President Song has a way of chasing his wife

Chapter 77 Yang Lan takes the initiative to attack

Chapter 77 Yang Lan takes the initiative to attack
After reading it, Song Qingyan was in a mixed mood, but the happy thing was that Bai Xiao got married not because of feelings.

The worry is, if one day Bai Xiao regains her memory, will she be able to bear that bad past again?

However, in general, there are still more joys than sorrows.

Because Song Qingyan is confident, he can heal all Bai Xiao's injuries.

If one day fails, it will take one year, and if one year fails, it will take ten years. If ten years fail, he still has a lifetime, and the future will be long.

At the same time, at Ning Shishi's house.

After Bai Xiao went back, Ning Shishi told her what happened at the press conference, and asked Bai Xiaojie if she didn't mind her being the heroine of the promotional film.

But Bai Xiao said that it didn't matter, she didn't feel anything, and Ning Shishi was relieved to hear her say that.

After that, they began to ask Bai Xiao about her and Song Qingyan.

Bai Xiao still couldn't hold back his soft words, and told the whole story of how he met Song Qingyan.

This time Ning Shishi didn't shout after listening to it, she was still very calm, patted Bai Xiao's shoulder meaningfully, and said: "You are so dull."

Then Bai Xiao left behind with a mask on his face, and went to wash up.

Early the next morning.

Bai Xiao was sleeping soundly, but Song Qingyan woke her up with a phone call.

After answering the phone, he opened his mouth with strong resentment: "What are you doing, it's early in the morning."

"I'm downstairs, and I'll go to the company together in 10 minutes." Song Qingyan still kept his usual style, concise and to the point.

Bai Xiao looked desperate, but he had no choice but to slowly get up from the bed, and then dress and wash at a snail's pace.

This is to protest against Song Qingyan's dominance.

Half an hour later, Song Qingyan successfully received Bai Xiao.

Arriving 10 minutes late, Bai Xiao thought that a storm would greet her, but it didn't.

Song Qingyan looked as usual, without any sign of anger.

Bai Xiao hurriedly looked out the car window, thinking that the sun was coming out from the west.

The driver started the car, and not long after, the two arrived at the gate of the Song Group.

As soon as Bai Xiao got out of the car, he found Yang Lan standing at the door, as if waiting for someone.

"Lan Lan, you came to see me?" Bai Xiao asked as she ran to her quickly.

Yang Lan nodded: "Well, I heard that you asked for leave to come and have a look."

Although Yang Lan was talking to Bai Xiao, her eyes always fell on Song Qingyan intentionally or unintentionally.

After she received Ning Shishi's text message last night, she deliberately checked it online, but she was shocked if she didn't check it.

The whole night, Yang Lan barely slept, and searched for news about Song Qingyan on the Internet. Although there were very few, there were some gains.

After finding it, he immediately forwarded it to his mother, who is Bai Xiao's second aunt.

The second aunt was so satisfied after seeing it, she wished she could tie Song Qingyan home immediately and become her son-in-law.

I spent most of the night on the phone with Yang Lan and told her how to take Song Qingyan down.

It was the second aunt's idea to let her guard the door of the Song Group this morning.

But at this moment, Bai Xiao looked at Yang Lan and his eyes always drifted to Song Qingyan, and he immediately understood.

Quickly called Song Qingyan over.

Song Qingyan was originally waiting for Bai Xiao, but when she saw her calling, she walked over with long legs.

Bai Xiao hurriedly introduced to Song Qingyan: "This is the Yang Lan I told you about, and you have seen it before."

Yang Lan stretched out her hand to Song Qingyan: "Hello, my name is Yang Lan. I didn't expect you to be the president of the Song Group."

Song Qingyan didn't seem to see Yang Lan's hand, just nodded casually, and then said to Bai Xiao: "I'll go in first, you guys talk."

After all, he moved into the building.

(End of this chapter)

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