Worry-free world of online games

Chapter 71 After the Concert

Chapter 71 After the Concert

"Aren't you sleeping yet?" The person who spoke was one of the three people that Baiyun and Lingxin noticed at the same time today. It turned out that they also lived in the Century Building, but I don't know if they had known that Chu Yun lived here before they moved in, or Just by coincidence?

"Well, hurry up, do you think Yun will recognize me?" Mu sighed softly, he still remembers her, can he still recognize her?Long time no see, do you still remember everything between them?

Mu Lanfengjiang didn't answer, just stood with her outside the window, Luo...she was probably afraid of disappointment, afraid of the regret of not being recognized when she stood in front of him.

After a long time, when everyone thought they had fallen asleep standing up, Mu Lanfeng finally said, "I'm tired today, go to sleep first!"

"Yeah!" Luo nodded, turned and walked towards the room.

"They were young when they met!" Wang Feng finally said the second sentence of the night, but he said it to Mu Lanfeng. If Mu heard this sentence, he would be disappointed and sad.Moreover, Mu Sad wouldn't let them see her, she would just hide. Seeing her like this made people feel sorry for her, so she pretended to be strong.

Mu Lanfeng twitched the corners of her mouth, looked at the brilliance outside the window, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart. He Tang didn't understand what Wang Feng said, but Mu hoped in her heart that she would be different, that even if she changed, she would still know each other , just like she knew Chu Yun. "Because Mu won't mistake Chu Yun!"

"Don't forget, Chu Yun is often on TV, it's hard to forget!" Wang Feng laughed, sometimes he really doesn't understand his good friend, he always does a lot of things for Mu, let Mu lie to himself, and he is also deceived along with him, Knowing the truth clearly, but reporting the last sliver of hope, don't you know that it will be more painful to be disappointed after you have hope?

Even if he doesn't want to admit it, Mu Lanfeng understands that what Wang Feng said is the truth, and he understands Wang Feng's disapproval of reporting the things between him and Mu, but he and she grew up together, and this fact is something he doesn't want to change , It can't be changed, "Actually, Mu is the same as when I was a child, it's easy to recognize!"

Wang Feng glanced at him with disapproval, probably in his eyes, it's no wonder that Mu Hui was the same as Mu now when he was young! "I fell asleep!"

Knowing that he can't listen to these meaningless words told him, just like Mu, he only listens to what he wants to hear, so what if he grew up together, Chu Yun had much less to do when he was young, when they had time to spend together, He is a playmate, and later, as he grows up, and with his growing reputation, he has been very busy with work, study, and life. At the beginning, he would follow the two parties every year I saw my parents once or twice, but in the end it was rare to see them once.

Mu will not tell Mu Lanfeng these things, and he may not listen to Mu Lanfeng when he tells them. Mu Lanfeng is only guessing from Mu's performance, and the reality may be much clearer than him. , or, he knew it at first, but he just pretended not to know, and lied to himself and her.

"Get ready, Mu said that he will pass by tomorrow!" Mu Lanfeng frowned, and knew clearly about Wang Feng's disapproval, but Chu Yun, who had been on Mu's mind for ten years, had to know Luo, so Mu would be too sad like that.

Wang Feng slammed the door with a little force, because he didn't take Mu Lanfeng seriously, and because he was mentally prepared, otherwise when the situation was not as expected, then don't blame his friend for not reminding him.

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The first thing Fengwu Feiyang does after entering the game is to solve people's livelihood problems.

Well.It's so lively!As soon as I entered the Baiyan Building, there were countless noises coming from inside. It was a bit noisy. I originally wanted to find a VIP room, but after thinking about it, compared to today's scene, this place can only be regarded as quiet!Chu Yun, I have to say that the atmosphere at the scene almost followed him.

I chose a seat by the window, sat down, and listened to their gossip, only then did I know that they, too, did not discuss equipment, leaderboards, or soaring. They were all talking about today’s grand event, Regardless of gender, regardless of age, I never expected that Chu Yun's charm is so great!

Feng Wu Feiyang didn't see the corners of her mouth, it hooked up because of what these people said.

