, there is no decent piece of furniture in the huge bedroom.

"Just put it here."

Yun Ting didn't care about his surprised gaze, walked to the three-drawer square table with bad paint and said.

This rectangular table with three drawers was bought by my father from other provinces when he was young.Do the math, there are five or sixty years.

There were family photos on this table before, but he put them all away and locked them in a drawer.

"You turn on the computer first... I'll go to the distribution box outside to connect the wires, and just pull it in from the outside."

The middle-aged man put down the canvas bag, took out a few tools from it, and hurried downstairs again.

After about an hour of tossing, Yun Ting's house was finally connected to the Internet.It's just that he doesn't have time to sit upstairs and experience the speed of the new computer.Before it was dark, I had to go downstairs to do business, otherwise I would really eat dirt.

After sending the middle-aged man away, Yunting put on a white Hanfu embroidered with orchids and went downstairs to open the business.

It was already [-]:[-] in the afternoon, the sun was shining brightly outside, and there were not many pedestrians on the street.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. In a few days, the air conditioner should be turned on.

Yun Ting stood at the gate, blowing the draft, thinking about how to sell these wines.

He thought for a while, but he didn't think of a one, two, three, so he turned around and entered the store, sat down at the bar, and started playing with his newly bought mobile phone.

When I first started playing, I was really confused, but after ten minutes of fiddling, I gradually got used to this multi-functional mobile phone.

"Boss, are you open?" A bass voice sounded at the gate.

Yun Ting put down his phone, looked up and said, "It's business hours now."

Huh?Why is this person also wearing a black Hanfu?But he has a high collar and wide sleeves!This person's waist-length hair is still loose! !

However, the quality of this man's Hanfu is not so interesting compared to Yunting's Hanfu.His set of Hanfu looks like it is from a certain treasure, both in terms of style and quality, it is a bit unsatisfactory.

Upon closer inspection, this man looks to have regular features.In addition, he is of a moderate figure, so wearing this black Hanfu embroidered with Ssangyong looks a bit chic.

"That's good." The man who didn't look very old walked in and said.

"Handsome guy, are controlled knives allowed in the city now?" Yun Ting asked, staring at the sword in his right hand.

The man imitated the posture of the swordsman on TV, pulled out the sword in his hand, and laughed loudly: "You mean this? This is not a real sword! It's made of wood, haha!"

Yun Ting took a closer look, and it was indeed a wooden sword!It's just painted in five black colors, making it look like a real iron sword.

"Boss, I didn't expect you to like ancient styles. There are not many young people who dress up like you and me. By the way, it's so cool here."

The man put the wooden sword back into its scabbard, found a round table and sat down.

Yun Ting secretly said in his heart: I like the ancient style of a hammer, it is not required by the system.

"Boss, let's have a pot of Longjing tea. Let's have some pastries. I've made an appointment to discuss things."

The man put the pitch-black, extremely ordinary wooden sword on the table and said.

I really don't know why he went out with such a wooden sword, it was so ugly and conspicuous.

"Handsome guy, this is a tavern. If you want to drink tea, please go out and turn left, go straight for 2000 meters, there should be a teahouse there."

Yun Ting said very bluntly, he wished that this person would leave immediately, otherwise if a guest came in, he would definitely be regarded as crazy.It is estimated that it will also implicate myself.

One black, one white, one long, one short, what is this?

The man looked at Yun Ting slightly embarrassed, as if he wanted to leave but didn't want to.

"Your hair is a wig, right?" Yun Ting walked over and asked bluntly.

"Well, it's a wig! So your place is a tavern? I thought it was a teahouse!" The man said, looking at the business license on the wall.

"So, do you drink tea or drink? The price list is here!" Yun Ting pointed to the price list on the left wall.

The man turned his head to look at the price list. If he didn't read it, he wouldn't know it. He was shocked when he saw it!
"...Boss, this is too outrageous, isn't it? Where can there be 20 bottles of Red Star Erguotou? Aren't you raising the price arbitrarily? I, Nanmen Chuixue, have lived for [-] years, and this is the first time I have encountered such an expensive Erguotou... "

"Huh? Snow blowing at the south gate??"

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