Chapter 50 Sudden Accident
They formed an encirclement circle, enclosing Bai Xiao, Lu Yinuan, and Li Wei inside, surrounded by layers.

Lu Yinuan and Li Wei were still calm, but Bai Xiao was different. It was the first time she experienced this kind of scene, and she was extremely uncomfortable.

The flash of the camera was especially dazzling in the dark night. Bai Xiao couldn't open his eyes because of the flash, so he could only cover his face with his hands and turn sideways.

Li Wei's assistant pushed the reporters at the front, and said loudly: "Please let me go, Sister Wei is injured, I will send her to the hospital immediately."

At this time, Song Qingyan finished work and walked out of the hotel.

Secretary Wang didn't know when he came, and was following him, holding some documents in his hand.

Bai Xiao's place is so lively that it's hard for people not to pay attention.

Secretary Wang glanced at Bai Xiao not far away, and then at Song Qingyan: "President, Miss Bai seems to need help, shall we go there?"

Song Qingyan's eyes were dark, without saying a word, he walked over there with his long legs, and answered Secretary Wang with actions.

Secretary Wang hurried to the front to clear the way for his president.

Some peripheral reporters noticed Song Qingyan, and after recognizing him, they quickly moved out of the way.

Song Qingyan, a bigwig in the business world and a well-known chaebol, the key is his looks and temperament that kills all the little fresh meat. He is synonymous with perfection in the hearts of countless girls, and he is the person they all want to marry in their dreams.

If he can be photographed, it will be many times more valuable than photographing those celebrities.

If I can interview him for a few words, then tomorrow's headlines will be ready, promotion and salary increase are no problem, marrying Bai Fumei and reaching the pinnacle of life is just around the corner.

So, for a while, all the reporters turned their attention to Song Qingyan, but because of his icy aura, they didn't dare to get too close.

"Excuse me, Mr. Song, why are you here?"

"Do you know Li Wei? What is your relationship with her?"

Song Qingyan's complexion remained calm, unaffected at all, and he walked straight in front of Bai Xiao, blocking all the flashing lights for her.

The dazzling light disappeared, Bai Xiao put down his hand blocking the light, raised his head and fell into a pair of deep eyes.

As if seeing a savior, his nimble eyes lit up, but then darkened again in the next second, he lowered his head and whispered, "Did I get into trouble?"

It looks like a child who has done something wrong.

Song Qingyan received a blow to the softest part of her heart, resisting the urge to hold her tightly in her arms.

Stretching out a light white jade hand to straighten Bai Xiao's somewhat messy hair, she said softly, "Don't be afraid."

After all, under the illumination of many eyes and flashing lights, he took Bai Xiao's hand and led her out.

Wherever they pass, the reporters automatically give way.

Secretary Wang had already called the driver, and the car that would pick up Song Qingyan was already waiting outside the crowd.

The two left the encirclement and got into the car directly.

Song Qingyan and Bai Xiao sat in the back seat, while Secretary Wang sat in the front with winking eyes.

The driver started the car and sped off, leaving behind stunned Lu Yinuan, Li Wei and a group of noisy reporters.

along the way.

Bai Xiao lowered his head, breathing very lightly, let alone talking.

Judging from the scene just now, she must be in trouble.

The brains of entertainment reporters and paparazzi are too big to imagine, and their mouths are the most capable of making things out of nothing and turning black and white.

Being photographed like this today, tomorrow it will be designated as the headline of the entertainment front page, and I don't know what it will be written like.

Bai Xiao has a big heart, so he can barely ignore those messy remarks, but Song Qingyan is hard to say.

Just now he rushed into the encirclement to save himself, and was photographed at the same time.

Bai Xiaosheng was afraid that he would be angry.

(End of this chapter)

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