I open a tavern in the Three Realms

Chapter 37 Debt Collector

Chapter 37 The Debt Collector
"Boss..." Fang Yuan shouted again.

Yun Ting came back to his senses, and said without any embarrassment: "Okay, arrange it right away!" After finishing speaking, he went to the kitchen.


Fang Yuan turned her head to look at her colleagues, staring at each other, and then arranged stools and tables in a very tacit understanding.

Unfortunately, this is a small round table and cannot be seamlessly connected together.We had to divide into three tables, with four people in each table, just right.

6 bottles of wine, 10128 yuan. 5 plates of Drunken Peanuts cost 540 yuan. Including the plate I ate, the total was 648 yuan.

In the blink of an eye, Fang Yuan spent 10776 yuan alone!If it weren't for the 20 bonus in his pocket, he wouldn't be able to afford it.

"Boss, can't I get a discount? Or give me a plate of peanuts. Your portion is too small." The lady on the side said.

Women, like to live on a budget.Especially married women know that it is not easy to make a penny.

"Boss, can you send me a cup? How can I drink from four cups?" Phnom Penh couldn't help but said.

"No! No matter how much you spend, please buy it at the original price! Wine glasses are one yuan each, and you still need to pay 8 yuan! Thank you!"

Yun Ting was like a "debt collector", holding a tray and speaking confidently.

"Boss, I'll pay." Liangliang paid 8 yuan first. He couldn't afford 1 yuan, but a few dozen yuan was fine.

"It's really strange that you have to buy things one by one." One of the men commented in a low voice.

"Because of purchase restrictions!" Fang Yuan pointed at the price list and smiled.

At the same time, I was secretly happy that it was a good thing that the purchase was restricted. Otherwise, when they tasted the sweetness, wouldn't they go bankrupt?
"Boss, I'm going to buy some appetizers!" Sweet potato got up and said.

"Let's go together. Send me a message if you want to eat." Liangliang took Sweet Potato and went out.

Fangyuan didn't speak, but silently transferred 1000 yuan to Liangliang and Fanshu.Today he is treating you to a treat, and he will never let his subordinates pay for it, not even a penny!

"Boss, I haven't seen you smile since I walked in, as if we owe you millions!"

"That's right, there's no such thing as a business. It's like a debt collector."

A few people were a little dissatisfied and said to Yun Ting, after all, the service industry pays attention to service with a smile.And here, there is only coldness and ruthlessness!

"The wine and peanuts are here, please use them slowly!"

Without saying a word, Yun Ting put 6 bottles of wine, 5 plates of peanuts, 12 cups, and 12 pairs of chopsticks on the round table around Fang Yuan, then turned and left.

"...This boss is so curious! But these peanuts smell so good."

The smell of peanuts successfully diverted everyone's attention, and no one was talking about Yunting in an instant.

Phnom Penh quickly divided the wine and peanuts evenly, and then looked at the fragrant peanuts eagerly, waiting for the two of them to come over before drinking.

For a moment, one of them couldn't bear it any longer. After receiving the affirmation from Fang Yuan's eyes, he finally picked up the chopsticks and put several peanuts into his mouth.


The man chewed lightly, and shouted on the spot: "Spicy and crispy, delicious!!"

His shout was so extraordinary that everyone except Fangyuan picked up their chopsticks and started eating.While eating, I nodded my head and said "hum hum". It was so delicious that I couldn't even finish the sentence.

No, it should be so delicious that I don't want to talk, I can only express my joy through humming.

"Roast duck, braised beef here!"

Everyone just lowered their heads and ate peanuts. When Liangliang and Fanshu came in with large and small bags, there was no one left of the five dishes of peanuts.

This is also the reason why Fangyuan only ordered five dishes of peanuts. When he knew that he couldn’t keep it, he ordered half of it first, and then ordered another six after drinking the wine.

"Boss, here's another peanut. It's so delicious."

"This wine is also delicious, not choking at all..."

"I didn't expect the food here to be so delicious, no wonder it's so expensive."

Everyone put down their chopsticks and wine glasses, and began to praise Erguotou and peanuts again.

Seeing that they had eaten all the peanuts, Liangliang and Sweet Potato felt a little depressed, but after thinking about it, they had tasted it themselves, so they felt balanced again.

The two evenly divided a large pile of appetizers bought outside into three portions, and then sat down at one of the tables.

"Brothers and sisters, just now everyone was only focused on eating delicious food, and forgot about the promotion of the boss. Let's raise our glasses to wish the boss to be promoted every day, and lead us to create better performance!"

An older middle-aged man stood up and raised his glass.

"Yes, yes, yes, I wish the boss to rise steadily and create greater glories!"

Everyone stood up together, raised the wine glasses in their hands, and said to Fang Yuan.

Fangyuan stood up very modestly, picked up the blue glaze cup, and said with a smile: "Thank you everyone! Every achievement of mine is inseparable from your support! Come on, cheers!"


After clinking glasses with a roar, everyone raised their glasses and drank heavily.Even the lady who didn't drink drank the wine in her hand.

This is the charm of Red Star Erguotou produced by the system, which can make even women who don’t drink fall in love with drinking.

If the system were a real person, he would be very proud after knowing this.

The peanuts were gone, and everyone was too embarrassed to ask Fangyuan to buy any more.All we could do was sit down and eat the food and wine.Fortunately, the braised beef, roast duck, cold dishes, etc. are all quite delicious.

"Boss, this cup of yours is very unique! It has an antique taste! Where did you buy it?"

Finally, someone discovered the uniqueness of the blue-glazed cup, and asked Yunting at the top of his voice.

Four small, exquisite and lifelike blue-glazed cups, placed in front of a row of plastic cups, looked extraordinarily high-end and elegant.

"The chopsticks here are also very unique. They should be ebony chopsticks with a faint fragrance. And the patterns on them are vividly carved, and each pair is different."

The married female colleague was still attentive and saw plum blossoms on her chopsticks, so she went to look at the chopsticks of her neighbor and saw orchids carved on them.I looked at the chopsticks of several people in a row and found that everyone's chopsticks were different.

"The plum blossoms on this wine glass and the plum blossoms on these chopsticks are not the same. They are simply ingenious and meticulously crafted! I admire them, I admire them!"

"Boss, what is the origin of these four cups? Why are there only four small ones? How strange!"

A group of people became tens of thousands of reasons in an instant, all stretching their necks, waiting for Yun Ting to give an answer.

Yun Ting put down the phone, and said unhurriedly: "Imperial imperial confession, private order!"

After a moment of silence, several people asked in unison: "...That's it?"

"That's it!"

"Okay! You are the boss, you have the final say!"

As soon as everyone heard that it was a wine glass offered by the royal family, they immediately lost interest.

I thought to myself, this boss must be bragging, but it is just a high imitation, just like the real thing.

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