"Feng Wu Fei Yang, where are you now?" Xing Xing's voice was very excited, not sure if it was because of today's concert or other good things!
"Baiyanlou! What's the matter?" I don't know what idea she has to come to her. It's best not to go to fight monsters and do tasks. Everything will be fine!Alas, if you think about it this way, isn't she addicted to being a house girl, even in games?What is this...Feng Wu Feiyang couldn't help laughing at his own thoughts, even if there was a little bit, it shouldn't matter!

Halo, and did not go out of town!Although Xing Xing had already guessed that this might be the case, she was still a little dumbfounded. This...was a waste of money, even though she didn't want her to pay for the access device! "Come over to our side, okay?" Humph, just to prevent her from getting moldy in Rising Sun City.

"Why?" Feng Wu Feiyang subconsciously frowned when she heard what Xing Xing said. Xing Xing is trouble, and those people around her are big trouble.And it's the kind that will automatically get on the body without looking for it.

"Play, didn't you say you like the scenery of the worry-free world? The four major cities in the worry-free world have their own characteristics, especially Haiyun City on our side, where you can not only see but also play!" Xing Xing said in his tone Full of agitation, it seems that if Fengwu Feiyang doesn't plan to go, she is also prepared for a long-term resistance war. With her mouth, few people can say no in front of her.

landscape?As for Rising Sun City, where they were born, she hasn't finished reading it, Haiyun City?Isn't it the sea?She used to play it when she was little!What catches your eyes? "Do you have to go?" Can I not?
"We're waiting for you!" Fei Hua!If you don't convince her, then she will face the nightmare of being laughed at by Xiang Ling!Xingxing sticks out her tongue on the other side, laughing like a cat stealing fish, she knew that Fengwu Feiyang would go, because she was afraid of being annoying, and the biggest advantage of Xingxing is being annoying, uh, this is what Xiang Ling said.

Alas... still have to go! "good!"

Although he agreed, he was still a bit unwilling, Feng Wu Feiyang purposely slowed down his eating speed, even though he knew it wouldn't take a long time, but he did it on purpose.It will not be long before the delay, the food on the table is still settled, but the guests of the Baiyan Building have changed a few times, pretending not to see the strange eyes of others, Shi Shiran walked down the Baiyan Building to look at her The expression on his face is not to go to see the scenery or to play in the mountains and rivers, but rather like going to the killing field.

That's right, according to their tempers, it's impossible to let her go alone.

Stepping on the teleportation array, Feng Wu Feiyang actually thought, if there is no teleportation array between the main city and the main city, wouldn't it be necessary to use it?Hey, wouldn't it be possible to confirm the distance between the main city and the main city?Uh, think about the kind of medicine that monsters can't attack that she has developed by relying on the skills of the pharmacist. Speaking of which, she can go the farthest, and only need to collect medicine, but she has never seen another main building. City, it seems that they are really just wandering around the main city, and they have never been to many places, let alone from one city to another.

I was still thinking wildly in my mind, and when my eyes lit up, I had already arrived at Haiyun City, the slightly salty wind blowing towards my face, and the coolness in the air, here is Haiyun City, close to the beautiful sea.

Feng Wu Feiyang closes his eyes and feels the feeling of the breeze on his face. It is like lying on the beach with them when he was young, blowing the wind and basking in the sun. Is it possible to experience it again here?The beauty in memory.

"Why are you blocking the way!" A bad-tempered sentence brought Feng Wu Feiyang back from the good memory, and the smile on the corner of his mouth disappeared!His face became ugly, and he walked away without looking back.

"Hey... why are you like this..."

"Okay, Bing Xinlan, don't talk about it anymore, we don't care about her, and she is fine!..."

Their voices were almost inaudible, but Feng Wu Feiyang's expression became more and more ugly, an expression she had never seen before, and fortunately Xing Xing and the others didn't come to pick her up, otherwise maybe according to Xing Xing's personality, she had already quarreled with those two.Of course, maybe the stars and the others really came, and Feng Wu Feiyang would not have the time and opportunity to be dazed.

Walking far away from the teleportation point, Feng Wu Feiyang took a deep breath, and his face softened, but the things in his eyes were extremely complicated.

There is self-mockery, nostalgia, happiness, sadness, and pain... people can't see clearly, and the way is unclear.

(End of this chapter)

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