President Song has a way of chasing his wife

Chapter 57 The story of 7 years ago

Chapter 57 The Story of Seven Years Ago
Bai Xiao nodded in agreement, and waited for the next sentence.

Ning Shishi continued: "Then the question is, a public classroom can seat up to 700 people, can all the girls in the school fit in? So the school purposely didn't publicize it, and just posted a notice on the notice board."

Now Bai Xiao's doubts were all resolved.

Restart Buzi and Ning Shishi went to the lecture hall in another building.

On the way, Bai Xiao looked at Ning Shishi jokingly: "Why are you interested in the designer's class as a student from the Academy of Fine Arts?"

"I heard from them that this master has won many international awards, has been developing abroad, and only recently returned to China."

"And he is very low-key, never accepting interviews, and I don't know how the school invited this great god."

Bai Xiao had long seen through Ning Shishi's small thoughts, and when she heard her answering irrelevant questions here, she glanced at her angrily.

"Don't tell me that's why you rushed to his class, get to the point."

Ning Shishi chuckled: "Actually, I've already said the important point. I just heard that the designer is very handsome. I'm curious and want to see it."

Bai Xiao had an expression on his face that I knew.

"Come on, grab a front row seat."

Ning Shishi pulled Bai Xiao to speed up her pace.

When the two arrived, there was only the last row of seats against the wall left in the classroom.

Ning Shishi suddenly froze: "This position is too far behind."

"It's good to have some sitting."

Bai Xiao didn't think there was anything wrong, but she was afraid that these two seats would also be taken away, so she quickly pulled Ning Shishi to sit down.

As soon as he sat down firmly, the famous designer walked in. After seeing his face clearly, Bai Xiao couldn't sit still.

Quietly Mimi stood up and prepared to sneak out through the back door.

Unexpectedly, Ning Shishi pulled her back to her seat.

Ning Shishi looked at her puzzled: "Why are you going?"

Bai Xiao lowered his voice: "Suddenly I don't want to hear it anymore."

"Are you kidding me? You were so excited just now. What a great opportunity. Let's leave after listening." Ning Shishi pushed Bai Xiao down on the seat.

Bai Xiao could only be forced to look at the familiar face on the podium.

That top designer is Duan Wenxuan.

Anyone who studies clothing design has heard of Gu Xuan's name, and Bai Xiao is no exception, but she really doesn't know, and she never thought that Gu Xuan is actually Duan Wenxuan.

At this moment, Duan Wenxuan was standing in the middle of the podium introducing himself.

"Hi everyone, I'm Gu Xuan, a designer. It's a great honor to be here today and share some of my creative experience with you."

Duan Wenxuan wore a smoky blue casual suit today, tailored to fit his slender figure.

The soft and shiny dark brown hair hangs casually on the forehead, a pair of gold-rimmed glasses are placed on the straight bridge of the nose, and every detail of the handsome face is very gentle.

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and the voice continued.

"Everyone must have listened to a lot of professional courses on fashion design from the freshman year to the second year of graduate school now, and many people are tired of listening to them, so I don't give lectures today, just tell stories, and tell my own stories."

His voice was pleasant, and it sounded unhurriedly, like the evening wind blowing slowly, it seemed that the surrounding air became gentle because of his arrival.

Duan Wenxuan talked about his experience in high school.

With the sound of his voice, many unknowns of Bai Xiao in high school were answered at this moment.

Duan Wenxuan started it ten years ago.

Ten years ago, Duan Wenxuan was 17 years old and was a sophomore in high school. At that time, he suspended school for two years due to physical reasons.

During these two years, he taught himself everything in his third year of high school and college, but he still wanted to go back to school.

So two years later at the time, eight years ago now.

When Duan Wenxuan was 20 years old, he sat in the classroom of the second year of high school again.

(End of this chapter)

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