"Liangliang, give it to Brother Hu! Brother Hu invites you to have a barbecue tonight..." Fang Yuan blinked and said with a smile.

"No, boss! I'm already at work, so I have to practice my drinking ability with you! When you get promoted, I'll be able to stop drinking for you!"

Liangliang is not stupid, he has not drunk many kinds of wine, but he also knows that this wine is good, so he quickly reached out to protect the wine glass in front of him.

Upon seeing this, Jin Bian and Fanshu quickly picked up the wine glasses and brought them directly to their mouths, fearing that Fang Yuan would use their "authority" to snatch their wine away.

"It's boring, it's really boring, a 500ml bottle of wine, before you taste it, there's not a single drop left!" Fang Yuan felt bored, so he picked up the empty bottle, shook it and sighed.

At present, Fang Yuan, who is the director of the company's sales department, is useless. In the blink of an eye, a bottle of wine has been drunk, but the appetizers on the table have not moved at all.

The four of them stared at each other, not knowing what to do.Keep drinking, who pays?Don't drink it, your appetite has been whetted again. What should you do with this table of appetizers?
After a moment, Fangyuan finally couldn't hold it any longer, raised her hand, and shouted to Yunting: "Boss, have another bottle!"

No one will snatch him this time, right?

Yun Ting said calmly: "I'm sorry, each person can only buy one bottle per day!"

"What? You can only buy one bottle? What are your rules? I am the God who consumes. Why do you want to restrict God's consumption? Explain it to me clearly!"

As soon as Fang Yuan heard it, he immediately blew up. He didn't enjoy drinking it, and the wine was delicious and not top-notch. He endured the pain and wanted to buy another bottle. Who knew he couldn't buy it!You say you are not angry!
"Hello, God, these are the iron rules of the tavern! Even the real God must abide by the rules when he comes here!" Yun Ting crossed his hands and put them on his chest naturally, and said expressionlessly.

"Boss, do you really know how to do business? First of all, there is no sign outside, and it looks like a black shop, and then you can only buy one bottle of wine. I really doubt that this is hunger marketing!"

When Fang Yuan got angry, he spoke out what was in his heart.When he first heard the price of Erguotou, he really regarded the tavern as a black shop.But the boss didn't look like a villain in a martial arts novel, so he tried to save face, but he didn't expect such an ending!

Yun Ting secretly said in his heart: I am hungry for peat marketing, do you think I am willing?If you have money but don't make money, you are a big fool!

"Boss, you are raising the price by sitting on the floor, you did it on purpose!" Jin Penh pushed his glasses and said.

Sweet Potato and Liangliang didn't bother to pay attention to this, they just lowered their heads and ate the stewed duck legs in their hands. This famous stewed duck in the old street, you can't eat it for nothing!
"The rules are on the wall, see for yourself!" Yun Ting didn't bother to argue, and turned to point to the price list and said.

Phnom Penh put on his glasses, stared at the price list on the wall for a while, and then said, "Who will pay attention to the words the size of ants? Aren't you obviously cheating?"

"Boss, you really don't want to sell it? I'll transfer you two thousand, and you sell me a bottle. I'll take it to drink with some old customers at night. I promise to introduce you a lot of customers!" Fang Yuan thought carefully After a moment, he patted his chest and said vowedly.

In order to drink this bottle of wine, he worked hard for his life. For a person of his class, although he usually comes into contact with all kinds of customers, his status is limited, and the number of famous wines he has drunk is definitely limited!This divine wine, Red Star Erguotou, is so delicious, how could he miss it?
"Sir, although the wine is good, don't be greedy for it. A little drunk is better than drunk! If you want to drink, please come back tomorrow. By the way, I forgot to mention that there is still a dead rule in this store, wine is not allowed to take away! And it can only be drunk in the store Don't waste it!" Yun Ting said softly with his unique bass.

In his heart, he has scolded the system a hundred times, he doesn't make money even if he has money, what a fool! !

"What kind of weird rule is this? You're not allowed to buy more than one bottle, and you're not allowed to take it away! I really live a long time to see you...forget it, I'm afraid of you! I'm leaving now!" Fang Yuan lowered his head and glanced at his watch. , said helplessly.

If it wasn't for the company's business, he would definitely use his penetrating tongue to grind out a bottle of wine!
"It's really strange things happen every year, and there are many strange people!" Phnom Penh pushed his glasses, and said with a long voice, yin and yang.


Sweet Potato and Liangliang naturally didn't dare to talk to each other, they just packed the untouched appetizers silently, and then walked out the door with Fang Yuan who looked melancholy.

"It's a wonderful tavern. I've never seen such a boss. This wine must be the wrong brand, right? I have to buy a bottle to compare!"

After going out the door, Fang Yuan became more and more irritable when he thought about it. Thinking of the fragrance in his mouth, he couldn't help swallowing, and walked to the shopping mall in front of him.

"Boss, let's go eat first. After eating, we have to go back to the company to work." The three people in Phnom Penh were stunned and hurriedly chased after them...

"System, are you stupid? Why don't you sell it!" Yun Ting asked in a low voice while sitting on the bar, looking at the street scene outside.

Words appear on the blue screen: State-owned and national laws, stores have store rules!

"I've convinced you, why don't you tell me how this wine is made? I can't even drink my own wine, and I feel embarrassed even if I tell you!"

As soon as Yun Ting finished speaking, another person came to the door. This person was none other than Boss Mao from the neighborhood.

Boss Mao, wearing a black burlap Tang suit, walked in with a smile and asked with a kind face: "Xiaoyun, we opened today. What are you selling?"

Yun Ting quickly got up, walked to his side, and said gently: "Uncle Mao, I sell wine, but I don't make my own wine, I sell wine from suppliers!"

"Pour wine and sell it?" Boss Mao was walking back and forth in the tavern, but he didn't find any piles of wine?Curiously, he touched the wall and knocked on the wooden table.

In the end, his gaze was fixed on the price list on the wall, and when he saw the price of Erguotou Red Star Centennial, his jaw almost dropped from shock!

"Yo, Xiaoyun! Has the price of this red star increased in a century? Could it be that the price of raw materials has also increased?" Boss Mao rubbed his eyes vigorously and asked.

"Ah, yes! Even at this price, I can't help it!" Yun Ting scratched his head and said, he really couldn't be cold towards his neighbors.

"I'm really scared to death, old man. It's almost [-] a bottle. Prices have really skyrocketed!" Boss Mao came back to his senses and praised again: "Your decoration is quite unique. It cost a lot of money, right?"

"Actually, it didn't cost much, a friend helped to do it." Yun Ting was talking nonsense with his eyes open.

"Xiaoyun, your wine is really too expensive, otherwise I would buy a bottle to celebrate your opening!"

"It's okay, I'll buy you a bottle!"

As soon as Yun Ting finished speaking, a cold voice sounded in his ear canal: "Host, you are also paying for the treat. Please pay first and then get the wine!"

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